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so I'm up early now
what kind of work does she do?
if you don't mind my asking, that is
mornin' @IvoFlipse
evening @nhinkle, morning @IvoFlipse :P
she's a nurse
hello @ntechi
good morning everyone :)
that's hard work, being a nurse, @IvoFlipse
@studiohack do you know how to chmod a file in ssh?
@nhinkle I actually always disliked that the antivirus question had one answer, rather than separate talking about each step of the way
indeed it is
@ntechi: no sir, I don't. try @IvoFlipse or @nhinkle
and for me too ;P
@KronoS might know
does anyone knows how to chmod a file in ssh?
@ntechi what ssh client? just a command line one?
wouldn't you use the same command that you normally would?
@IvoFlipse, why would you want to have separate answers for each step? then they wouldn't be in order.... I think that would be confusing
I tried this chmo -R 755 filename
but not working
in what way does it not work? does it give you an error or do the settings not stick?
no more the fact that it's such a short answer, which doesn't really satisfy every user who ever had this problem
@IvoFlipse do you have the link to the question? it's pretty far up in the scrollback
Q: What to do if my computer is infected by a virus or a malware?

GnoupiThis question is coming back often, and the suggested steps are very often the same. In an objective to concentrate useful information in one place, here is a community wiki about it. I expect our best minds to participate in it, so we can have a reference of knowledge, for something like this. ...

it's not too terribly short, but could definitely do with some elaboration
i'll work on it a bit on thursday
i've got a 5 hour shift at the helpdesk, and i doubt it'll be particularly busy
it's got a variety of answers too...
there's no rush, I just never really knew what to do with it
@nhinkle Nice. This one's my favorite IT Crowd Internet gag though...
@Iszi, that is from what is probably my favorite episode
i remember when i saw this trailer for season 4 that i nearly died laughing though:
Oh, and someone really should implement an Easter egg into Google to "break the Internet".
@nhinkle Thing about season 4 (and any other IT Crowd season for that matter) is it left me fairly unfulfilled and frustrated. Guess I'm spoiled by the U.S. 12+ episode seasons.
they are rather short, yes
but still quite enjoyable
@nhinkle Why yes, I did mean recursion! That's why I searched for recursion!
@nhinkle: I see that you found me on Twitter :P - I mostly just retweet interesting stuff
@studiohack I rarely tweet either, but every so often ;)
don't expect much...lol @nhinkle
it tells me your only 3 followers are myself, @Sathya, and @IvoFlipse :P
and @KronoS if he didn't remove himself from boredom - my tweets are protected haha - it helps to keep people I don't know from following me
How do you use markdown to make a fancy tag icon in a message?
and on meta you can use [meta-tag:tagname]
oddly, it's not shown in the documentation anywhere
Do you have to use meta-tag on meta?
And, does this show in the post preview?
I'm actually quite selective about who I follow
I hate it when people post crap or post too much
indeed, @IvoFlipse
i rarely post myself, and thus only follow people who post interesting things
I follow what I deem interesting and want to keep in touch with, but I don't check twitter that much...
@mattcutts hey if this whole engineering thing doesn't work out for you, try PR -- you've got the chops for it. ;)
Ok... the [tag:tag] method seems to work in Meta on IT Security. Just doesn't show in the preview.
correct, a preview is not shown
> Election closes in 14 hours.
nvm that message
Anyone else read fmylife? Some funny stuff there.
Today, I wanted to annoy my sister by playing the air horn app on my iPhone. I forgot that I had headphones in. Let's just say I quickly had to change my underwear. FML
i've seen amusing stuff there once or twice when linked by friends, but a lot of it is fairly mundane IMO
@IvoFlipse See my previous post, ending in FML
@IvoFlipse you must be hating me then :P
@nhinkle Yeah, sometimes the SNR is a bit low. Still, some funny stuff there.
you know I do
@Sathya, you do post quite a bit, but you've got some interesting stuff in there :)
@IvoFlipse, just watched the video you linked. teeehee
FYI ... edit suggestion queue is now visible to all 10k rep users ... they also get the link at the top of the page
Also .... when an edit suggestion is approved ... a 2 point rep bonus is given to the suggestor ... daily cap and total 1000 rep cap for this applies
@IvoFlipse is there no way for <10k users to see the pending edits quee?
by @SamSaffron :)
there wasn't, but there is/will be
nothing on /review so far
Probably my favorite FML because I could totally see my wife doing something like this: Today, I got into a car accident. Why? I was distracted by a floating spec of dust and was pretending I was in space. FML
hopefully we'll get the ability soon
did you magically become a 10k-er @nhinkle ;)
no, i didn't.....
1 min ago, by nhinkle
@IvoFlipse is there no way for <10k users to see the pending edits quee?
emphasis on <10k
then you said
1 min ago, by Ivo Flipse
there wasn't, but there is/will be
implying that there would soon be an option for <10k users to see pending edits
or did i misunderstand?
oh, I misunderstood you
missed the all important < in your question
or misinterpreted it as above 10k
in which case the answer (currently) is no
and given the current frequency of usage it will remain so
so you REALLY need to get to 10k now ;)
@IvoFlipse so you can't get more than 1000 rep in total, right ? And what's the daily rep limit for that ?
or not and just continue being useful :)
it's ...
@Sathya They probably just mean that it counts against your overall daily limit.
want to bet that I won't get any rep?
@IvoFlipse me neither :/
@IvoFlipse as I said....
in Super User Election: Town Hall Chat, yesterday, by nhinkle
In fact, if I'm not elected, I'll probably work twice as hard to get to 10k :)
@Iszi hmm yep that's another way to look at it
@IvoFlipse Nasty side effect of being over 10k already, I imagine.
@Sathya I interpret that to mean it counts against the daily rep cap, and that at most you can win 1k overall ever from it
I know @nhinkle, but you've done a ton of stuff while not being 10k, I wonder if you'd even need it
rather a nasty side effect of being a moderator @Iszi ;)
Well, I'll certainly keep doing my best to be useful
@nhinkle Yeah, that's what I meant - more completely stated.
it's more an issue of how efficiently I can be useful :P
@IvoFlipse Yeah, that too.
regarding the 1k total limit: i have a hard time imagining anyone would ever amount that much from it anyhow. if you're involved enough with the site to make 500 edits and get them approved, you've probably gotten enough rep by then to be able to edit on your own. but maybe not
@Sathya oh my. he went to town with the ALL CAPS PRIMARY PART OF THE ELECTION
@nhinkle ALL CAPS FTW
@nhinkle ;)
500 edits is a lot of work
that's almost 1% of all questions on SU (open ones at least)
AND LOTS OF EXCLAMATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!1ONEELEVEN!!!1
@IvoFlipse Indeed
I don't like making trivial edits and often just ignored a lot of bad stuff (rather leave it buried)
but now I don't have those badges :(
my point exactly :)
anyone putting in _that much_ work will have well surpassed 2k
I welcome the edit suggestions with or w/o rep ++
it's nice, though it currently doesn't automatically highlights the markdown changes
initially i abhorred the idea, but frankly, i've come to realize that it actually has the potential to be quite beneficial
which can be confusing for small edits
I see @Kyle and some other new users happily using it
and I use it myself on Gaming
the lack of being able to edit was my main problem with not being a global mod :P
atleast I can go to any stack exchange site and edit away w/o having the rep. That's a big irritation for me - to visit a site where I don't have edit privs and see a question so bad ..
agreed @Sathya
for example
Q: [JAVA]How to make my Oracle update/insert action through JAVA faster?

gunbuster363[JAVA]How to make my Oracle update/insert action through JAVA faster? Hi everyone, I am facing a problem in my company that is - our program's speed is not fast enough. To be more specific, we are telecommunication company and this program handle call/internet serfing transaction made by every ...

lol I was looking at the badges, nobody will ever get the reversal badge here, simply because we delete those questions :P
before ^^
after ^^
@IvoFlipse :P I do have necromancer though :P
good point @IvoFlipse
but as @Sathya just beat me to saying, there's been a good number of necromancer posts
for the past month:
hm. apparently i've won it twice. i thought i only got that one once
oo bad @nhinkle :P
Q: Must-have chrome extensions

nhinkleNow that Chrome's extensions are an official feature and there's been some time for developers to create extensions, what are some of the best extensions for Chrome super users? We had a similar topic earlier this year when extensions were still beta, but the chrome extension landscape has change...

you should be getting a popular question soon @nhinkle
pff I've had my share of closed and merged questions too :P
and look at the 9's here :P
Boom! pushed it to 1000 +1 for that ;)
@Sathya, yeah... I wish I could delete that. Since it's been merged, I can't. I dislike it because it counts against my answer ratio, but there's no way for me to get rid of it.
like so?
whoa.... had no idea that question had so many views
why thank you @IvoFlipse :)
I did the same for myself :)
when did our profile page get 2 extra fields ?
@Sathya, email's not a new field...
oops, yeah
but why special styling ?
real name must be pulled from the OpenID data I guess
i think that indicates that the field is hidden except to moderators
i'm guessing that because email is never shown except to mods
@nhinkle that is no longer the case, I believe
@Sathya, just looked on your page, and I don't see your name or email
Q: My profile just went blank?

eevarSigning on today, I was showing up as "user351327" on SO and "user46143" on serverfault. Looking at my profile, every field was blank. I'm not sure if any of the fields besides display name used to have a value.

@nhinkle yep, opened an incognito tab to check for that
but my openid is not shown either, but aren't styled differently
hm. dunno. you could ask on meta i suppose
yeah, will post later.
A: Can I use a 3Gb/s SATA hard drive with a 6Gb/s SATA port?

Ivo FlipseYes, they're perfectly backwards compatible. To quote Wikipedia: Also, the new standard is backwards compatible with SATA 3 Gbit/s. [14] Given that SATA is a standard interface, it doesn't matter whether it's a hard drive or disk drive, it should work with every SATA compatible device. Bu...

woehoe my 2nd Sandy Bridge question :D
A: There's an extra separator in the navigation bar in SO?

Mark ByersIt's for pending edits from low-rep users waiting for approval. When there are edits to approve a number appears there and clicking this takes you to a page where you can see other users edits and choose to accept or reject them.

crap I can't change the locale of Chrome alone? make it look English, while leaving my OS Dutch?
oh wait scratch that, found the dial :)
@Sathya and freakin' arial or calibri for the normal people ;)
@nhinkle :D
@IvoFlipse you prefer OS to be in Dutch ? Why so ( just curious )
I didn't have a choice, it just came this way
and I don't mind or don't care really
At our weekly helpdesk meeting we were discussing how to install language packs on Windows 7 for versions other than ultimate and enterprise
We keep getting students coming in with laptops running Windows 7 in Chinese (because of international students) and none of us speak chinese
It always turns into an aggravating game of "who can remember the windows 7 icons and default buttons in dialogs"
you can't (easily)
@IvoFlipse, turns out we can :D
that's new then
microsoft lets us download language packs free via our MSDNAA subscription. and there's a software tool by a third party that we can use to install the packs, that makes all the changes automatically
quite nifty
we went from a chinese win7 VM to an english one in <20 minutes
blew my mind
some wisecrack asked if there's a braille language pack for windows ^_^
cheater :P
it's called touch typing ;P
right, I'm off for my final round of interview with Oracle, wish me best!
I think the bigger fail is that if you use braille, what's on the screen is irrelevant, because you can't see
@Sathya, best of luck to you!! I hope it goes well
good luck
hmmm I should go running before the weather turns any worse :\
thanks! @IvoFlipse @nhinkle catch you all later, sleep well @nhinkle
thanks @Sathya
morning all
you all need to stop talking so much when I'm not here - takes too long to catch up with the transcript :P
that's what you get when I come on early
@IvoFlipse do you happen to know who quickly we go from election closing to the winners being announced?
I'd expect immediately, the software wouldn't have to count you know ;P
true, but it's not the native SE voting system, it's being processed by "OpenSTV" or whatever it's called
Single Transferable Vote and Instant Runoff Voting Software
I know what it is, just couldn't remember if that was it's name :)
having now checked the /election page, it is
ooo, so they've now implimented the +2 rep bonus for getting an proposed edit confirmed?
Hi all I'm back here again. how are you? Can I ask some question?
i can't delete an image in word 7
it seems that it is kind of lock. Anyone has an idea why?
Appreciate your help
1 hour later…
word 2007 I hope? @tintincute
where is the file located? are you an admin on the computer or might the file be opened elsewhere? have you tried saving it under a different name? Have you tried copying the entire content and paste it in a new Word document and delete it there?
that should cover most troubleshooting points :)
@projectdp I migrated your question to web apps, as Gmail is a web app :-)
Hi Ivo, thanks for your reply. I was able to figure it out. Yes I am an admin on the computer. There was no file opened elsewhere. I tried saving it under a different name but still got the same. The problem was the Watermark. I don't know what is this. I disable it then I was able to delete the image and replace it with new one.
hehe, well you can still put it up as a question on Super User and answer it yourself (if nobody guesses it or reads what you said here)
Using the sound of your keyboard keys, an AI system that can deduce what you are typing: http://bit.ly/gNYHVY
Here I thought I was doing 'cool' stuff
@Ivo: it's ok. No problem. Do I need to?
only if you feel like it @tintincute :)
it's not something obvious, so I think it's a good question
the neatest part is that it doesn't use supervised learning
now that's impressive
I wonder if I could use something similar
possibly, but surely that's even harder to get right?
rather than letting the paw detection detect each paw separately, let it cluster all paws of the same dog into 4 similar groups then try to use a combination of the supervised training set and some heuristics to draw a conclusion
though I think with some adjustments to my current paw sorting, things should work a lot better too
for instance, he normalizes the paws by dividing by the max of the paw
but it should normalize to the max of all the paws of that measurement, so it keeps the difference between the front and hind paws
it doesn't rotate the paws, which makes it work not as well on paws that are rotated (because the peaks don't align as well with the training set)
but that requires splitting the paws before normalising them? and I thought you'd worked out rotation?
and it uses a 2D array rather than the full 3D progress
perhaps later.Thanks. what is paw @Ivo?
Btw, anyone knows what a best internet video player?
or rather:
Q: How to sort my paws?

Ivo FlipseIn my previous question I got an excellent answer that helped me detect where a paw hit a pressure plate, but now I'm struggling to link these results to their corresponding paws: I manually annotated the paws (RF=right front, RH= right hind, LF=left front, LH=left hind). As you can see there...

play video's on the internet? where would they be hosted?
@DMA57361 it would mean you'd take all the eleven (or whatever number) of steps from a measurement, then normalize them to the maximum of those eleven, rather than each individual step
hmm what do you mean hosted? Sorry not sure if I understand the question
I don't understand yours, so we're even ;-)
the hosting company?
do you mean a service like Youtube
hmm, like Divx?
or do you mean you want to stream something from your computer and watch it elsewhere through a website
@tintincute what @IvoFlipse is trying to ask is which sites you're trying to play from ?
I think stream something from PC and watch it elsewhere through a website
oh right, I could interpret it like that as well
Tversity is what my fellow moderator Diago would recommend :-)
but it costs 40$ if you want to watch it in the ipad/iphone
but in win is it free?
@TomWij: belgiq.eu
it 'should' be, for some limited amount of views and such
you could ask it on Super User, I'm sure others are interested too
Thanks ;-) I will try this
I can't because I was told last time that they don't do suggestions there in superuser they only answer question regarding programming stuff
that's strange
if your question is: how can I stream a movie from my computer that's web-accessible? that would be a perfectly viable question
stack overflow is programming only
Super User is for computer related questions, software or hardware
it's not about web apps, but your question is more a desktop problem than a web app one
for you, @Tomwij & @nhinkle
Q: Why does WMI Provider Host ( WmiPrvSE.exe ) keep spiking my CPU ?

SathyaI generally keep my laptop on 24x7, and at the end of the day it's really annoying to have my thighs burnt because over overheating. The overheating seems to be a result of WMI Provider Host spiking the CPU utilization to 25% every few minutes. Any ideas why this is happening ? I have an HP E...

btw @DMA57361 the clinic had already started with a literature review and written a small introduction + methods part for an article
so at least there's a start of getting the results published
@IvoFlipse that's great
I'm currently writing up an overview so they understand what the heck I'm calculating and so they can propose any adjustments to align it with the literature
and then I want to look into that stupid GUI stuff again :\
@IvoFlipse excellent
GUI stuff giving you trouble? or just not a fan of building them?
I have no idea where to start @Mokubai gave me a sample, but haven't gotten around to studying how to recreate something with my own results
ideally I would make something where you select a file (or multiple files) and then it starts extracting the results and show them in a bunch of graphs on several tabs
ah, well I'm not much of GUI guy either I'm afraid
just really basic, but so that you don't have to run my script in Python to get results
and most importantly I want something that makes the paws 'roll off' like that gif in one of the answers, because that catches everybody's eyes :P
making it pretty and shiny is a bonus :)
yeah, first I need to be able to make something
> @Kyle, any chance you can upload that 2nd image again? (tinypic.info has gone bad.) – Arjan 11 mins ago
one of the revisions of the pic is from tinypic
Q: What smart ways to prevent "image rot" can we come up with?

ArjanI think so far this has only been mentioned in comments, like about preventing link rot. So: What smart ways to prevent images from disappearing can we come up with? Like maybe: how could we prevent image rot by requesting (some) images at some regular interval, or how could we get all (existing...

made mention of tinypic.info going bad ^ (jumped to mind, thought I'd share :P)
wow that answer is impressive
indeed it is
A: Why does WMI Provider Host ( WmiPrvSE.exe ) keep spiking my CPU ?

TomWij Download ProcDump from Microsoft Sysinternals. Let it take a dump once the WmiPrvSE.EXE hits 25% for 1 second: procdump.exe -c 25 -s 1 -x WmiPrvSE.EXE %HOMEPATH%\WmiPrvSE.dmp This will create a dump in your User folder. Feel free to repeat this 1 - 2 more times so you have more dumps and can...

back to studying...
@IvoFlipse What image?
@Kronos: luispedro.org/pfs/slides.html this might be interesting for you :)
hehe, a different Kyle @Kyle :)
Oh okay, I get that alot usually on SF though :P
:O @IvoFlipse thank you!
I'm too lazy to read the transcript and catch up today lol... did you all see the new blog post from stackoverflow?
bet your excited about this @IvoFlipse and @Sathya
@KronoS no I hadn't, but having glanced at the image I'm doing so now...
@DMA57361 it's worth the look... esp since you're a high contender for the mod position
oo, more sites are having elections in very short order as well
well, that looks handy
Yep... SE is getting "Mod-ified"
I imagine (and hope) that it should see fairly low usage
@DMA57361 ya... but he's plannin on developing the mod toolbar further... exciting news
Q: What's going on with Stack Overflow T-Shirts?

MehrdadSecret organizations have let us know that Jeff has a pile of SO t-shirts hidden somewhere under his bed... What's going to happen to them? freehand circles are intentionally omitted

@IvoFlipse when are we getting ours?
I've already gone mine :P
won mine in the birthday competitions :)
tis also where my gravatar comes from
that said, you won the birthday comp as well IIRC, so you should know all this :P
@DMA57361 nope... must've been before I joined... didn't even know about the contest
... h/o
as in this one:
Q: Super Contest Winners: Week 2

Jeff AtwoodThis post is to document the week 2 winners of the Super User Super Contest, for the week ending Monday, September 6. Congratulations to our winners this week! Best rookie performance by Shogun and pattern86 (special exception this week, since both new users were worthy -- both get the priz...

oh!!! then yes... but i didn't get a t-shirt :(
I hope we can arrange something @KronoS, preferably they just set up a small webshop for merchandise
something that just covers the cost of making and shipping the stuff
that'd be nice... I'd be down with that...
but I already knew that mail tool was coming, we tried it a week ago or so
saw it yesterday as well, but didn't think I'd need to mail spammers
btw @KronoS regarding the t-shirts feel free to raise it on MSU to get some more attention for it
will do... l8r... gotta head to school and take the misses to work...
good luck!
This snow in Chicago is ruining day...
Q: Server 2008 R2 repair install

KyleIs it possible to do a repair install on a server 2008 R2 Enterprise machine like we used to be able to do on 2003? I need to reinstall on a remote server and don't have a driver cd in the drive just a copy of server. I am worried that when it comes back up I won't have any drivers for the NIC. I...

Anyone here have ideas?
@Kyle sorry dude...no more than what else has been suggested

 Homework Help

Help on homework for all you starving students out there...
It's stats time!!!!!
@KronoS sysadmin helped, I didn't want to go down that road without knowing I could do it first... plus google had conflicts left and right on whether or not repair was possible.
howdy all
Hi all =D
hey @DMA57361 & @BloodPhilia
> Election closes in 4 hours.
that's 2:00AM my time
@Sathya Are you going to stay up?
Nope @Kyle
fair enough :)
perhaps will take a peek in tomorrow morning when I wake up
(perhaps? who am I kidding! I will take a peek tomorrow morning)
@Sathya: They still have to enter the data so it's reasonable to go sleep instead and wake up as a healthy moderator. :-)
@TomWij indeed
And... I've added a small part to my post, as enabling WMI logging might help...
I'm going to stay awake :D
Then again, it's only 10 pm here by that time
@TomWij the debug symbols are like 260 MB.. will let it download overnight and examine it tomorrow
@BloodPhilia: Same here, but I guess we won't know until 1 - 2 pm.
@TomWij I know, but we'll see :D
@TomWij cool, will check it
@Sathya You don't have to download them, just set the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH, it only downloads the needed symbols to the path you specified if I'm not wrong.
@TomWij to the URL ?
I do have downloaded all symbols and compressed them though, but it's not really needed.
It does speed up things the first time though...
@TomWij oo I see
WinDBG/XPerfView might look like hanging while downloading the symbols one-by-one. :D
And basically, at the spike moment you will want to zoom a bit in on the spike and check the activity of other processes around that moment.
You can also select the spike and then get a stack summary.
@Sathya good luck! :)
@studiohack thanks
I suggest to look at some XPerf articles or over Google if you are really interested.
great, I'll have a look tomorrow @TomWij for now, time to bust some robbers :P
Credits go to Mark Russinovich, also great articles there.

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