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starts calligraphin' again anyway
good to see I've still got my chatkillah mojo.
What are you talking about?!
@Mahnax I'm a chatkillah. ._.
How are you? How's the Russian?
I saw that! It was nice!
I go too fast. :\
I have very little time for anything right now, actually.
but thank you!
oh noes!
I haven't done Russian or Finnish in awhile.
I have programmed in a while. :(
You have?
ah geez.
What's so bad about that?
I can count on the cat to show up whenever I drop something.
Of course.
One of the few times you can count on a cat.
I praise her for finding things and then feel badly that I must take them away.
I'm not sure what to do next this evening.
@cornbreadninja Aww.
Poor kitty.
I should play red dot with her.
Hahaha, take pictures!
that's easier said than done, it turns out.
Taking a picture and holding the laser pointer at the same time must be difficult, then?
it's difficult to get a good action shot
I understand.
I should make a video
That would do as well.
Let's see here
Oh, I need to go get an iTunes card.
Then I can buy the new OS.
I'm merely excited for you.
Oh, thanks!
I am happy too.
lolvideo is uploadin'.
Good evening, @waiwai933.
hello @waiwai933
I heard a rumour about some new method to get rid of Nortonn that was supposed to be implemented on Monday. Is that a thing?
@Mahnax Election.
So it technically started Monday, is still in progress.
@waiwai933 Well, that makes sense, I guess.
I haven't really seen him around recently, but I've been quite busy this week.
nm, having video issues.
howdy @Mitch, @Mana
2 hours later…
@cornbreadninja Let me know if you get it working!
@Mahnax will do.
Sorry to barge in here randomly, but is anyone here familiar with Latin? I kinda need help with a reference.
@Cerberus ^
Is there any one in this room?
@عليباراس Lots of people, by the looks of it.
3 hours later…
@cornbreadninja JA and JS make a Jas, mwahaha.
Q: What is the meaning of "Isolate"?

Kallar MannargudiI red the technical documentation and they are described the word using the "isolate". Can you please any one to describe me. Thanks for advance to spend the time to read the question.

Does anyone want to be pleased by me to describe him?
Nothing special about the phrase "game on"? google.com/… There are the google results that prove how wrong you are. How about some basic research on YOUR part, @RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I realize you like to see your name up there closing questions, but come on... really? — Bon Gart Jun 5 at 14:20
I am trying to understand how the google results prove how wrong I am.
I see nothing special.
awww, every result is special, in its own way.
"Has been currently locked" I'm not sure but that guy is probably a time traveller.
Q: There is or there are

DenisIt seemed pretty obvious for me that - "there is a certain number of problems ...", yet MS word suggests "there are", even though there is an "a" article. Google revealed that both "there is" and "there are" are being used equally. So is there a rule or something?

Xblast time! I did my best, if someone finds a better dupe, add it.
@Reg Close war.
Haha, close war?
Yes. OOS, 15 behind, 4m left.
I'm kind of surprised how little I even think about that game anymore. I guess the Steam sale helped that.
I'm playing with my Level-20 account.
You are hooked, my friend. I think we need to stage an intervention.
Meh. It's one war a day.
And you can quit anytime you want, right?
shakes head sadly That's what all the addicts say.
Well I was going to help out but now it's over.
Not that I can do anything with that deck.
Really? Your deck apparently got a defense win in the last minute then.
So +7.
Won at Xblast, too. I rock.
I feel strangely pleased by this
A: Why is the establishment allowed to stifle my ability to campaign?

KitFoxTo present the alternative viewpoint for community members to vote on, I venture to say that I had no problem with Evan putting a campaign plug into his answer. It was cheeky, but it was a relevant example of usage, and it serves to drive users toward the nomination page. While I wouldn't do it...

I don't think I've ever had such a large ratio of ups and downs before.
+8/-11 right now.
And I know I've never seen a question at -32 before.
I'm also annoyed at FF here:
Q: Why was this question downvoted?

D-ShanThis may be a simple question (the link is for 10k users), but why is it downvoted with no comments? Normally commenting is required when you downvote in Stack Exchange sites, right? when I read "yet another human being", it seems wrong. "yet another a human being" feels correct. Which wa...

Especially given that he asked this question:
Q: Why was this question deleted?

FumbleFingersWhy was this question on the difference between take positions and take up positions deleted? Because the deletion was done by a mod, raising the issue here is the only way to even have the possibility of re-opening what I think was probably the most interesting question to turn up all day! Sin...

@KitFox Well that's pretty much what my original comment said. I thought he'd leave it at that.
immediately prior to the one he says is "too localized" for meta.
@RegDwightАΑA Yeah, I just find the hue and cry amusing.
Albeit I disagree whit your point itself, I have upvoted your answer because it represents a good approach to moderator activty. If you will be elected I'm sure you will do a good work. — Carlo_R. 14 hours ago
Is there a Jejenese Language & Usage proposal?
Evan would do good work...
What would Evan do as Mod, do you think?
I'm trying to figure why the community is so upset. We have plenty of users who demonstrate far more objectionable behavior.
I thought his nomination bid was hysterical.
It's self-enhancing.
The initial reaction was moderate.
But again, he himself can never settle for initial reactions.
As my mother used to say to me and my brother, whoever's smarter will shut up first.
Hmm, so I guess you're saying we have a lot of stupid users.
Who would shut up first?
@KitFox no, just not enough users who've been reprimanded by my mother.
It's not a well-advertised principle.
Still and all.
You can shrug on my behalf if you wish.
It seems a pretty strong reaction given some of our other users.
Well some of that is certainly due to all the attention from outsiders.
People who know him from MSO, other sites.
Anyway, about the FF and meta question thing, am I off-base? I thought users were supposed to ask on meta if they wanted to know why their question was closed/downvoted and weren't satisfied by comments on the main question?
yesterday, by RegDwight АΑA
@simchona you don't want to see the list of mods who have seen that by now. The entire SE management.
That was like within thirty minutes of him posting the question.
Haha. I find the whole thing funny.
@KitFox yeah dust it off, in the words of the great poetesse Aaliyah.
OK, thanks.
OIC. Yeah FF seems inconsistent there. And wrong.
Well I guess he just didn't like the question. Which is his fair right.
I think he's gone a little nutty because he's worked up about the election.
Everyone is worked up about the election!
I am worked up about the election
Except for the ominous 11th candidate. Where's him?
What ever for?
I'm excited yes!
@RegDwightАΑA I emailed aedia and told her about the elections so she wouldn't miss.
I am still waiting for Obama, McCain, and Putin to enter.
I have the opportunity to be elected. It's exciting (for me)!
I'm still waiting for @Cerb to enter
@RegDwightАΑA OK, I don't get it.
That, too. But I'd settle for my beloved Putinsky.
@KitFox primaries.
I can see that now.
Yes @Cerb should enter. But we need many more in order to have primaries neh?
I know you are always seeking for new ways to actually pry my rees, but this is not the time nor the place.
@KitFox actually I thought 30, but that's because I can't read.
Everything above 30 is just cut off, but the threshold for holding the primaries is 11.
@RegDwightАΑA OICx2 his comment refers to the question on main not the meta question. how confusing
I have no idea about anything. I'm just talking.
Sicheres Auftreten bei völliger Ahnungslosigkeit.
Oh, no, it's about the meta question
I'm clearly so excited I'm over correcting myself
That's how I read it, yes.
"10 candidates or less" <—how I know that Reg wrote the election blurb.
No. Now you know that a native speaker writed it.
I learned all my Englishes from native speakers.
Google Translate is stupid. "Confident manner in complete ignorance" should be "confident demeanour despite complete ignorance".
Well, I guessed that you had said something brilliant that Google Translate had mangled.
I was, unfortunately, wrong though.
There. Rated 6.7 by OVER 9000 people. Eat that.
It's a decent movie, too.
Pah. Don't start.
Now I'll have to post a question on meta just so I can demonstrate how I would resolve a dispute with a fellow mod (were I elected).
Meh. I think way too much of this humdumbrum is staged already.
Can't be all coincidence.
Of course, that's disingenuous. I'd just seethe with rage and plot my revenge over the course of several long, cold millenia.
Yes, that's TV tropes. See how drastic a measure I must take to prevent you from posting on meta?
... how did you know?
Oh, right. I told you.
> When I've captured my adversary and he says, "Look, before you kill me, will you at least tell me what this is all about?" I'll say, "No." and shoot him. No, on second thought I'll shoot him then say "No."
I wouldn't even give him time to ask.
I wouldn't even capture him before killing.
> One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.
Only one more year to go!
Oh, wait. Except my child is far from average.
I knew you would correct yourself thusly.
@jake Hi! Latin, you say? How can I help?
GAH! Evil owl! must...stop...reading...and...go to work.
Hello people.
Har, har. Also, har!
Don't forget to click on all the links before you go!
@Cerberus Salve.
salutes them
Today's Google doodle is kind of stupid.
Interestingly, "salutem" is phonologically indistinguishable from "salute him" or "salute them" in rapid speech.
That's why you should chew each word forty times.
@RegDwightАΑA You get what you pay for.
@Robusto I got better stuff in the past without paying.
I will notify law enforcement officials.
They set the standard themself's.
synaesthete are odd
Q: What's difference between "It's up to you" and "it's down to you"?

hamedI see both "It's up to you" and "It's down to you" in conversations. so what's the difference?

seeing what they're hearing
@MattЭллен That smells kinda funny, if you ask me.
Also, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Does "To put it simply" have more of a nuance of being blunt than "Basically"?
@Robusto It leaves a bad sound in my nose.
@AndrewGrimm No. "To put it bluntly" would have a more direct (i.e., blunter) feel.
A: Is an indentation needed for a new paragraph?

DeepaHey I am hardly trying to put a double space between two paragraphs in Ms word 2007.. But M really unable to understand why is it happening that the paragraph above is also creating the spaces between the para lines..kindly help me.. :(

Where to migrate this answer?
@RegDwightАΑA My trash can is full. Get your own.
"A nuance of being blunt" makes me chuckle.
@RegDwightАΑA Super user
or programmers, they take all the stuff the other SEs don't want, right?
@KitFox It is a smashingly delicate irony, to be sure.
> If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This," and kill the advisor.
I am so glad somebody has written this down.
@KitFox Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.
Oh crap Kit's still on TV tropes.
I am so sorry.
Well, I actually commuted and got coffee as well.
@RegDwightАΑA I was on there a minute ago, looking up Blunt Metaphor Trauma.
No! Not another!
Damn it. cancels schedule today
No auto-expansion for TV Tropes?
They will auto-expand into your life all by themselves.
> An easy way to show that a character is an outsider or foreigner, then, is to have them mutilate figurative language. This language is taken as literal and/or distorted into near unrecognizability. Of course, this is almost always hilarious.
Hey guys...
What is a bit of a jip?
> In the film 2010, a Russian cosmonaut says, "It's a piece of pie," whereupon an American astronaut corrects him: "Cake." Later, the same cosmonaut says, "It's as easy as cake," only to be corrected once again: "Pie."
My fave.
@Em1 Could be insulting, depending on who you say it to.
@Em1 I think you mean gyp. Which means, roughly, swindle.
@Robusto Mine too!
@KitFox Because it's thought to be short for gypsy, right?
@AndrewGrimm Yes, which is a potentially insulting term as well, depending on who you say it to.
@Robusto I guess that works.
@Robusto "[T]aking an existing expression [...] and replacing its words with synonyms from the same language [is] highly improbable in real life". Ibidem.
@RegDwightАΑA Well, whoever said that never visited ELU.
I don't see many Russian kosmonauts on this site. Or kosmonauts, for that matter.
> I will not tell my Legions of Terror "And he must be taken alive!" The command will be "And try to take him alive if it is reasonably practical."
The ELU space program is but a shadow of its former self.
Really? Why not "just bring back his remains."
> Jeremy Hunt almost hits woman with Olympic bell end
@KitFox Because if you bring them with then they wouldn't remain?
Q: Correct question tag for Somebody has.... hasn't they or haven't they?

manjariIn tag questions, Why is the tag for "Somebody has called, Haven't they" and not hasn't they?

@Jez made in England.
@KitFox Forget the remains, just provide a video of his death.
@simchona Huh. I never noticed that before. What is that?
@AndrewGrimm No, videos can be faked!
> If I am fighting with the hero atop a moving platform, have disarmed him, and am about to finish him off and he glances behind me and drops flat, I too will drop flat instead of quizzically turning around to find out what he saw.
OK, I think that's my favorite.
@simchona yeah, ELL. He already has has there, so it's clear which verb to use, and the rest is basic verb agreement.
And I shall share this one with my husband who is an electrician:
> I will make sure that my doomsday device is up to code and properly grounded.
He'll find that hilarious, I'm sure. As will you all find it hilarious that I am sharing his inevitably hilarity with you.
Hilarious Clintonus!
@RegDwightАΑA I don't understand it. Can you explain it to me in small words?
Actually I misread.
Oh, because we switch from "somebody" to "they." I see.
It is all verb agreement and nothing else.
So yeah. Tchrist is as succinct as he is correct.
Someone send the OP to ELL already. His other questions are no great shakes, either.
Also, would it be inappropriate to put an announcement on the proposal, pointing out that questions with 10 upvotes don't need more upvotes?
@KitFox Moar!
I only vote on questions with at least 10 votes. How else can I tell what's good?
I finally clicked the x on the TVTropes tab.
Now I can't remember why I started there.
to learn how to treat nemeses
Out. Laters.
I shall leave too. Until a better time, dear friends.
OK bye.
I may have posted that here before, but it has been re-photographed
For what does let's abbreviate?
@FrankScience Let us.
@JasperLoy I don't think so. For example: Let's go to the park, shell we?; Let us go to the park, will you?.
@FrankScience "Let's go to the park, shall we?" is correct.
@JasperLoy Yes.
@FrankScience "Let's go to the park. Will you?" should be seen as two separate sentences.
@JasperLoy Let us ..., will you?
@FrankScience It IS an abbreviation for "Let us". You can say "Let us go to the park, shall we?"
@FrankScience Does not really make sense.
@JasperLoy Therefore the difference between let's and let us is just a falsehood?
@FrankScience The difference is that one is abbreviated and one is not. End of story.
@JasperLoy But many materials here say that they're totally different.
@FrankScience Please give examples.
@FrankScience One major difference is that let's is used far more in conversation than "let us". But the meaning isn't changed.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 If I chose shall we in a multiple choice about let us, I would get 0 score at that point here.
@FrankScience It depends on the meaning of the sentence.
@FrankScience Maybe an error.
"Let us X, shall we?" is an imperative or suggestion that says "we are going to X"
@JasperLoy For example, here's a tutorial. I have looked up the MW(webster) and have not found the difference stated.
"Let us X, will you?" would mean "Will you please allow us to X!"
In the first case, most people would say "Let's X, shall we?", but in the second case they would never contract it that way.
@FrankScience Do you have access to the OED?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oxford?
Oxford English Dictionary, yes
You might be able to access it if you have a library card at a participating library
I have a jQuery question. Any helpers available?
It is only said that let's is a contraction of let us.
It shows dozens of meanings for the word "let". Not all of them could be contracted into "let's"
However, in places where "Let's" is allowed, "let us" has the same meaning.
Oops. Where did you see that?
A login page is shown.
That's why I asked if you had access
The etymonline doesn't state the let's.
@FrankScience etymonline isn't a dictionary
Anyway, the point is, you can't use "let's" everywhere that "let us" might appear, but you can use "let us" everywhere that "let's" might appear, though it might sound stilted or archaic or too formal.
@FrankScience So what's your question exactly?
@KitFox I can help
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 This sounds like the complete answer.
@Cerberus let's versus let us.
@KitFox maybe we should have the jq chat elsewhere though
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 If you like. Where?
@KitFox I dunno... just seems like there's on-topic stuff here
@FrankScience Then what Mr Shiny says.
Oh true.
@Cerberus Could you give me some reference other than Oxford English Dictionary?
@FrankScience Looking at the examples in the link, I think I get what is going on now. It's what Mr Shiny has said. Different meanings, some of which can be contracted and some of which cannot.
@FrankScience I would have to Google just as you would.
@FrankScience When you use "let" in the sense of "allow", it cannot be contracted. When you use it in the sense of a suggestion, it can be contracted.
@frank I suggest you use an advanced learner's dictionary at this stage of your learning. It has more examples.
@JasperLoy Therefore the theoretical usage of let us is wider than let's?
@FrankScience I think so. I can't think of any example where let's cannot be expanded.
@JasperLoy You know, the english tests here are full of grammatical multiple choices.
@FrankScience I see.
@JasperLoy Just like -- Let us go to the park. -- __ A. Shall we? B. Will you? C. Don't we? D. Will we?, which often arose in the test paper in my junior school.
@FrankScience Well, in this case both A and B are correct but give different meanings.
@FrankScience "Let us go to the park, shall we?" can be interpreted as a suggestion to go to the park. "Let us go to the park, will you?" can be interpreted as asking for permission to go to the park.
@JasperLoy Now the choices are much more complicated. It's more like grammatical or logical games, not the sentence coming from native speaker.
@FrankScience I hate these tests myself.
@FrankScience The suggestion is like "wo men qu gong yuan, hao ma?" while the request for permission is like "rang wo men qu gong yuan, hao ma?"
@JasperLoy To tell you the truth, I seldom used such sentence like "hao ma?"
@FrankScience The first can be read as "Shall we go to the park?" and the second "Will you let us go to the park?"
@FrankScience Anyway, my Chinese is not very good.
@JasperLoy As far as I know, we usually use the volume to distinguish imperative sentence from the other, not the words.
Oh! Adorable! My two-year-old just called me and told me that he is having breakfast at the diner with Gramma.
"Hi Mommy! Diner! Gramma! Diner! Mommy! Love you! Bye!"
May be Grandma.
@KitFox nice :)
Mine was asking for oapeemeal for breakfast. That's how he says "oatmeal"
The boys were playing "Dog" yesterday and the little one saying "Good bo-o-o-oy!" to the older was so cute, I was compelled to take video of the exchange.
He does the rising sound but since his voice is already high-pitched, it is just ridiculously funny.
mine started saying "Goo' job!" whenever we do anything for him.
is it weird to sign off a message to a male friend with "miss you" ?
Mail or male?
see edit
@JSBձոգչ maybe... but it shouldn't be.
For you? I don't know. Did you call "no homo"?
it does sound like the kind of thing lovers say though.
I would probably be fine if you punched him when you said it.
well, we had a common-law marriage once, before we both married our respective wives
with this friend i don't think it's weird
Oh, so it is homo. Well, then that's fine.
I mean that as a joke. If it's offensive, I can delete it.
we're both straight :). i once commented to him when we lived together that i thought our relationship was more or less what marriage was like, except with that marriage had more sex.
this turned out to be pretty much accurate.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 guffaw
My daughter, holding up a paper she wrote, with the lyrics to "Oh Canada"
She got as far as "patriot" but didn't have any clue where to begin with that word

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