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@Randal'Thor And yes definitely, I meant that more as a reply to TLC because I didn't follow their message. I agree that we shouldn't be insulting SFF as a community. I'm guilty of having done that in the past, and you correctly called me out and I stopped.
@Jenayah Wait, someone used the n-word here on SE? prepares hammers
@Jenayah To be fair to you I think we can be a bit more lenient when talking about troll users, especially that kind of troll user. Though still not best to say those sorts of thigns of course :)
1 hour ago, by Mithrandir
We're talking about this (.) HIGHLY ABUSIVE AND OFFENSIVE AND NSFW
@Randal'Thor Yep, click the dot ^
Lag :'(
[edits now that messages are all out of order]
@doppelgreener Yeah, of course. It's often used as a way to (attempt to) discredit opposition.
@Randal'Thor some link posted by Mith earlier - I'm on mobile so it's a pain to go back and get it, sorry, but IIRC that was in the Maverl cloaking devices question
@doppelgreener Oh right. User already hammered.
@Randal'Thor Right, exactly. I'd go a step further and suggest I exclusively see it used to discredit opposition, and consistently wielded by a number of users who have shaped the concept specifically to beneficially describe themselves.
@Randal'Thor I think the user was flagged by at least 2 of us and was handled quite quickly
@doppelgreener That would probably depend on precisely what the "it" is that we're talking about. Sometimes there are similar incidents between different 'factions' of SFF regulars, without e.g. offsite mods being targeted or involved.
@TheLethalCarrot Really really abusive stuff usually is. It's just the more subtle insidious stuff that's harder to deal with.
@Randal'Thor Oh sure, depends when you mods are around though of course
@Randal'Thor The "it" being about discrediting whether various users get to have a say in sff meta at all, with the implication being they're there with inauthentic justification to interfere or prop someone up.
I was talking to a female friend the other day, about my internet friends and such, and she said she'd experienced all sorts of crap online, as a girl, that I'd probably never seen. I wanted to say that I've seen a lot of abusive crap as a moderator ... but SE is so good at keeping itself clean that I haven't really seen all that much.
@Randal'Thor Being perceived as female online does lead to some pretty crappy experiences.
...sometimes, even on SE.
...and not just online.
But online makes it worse since people think they're hidden. Though we've had some of these guys undergo trial (and loose!) in France two-three weeks ago
I'm always getting abuse for being a vegetable...
(just trying to lighten the mood :P)
veggies are fine as long as they aren't cooked
The Internet is full of sheep people, of course carrots have it hard.
I do turn cannibalistic for some raw, and cooked, carrots
@Mithrandir As in the people or the vegetables?
@TheLethalCarrot generally neither should be cooked
Duh, we shouldn't be that hard on vegetarians. I mean, when you look at the kind of crap they put in cattle and meat nowadays, soon the only healthy meat available to us will come from vegetarians :)
A lot of cooked vegetables are better than the raw versions
(tell me if that joke was too borderline!)
@TheLethalCarrot You, sir, are dead to me.
@Jenayah So we need to be cannibals? Got it. My father in law is a veggie, I'll go prepare him
@Mithrandir I'm British Sunday dinners are baked into our bloodstream
@TheLethalCarrot As an IRL friend of mine says: "Why would anyone boil a carrot?!"
@Randal'Thor I love both versions, when cooked properly they can go sweeter and taste real good
Though, of course, I am against the needless murder of carrots and the horrific ways they are butchered
@Jenayah I'm vegetarian, btw ;-)
Right, someone track Rand down... I'm hungry
@TheLethalCarrot Is that why you're Lethal - to defend yourself against vegetable murderers?
@Randal'Thor Nice, I know where to look when we're short on cows and sheep then. Thanks for the tip! :p
@Randal'Thor Random question: Do you have an account on minecraftforum and know java modding by any chance?
@Randal'Thor Sure, I'm the Orange Carota, defender of my roots
(Black Panther joke but I haven't seen the film yet so may not work as good as I was hoping)
@Jenayah that's great news. Do you know of a source where I can read about that trial?
@doppelgreener Sure, let me fetch that.
@JamesDouglas Nope, neither. You may be looking for someone else - I'm named after a character in a fantasy novel, so not the only Rand al'Thor on the internet :-)
@Randal'Thor ok
@doppelgreener Can you read French?
I cannot :(
Ok I'll look for English sources
Thank you very much
@TheLethalCarrot Did you know it's all @SQB's countrymen's fault that carrots are orange?
@JamesDouglas I used to spend some time on Minecraft (was a mod on a server for a friend for a bit) and know some Java (work with C# and they're similar(ish)) what d'ya need?
@Randal'Thor :O
@Randal'Thor I know we've been racially stereotyped to be one colour; thanks for the info on who started that myth
@doppelgreener True fact. Dutch nationalists bred all the other colours out.
Gasp! It's House of Orange propaganda!
Oh so the Dutch aren't just racist to whatever's not a bike? :p
There are still pocket resistance groups in various places
Same goes for a lot of vegetables too
Cabbage and broccoli for example
@TheLethalCarrot Thanks, but I don't need any help. I just noticed the similar name and wondered if they were the same person.
Fair enough :)
@JamesDouglas It really was a rand'om question ;-)
Purple broccoli for example, which tastes very nice... my mum and dad grew some this year
@TheLethalCarrot OK, but green is more what you'd expect for vegetables.
Expect because that's what's been popularised, in the same way super markets only accept "good looking" vegetables
My mum and dads neighbour is a farmer and each year they can't sell like 50% of their stock to the supermarkets because they aren't good looking enough
This is where "baby carrots" as a product sometimes come from, especially when they're in the frozen section: they're the "not good looking" carrots chopped up and resculpted into smaller carrot shapes. :P
@doppelgreener this article mentions "In France, two men were given six-month suspended prison sentences and fined 2000 euros at the start of July for threatening radio reporter Nadia Daam online. A third man, who had threatened her after the trial, was then also given a six-month suspended prison sentence." - only English result I could fetch
But I could translate you a French article and/or discuss that with you anytime, I followed the case closely (just not right now as I'm at work)
@doppelgreener Aye exactly, though my mum tried to grow carrots and they were baby carrot sized haha
@TheLethalCarrot what does he do with the remaining ones? As a volunteer, I can tell you how much some organizations need those, if he's not going to use them that is
@Jenayah thank you. This is helpful. :)
@Jenayah Not his farm (it's a big one) but the workers get quite a bit and share them around families and what not, they sell to some local businesses and donate some elsewhere etc.
@doppelgreener You're welcome, ping me anytime for this translation I spoke about
@TheLethalCarrot alright
We got like a couple of full bags of tatoes last year (I think the supermarkets rejected like a whole field though)
@doppelgreener Here's an article issued months before the trial, which explains what accusations and harassment lead to said trial
On a different note, based on our discussion earlier and now that the discussion on Meta policy etc have worn out (for the time being), here's my current draft:
I edited the quotes and used doppelgreener's phrasing as well as putting an explanation of what I'm looking for, but I'm unsure if the latter could be considered a bit rude
Or at least taken the wrong way. Any thoughts/further feedback? :)
Looks good to me, though you don't really need the "Thanks to Mith, TLC..." comment at the end. Thanks in here is good enough if you want to give it :)
I agree. :D
I dimand public thanking in qustions!!11!!eleven!
... I didn't get the joke ^^'
piled on exclamation points > shift 1 > missed shift, so !!1!! > two in a row is !!11!! > added sarcasm for the piling on of exclamation points replacing the "11" with "eleven"
Just stop harming your poor keyboard :)
yeah it is an internet in-joke built on an in-joke built on an in-joke
people who are amped up will go like this!!!!!!!!! and sometimes they won't be hitting shift properly so they go like this!!!!!!1 and suddenly there is a one there. then people making fun of it do this!!!!!1!!1111!!1!! and then we might go further still and go like this!!!!11!one!!!11!!!11!eleven!!!!!1
Gotta add one's in there too and other random stuff
yes it's very important!!!!11!@!!11
"This one goes to eleven"
(^ apparent misquote of the idiom is deliberate)
Well, majority of targeted people voted for the "no", though. Sorry, Mith :)
There, posted
And by the way:
Double daily floof! Crazy cat and angry mole
Am I blind or do I just not get the joke? Haha
Hm, that one might work better for French people, let me fetch the cartoon mole
Yeah that's gone over my head
I mean if you look at the cat's mouth, the two bits around his tongue look like the mole's eyes
The tongue would be its nose
And the cat's nose is the mole's front teeth
Can sort of see it
I can't unsee it.
Probably easier when you're familiar with what you're referencing
Even the cat's jaw is shaped like this foolish mole's face
What's the point of the ticker feed?
Especially when we agreed nobody here liked ticks. Heck, it's even on the starboard.
Good point
Except this Tick, of course.
Though there's been at least 4 or 5 people talking ad only 3 stars, I'm disappointed
Your post in itself counts as a star so that makes for a good ratio
Well I didn't count myself in the 4 or 5 either
I like The Tick
Is that about smaller insectile ticks?
I like checkmark varieties of ticks.
It's certainly not about tic tacs
The Tick is an incredibly funny character and the new series does him justice and I can't recommend it enough.
It's a really lovely series. :)
I haven't seen that in particular but the whole semi serious superhero thing is good, like GotG, Ant Man, Deadpool and to an extent Iron Man
Kudos to them for inventing Overkill. That guy's my freaking hero
@TheLethalCarrot That's very Marvel-oriented, you might want to check out some Plastic Man issues :)
Well I'm talking about films mainly here
Yeah no live-action adaptation for Plastic Man sadly
(CW's Flash? Never heard of it. Don't know what you're talking about)
If we're talking about films, Kick-Ass might get a go too
(Kick-Ass 2? Never heard of it. Don't know what you're talking about)
Ah yeah suppose that counts too
And I never actually saw 2, guessing I got lucky there
The comics are great too. Though quite different from the movie.
On the topic of unusual superhero movies (though this one's serious), check out Unbreakable if you haven't already
I'll add it to my backlog
I am terrible of keeping up to date with films I want to watch
Are you "that friend" who once admitted he hadn't seen a lot of movies but was interested in XYZ and now everyone swarms in, flooding you with recommendations? :)
Luckily not haha, I just don't have time to watch a lot of films and me and my gf usually disagree on what to watch when we do so end up watching something we know we both like so repeat something again haha
We repeat watch The Incredibles and Shrek way more than we should
What's wrong with rewatching The Incredibles over and over again?
By the way, if you haven't already go watch the second one, it's brilliant
Aye saw it not long ago, though damn world cup delaying it -_-
"They keep changing maths" :'D
I don't really watch movies. When I do, it's usually something appropriate for the whole family, because... that's when I watch movies.
Somehow I think that's my favorite line (and overall scene) in the movie
@Mithrandir I find that "appropriate for the whole family" depends a lot of the family
@Jenayah sure, yeah
So BTW did you start reading Island of Dr Moreau?
@Jenayah Math is math!
@TheLethalCarrot :'D
@Jenayah not yet, things've been busy
Why would they change math?
Great film again, the scenes with E were also great as I hoped
(I haven't watched the second one. I did watch the trailer, though.)
@Mithrandir Nothing too spoilery so far
@TheLethalCarrot Oh heck yeah
Or I should say "They were wonderful, dahling"
I liked the first one's villain more but that may have to do with my 15-20 times watching the movie.
(the villain in the second one was well done, though)
you weren't the only one
Just to clarify, I meant watching the movies 15-20 times as a whole. If you start counting the number of scenes I watched on Youtube and put them together, you can make that number go up to...
...yeah, better not think about it.
The twist was easy to see coming (though I did already know so I may have picked up on more because of that) but I liked Syndrome better
@TheLethalCarrot The twist's also easier to see coming now that we're 14 years older
(yeah, 14 years older. Right in the guts)
I waited way too long for it
But that was worth it
Oh it was
I mean if it takes them 14 other years to patch up a third one as good as the previous ones, I'm ok with that
It's like one of the first Pixar sequels, isn't it?
First one was Finding Dory, I think
(which sucked, if you want my unrequested opinion)
Isn't Toy Story Pixar?
Ah, maybe
@TheLethalCarrot something something oversexualization Elastigirl
@Jenayah Me too and Brad has said he's not thinking of a third one just yet too
@Mithrandir Eh?
@TheLethalCarrot it seems to be. Also, Cars, but nobody cares about Cars.
Damn funny story about Toy Story
I actually spent like 19 years of my life not having ever watched the movies, 'cause we arrived too late at the cinema and that was never brought up again
Then sometime some months ago I'm like "yeah let's watch the first one"
(it was 2 am on a school day)
Oh man that movie was good
So I'm like "meh, it's still early I can watch the next one"
Well I basically binge-watched them in a row
@doppelgreener sounds good to me. Sorry for going AWOL; see my comments about 24 hrs ago as to why (helping my kids and nephews build stuff out of wood).
And got to school right after that. Exhausted as hell but so worth it :'D
Oh I'm sure it was haha
And now I can't wait for the fourth one
If you didn't cry at the "end not end scene" in Toy Story 3 you're some sort of robot
@TheLethalCarrot or just know they ain't going to end a kids movie like that
@Jenayah On a similar note when Monsters Inc first came out we got kicked out the cinema for sitting in the "premium" seats even though they weren't marked differently and there was space for us but it was like people sat in 2's with 2 gaps between them and there was 5 of us so couldn't fit anywhere else
@Skooba Still sad haha
@TheLethalCarrot Man you've got to remember, those were characters I discovered three hours ago and had been following all their adventures in that time. That punched the guts even harder
@TheLethalCarrot yeah. it did make me pause for moment
@Skooba Plus you're older than me anyway so chalk it up to experience ;P
@TheLethalCarrot Lots of "cinema clerks are sometimes dummies" stories I guess.
@TheLethalCarrot I've still yet to ease my mind when I think of that guy who asked for my ID when I asked for a "younger than 25 years old" when I went to see the first Hunger Games movie. I was 15 and built like a shrimp.
He denied the discount since I didn't have any ID.
In my book, that guy still owes my 2€.
Hahaha, some people just like to use what power they can get their hands on
@TheLethalCarrot true and I have kids, so i know what to expect now. I was chuffed with myself for figuring out the Incedibles 2 twist in real time prior to the movie doing it
When I was younger, my dad was refused to buy beer from Tesco, even though he had ID (shouldn't need it) because I was with him -_-
@Skooba Nice, like I said though I think it was obvious but I did know beforehand
@TheLethalCarrot well I can see the logic of that. Don't encourage your kids to drink and all
(even though legally speaking, he should be allowed to)
@Jenayah I think it was like a bottle of wine of whiskey though, I mean a 15 year old isn't really gonna drink that
@TheLethalCarrot meanwhile my got yelled for using me as a pack mule at our local liquor store. "Son, you got two good arms, carry this case of beer"
I would have been around 15 not necessarily 15 though
No of course, but it's for the image thing
@Skooba ahahah
@Skooba Hahaha
Who can laugh the quickest?
Jenayah can
I'm the Fastest Laugher in the West, howdy oh
Mr Hankey?
@TheLethalCarrot Welp, didn't know what that was and Google shows that this thing is South Park-related, so there's no way I'm expanding on the topic while at work.
Ah probably should have mentioned that haha
@SQB that sounds awesome! and hey no pressure to respond quickly in chat :)
sightly unrelated, but all this talk about ticks made me realize SharePoint is a tick too...
It sticks without you noticing.
It drinks your blood
Carries illness and diseases
If you don't remove it quickly and completely you will get even more complications...
Ahah, that's a good one
@Skooba /me puts his fingers in his ears nanana can't hear you!
@TheLethalCarrot yeah, I've heard about that nonsense. Never encountered it, though. Sure, preventing an adult to buy alcohol for a minor is a good thing, but please let my buy my groceries.
@SQB On that note, you haven't lived 'til you see a bunch of underage girls asking a man in the supermarket to buy that bottle of vodka for them, and the man happens to be one of the supermarket's clerks. :')
And I even get the need for clear and simple rules. I can imagine a schoolkid or young adult behind the cash register feeling intimidated by an adult. But provide an escape by allowing a manager to overrule.
@SQB Yeah it's obvious, usually, when it's for the adult themselves or they're just with their children or something though
@Jenayah let me guess: you weren't the clerk.
@SQB I'm not one of these girls, I don't ever drink alcohol.
But they did ask me to buy that for them, I refused, they ended up calling me a bitch so seeing what ensued their talking to the clerk was priceless :'D
in RPG General Chat, Jul 16 at 7:42, by Derpy
every year the city I live in hosts a "Celtic" music festival. This attracts a lot of younger people (who usually are just there to "hang out" and probably don't even like the traditional music in the first place).
in RPG General Chat, Jul 16 at 7:43, by Derpy
Said "kids" are very often in the 14-16 years old range.
> Usually, they arrive at the place carrying bags full of beer bottles.
I should add that here alcoholic beverages shouldn't be legally sold to people under the 18 years mark.
often, police comes around to check the situation - they mostly just look at parked cars and such.
I think that it is superfluous to say that often those "kids" are drinking just in front of them and no one cares.
results: some cases of people having to be carried away by ambulance...
@Jenayah On a similar note to that my bosses friend got asked to buy a pack of Richmond for an underage kid, he gave her the money and she came back and gave him a pack of 8 sausages :P
@TheLethalCarrot I've heard of supermarkets in The Netherlands as well that have a zero tolerance policy in that regard. I've read an account of a woman with a kid in a stroller who was refused.
Yeah there's a few similar ones like that near me
Like are you supposed to leave your baby in the car so you can buy some wine? Haha
@TheLethalCarrot is Richmond a beer or something?
@Jenayah Sausage brand and cigarette brand (should have guessed they were regional)
@Jenayah nice one. You didn't suggest "that man, over there" to them, now did you?
Separate companies (I think) of course
@SQB ahah no, I wouldn't have guessed he was a clerk tbh
But if I had knew, I may have suggested him anyway!
@Jenayah why "may"? That would have been reason #1 to suggest him.
What baffled me for a bit is how these girls knew right away that I was of age. I'm often told that I look younger than I am
@Derpy depending on the mood, availability (being cluttered with the trolley, bags and stuff); but yeah, this is indeed the thing to do.
Now that I think of it more seriously, I'm a little bit uncomfortable not to have thought to notice that to someone from the shop before
@Jenayah some years ago I was at a conference about Japan. There was a girl on a seat nearby, dressed like what you would expect from a cosplayer in Akihabara. All the time she was playing with a smartphone, which btw seemed like it was pulled out straight from some magical girl anime (IE: covered in glitter). I assumed she was the son of some of the speakers (since I would have though she was 16 at max).
Guess what? The current speaker stopped and said something like "and now I would like to call -insert name here -, doctor in quantum physics to the microphone"
You didn't speak with her before though, didn't you?
Yep, the "16 year old cosplayer" was actually a 30+ years old quantum physics doctor
@Jenayah nope, just noticed her because of the loud music from the phone. I think I recognized some Vocaloid tune.
@Derpy Our main maths teacher, who's got like tons of papers and stuff, goes LARPing quite often and has been reported to slay students who only recognized him at the last minute :')
@Derpy though honestly, this is kind of an "extreme" case of someone looking younger than she is. In this supermarket I was dressed like the usual, black shirts, blue jeans. How do you spot someone who's 20 or someone who's 18 with these clothes?
Guess I'll never know. Meh, not a big issue
My gf has been repeatedly asked for id to buy lottery tickets (16) even though she's clearly older just because she's small
Yeah but I mean, that was the opposite.
I'm small too, but these geese somehow knew I was past 18.
Lol, I guess it's easier to tell people are older when you're younger though
thinking about what could've been in the trolley which could've given my age away
I've had similar experiences in shops where 30-40 year old cashiers will ask for id but someone younger than me won't
@Jenayah Pasta sauce? :P
@TheLethalCarrot I didn't wait to be 20 to put tomato sauce in my pasta
Student life taught me that younger people generally eat pasta without the sauce but then I'm "odd" in that I prefer pasta without sauce anyway
I can eat pasta without the sauce, but if you expect me to eat them without cheese, you're done for.
I'll have pasta on it's own, so good
With a good mature cheddar is better though
Agreed that my seasoning of pasta makes it less "pasta with cheese" and more "cheese with pasta"
Sometimes that is a lot better though
And I do love cheese
I'm so glad I'm not lactose intolerant haha
How is it that hidden tags show up in the review list?
@TheLethalCarrot same
@Jenayah You mean you can review a post if the tags on the question are on your ignored list?
@TheLethalCarrot Well a low quality post with Infinity War creatures thingy just showed up, so I skipped it without looking, but the title or something may have been spoilery - that's why I hide these questions in the first place :p
@aitía Hello!
And it's the first time I see a hidden question showing up in my review list, so I was wondering.
@Jenayah Yeah, I don't think ignored tags take effect in the review queues
Since statistically speaking, a lot of questions from the tags I'm hiding may have attracted first posts/low quality posts
You can "filter" but I believe that is for only tags you want to show up not exclude
(Infinity War, Black Panther, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Logan)
I don't think there is a way to exclude tags from the queues but I may be wrong
Well, just the odd one once in a while then
Aye, FWIW I flagged that one so blame me :)
It's for me. I missed it in the cinema, so I'm waiting for Netflix / Blu-ray. I don't know how long I'll last.
@TheLethalCarrot Dang, I'm going to have to hate you again! :p
@SQB Lol, you still haven't been spoiled?
@Jenayah ... again?
@SQB Is it not out yet where you arE?
@Jenayah nope.
@SQB That has to be some kind of record
@TheLethalCarrot on home media, you mean?
@SQB Aye, I have it on DVD in the UK
You lot are over sensitive to spoilers anyway :P Be like me and read away
@SQB see this then this
Can I ping someone who's not in this chat?
KingofNES, namely
only mods can do that
Well, I'll just leave a comment then
I did suggest asking in chat so we'll see
Aye won't pollute the comments right away
Aye, though fine to add another if you want
Well, it's a recommendation though
We'd rather encourage the guy to go to chat like you did, no?
Sure, looks off topic to main but asking in chat is fine
@TheLethalCarrot I meant my comment would be a recommendation
Oh right, rather do it in chat, sending those comments onto the main post can send the wrong message (worded well you're fine but still not desirable)
Aye, that's why I wanted to ping him/her, but can't do since he's not in the chatroom
Shame, hopefully they'll take the hint and join us in chat though
Some users don't like chat just because it's chat so they may not of course
Just looked at my watch right as it was 17:17:17
T'is the little things
Oh my god you scared me
I was like "Seriously, it's only 5PM?!"
Ahhhh timezones
Then I remembered you're a bloody Brit :p
10 mins left of work, all good
@Jenayah I think the word you want is "limey". Or "pom" if you're 'Strine.
Isn't pom supposed to be offensive?
@SQB Well I was thinking of "cockney" but it's a regional one, so thanks for the tip ;p
Comes from "pomegranate", which is — I've been told — the colour Brits turn under the 'Strine sun.
@Jenayah Aye, I don't think my area has any regional nicknames
@TheLethalCarrot it is, every time I see a pom.xml file I start to cry.
@SQB Some of us do :P But I believe it isn't the nicest of names
@Jenayah Some people have put suggestions in comments there, like I said I would advise against it but any harm done has already been done at this point
@TheLethalCarrot see this:
@TheLethalCarrot in that case, sorry.
I wonder how many of the recommendation requests come from users below the chat threshold.
But I'm on mobile, so I'm not gonna turn to the SEDE.
My guess would be a lot, though, since only newer users don't know it's off topic
@TheLethalCarrot, @Jenayah you do know about the SEDE, don't you?
@SQB yeah
I mainly use it to track my top-voted comments, though
But from what I've seen, it's somehow basic SQL, right?
I can probably write my own requests as long as I know what the table looks like
Tables are explained in the side bar. It's SQL Server, so you can do some coding as well.
I'll try that sometime
There are some cross-Stack queries that do quite a bit of processing.
Not today though, because I've had enough of my database ghost for the day :p
I’ve used SEDE to keep track of gold tag badge progress and a few other things
@SQB Doesn’t Nigeria me personally but something to be wary if
How did bother auto correct to Nigeria haha

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