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sigh The file attached to this official transmittal is named New Folder(2).zip
@OrigamiRobot Seriously? >.<
@StrixVaria zoooom
I'm just lucky Raven's not around. He's going to smoke me at the speed game.
I was considering setting up some way of sharing my 'bot with you guys, and maybe incorporate some "link sharing" features to help those of us with weak social networks... is that against the rules, though?
@agent86 I should just use my old inacitve twitter account to spam out share links.
Q: Do I have to complete all the quests?

Ashley NunnCan I complete the game just by doing the main story quests? Or do I have to do all of the side quests as well, to make sure my Hunter level is high enough for the story quests?

Q: The White Forest is forlorn

Jimmy ChenIn pokemon, I've been troubled by the fact that the patches of grass and water that used to be in White Forest have altogether disappeared. I've gone through four months already in real life, so the seasons should have brought about grass? I'm confused because I'm not sure how I get pokemon bac...

Q: Are all "killable" characters from previous games alive if I don't import save data?

Ben BrockaSo lots of characters in Mass Effect can live or die and their status is imported if I have Mass Effect 2 save data. Are all of these characters "alive" if I start a fresh game in Mass Effect 3 without importing any data? Or are they not all present in the game as squad mates?

Q: Why hide armor?

EnderIn Skyrim, hide armor is made from the same materials as leather armor and, if memory serves, leather beats hide in every category by the numbers. Hide has a shield and leather does not, but other than that, what's the point?

Q: Killing the robot in our Twitter account

LaurenJust wanted to let everyone know that we are testing out using @StackGaming manually. Until very recently, @StackGaming was only used to autotweet questions from our site, but we think that Twitter can be a really effective tool for engaging with the Stack Exchange Gaming community as well as oth...

Q: New Site Design Permanent?

ResorathMaybe I missed a chat discussion but... Is the new site design (minus the "Mass Effect 3" promotional banner) a permanent change? Because it looks fantastic.

Q: Can we keep the lazers after the ME 3 promo? Please?

LessPop_MoreFizzHow about if I say Please 40 times?, What about then? Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please plea...

Q: Does any of the Mass Effect 3 Exclusive DLC offer significant gameplay advantages?

tiddyIt's not guaranteed that EA/Bioware will release the pre-order/exclusive DLC in a pack later down the line for users who didn't acquire it launch week. Does any of this DLC offer objectively positive gameplay advantages?

Q: Does installing Mass Effect 3 on the Xbox 360 Hard Drive make the elevators faster?

murgatroid99I remember that in previous Mass Effect games, elevators were used for loading times, so I remember taking many rides on the slowest elevators in the world. In Mass Effect 3, I would like to reduce my time spent in elevators as much as possible. I know some games have reduced loading times when ...

@agent86 I can't win with speed, so I cheat with completeness.
I'm sad I didn't sign up for the grant now.
I kinda am.
but then I realise I have lots of work to do.
@ArdaXi Did you really want the game?
@GraceNote No, that's why I didn't sign up.
@Lazers Nooooooooooo. Robots are no longer safe!
I'm mostly just looking at the promo.
@ArdaXi Any specific prize in question?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I considered adding more detail, but thought those were the high notes. I can't win with beating the game first or taking screenshots, so I guess we've got to play to our strengths :)
Nice use of , @LessPop.
@GraceNote I like making tags on Meta that will get autodeleted.
@GraceNote Vita.
I don't really want to get super sucked into this promotion, but it's already happening to me, sigh
@GraceNote Had I had the time/game to invest, I probably would've aimed at the keyboard, but I really haven't been active lately.
I think I could reasonably hit the keyboard level, but trying for the console would be freakin' hard, and the TV level is right. out.
I see, you two.
@ThomasMcDonald Let me guess, ICS only.
42" TV? Holy crap.
and raven's here. my shift's over :)
@ArdaXi It just looks like another web frontend for the market if I'm honest.
enjoy that TV man :P
@RavenDreamer And not one, but 10
@agent86 Don't get too excited.
My 4 hour nap has left me hungry. I need to recharge, yet.
@ThomasMcDonald Really? It'd need an on-device front-end for everything but apps.
The lasers look awesome @Jin. :D
Can someone upvote this for me?
Q: I beat up that annoying reporter. Again. Is that going to be a problem?

LessPop_MoreFizzThose who have played Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 will remember Khalisah al-Jilani. The first time I met her, I let her conduct a leading, malicious interview. She smeared my good name, and made a mockery of me on the extranet So the second time I ran into her, when she tried to corner me and ...

It's all I need for rank 3!
I am a bad gamer, I think - not even the tv really interests me. I have all the consoles in my house, and I am not super interested in a vita.
@RavenDreamer did you play all night?
@agent86 ...maaaaybe.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You don't think you'll figure something out over the next 2 weeks?
@RavenDreamer yeah you did, you sneaky so-and-so. damn you spring break! damn you!!!
@AshleyNunn What are you going to play your consoles on? D:
slow roast complete! All instances have been burninated.
@Ullallulloo The TV I already have XD
@StrixVaria Don't you mean melted?
@RavenDreamer I just figured I'd dash through the easy ones! Woooooo!
@AshleyNunn But this is big!
I guess I'll have to settle for buying my prizes with one of my cigar lighting $100 bills. sigh. lighting them with $20's doesn't seem as satisfying somehow.
Okay. Time to food!
@AshleyNunn So have two. \o/
@ArdaXi Insert your own synonyms if you care to.
@StrixVaria Burnination is not the same as meltation.
@StrixVaria I prefer fried, myself.
@OrigamiRobot Fried eggs are good.
@OrigamiRobot Deeply
@ArdaXi Good point....but then I would have to play/ask/share about a game I know nothing about and find impossible. XD
@StrixVaria I like fried eggs on toast with a bit of mayo.
@AshleyNunn If you know nothing, you should have many questions, right? :D
@agent86 Oh, you poor dear. XD
@AshleyNunn I don't know about mayo. Ketchup all the way.
@StrixVaria Noooo. Ketchup does not go on eggs.
@Ullallulloo Haha, fair enough
@AshleyNunn I have never heard a falser statement.
@AshleyNunn we all have to make sacrifices.
@StrixVaria This. Ketchup is the best.
@AshleyNunn Don't listen to them. Ketchup does not go on eggs.
@ArdaXi What kind of a world do you guys live in?
@ArdaXi Oh thank goodness, someone else is sane in here.
@Ullallulloo One with ketchup-less eggs
A world in which eggs go with mayonnaise.
@AshleyNunn I thought that Canadians love ketchup.
Ketchup + eggs is quite possibly the best combination of things in the entirety of the universe.
@ArdaXi That's so wrong. :(
@Ullallulloo I do. But not on eggs.
Fried eggs are fine with no condiments.
Ketchup and mayo on eggs? Disgusting... Most I'd ever do is toast... and some bacon...
@OrigamiRobot This is true. But once toast is included, so must ketchup be.
@Aeo Toast + bacon + egg is a good thing too.
@StrixVaria -ketchup +bacon
I've had ketchup potato chips from Canada. They put ketchup on everything.
@OrigamiRobot +ketchup +bacon...
@Aeo Now you're in our head?
You need not remove ketchup to add bacon.
anything + bacon
@StrixVaria Wait, you don't have ketchup potato chips in the United States?
@Wipqozn no :(
@Wipqozn Sadly no.
@StrixVaria Wait. Hold up. You don't have those?
bbq's good though
@StrixVaria What a sad, sad world to live in!
Whenever my Canadian friend goes to Toronto to visit his dad, I always have him bring back some ketchup or all dressed chips for me.
They don't have either of those here.
@StrixVaria What?!?!?!
That's crazy.
@StrixVaria You mean imaginary friend?
I don't like Ketchup chips, but all-dress chips are the bees knees.
@StrixVaria No all-dressed either? And I thought you guys were only deprived of ketchup chips.
@Wipqozn I've never even heard of those...
@KevinY They at least tried ketchup chips here, but they stopped because no one bought them. All dressed have never ever been in the US.
@StrixVaria :o
All-dressed chips are incredible.
I either have to pay to ship them from Canada or wait for my friend to make a trip in order to get them, though.
Wow. You guys are seriously missing out.
@StrixVaria I'm really wondering what those are now...
@Ullallulloo Delicious.
@AshleyNunn Oh yea? Well Canada doesn't have...umm....ME! So ha!
wth is an "all dressed" chip?
The only thing better than all-dressed, in my opinion, are the Lay's Fries and Gravy chips, but those are rare even here.
I probably can't eat them owing to my MSG allergy
@agent86 I wonder this too
most flavored chips are RIGHT OUT.
@ThomasMcDonald A rebranded Android Store. Yeah, exciting. yawn
I can't even describe the flavor of all dressed chips.
@agent86 From a review: ""Taste: These are regular potato chips with a strong flavor to them. We had a lot of smaller chips, we think the bag got smushed during the trip from Canada to the U.S. The flavor itself was interesting, at first they tasted like ketchup chips, but then with a spicy afterkick. It even reminded me of a sweet barbecue type taste with a small spicy kick. These are not unpleasant chips to eat." "
There's at least some vinegar flavor in there too.
Does "all-dressed" mean 'wavy'?
@badp No, but the chips happen to be wavy. At least the ones I've had.
@badp nope, it is a specific flavour.
@AshleyNunn We have spicy barbeque chips.
@Ullallulloo It's not the same.
@Ullallulloo So do we. All-dressed is different.
@StrixVaria because we also have flavoured, wavy chips, just their flavour isn't exceptional. Kinda spicier and saltier?
I have no idea what a ketchup chip or an all-dressed chip would taste like.
@Ullallulloo Delicious.
I much prefer classic chips
You guys don't have ranch or cheddar chips Wikipedia seems to suggest at least.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I think Ruffles is like the only brand that makes them. At least, thats all I have ever seen
@Ullallulloo Yes we do.
@Wipqozn darn. :(
@Ullallulloo The only ranch chip I've ever seen is Doritos, and I have never seen a cheddar flavored potato chip.
@StrixVaria What country are you from again?
Ruffles makes a tasty sour cream and cheddar chip.
wait, you're in the US?
Yeah, I live in New Jersey.
@AshleyNunn Actually I think I might have had this.
Never cheddar by itself though as a flavor on a chip.
@StrixVaria Lay's makes them. The cheddar are especially popular where I live.
My favorites are still sour cream and onion and barbeque though.
Of the flavors I can get in the US, salt and vinegar is my go-to.
@Ullallulloo They are pretty tasty. I've had them. I prefer Ruffles though. Something about the addition of fake sour cream... XD
@AshleyNunn Both on the same chip or tasty both?
I never liked those.
@Ullallulloo Both on the same chip. :)
@StrixVaria They're pretty good, but I only rarely have them.
@AshleyNunn What kind of witchcraft is this?
So, I learned something new today. Canadian Chips > American Chips
Am I the only one who likes Munchos?
@OrigamiRobot They're okay.
@OrigamiRobot Never heard of them.
@OrigamiRobot I like 'em. :)
do you guys get "utz" chips?
that was very east-coast when I lived there
@agent86 I feel like utz is kind of a low-tier chip.
I see them in the store, but I never get them.
@agent86 I've never heard of them.
I always go for the Lay's.
Hahaha, someone on cooking.se already asked how to make your own ketchup chips. cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/1584/…
Lay's has this horrendous horseradish cheddar chip recently.
I like horseradish, and I like cheddar, but I can't even stomach the thought of those chips.
I will also destroy a bad of Tostitos.
@StrixVaria That does not sound like a tasty thing.
btw following the release of Stacking, Psychonauts is 50% off on Steam
@OrigamiRobot I get liquid cheese in a jar and melt it all over a bag of Tostitos sometimes.
It's delicious
I get rid of the bag, though.
@StrixVaria You melt a liquid?
I don't melt it to the bag, I guess. To the tostitos.
@StrixVaria Negative. Plain Tostitos.
@badp It's too viscous to start. I melt it so it gets to be more watery.
@StrixVaria low tier?! psh. it's just more local than your frito-lay chips
@LessPop_MoreFizz you probably cheated and/or I disdain your success. congratulations!
@agent86 Maybe I'll give them a try.
@OrigamiRobot Have you tried those "hint of lime" tostitos?
That stuff's nasty.
@StrixVaria Oh lord those are so gross
Eh? Are they? I didn't find them that bad.
@StrixVaria this is like the root of all evil right here.
@StrixVaria Ugh I hate those so much. The bags are so alike too. What a horrible surprise.
there's these mexican(I guess?) style potato sticks that my wife bought that are spicy and lime, and oh sweet lord I want to burn those in a fire.
Where'd that guy ever go claiming D3 was coming out on April 17th?
I guess that's another false hope rumor... :(
I'm terribly confused at all this lime hate.
@GraceNote you sound like a lime flavor supporter. GET HER!
@GraceNote Who hates lime?
@GraceNote Lime is fine. Hint of Lime Tostitos are a crime against humanity.
@GraceNote Limes are delicious. Lime Tostitos should die.
...this has done nothing to clarify the situation. Somehow.
Today I had a box of "vegetable chips" in my hands. Looked like pot pourri, I'm guessing that's what they taste like too.
@ArdaXi "Vegetable" anything that aren't just vegetables are always completely atrocious.
Imagine putting that stuff in a bowl on your coffee table. Your guests will think it's for decoration.
And now I wrote a bunch of Words about Charge.
Which I guess is a neat practical joke when you start eating it.
@GraceNote the consensus is that lime chips taste nasty. You're the one who dumped a bunch of non-dairy creamer into a chocolate flavored soda in order to try to make it taste better... so I think we can safely distrust any flavor-combination advice you may be giving.
What? Chocolate soda?
That might be the second thing in the world chocolate doesn't go with.
@StrixVaria Chocolate soda is prety common/popular.
@agent86 Hang on. I've had creamer in coke before. It tasted... surprisingly good.
Of course, I don't like soda, so I don't care for it, but yeah, it's A Thing.
@agent86 To be fair, I'm not actually pro-lime-flavor. But I can't taste sour to begin with, so that's what led to the inquiry.
There's such a thing as not being able to taste sour?
@agent86 Also, that chocolate soda thing was FOR SCIENCE.
@StrixVaria Yes, in fact.
That's so sad.
Sour is so good.
@GraceNote :(
@GraceNote is that owing to your forked witch tongue?
@StrixVaria whered you here it was false?
@BrianColvin I just never had it confirmed.
@agent86 My tongue is not forked!
@GraceNote You could probably troll everybody all day long when Warheads were popular, though.
@StrixVaria This is one of the advantages.
@GraceNote And yet no denial about the witchiness of it.
@RavenDreamer Why would I deny that?
Hmm. I think I am going to redo the suicide mission to save Tali after all.
@StrixVaria However, it's the kind of thing which bites you in the behind when you, say, do a 6th grade science fair on acidity of apples, or when you make soup with old vegetables.
@GraceNote If your tongue wasn't a witch, clearly.
@RavenDreamer Well, that of a witch, to be accurate.
@GraceNote that's precisely the kind of thing a fork-tongued witch would say.
@GraceNote Get a taste-tester. :d
It's usually the type of thing people are willing to volunteer for. :)
I think I'd rather give up sweet tasters than sour tasters...
@Ullallulloo I didn't learn that not-tasting-sour was a thing until late into my college years.
@StrixVaria Warheads were the best. I miss Crybabies.
@GraceNote Ah, that could be rather troublesome then. :P
So, to take the science fair as an example, with my only experience of sour being that from cartoons, I hypothesized "Macintosh apples must be the most sour (and most acidic) because I don't like their taste", and disregarded my father's suggestion that "It's probably Granny Smith, they're tart".
It also led me to write a paragraph conclusion about the tartness of Granny Smiths without knowing what tartness even was.
Granny Smith slices in lemon juice are so good.
@GraceNote how long did it take before your parents determined you couldn't taste sour?
@agent86 They didn't believe me when I told them until I told them about the DNA testing we did in College Biology.
I think Mom still doesn't believe me, either.
> This is a GameBoy Color emulator written in JavaScript. This page takes advantage of modern browser capabilities like HTML5 and JIT engines to provide a desktop emulator experience right inside a webpage without the use of plugins (If you disable plugins on a browser, the graphics will still work, though the audio might stop working for users that need flash to run the audio output).
@GraceNote huh, okay. I am hypersensitive to touch (tickling in particular is a painful experience for me) and I don't know that my parents ever really understood that
@LessPopMoreFizz so many orange gravatar'd imposters around gaming these days. I keep thinking you're everywhere, and then you aren't.
@agent86 Coincidentally, I know people who are completely non-responsive to tickling.
@RavenDreamer Whut? Imposters? WHO! WHERE!
massages are terrible for me too. I tense up worse when people are massaging me.
See if they're orange on the inside!
Thrillo and @Sterno

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