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This is surprisingly difficult to not use a bunch of if logic
@AdmBorkBork Which one?
DJ's arrow string
@DJMcMayhem (haven't tested yet but) cheddar: s->(|>(s*2).len=>i->(' '*(i%s.len))+s.chars.cycle(i).fuse).vfuse
V, 11 bytes: òMÄÙx$pÉ êl
And it makes me so happy that it's the shortest one so far XD
@Mr.Xcoder f=lambda s:s and s+'\n'+f(s[1:])
@HyperNeutrino I hate recursion anyway :(
K I think this challenge is actually impossible in braingolf
but I beat you so ha
f=lambda s:s and s+','+f(s[1:])
test -> test,est,st,t,
it includes the last one
No I will not wait
You wait
I don't really think about my CMC now, I'm focusing on DJMM's
Would mine be a good challenge for main?
@DJMcMayhem Prolly
I mean, it's essentially the same as this, just in a different direction.
@DJMcMayhem Yes, but might wanna sandbox it first
Fixed version, 73 bytes
@DJMcMayhem Then it would be a near-dupe, nah
@Mr.Xcoder Ehh, I don't usually bother with the sandbox unless it's a complicated challenge.
I'm not really worried about making myself clear, I'm more just worried about dupyness
@DJMcMayhem Isn't that like all Sandbox does?
@DJMcMayhem It's kinda dupy
Woo! I did it!
Speaking of the sandbox, I'm planning on posting this later today:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DJMcMayhemMake your language mostly unusable cops-and-robbers arithmetic code-golf Inspired by this comment... In this challenge, you are tasked with running some code that makes it so that your language no longer satisfies our criteria of being a programming language. In that challenge, that means ma...

I think it's much of a dupe imo
Does anyone have final thoughts?
@Mayube Did it take you four hours, like my Eureka moment did? :P
I'm happy with all of it except for IO format. Not sure what to do there
@EriktheOutgolfer I agree. I'm not planning on posting it
@DJMcMayhem ATM you can't for example use JavaScript, right?
@StepHen nope, about half an hour of doing various multiplication and division on the number 5 to try and make 65
@StepHen Why not?
oh that might be a nice challenge for ,,,
@DJMcMayhem Yup (pure JS not node)
Hmm. OK
I guess that would probably also exclude vim ;_;
what's ord('A') again
@totallyhuman 65
@totallyhuman right click -> inspect -> "A".charCodeAt(0) -> Enter
@DJMcMayhem yes i know
just too lazy :P
65 or 97... hmmm
I got pinged by that, but didn't see it got edited and thought stealth pinging was back
wait a minute
Woo! Quite pleased with this one
push "C", convert to ordinal, subtract 2, convert to character
@StepHen How does this sound: Cops may choose any standard method of input and output for full programs. (not functions) However, they must reveal exactly which format (input and output) they are using. A crack is not valid unless it uses the same format.
@Mayube "Niladic division" is fancy
@totallyhuman I hate you
Braingolf, 7 bytes: "C"2-@;
I spent ages getting my fancy answer working
@Mayube Your answer is great
@Mayube #C..?
wtf DJMM's CMC is harder than I thought in Jelly
@totallyhuman # is in the disallowed chars
@DJMcMayhem That sounds better, it's not code-golf right?
Actually, it is. Originally I had most safe answers, but Dennis pointed out that encourages quantity over quality
So now it's shortest safe answer, or longest time to crack
@DJMcMayhem That point doesn't matter as much as I thought, since it's the language-breaker's bytes and not the solution's bytes (right?)
@DJMcMayhem I have the first part:
@StepHen No, robber byte count is irrelevant. Only cop byte count
Do you think robber byte count should matter? I thought about doing something with that
@DJMcMayhem Right, I was thinking that console.log would screw it over, but since that would (probably) be in the robber area, it wouldn't make answers too long
26 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
(self-message such that I can see the output ^)
@DJMcMayhem I think it's good enough - I doubt many mainstream langs will remain uncracked
@totallyhuman why did you suggest ord(C) - 2 rather than ord(B) - 1?
@StepHen Actually, I suppose for scoring, byte count has to be for both snippets, one and two.
@Mayube 1 is disallowed
oh right
@DJMcMayhem Right, just make sure no one accidentally posts their score before it's cracked :P
@DJMcMayhem 30 bytes: Km+*" "d+>Qd<QdUlQjK;+*dlQQj_K.
Can most likely be golfed a lot ^
I have to go now, will come back soon
@DJMcMayhem does the first program have to not crash when given two numbers as input?
The first snippet won't be given input, so it doesn't matter.
But it does need to finish executing regularly so that the second snippet is actually capable of running
@DJMcMayhem And it can output something (before the second snippet is attached), correct?
So something like import sys; sys.exit() is not a valid first snippet since the second snippet will not actually be executed
I'll add that clarification
@StepHen Hmmm. I didn't think about that
I guess I don't see why not
@HyperNeutrino I got it in 15 bytes, but I'm no Jelly expert myself
@Riker oh god
@DJMcMayhem One more question: can I have it so that the first snippet will crash if it does not have the two inputs?
lol I haven't even gotten it yet
@StepHen I'm not really sure I understand how/why it would do that. The first snippet is the breaker, the second snippet is the fixer, and then the adder. So as far as the first snippet is concerned, there is no input or any task (like adding) other than to mangle the language as much as possible
So TL;DR the first snippet should run without input
uh rip apparently there's a serial arsonist near my area
@DJMcMayhem OK, thanks :)
@HyperNeutrino if your computer melts, we'll be thinking of you
A: The Letter A without A

totallyhuman,,,, 6 bytes 'Co2-c Explanation 'Co2-c 'C push "C" ["C"] o convert to ASCII ordinal [67] 2- subtract 2 [65] c convert to ASCII character ["A"] implicit output []

6 bytes is... bad comparing to other answers
tied with PHP?!
what's wrong with being tied with php
PHP is great
@DJMcMayhem wait... does the second snippet need to work without the first snippet?
@DJMcMayhem This snippet must still correctly function even after running the first snippet. that scared me
Hmm, I guess I could word that differently
Q: Shifting Caesars Shifts

racer290Description A Ceasar Shift is a very simple monoalphabetic cipher where each letter gets replaced by the one after it in the alphabet. Example: Hello world! -> IFMMP XPSME! As you can see, spacing and punctuation remain unattuned. However, to prevent guessing the message, all letters are capi...

Is this rule strong enough?
> [Please reveal...] Any strange edge cases required for your answer to work. For example, only runs on linux, or requires an Internet connection. Obviously, this is slightly subjective, but if a cop has some extreme edge case that prevents it from being cracked, and then only reveals this after being safe, I consider this poor-sportsmanship. A potential robber should have all information necessary to crack your answer.
@DJMcMayhem A potential robber should have all information necessary to crack your answer. I think that gets the point across
But what if someone ignored that and said It's poor sportsmanship, but it's still valid
If they didn't provide everything required to run their second snippet, it's not valid imo
Is that grounds for deletion?
If you put it in the spec, yes
up to you
If after revealing, and with the information provided in the answer as posted, you cannot reproduce their results, how it is valid?
as posted meaning looking at it pre-crack?
@DJMcMayhem yes, if given the pre-crack info + the revealed snippet no one can reproduce it, how is it valid?
OK, that sounds good
@DJMcMayhem The second snippet is simply appended to the end of the first snippet, correct?
and... can the second snippet output, then crash?
sorry for asking so many questions :P
> This goes back to Please reveal any strange edge cases required for your answer to work... Your submission must contain enough information before being revealed to be reproducible after being revealed. This means that if your answer becomes safe, and then you edit in: Here's my answer. Oh ya, BTW this only works if you run it on Solaris, jokes on you! your answer is invalid and will be deleted and not considered eligible for winning.
and you're a doody-head
@StepHen I don't mind at all. In fact, you've helped me solidify the spec a ton. I really appreciate it!
The second snippet can crash, sure. I'll clarify that
lol, just got a support ticket to increase a server's D: drive from 40GB to 2TB
@DJMcMayhem would that be part of the information required to be shared or no?
I don't think so
Dang it
I'm trying to debug a program that uses CImg and I'm getting a bunch of linkage errors
@AdmBorkBork the D: looks like a face
I'm more just hoping to avoid things like This only works on unpublished commit #7642 of this obscure Java second party compiler when ran on Solaris 3 32 bit with no more than 1.5 GB of ram.
The site has me on question cooldown for 2 days
Damn it
@DJMcMayhem That ... that seems excessively obscure, even for PPCG.
@AdmBorkBork Have you looked at the Sandboxed spec? :P
It would basically be uncrackable
@AdmBorkBork It's literally inviting answers like that, it just wants that ridiculously obscure information to be included
Obscure behavior like that is fine (even encouraged), it's just that you need to know about it so that you actually make an attempt to crack it
@WheatWizard I'm planning on posting my C7R later today, so I just edited the spec a lot. Any thoughts on the new revision?
No, I didn't. /shameface
hey look a new user that's read through the help pages for once and knows about how the rep system works :D and is taking my feedback well for once :DDD
@ckjbgames fixed the stuff you have, celebrate you will
@StepHen i successfully built my CImg application test
I'm working on the socratic badge, so I'll post the cop at 23:50 UTC, and the robber at 0:00 UTC. XD
@HyperNeutrino That's not going to work well, I think. Comments have a 600 character limit.
@DJMcMayhem ?
@Dennis could try linking it to a pastebin?
@ckjbgames Socratic badge goes off of days that you've posted a positive question.
@DJMcMayhem ok
i get it :D
@DJMcMayhem Good, I can figure it out at home
@Dennis True. How would you go about handling that?
I'm at 90/100 so far.
Now to debug my other program lol
SO close, yet so far
@Dennis I put the long codeblock into a hastebin link; does that work?
Whoops, already made a gist.
@AdmBorkBork Glad to see you're back! :)
rip. okay :P
hey you can edit comments on deleted answers apparently
okay perfect, thanks @Dennis :)
@AdmBorkBork Hey there!
3 deleted answer WTF?
@Mr.Xcoder They all messed the same thing up and need to fix it?
Why are all the challenges posted when I am offline?
@Mr.Xcoder timezones
It's 20:00 here, I've just been busy a tiny bit and a new challenge randomly appears to main>>>

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