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angry fist shake
Q: Does it matter where I hit enemies when shooting?

Juan ManuelShould I aim for the head when firing to kill enemies faster or does this have no effect at all, and I shouldn't bother? Recent games like Skyrim do not have this differentiated damage system, so shots to the head are the same as shots to the body and limbs, is it like this on mass effect 3?

Q: Casting for Mass Effect 3

Steve the MakerAre there any voice actors who did not come back for the finale? Are there any new or notable talents who have joined the cast?

Q: What effect does the ending of Mass Effect 2 have on Mass Effect 3?

ThrillhoAt the end of Mass Effect 2 you have the option of either What effect on Mass Effect 3 (if any) does this decision have?

Q: Is one style of Shepard build clearly superior to the others?

StephenAs a new Mass Effect player I'm itching to jump in and get going. The one question that jumps out at me is what class should I choose? I am leaning towards either the soldier or the infiltrator for a first play through, but would I put myself at a significant disadvantage by not considering one...

@agent86 Oh god, I have never had a massage, but I can imagine it being awful for the same reason.
This is awesome!
Okay I'm buying ME3 now, I've left the cool camp.
@RonanForman Noooooo, don't feed the beast.
I'm the first 1st Lieutenant. From the Squadron Redundancy Squad.
@GnomeSlice Broken in Chrome 19. :(
@RonanForman Traitorous!
@ArdaXi Not for me!
Takes a bit to load them.
Time to engage in some Science in the name of a Mass Effect answer.
Oh God, WarioLand 3 is such an amazing game. I should haul out my Gameboy and play it again.
@RonanForman booo
@LessPop_MoreFizz What kind of science?
@GnomeSlice I'm taking a gander at the start of the Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Season
it's... uh... how can I put it... sad?
If he told you, you'd be the one answering
@GraceNote No, I'm suffering "option paralysis" at the moment.
I would WHALE on Katy Perry.
I would SHARK on Katy Perry.
If you know what I mean.
@RavenDreamer ;)
@GnomeSlice Violence will not be tolerated. Surrender or be destroyed.
@RavenDreamer You would follow her around in the water if she were bleeding and then bite her leg off?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why stop with one leg?
That's... not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of what I'd do to Katy Perry.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm a Gaga guy, honestly.
@RavenDreamer Use your tail to stun her so that you could more easily feed?
@RavenDreamer Well if we're being picky, I'll take Neko Case, but yeah.
Maybe I wasn't entirely clear with my usage of 'whale'.
No biting off of limbs.
Oh, no, it was entirely clear.
I was just being hyperbolic.
This place is so great for ridiculous conversation.
@GnomeSlice You really don't need to tell us everyone you would have sex with.
@Wipqozn Just like you don't need to tell us about ponies all the time, no?
@GnomeSlice I haven't seen @Wipqozn mention ponies in...uh...I actually can't even remember him doing it.
@GnomeSlice There's a difference between having a conversation with the other people here who like MLP, and you saying "I would nail that person" every day.
@OrigamiRobot I didn't think he was a thresher shark
@Wipqozn I'm not sure which prospect frightens me more: the idea that he's telling us everyone he'd have sex with, or the possibility that he is in fact heavily editing the names he shares with us.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm pretty sure his qualifications are: "Does it have boobs?"
My world is complete: you can now send beer over Twitter http://tnw.to/1DZFS by @alex
@StrixVaria I resent that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Heavily editing? You don't know who Katy Perry is?
Hm new front page is quite slow
ಠ_ಠ Guys, not again.
Wow that's a lot of flags.
Somebody doesn't like you @GnomeSlice
@BenBrocka Maybe on inferior browsers.
Wow. We need to take measures against flag abuse.
@StrixVaria Chrome?
@GnomeSlice I absolutely know who Katy Perry is.
2 seconds mean paint time is pretty slow...
@GraceNote Well then maybe he will propel his jaws forward to seize her?
Robert Cartaino on March 06, 2012

I wanted to give you a quick look at the new Stack Exchange Beta theme. Yes, we are retiring the familiar “Sketchy” theme and rolling out a more-polished and finished design for the beta sites.

Raise the curtain, cue the trumpet fanfare…

Alas, poor Sketchy…

Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be rolling out the new Stack Exchange Beta theme to all the sites still in beta.

At first glance, the new beta theme looks like an unembellished version of any graduated site: Finished, but without any particular “beta” theme, per se. But that’s sort of the point. …

@OrigamiRobot I didn't think he was a mecha-shark, either
@GraceNote Goblin Shark
You can get 16 hour chat bans?
If it's set by a moderator, yes.
Did @GnomeSlice just get banned for 16 hours?
@StrixVaria yep
@GraceNote non-custom bans can only last an hour, right?
@Wipqozn half
@Ullallulloo I thought auto-ban could last for an hour.
@Wipqozn The number of flagged messages corresponds to the number of half hours banned, so autobans can last far longer than an hour
@Wipqozn Maybe if there's two.
Wait. 16 hours?
Sooooo close to 10k. I can smell it. XD Just need....31 more rep. XD
Did he deserve this?
@RonanForman It's probably extra long to prove a point. He gets banned so often, someone got fed up with dealing with him.
So in an effort to actually get him to finally stop, maybe a longer suspension will help.
@RonanForman He mentioned wanting to have relations with Katy Perry.
@Ullallulloo He didn't say it like that.
But 16 hours?!
@AshleyNunn downvotes everything
Q: What effect does the state of the Council have on the game?

ShinraiIn Mass Effect 1, you get several options regarding the composition of the Citadel Council - you can either save them from a certain doom, or allow them to perish and form a new council (either one of all humans, or one with the existing races still included). You also get to name an Alliance me...

Q: Can I jump low walls more effectively?

Juan ManuelWhen I want to jump over a low (cover) wall directly, Shepard first takes cover, and then jumps if I continue to press the space bar and moving forward. Is there a way to do it directly? I want her to approach it running and jump it without first taking cover (she looks silly and paranoid when t...

Q: Can I cancel a friend request?

FallenAngelEyesI attempted to add a friend of mine to my Origin friends list through searching for their name. However, it seems that I accidentally invited the wrong person. Is there any way to rescind/cancel the friend request I sent to the random person, or will I just have to wait for them to eventually a...

Q: What is the meaning of the number 54 in StarCraft?

ClarityForceIn many places related to StarCraft there is a number "54". Is it really just a part of the decoration, or it has a special, secret meaning? Below are a few links, mostly to discussions on the forums: What does this number mean under my portrait? http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/20657904...

Q: Do the Protheans make a significant appearance in Mass Effect 3?

StephenGiven that the Protheans are the historical nemesis to the Reapers but were "all but wiped out", do they make an appearance in ME3 to help us win for once and all?

@Ullallulloo makes her best grumpy face
@Wipqozn I know. I was softening it.
Man, @Lazers is working overtime today XD
@RonanForman I think @StrixVaria was right with his guess of why it's so long.
@Wipqozn Yeah, he said it in a much cruder fashion
@AshleyNunn cuz the TV.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, I can see how that might be a factor....
@StrixVaria Doubtful.
@OrigamiRobot Doubtful that he'll stop, but that was still probably the reasoning.
@StrixVaria Doubtless.
I can't wait for my D3 characters to never expire.
I've lost so much good stuff on D2 from that.
Why can't I stop thinking about D3 x.x
oh god
the savegames in that GBC emulator actually work
@badp which one?
@badp I thought that was a standard feature of emulators in general.
Visual Boy Advance has working GBC saves...
best ping @GnomeSlice about that, someone actually followed a link of his!
@StrixVaria Yes, but I thought including it on a webpage with every ROM for the GBC ever was asking for trouble
hey, that mashup you have on the first page of your favourites is nice as well.
without working savefiles every game is more like a demo
@badp Oh, then yeah, that's pretty cool.
@ThomasMcDonald Putting that dash in there means that it won't block
You can use wildcards in ignore tags!?
Good news: now has two questions and won't die on its own!
BRB ignoring all ME stuff.
@StrixVaria yep
@StrixVaria I did not know tihs.
My day is made.
Ignore mass-effect* in place.
@Ullallulloo Damn, I'm sure that's going to be an issue.
So apparently there is taco flavoured ramen?
I don't like being able to see unupvotes in my rep. It always makes me sad to see one come in and then go away 5 seconds later
ooh, all the tabs shoot lazers. :)
@Sterno I hate that they are called unupvotes. It sounds weird.
The worst is when I have trouble clicking the accept on my phone, so it goes +2 -2 +2 -2 +2 on my page XD
@AshleyNunn What would you have them be called?
@StrixVaria After setting up my ignored tags, there are now 15 questions left on the front page. Most of them from games I've never heard of.
@Ullallulloo I don't know. :(
@MichaelMyers I have 20.
It's still a very sad state.
Hey maybe all these people ignoring ME3 can answer my Solatorobo questions!....or something.
I didn't want to get back on the cart
@Wipqozn I'm a magic rookie, I'm pleased with myself that I remembered only uncolored = artifact, please don't complicate it further :)
and I did. Twice
Q: Total possible outcomes in the Mass Effect Trilogy?

FoxtrotI know throughout Mass Effect 1 & 2, different actions led to different endings in the story... How many possible outcomes are there in the Entire Mass Effect Trilogy? (Possible outcomes at the end of Mass Effect 3)

Q: How can I kill off James?

SternoJames really annoys me. I think I'd like him more if he died heroically. It doesn't even have to be heroic, really. Any death will do. Bullets, knives, fire, plague, chin-up bar accident, EDI "accidentally" opening an airlock on him... whatever. Mass Effect 1 had a few characters that could be ki...

Q: What happens if Shepard died in Mass Effect 2?

bgalinCan you still import the save? If so what happens?

Q: What do I need to make the Potion of Strength?

Ria PatelDoes anyone know what (if any) ingredients I can use to make the potion of strength in Skyrim?

Q: Where can I find a full Paragon mass effect 2 save?

Juan ManuelI want to play a full Paragon game in Mass Effect 3. I don't have my savegames from ME1 or ME2, and I don't like the default assumptions made by a fresh-started game. Where can I find a save with all perfect Paragon outputs, where everyone survived (in both ME1 and ME2 (except, obviously, unavoi...

@Oak Well, you're a nice chap, so I suppose I can let this pass.
But I think Jin has redeemed himself
@Oak The only problem now is he has set the bar so high, how can he ever outdo himself?
Oh ME3 is the conclusion to a trilogy? No wonder people were going so crazy about it.
@Wipqozn btw, has he confirmed we'll get the lasers permanently?
Hey guys, do you think it would be inappropriate if I put this comic in my question (because of the swearing)?
@Oak Yes.
@Oak Yeah, it had roughly 9 stars.
5 hours ago, by Jin
@StrixVaria mothership lazers stay.
The other buttons will return to normal?
@murgatroid99 I'd prefer you didn't, and swearing's not supposed to be allowed.
@murgatroid99 Probably.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, that's kind of what I thought. Oh well
@murgatroid99 You could censor it though, if you want.
@Ullallulloo That really doesn't solve anything. Everyone still knows what word was there.
You might as well just leave it, at that point.
Putting a comic in the question is kind of questionable anyway
I think that comic is perfectly fine. I'm not sure what such a comic has to do with a question, though.
@murgatroid99 What question?
@Ullallulloo You took a mediocre/borderline unfunny comic and removed whatever vapid humor there was to begin with. Tim Buckley never was good at actual humor.
@StrixVaria Yeah. I don't think it'd be appropriate with the original version though.
@StrixVaria That's not Tim Buckley.
@GraceNote Oh wow I'm a complete failure.
I was wondering why it didn't have 4 panels and restate the joke in the fourth panel.
@StrixVaria lolol
Oh Tim Buckley, how you don't deserve your popularity.
Do we like save-rec anymore than seed-rec?
@OrigamiRobot We hate *-rec.
@agent86 That is a really impractical calculator, if you hold it like the controller it is mimicking.
@AshleyNunn That's what I was thinking. That would be really awkward to use.
@StrixVaria That's not actually a rec question though.
Is it?
@ThomasMcDonald Hm.
@ThomasMcDonald It's asking for a very specific save...
It might not be a rec, but it still seems fishy to me for some reason.
It sorta is, and it's questionable if it's a good question.
If there isn't much variance in the saves, it should be fine, but I would kill it otherwise.
save-rec has been murdered anyway
I think the problem with it, if there is one, is that it's really just a redirect to what you would have found with google.
It is, essentially, a "let me Google that for you"
We also don't like "where can I find x" questions.
We want to be the authority on information.
But save files aren't information.
Well they are, but not the kind we want.
It may not be a , but it is a
@OrigamiRobot No.
It's still a bad question.
I have decided.
@StrixVaria Shut up and let me pun
@ThomasMcDonald has spoken.
@OrigamiRobot He can't shut up if you keep talking.
Puns are the worst :(
@Wipqozn Shut up and let me paradox.
I'm surprised I seem to be the only one who hates James. I actually got a downvote for asking how to kill him off.
Dude annoys me.
@OrigamiRobot Not sure if reference to song title
@Sterno I thought you were talking about the James that comes to this chat...
@StrixVaria Me too...
Puns are the worst best.
@StrixVaria FTFY
To clarify: ME3 James :)
@StrixVaria That is why they are good.
All my life I have been around people who have made puns nonstop.
I hate them.
Unless it's a good one.
I love puns.
A very strong stance to take.
The best puns are the terrible ones.
Q: Do I need two nunchucks for 2 player mode in Skylander on the Wii?

Greg WhitfieldI have just bought Skylanders for my son's birthday tomorrow. Just been informed he's got a friend coming around, and they are likely to want to play Skylanders in 2 player mode. I have two Wii plus controllers, but only one nunchuck. Do both players need a nunchuck, or can I get away with just o...

Q: Can you lose an ending before you start playing Mass Effect 3?

Steve the MakerConsidering all the number of branches possible when starting ME3, are there any endings that are unattainable based on your imported saved game? That is, is it possible to eliminate one or more of the new endings based on your previous actions?

Q: Can I import someone else's Mass Effect 2 save?

Ben BrockaThis question about where to find a full Mass Effect 2 save file made me wonder, on the PS3 can I import ME2 save data from another person when I play Mass Effect 3? I know PS3 save files are tied to the user ID to a certain amount so I'm wondering if I can import these save files at all and if ...

Q: Are Action Mode responses random?

Ben BrockaMass Effect 3 has an "Action Mode" where story responses are apparently picked between Paragon/Neutral/Renegade choices. Are the choices Action Mode makes randomly picked or will all Action Mode playhtroughs have an identical story and make identical "decisions"?

@StrixVaria Ian said the same thing, but he is slowly realizing he secretly loves puns.
In the time it takes someone to type "no pun intended", they could have edited out their pun
Why hello rep cap
@OrigamiRobot You check out that cracked link too.
It's full of the..."best"...puns.
@StrixVaria Wow, those are some monumentally bad puns... nice.
@StrixVaria ...
By "bad" I usually think of "cheesy".
'Mad Hatter,' said Alice, 'what is that bleeping sound coming from your teapot?'

@Sterno Puns by definition are intended.
@StrixVaria That is just lame.
Pun rules: Bad = Good != Lame
Where do worms read about the latest computer games?

In a computer maggotzine.
@OrigamiRobot I think people should just say "no pun intended" in every single sentence they write that doesn't contain a pun, just to prove that they're good at purposefully avoiding them.
No pun intended.
@OrigamiRobot Remember, the guy who wrote these puns teaches classes on how to write comedy. He knows his stuff.
Was my question that bad? :)
@StrixVaria Those who can't do, teach.
Hey, @Origami, you ever find that DS of yours?
@OrigamiRobot lost his DS? That's not good.
@GraceNote I know I had it in November.
@OrigamiRobot There is a distinctly large number of months between November and March.
@GraceNote Not as many as the total number of months I've had the DS. I have known it's location for the large majority of the time I've owned it.
@OrigamiRobot You can't tell me George Washdiskton, Abmodem Lincoln, John Quincy Apples, Warren G. Harddrive and William MouseKinley aren't funny.
@GraceNote Really? That explains a lot.
@StrixVaria I can... I mean... really?
12 mins ago, by StrixVaria
@Wipqozn http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-geek-humor-books-by-authors-who-understand-neither/
> This book is so vile that blind people somehow know when it's in the room with them. They will look directly at it and hiss.
@OrigamiRobot This doesn't really make up for the not-having-it-now portion, now, does it?
@StrixVaria I didn't say there were no non-funny puns. I'm merely saying that "bad" has an entirely different meaning when punning.
@GraceNote Statistically, I'm good. I also know that it is *somewhere in my aparetment, which is a very small area compared to all the palces I have been.
@GraceNote It's a robot. If its knowledge of the location is above well-defined error bars, it's okay.
@OrigamiRobot This is why we need ctrl+f for real-world objects.
I should ask on SO if there is a regex I can use to find my DS.
@OrigamiRobot @GnomeSlice is a bad influence. Don't troll the other SE sites.
> You know a children's joke book is special when it stops in the middle to watch Pac-Man die.
@StrixVaria The difference is I wouldn't actually do it.
How is that even attempting to be funny.
@StrixVaria The commentary is pretty funny, to be honest.
I don't think the books are meant to be enjoyed without the Cracked article.
Oh yeah the commentary is hilarious. I meant the book's content.
@ArdaXi They should print that in the book.
Yay, back to a multiple of 5!
@OrigamiRobot I'd rather have a multiple of 2.
You can always arbitrarily downvote things to get your rep to be a multiple of 2 or 5 within about 15 seconds.
That's not true, by the way. I like multiples of 5, unless I can get a power of 2. ±1
@ArdaXi I'd rather be an exponent of 2!
I hate all numbers that aren't multiples of 2 or 5 or prime.
Q: Can you import someone else's Mass Effect 1/2 Save Game?

StephenCan I download and import someone else's ME1 or ME2 save file to my ME3 or is the user identity in some way tied to the file and therefore would cause problems with Origin?

Q: Can I specify key decisions for non-imported characters?

KotsuLike creating a "fresh" character in ME2, starting a non-imported character in ME3 has pre-defined decisions for the previous games already made for you. However, is there any other way to get around this? Is there any DLC available that's similar to the Genesis comic for ME2 on the PS3 that I ca...

Q: At what point is the "Final Save" created for import to Mass Effect 3?

Mr SmoothI'm assuming that the endgame save or final save or whatever you want to call it for Mass Effect 2 is created after your decision regarding the Collector Base. What I wish to know, is: will it re-save with new information based on any DLC I complete? For example, if I finish the main mission, a...

@StrixVaria This is my rule. I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes primes.
@Lazers is very needy today.
@StrixVaria I was about to ask "what about multiples of ten" but then I was like derp.
@StrixVaria 9 D:<
9 is only okay when it's in a set of all 9s
@Ullallulloo Oh, perfect squares are exempt too.
@OrigamiRobot Do you like 32416188367?
@ArdaXi Either yes, or no.
For a second there I was like, "I don't hate 9, but I can't remember why."
@ArdaXi ...why does my calculator program default to a cube-root function but not a square root function?
@StrixVaria fine, 27 D:< (I'm pretending to torture you if you couldn't tell.)
@GraceNote What, you can't do square roots in your head?
@GraceNote I am uncertain why you are asking me.
@Ullallulloo :(
@Ullallulloo 27? :D
@ArdaXi The inquiry itself isn't directed at you so much as the rhetorical statement of the question.
@StrixVaria 1023
@GraceNote Are you sure you aren't hitting the cube root button?
@BenBrocka That's just low. (puns)
@GraceNote I am still uncertain why even the rhetorical question is linked to my previous message.
@StrixVaria I'm not hitting it because it says it's a cube root.
@OrigamiRobot That took me too long to get.
@ArdaXi One of the first steps for checking primes is to check for prime factorization, and the best start is by taking the square root.
@BenBrocka Not prime, not a square, not divisible by 2 or 5. burnnnn ittttt
@GraceNote No it isn't?
At this size, you're going to need a probabilistic primality test.
Then you only need to worry about primes beneath the square root.
How did I miss that?
@ArdaXi It's useful because you know all the factors have to be less than or equal to the square root.
@ArdaXi Yeah, but I don't even know what that is, so old-fashioned long division is the way to go.
@DaveMcClelland Because you don't have any inquiries because you think that you already know everything/you're smart? :P
@DaveMcClelland Old.
@StrixVaria I never ask questions. As @Ullallulloo points out, I'm pretty awesome
Although 1023 isn't so bad because it's 1111111111 in binary.
And that's pretty.
@GraceNote Prime factorization is hard. Primality testing is easy. (These are technical terms)
@ArdaXi The easiness of a route is insignificant if the methods of utilizing the route are unknown
Oh look, it's time to drive home.

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