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Don't know if there are any Metallica fans in the house, but tonight is they are playing in Edmonton (where I am) and it's being live streamed on youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=7kPO_m1j52k
Starts in 3 hours :)
2 hours later…
Metallica concert starting now in Edmonton: youtube.com/watch?v=7kPO_m1j52k
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad pattern in URL body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Food4Patriots Reviews Works and Where To Buy? by food4patriotsprice on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body, +2 more: toptryloburn.com/alpha-muscle-complex/ by user726234 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: so your ruler will by Booke1931 on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
Q: How to install Kali Linux in dual boot with Ubuntu?

PyotrTheFithI have a computer running an old version of Ubuntu. I would also like to start learning on Kali Linux. How do I install Kali Linux on the same computer as I have Ubuntu?

Q: Device id , connection OS & device

SimiI am currently trying to understand how my hardware is recognized by my operating system. (Ubuntu) I learned in my OS lecture that a device has a unique (model) identifier which should somehow be built out of Vendor (one who creates the product) and some device identifier. In the POST process (n...

@Rinzwind I've got a 17.10 live session running now. Looks great! Certainly no DNS issue like I was having with Ubuntu Gnome 17.04. The only thing now is ...
...it doesn't seem to have any gnome-tweak-tools or even under the new name. Nor does it show up in the "Ubuntu Software Centre". So I'm not sure where to intsall it from -- or even how! Any suggestions (anyone?). Thanks!
@Dɑvïd You should be able to use it in Artful (17.10). It's provided by the gnome-tweak-tool packge. You should be able to install it with apt even if you can't install it otherwise. You might have to run sudo apt update before sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool. If that doesn't work, then assuming your Internet connection is working, the most likely cause of the problem is that the universe repository component is not enabled.
Q: How do I enable the "Universe" repository?

Dr.C.BadrinathanHow do I get to the Universe Repository in supported versions of Ubuntu?

The command you would run for it, once the package is installed, is gnome-tweak-tool. They renamed it back (for Ubuntu anyway, I don't know about in general). This is according to the changelog at launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-tweak-tool -- expand the version number under The Artful Aardvark:
@EliahKagan Perfect! Many thanks. I had found the PPA, but still couldn't work out install, since apt was telling me it wasn't available. Enabling universe repository did the trick.
@Dɑvïd Excellent.
@EliahKagan Thanks for the superior quality assistance! ;)
No problem. :)
@EliahKagan I think I'll go ahead and install it -- 17.10, that is. Running nicely on this machine. Gnome 17.04 was a non-starter, sadly.
You'll have to reinstall the package each time you use the live environment, of course, unless it has a persistent area or you customize the ISO to include it.
@Dɑvïd In that case you won't have to keep reinstalling the package to use it in your 17.10 system. :)
@EliahKagan Yep! I must be in a risk-takling mood. :)
I'm thinking of trying Ubuntu GNOME when 17.10 comes out. Can you tell me what improvements you've noticed over 17.04? (I haven't used Ubuntu GNOME 17.04.)
@EliahKagan Actually, I'm going from 16.04 LTS, so can't really comment on changes over 17.04
Ah ok.
@EliahKagan I just got a new desktop machine, and thought I'd get stuck into the future of Ubuntu.
@EliahKagan Are you on 17.04, then? (Ah, I see you're not!)
No, I'm mostly on 16.04 myself (and not GNOME). I've used 17.04 but not on a system with a GUI. I mainly use Lubuntu. I've done more than 17.10 than 17.04 actually. I've tried LXQt and Xfce on 17.10.
@EliahKagan I've got a soft spot for Lubuntu, and would have checked it out, if it wasn't for the uncertainty about LXQt -- I've also used Xfce quite a lot. But time for something ... fresh!
So I'll have to find where to get PCManFM for 17.10, which I always use, still.
@Dɑvïd It's still installable through the pcmanfm package.
Also, I think both the "old" GTK+-based Lubuntu and the new LXQt Lubuntu are currently available for 17.10. I don't actually know if both will be released by if you look at cdimage.ubuntu.com, it has both lubuntu and lubuntu-next daily lives.
I'm pretty sure the pcmanfm package still gives the GTK+-based PCManFM, both based on its dependencies and because there's a separate pcmanfm-qt package.
Q: ata7: com reset failed errno=-32 :: only when starting normal, no problem when in recovery/repair packages

user10099the error occurs when starting ubuntu normal. Then it just stays on the error and nothing happens. Haven't waited long enough to see if it starts anyways. Sometimes it does not occur and the page for the description password shows - then i am not able to enter the password. What does work howeve...

I was downloading packages with a package manager (just over 1GB in size). After a few hours, I suspended my machine without checking to see if the package manager had finished installing the packages. How can I double-check that all the packages were installed? Or would suspending have not affected it?
*Synaptic Package Manager
@ahorn Do you know what packages you told it to install?
@Dɑvïd risk aint that big :=)
@EliahKagan Yes. Various LaTeX packages. Do I have to check them individually?
@ahorn No. I was just thinking, if there were only a couple packages, that might be the easiest way. Since it was more, I recommend checking the logs. Does /var/log/dpkg.log show them? (It would be near the end of the file.)
Q: Is it possible to get a list of most recently installed packages?

Olivier LalondeIs it possible to get a list of packages that were most recently installed through apt-get?

Also, I don't have Synaptic installed, but maybe this still works?
A: How can I view last installed package or program?

SilRinzwind answered the question well above. If you want to use a GUI, open Synaptic by opening the Ubuntu Dash and typing "Synaptic". You will be prompted for your root password. When Synaptic is open, go to File --> History. Then select the most recent month and day, and you will be presented wi...

I found a history in the manager, but now I'm not sure if any were left off the list. So, I'm just wondering if there can be a confirmation that all the required packages were installed. I'm not sure if there usually is a confirmation message. There may not be.
It shouldn't be a problem.
I'm new to Linux (a few months in).
When you unsuspended (resumed), was Synaptic still running? I wouldn't expected suspending to cause Synaptic to behave erratically--if it kept the installation from working, I would expect an error message. However, if Synaptic mysteriously stopped running, then I guess I wouldn't assume it succeeded.
It was still running.
I think you're probably fine then.
But you may want to post a question on the main site about it if you're concerned.
@Rinzwind And I'm feeling lucky. :)
@EliahKagan Yep, got it now, thanks!
Q: Gnome Shell extensions: Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port

StockfischI just installed Ubuntu 16.04 and the Gnome shell 3.18.5. I'm new to the whole 'Gnome Shell extension'-thing (I use my browser to install user-made extensions?) .. So, the first time I accessed https://extensions.gnome.org I could install an extension I think but now it shows me a message (for e...

^^^^ Also found this a VERY helpful Q&A when trying to grab extensions. Saved a lot of head-scratching.
Because "Tweaks" isn't loading available extensions, after getting the first one ("dash to dock") which installed just fine from "Software" app. (It's not finding others, though. Odd?)
@Dɑvïd That's the problem the answer there solved?
@EliahKagan Sort of -- although maybe I'm not quite understanding the relationship between Tweaks and the web-based installer(s).
Unfortunately I don't either. I haven't used GNOME 3 (with GNOME Shell, I mean) in quite some time, so I don't have experience with Tweaks either.
Or maybe I just picked a borked extension to install! (Was trying this one, which just won't install -- initially seems to, but then nothing changes, and it doesn't show as installed).
@EliahKagan No doubt it will come good eventually! (6-8 weeks, I understand. ;)
2 hours later…
Q: Stop Ubuntu 16 from rearranging windows when an monitor is

nig007I have two laptops and just got an KVM to switch between them. but on my Linux ubuntu 16 when i switch the screen rearranges and moves all windows around. so when i Switch back i cant work out what is where. does any one know, if its possible to do what Windows does and if an monitor / screen i...

tfw you see "/proc/self/exe" in your process list
I love the smell of weird shit in the afternoon
@badp wat
@TheWanderer shit that is weird? like exec("/proc/self/exe")
I couldn't tell if you were being literal >_>
uh oh
SOPT crashed chat
too much spam by you
where is sergy
can you go find him
we donz kno
13 messages moved to Trash
yeah, that :P
Never trust anyone!
not even yourself c_C
probably for the better
I really wish Google wouldn't tell me that my update is live, then tell me the pre-launch report is ready and then tell me it's live again
We close many Kali questions, which is good (they're off-topic), but we're sending people to Unix.SE... which would be good, but most are unclear or otherwise low quality. As I understand it the Unix.SE community is already beleaguered by bad Kali questions. I worry an increase in volume may poison the Unix.SE against novice Kali users. Should I try to advise OPs as I VTC their Kali questions about how ask better? Maybe a canned comment? Should I ask our meta? Unix.SE's meta? @terdon
@EliahKagan Frankly, I doubt it is possible to poison Unix.SE against novice Kali users more than it already is. The simple fact is that the very term "novice Kali user" should be an oxymoron.
That said, if you do advise them to ask on U&L (which is reasonable since Kali is on topic there) yes, please also advise on how to ask a question.
I actually have a canned comment on U&L about this:
> Please take a moment and read Should I use Kali Linux? to understand what Kali is and who it is designed for. Quite frankly, if you have to ask this sort of basic question, then you shouldn't really be using Kali.
Kali is a professional tool which, for reasons I cannot understand, has become popular with script kiddies who think running it to watch YouTube videos makes them cooler.
Good Kali questions are welcome. Sadly, they are also extremely rare. I think I've seen 2 in the years I've been active on U&L.
That's a good link; I'll start including it when I comment on off-topic Kali questions -- thanks!
And thanks for trying!
Q: Compile Kernel 3.10.107 for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Ivijan Stefan StipićIs there a good way to compile and use kernel 3.10.107 on Ubuntu 16:04 LTS? My main reason is that I have development/server machine where I want to add additional USB device what have drivers only for Kernel 3.10.107. My current kernel version is 4.10.0-30-generic. Or is there a way to adapt t...

Affinity Photo is pretty good
I'm pretty sure the reason we don't have unified kernels for mobile devices is because OEMs use proprietary hardware
I mean... my OP3 is barely a year old and they announced Android O will be the last update.
while desktops tend to use pretty similar stuff from the same manufacturers
Yeah, that too.
"We're OnePlus; we're the flagship killers. Except our prices will soon be the same as flagships, and we provide even worse software support than Samsung"
and they don't even have an excuse for discontinuing support so soon
OOS is like a LineageOS Lite
it's basically AOSP
Um, no.
OOS has many modifications beyond AOSP. More than even Lineage has last time I checked.
> I have to do

sudo dhcpcd enp0s29u1u2
gotta love systemd
What kind of interface name is enp0s29u1u2?!
inb4 /dev/summ0nc4hu1hu ...
Isn't this more about setting the regulatory domain and not the wifi driver? Can anyone answer this? askubuntu.com/q/947079/117123
Q: Xterm won't launch from gnome terminal

vlb9398I am trying to ssh between two Ubuntu machines. I was having trouble getting X11 forwarding to work so I went to make sure that both computers could open Xterm from a gnome terminal. However, one of the two machines can't. I simply get the error. xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0....

@chaskes lots of stuff that could be going on there. I left a comment.
We'll need more information than muru asked for.
My current feeling is it's the change of country and the reg domain. But wanted to get more knowledgeable eytes on it. Thx for taking a look
@Seth I don't believe that
@TheWanderer Then do some research.
I can't
When I looked into it they had pared back the features of Lineage from Cyanogenmod quite a bit.
They even removed the theming engine.
Lineage didn't remove the theming engine from CM
it was gone in CM14
and was being worked on by one developer
Ah. Doesn't change my point, although it confuses me even more.
then Cyanogen shut it down
That was one of the signature features for a while.
but no, LineageOS does a lot still
own browser, LiveDisplay
someone else search oxygenos in DDG
it just returns a blank page for me with greyed out text in the search bar
hmm nothing is working in DDG
it's ScriptSafe
Q: connect or switch to existing session

user19702I have a htpc running ubuntu connected locally to a TV. I would like to be able to control the stuff displaying to the TV remotely. So far, I've been able to connect using xrdp (which allows me to control it using windows PCs), but it opens a new, blank desktop session even if I connect using t...

DDG should redirect to its no-JS site though if you have it disabled
it does that
is xkcd down or is this silly public wireless filtering it?
looks ok to me
it's up here
weird. it loads on my phone, which is on the same AP.
> The best Option to the best of my knowledge are symbolic links.However there are differences between symbolic links and shortcats which you could check out here
your avatar is still borked
looks ok to me
same as in borked or same as in works?
'cause I do still occasionally notice the iguana. I have a theory, but I don't have time to explore it atm.
when it goes into the dual-height mode where it shows rep and stuff, it's back to iguana
I only see a hat on a sailboat. No iguanas.
in both sizes
shog fix pls
I don't think Shog can fix wordpress problems :P
Wordpress? Gravatar!
no one can fix wordpress problems
@Seth there is nothing sh0g can not do :-P
Yes you can. sudo rm -rf /var/www
@ByteCommander that's like leaving the country because Trump is president
you coward
sounds like a reasonable option
Dog is to Doge as Shog is to Shoge
@Rinzwind fair
@ByteCommander And who owns gravatar?
that explains things...
@TheWanderer It really does.
...since 2007. Meh.
fun fact
saying shog is a good way to get him to drop by the room.
fun fact:
double-clicking on the small 1 pixel wide line between two Firefox tabs will open a new tab
Q: Black Screen Boot & Freezing Boot

Ryan KelsoSo I'm working on a friend's computer to install Linux Mint 18.2 onto it since his Windows broke after the Creator Update. He wasn't able to install it himself for some reason, however when I first tried the Live USB on the system, it booted right into the Live USB and I was able to complete an i...

@Avery It's a mystery that will never be solved
@cl-netbox Have you heard anywhere when Centos 7.4.1708 will be available to download? I know it should be any day...
actually I believe I know how it works
in The Bridge, Jul 27 at 0:44, by Shog9
bit of background: I subscribe to a chat search intended to help me find chat discussions of meta topics. For whatever reason, it also captures every tweet posted into chat.
I've seen shog pop up after someone said "shog" (and didn't ping) so I assume said chat searches include "shog" too.
Q: 0 bytes of swap space available, recommended 10gb

Jonny SmythI am running Ubuntu14 on VMWare 12, on boot up the VM gives the hint 10.6GB of swap space recommended but 0 bytes of system swap space is available. Within my VM I have partitioned 10.6gb of swap space through gparted on the partition /dev/sda3 which is swap space. Then in my /etc/fstab I have ...

imma print it out and send it to you
@Avery Don't spoil it :P
shoggy woggy
Essential phone is out.
wonder how many Android versions it'll get
would be pretty ironic if it didn't get good software support
It actually looks pretty decent.
it's also kind of ironic that the Essential Phone is missing something as essential as a 3.5mm jack
@Seth spoiler time
$749 CAD.
good god
Everyone dies in GoT
muy caro
@Avery GASP
> Be the first to order yours
Everyone marries each other in SU
Oh that includes the 360 degree camera.
unless someone else is ordering for me, I'm going to be the first the buy my own
@NathanOsman that definitely helps
@Avery Super User?
$699 for the phone outright.
meh, still kinda high
Meh. I'll stick with what I have for now.
It has potential though.
The ugly cut-out in the display is not cool though.
yeah I don't like that
and it's gonna be hell to develop custom ROMs
not as bad as the LG V, but still annoying
@TheWanderer steven universe
> "Shipping to the US only."
Essential just seems wayyy too expensive
@TheWanderer Why?
hey, Andy here used to work for Google back when it only did US stuff
@NathanOsman you have to account for the cutout
and also make the statusbar higher, like they did
@TheWanderer Or you just don't and let the user deal with it :P
err, thicker
@NathanOsman yes, that goes over well with end-users
Everybody else seems to be taking that approach these days.
also, their charging station looks like a rock
isn't that heavy?
> 2560 x 1312 QHD
Depends on how thick the titanium is
QHD is defined by the height, not the width....
ooh 4 mics though
hey @NathanOsman
it supports Band 66 :D
I saw that.
But then again, so does the OP5.
but no 71...
I thought everything after the S8 was supposed to have support for 71
can someone explain to me why bezel-less phones put a bezel on the bottom with the camera and everything, and then use an ultrasonic speaker?
why not just put the bezel on top?
or why not just keep some reasonably-sized bezels? They can be useful
I wonder if it works on US Cellular better than the Nexus 6P, it has poor reception
USC has the same spectrum as Verizon, and is partnered with Verizon (IIRC)
but I don't think poor reception has much to do with phone support
No headphone jack is definitely a deal breaker though.
either the 6P has bad antennas or you're just not covered where you are @Jeremy31
Everyone seems to be eliminating the headphone jack
@Seth I have yet to hear a logical reason for removing it or the IR blaster.
both of those cost basically nothing to implement
I had excellent reception with my old Note 2 but it was US Cellular branded, the 6P is supposed to work with almost any carrier
so I guess it just has bad antennas
because it supports everything USC uses
@TheWanderer very few people use the IR blaster, so I can understand that. Everyone I know uses the headphone jack.
Either bad antennas or the one size fits all phone can't do everything well
@Seth well it still doesn't seem financial sensible to change it at all; just keep it in. You get a few more customers that way.
@TheWanderer yes but "thinner"
the IR blaster is even smaller than the headphone jack
let's talk about the Z2 Force
smaller battery, scratchier screen, way worse battery life, more expensive, and without the style mod included
I'm just waiting for someone to make a headphone jack mod
lol right
Scratchier screen?
it's "shatterproof" technology, AKA plastic
Z Force had the same thing going on, but it didn't scratch as easily, and the top layer was user-replaceable
Z2 Force isn't anymore
I thought most phones used Gorilla glass. I haven't scratched a screen since my HTC touch pro 2
Motorola's schtick is that they have the top plastic layer, then glass or something, then two digitizer layers (in case on breaks) and then the OLED panel
I had really good luck with Motorola phones but I don't think USCC had one the last time I bought a phone there and that is why I got the Note 2 which was large at the time but some of the phones I see aren't much smaller than small tablets
@Jeremy31 I HATED my Motorola phone. I got the RAZR M over the SIII, because it "had better battery life" (according to the Verizon person). Terrible decision
I had a Razor, the Electrify and the Electrify M and my only issue with the Electrify M was that the vibrate function wasn't very good
I loved my Motorola phone.
I'm still kinda sad I replaced it.
what was it
The original Moto G.
And some old feature phones before that. Those were great too.
oh so after Google
wait no those were Nokia
Motorola had some nice basic phones
but the RAZR series was just trash
also, the RAZR M only got 4.0.4 to 4.4
That's quite a bit actually.
More than most hpones
My dad lost a motorola phone in the woods one year. I found it a year later and after charging, it still worked after being in the rain and the snow!
@Seth that was 1 year of software support
@TheWanderer um, no. 4.0.4 - 4.4 goes through 3 years of jellybean
@Seth the RAZR M was released in September 2012 with 4.0.4, while 4.4 was released October 2013
that's barely over a year of support
and this is when Google owned Motorola
also, I can't tell you how annoying a resolution of 540 x 960 was on a 16:9 display
the pixels weren't square
@TheWanderer Oh hm, apparently Google didn't do one year each for 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 like I remembered. But they did with 4.4. weird. Still, fall 2012 with 4.0.4 is crazy. Jellybean had been out for a while.
it was basically a Google phone
yet terrible support
and it didn't even get 4.4.4
ooooh it's dual-core
Usually with carrier branded phones, you can blame the carrier for updates
but even third party development didn't get past Lollipop
uh hang on
LOS 14.1 o_O
but it doesn't boot
I thought I was on KKBL, but apparently I'm on JBBL
I think we may be in for an early winter- the leaves on my maple tree are starting to change color already
Got company, see everyone later
so apparently it's CM13...
this is a dangerous site driversupdatecenter.net/drivers/…
Report it to Chrome.
It uses the same theme as the Microsoft website.
how report
Which in and of itself isn't necessarily illegal. However, using the Windows logo almost certainly is.
they're also apparently certified?
Well, this page is for reporting malware: safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_badware
Lemme check if there is a phishing one.
@TheWanderer That almost certainly doesn't allow them to use the Windows logo like that.
...if it were even true.
I was adding to your case :p
The page is sketchy if nothing else.
I would avoid using it.
oh I hit the download button and it download a generically named EXE

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