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This Pyth program works for numbers higher than 1000
@HyperNeutrino Doesn't work
really? hm
@Mr.Xcoder cQuents, ::A^$ (but requires you to input n twice)
oh wait I misread the challenge
@HyperNeutrino it isn't an arithmetic sequence
Interpreter is bugged, correct program should be #|A::A^$
My Jelly submission doesn't work either
@HyperNeutrino It's 5, 5^2, 5^3, not 5*1, 5*2...
@StepHen invalid
@Mr.Xcoder function(n)n^(1:n)
APL, 4: *∘⍳⍨
@LeakyNun R?
@Mr.Xcoder yes
Python: lambda x:[x**k for k in range(1,x+1)]
Ruby can handle f[4096] just fine
@Okx The valid program doesn't work because it puts the interpreter in an infinite loop, just thought I'd share it anyway
@Mr.Xcoder I'll leave Pyth to you
@HyperNeutrino range(1,x+1)
I wish someone from se would read our feature-requests.
@Geobits Sorry for the 2 year wait. I think the vaporware might finally be about to condense. Final testing on meta at the moment
@LeakyNun I already solved it in Pyth
@LeakyNun thanks
@trichoplax 2 years... ಠ_ಠ
4 mins ago, by Mr. Xcoder
Pyth, 5 bytes: m^QdS
@Mr.Xcoder use L
@HyperNeutrino I know - it's a lot of procrastinating even for me
@LeakyNun Will do
@trichoplax but 2 years ಠ_ಠ lol that's a REALLY long time xD
Jelly: R*@
@HyperNeutrino *R
Right, just got that too :P But yes, thanks.
@HyperNeutrino I did post other things in between :P
@trichoplax ok good xD :P
I'm working on a regex for parsing PPCG answers and getting the language name & score. It's here: https://regex101.com/r/U9PesM/6
The first / second matched group is the language name, the third is the score.
If you have any improvements / suggestions, please tell me.
suggestion: don't use regex
@HyperNeutrino fixed it
/cries ... if PowerShell didn't need $ to designate variable names, and could use < and > instead of -lt and -gt, I'd be shorter than the 55-byte Python answer.
ah well
Does anyone have access to a somewhat high-res ppcg icon
@Christopher yay
@programmer5000 brb taking a screen cap of @EriktheOutgolfer's profile
any insight from you guys? I'm getting stuck
obviously I won't go for the O(n!) approach
@LeakyNun Not sure how
@LeakyNun google
Oh, I do
@AdmBorkBork don't user powershell
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't. That defeats the purpose.
@Mr.Xcoder ^LQS
@LeakyNun O(2^n) should be fine
@JanDvorak hmm... how?
@LeakyNun Was just writing it down ("Oh, I do", "Wait")
@LeakyNun Simple. First you find the largest value overall, then remove that entire row and column. Then you search again to find the largest value overall, then remove that entire row and column. Then ...
@AdmBorkBork No that doesn't work
consider 4 3; 3 1
4 3
3 1
@AdmBorkBork No that will stop on local maxima in most cases
@JanDvorak could you elaborate?
I could, yeah...
Did you mean O(2^(n^2))?
Ohhhh ... I misread the problem, then. I thought it was maximal per row/column, not maximal sum.
@LeakyNun I didn't
CMC: Given a list, extract all the primes it contains
@Mr.Xcoder Neim, 2 bytes Λ𝐌
require'prime';->a{a.select &:prime?}
@JanDvorak Can you?
@HyperNeutrino wanna write of bot for my KoTH? I can't tell if i broke it
Now to crack this C# one that redefines the Console class...
Jelly: ÆPÐf
@Okx Ah, beats Pyth
@Christopher Sure
Actually, I meant O(n * 2**n)
@HyperNeutrino Doesn't beat Pyth!
@HyperNeutrino It is worth 10 rep to me
Lucky I just made the is-prime operator in Gaia
@BusinessCat Sad or Happy bytes this time?
2 bytes: ṗ⁇
@BusinessCat Beats Pyth :(((
That's actually a function not a full program btw
@Mr.Xcoder Pyth, fP_TQ
@Jim 4 bytes: .MP_
Since I don't have list parsing from input yet ಠ_ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder PowerShell, 39 bytes -- $args|?{'1'*$_-match'^(?!(..+)\1+$)..'}
@Mr.Xcoder 4 bytes in MATL: tZp)
Tied :)
Oh, I have a name for my language
Q: Why is chat called "The Nineteenth Byte"?

Steven VascellaroWhy is the main chatroom for Programming Puzzles & Code Golf called "The Nineteenth Byte"? Where did the name come from? Is it a reference to something?

Just came up with it
@JanDvorak I'm not having any idea...
My python for this is over 60 bytes there must be something wrong
Think about searching the longest path in a hypercube graph.
@AdmBorkBork Share it with us?
Also four in jelly: ÆPÐf
@DJMcMayhem You've been ninja'd by someone
5 mins ago, by HyperNeutrino
Jelly: ÆPÐf
5 mins ago, by HyperNeutrino
Jelly: ÆPÐf
And now I got
Pish-Posh: declaring one's opinions or thoughts absurd, irrelevant or redundant .... includes "Posh" as shorthand for PowerShell, and works to remove redundancies.
@Mr.Xcoder lol your ninja statement is ninja'd
@Mr.Xcoder I don't get it
@Jim We filter for the elements that are prime and extract the maximal values, which are True. Remember, True>False, because 1>0
> .M <l:Z> <seq> Filter B for elements x for which A(x) takes its maximal value.
Python is a pain in the snake
python is overrated
@Okx It ain't
Python is cool
it's the go-to language for teaching
@HyperNeutrino how do I fix my error
I'd be glad if my school taught Python
@Okx FALSE. It is java
We are thought C++, so, False
@Christopher Well return values exist...
@HyperNeutrino But that makes my life harder. It is simpler for python to change
(doing it now)
lol I'll start working on a new controller too, and if I get mine to work before yours I'll just send teh codez
@Mr.Xcoder Oh, I see. I failed to understand it completed to .MP_ZQ
I have a challenge idea C++ is to Mr. Xcoder what 05AB1E is to Jelly
@HyperNeutrino Cool it may work better
@Jim Right
Creative, isn't it?
@Okx Um... I was taught Visual Basic (.NET)... boo
@StepHen That's way better than C++ anyway
i can't speak for everyone
@Mr.Xcoder Yes, the filter on max is nice
@Mr.Xcoder And a whole crap ton less useful in industry
C++ is used for softwares and... Nintendo?
@HyperNeutrino i have another version, may be bork
Somehow VB is moving up in the list, dunno how that happened
@LeakyNun Wow
c is used for liek everything unfortunately
Still borked code
@totallyhuman UNfortunately
@Mr.Xcoder un?
Unfortunately, C is used, that's what I meant
@WheatWizard what do you think of a spec for the acronym thing that is "Return all capital letters preceded by spaces or the beginning of the input"
CMC: Given a number, return the number squared with all the occurrences of the original number removed
5 -> (square: 25) -> 2
6 -> (square: 36) -> 3
7 -> (square: 49) -> 49
Does not even use the second stack!
I think the C# cop may actually be impossible
Brain-flak never stops surprising me
@Mayube Really?
@Mr.Xcoder 16?
@Mayube Maybe you aren't supposed to obey the comment? comment and clarify?
First rule of Mini-Flak. Thou shalt not use the second stack
@LeakyNun 16 -> (square: 256) -> 256
Can I output as a string?
@StepHen Nah the comment is where your code should go, just like the java ones
@BusinessCat Course
@Mr.Xcoder 3 bytes in pyth
@LeakyNun I should solve it
Also add test case: 25 -> (square: 625) -> 6
I'm currently pouring over .NET's source trying to figure out how I can essentially reimplement Console.WriteLine
@Mr.Xcoder Gaia, 7 bytes: :sṙ†¤/$
25 -> (square: 625) -> 6
@Mr.Xcoder Testcase where there are multiple occurrences would be really useful
Q: Why is there no feature for upping your "answer" in the sandbox?

V. CourtoisI think the Sandbox lacks a feature. I don't know what you guys do think about it but I came to think that many posts of the Sandbox get "forgotten" really fast. Even if there are activities on it. And because they are "answers" to a "question", there is no possibility of upping with a bounty or ...

@Mr.Xcoder 26 bytes in PowerShell -- param($n)($n*$n)-replace$n
11 -> (square: 121) -> 121
@StepHen I can't find any
@Mr.Xcoder Then do we have to code for them?
10 -> (square: 100) -> 0
@StepHen Of course
@Mr.Xcoder Why, if we can prove there aren't any?
@StepHen If you can prove that, you must not handle anything of that kind
@Mr.Xcoder 100 returns what?
@LeakyNun 00
100 -> (square: 10000) -> 00
@Christopher I don't think the game's guaranteed to terminate lol
@LeakyNun -`*
@Mr.Xcoder bingo
I have two bots running against each other, one which adds its largest hand to the other bot's largest hand, and one which adds its smallest hand to the other bot's smallest hand. They're running in an infinite loop.
@LeakyNun Yaay
@LeakyNun Does not work for 100 though
It outputs nothing
@HyperNeutrino Added a if it does not end in 5 min then no points for both sides
10 as well
@Mr.Xcoder never mind then
But it's never ending. Anything I try isn't stopping
RULE: If the output is 0 or 00 or any run of zeros, you may chose to output nothing instead
well finally it terminated
I used random lol
Is that good?
@Mr.Xcoder 8 bytes then
Can i haz teh codez
@Mr.Xcoder the 3-byte version doesn't work for 16
hold on, that was just the preliminary test (writing controllers isn't a very quick process :P you have to make sure it won't break
@LeakyNun See the rule. I will try to solve it and see if I can tie you
This is actually going to be tough for people to win
I'm having to redefine all the needed methods in Win32Native, because they're all internal
@HyperNeutrino remember if the bot breaks the program it is removed from challenge
Literally importing readfile methods directly from kernel32.dll
Q: TryItOnquine Challenge

AdmBorkBork(based on this post and the ensuing discussion on chat -- also, much thanks to Dennis for TIO!) The Challenge Choose a language that's currently available on the TryItOnline site, for example PowerShell. Write code in that language on that page, that doesn't take any input, such that when the R...

Don't worry, I have it that any list of two bits will do a move, any truthy return value will attempt a split, and anything else is ignored.
and any errors are caught and ignored
is that fine?
@Mr.Xcoder I had k at the final position
@LeakyNun That doesn't really matter though
I tied you
I'm happy
I scrolled through that list of built-ins, so...
Give me a task now
If you want
@Mr.Xcoder Prove that no number squared can contain the original number twice
@StepHen Why would I do that?
@Mr.Xcoder This times out: Try it online!
@Mr.Xcoder And I'm curious and got stuff to do
I don't want and can't prove that
Otherwise I guess I could post it to Math.SE
Remember, I'm in the 7th grade :)
It changes the specs; do you want me to just edit the question?
@StepHen Unless I find a counter-example
@StepHen a number has n digits. its square has 2n or 2n-1 digits.
if it contains itself, it has to be 2n digits, and it must be the trivial case
if x contains itself, then x^2 must be x juxtaposed to itself
in other words, it would be x multiplied by 100...01
but then 100...01 x = x^2 gives x = 100...01
and the proof that this cannot be the case is left to you as an exercise.
I ran this:
for i in range(10000):
 print(str(i), "->",str(i**2).count(str(i))>1)
@Mr.Xcoder I used logic instead :p
Printed False for all
@Mr.Xcoder This timed out for me, so I was assuming my assumption was correct Try it online!
As an alternative: print(True in [str(i**2).count(str(i))>1 for i in range(100000)]), prints False, so
@Christopher you there?
LCs are so useful
@LeakyNun It did not know/think about that little tidbit. I guess with that, it also implies that for every x, int(str(x)+str(x)) is divible by x?
@StepHen yes
because it is x times 100...01
@HyperNeutrino Was picking fresh fruit you can edit the question
@Christopher For fun or for work?
BTW it is hard to plant trees, and grow and prune them. BUT the fresh fruit is so worth
@StepHen Hungry :P

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