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@Sp3000 Well it happened to me just now.
I know there's this meta question from last year, but I don't know if anything's happened since (somehow doubt it)
Everybody is downgoat now.
sips coffee
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Why is everyone downgoat?
Because I posted my avatar downgoated
@KritixiLithos Look at muddyfish and tuxcopter's avatar
@ASCII-only I was going to ask you to help me debug something but I think I got it
@ConorO'Brien Why are you using Ruby 0/10
@ASCII-only because JS is masochism when dealing with STDIN
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ
and ruby is great what are you talking about
ruby is bset langauge
@ConorO'Brien No it isn't, that's what npm is for
@LuisMendo Oh, I see. That's cool!
@ASCII-only I use npm. and other than STDIN, ruby's stdlib is much more plentiful, has a nicer syntax concerning ranges and slices, has great idiomatic expressions, among other things. These are perfect for a golfing language implementation
@ConorO'Brien Oh fair enough
I use ruby pretty much solely for language implementation. JS is great. I'm still waiting for a nice stdlib expansion tho.
@ConorO'Brien For JS? Not gonna happen IMO
yeah well I can dream
or maybe start cracking on my own lib
No just petition Ecma :P
@ConorO'Brien I don't imagine that's going to be very fast
because it's written in JS
Most Node's stdlib is wrote in JS
@ASCII-only yeah cuz that always works
@ConorO'Brien ok just hold Eich hostage I did not say anything just now
and I didn't hear anything >_>
okay I'm starting to think that my upvotes are being reversed on questions
is that a thing?
Should only happen if a lot of the upvotes were for the same person
If it happen without serial upvoting, it's probably a bug
weird. because I just revisited the asterisk grid problem and I had upvoted a few of the answers but not the question itself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some people are prolific and answer a large number of challenges in a short space of time, so upvoting their posts naturally might be accidentally detected as serial voting
Oh. That's different. Unless that person has posted a lot of challenges in quick succession?
You can see your upvotes on your profile if you want to check
does it show when votes are reversed?
Not sure
Yep, -n Vote reverted
I'm not entirely sure what corriged means
Not in Oxford dictionary either!
I tried to translate a french word, it ended badly
oh. corriger? as in, corrected? I forgot this is french
@ConorO'Brien here
Yes, I meant corrected >_>
@TuxCopter where are you from? Are you French?
I never knew there were penguins in France
AFAIK there are penguins in France
oh yeah, there totally are:
POLL: Do you have a Tux penguin toy/lamp/statue/<what ever physical 3d thing> ?
that tiny little slice :P
I am Tux, does that count? :P
AFAIG your current avatar is not tux
It's a DownTuxCopter
What is a Tux?
Linux' mascot
I'd rather have this tux:
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC nope
Almost every message in the starboard needs some context to be understood :(
Ubuntu (/ʊˈbuːntʊ/ uu-BOON-tuu; Zulu pronunciation: [ùɓúntʼú]) is a Nguni Bantu term roughly translating to "human kindness". It is an idea from the Southern African region which means literally "human-ness", and is often translated as "humanity towards others", but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". In Southern Africa, it has come to be used as a term for a kind of humanist philosophy, ethic, or ideology, also known as Ubuntuism or Hunhuism (the latter after the corresponding Shona term) propagated in the...

Helka HombaToday is November 8th, 2016, Election Day in the United States of America. If you are a U.S. citizen eligible to vote, then go out and vote if you haven't already before answering this challenge. Do not discuss who you voted for. It only matters that you voted. If you are not a U.S. citizen or ...

@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC C outgolfed Python? :O
What is “Challenges of the Day”?
Oh that's an addition of the userscript :O
@TuxCopter No, it's a userscript feature that was recently fixed and reenabled
Anyway that's neat
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Amusing, but I think your answer needs to be one a single line (and it needs a bit more golfing :P)
@Sp3000 Here it is slightly more golfed: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/98976/41088
Still not on one line though :( (also 'brleude'[c::2])
You also seem to have dropped the space
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC <r>I <c>V<r>o<c>t<r>e<c>d<style>r{color:red}c{color:blue, 56 bytes
Everyone on PPCG added something to this answer :p
14 notifications!
Any last-minute criticisms / suggestions for this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ShebangInterpret Developers Developers is a joke language that parodies an incident at a Microsoft Developer's conference where Steve Ballmer is supposed to have chanted the word developers at least 14 times in a row. It is basically Brainfuck with a few extensions. It appeared briefly in the Wikipedia...

Maybe wait a bit longer before posting it @Shebang
I am :)
I'm not seeing how it adds much over a standard "interpret BF" challenge, but maybe that's just me
Would it make a difference if I changed it so the bonus is required, i.e. make it so you have to implement the extensions?
@BassdropCumberwubwubwub you watched SNL...
It'd be slightly better as far as challenge similarity goes, but personally I don't find the extensions particularly interesting. Also, what's buffer for Developerz?
@HelkaHomba Personally I find it slightly amazing that code points mod 2 work for colour selection
Do they? I mean...yes, all part of the plan.
@Sp3000 buffer is the string containing the input. I will rename that to be more clear.
Woah. I just got my first ever "nice answer" badge on SO. \o/
I answered the question expecting one or two upvotes, but seven of them? Wow.
@Shebang I'm a little confused how "input provided at runtime" works - if I've got an infinite printing loop and I keep feeding it more input as it runs, do the sleep times get longer? Or does input happen at the start and you use that for the execution?
But in any case I don't really see the appeal of the extensions, so I might leave it for others to comment
How can I get 1 point?
I have 1665 and want to have 1666 :p
Undownvote something
No that's 2.
Or accept an answer and downvote an answer
Or edit and vote
And I don't think he can suggest edits anymore
I'd offer you a one point bounty if I could
Have several people downvote you and then get one upvote.
I'll volunteer if nobody else will.
@quartata too late
You could also mount a crusade to delete something you've downvoted. That would give you the point back.
Hehe. 1 hour to top of HNQ
@Geobits you should go take your downvoting antics to the polls; I hear they have plenty of things to downvote
TFW I got more rep from that question than @HelkaHomba got :p
@quartata Already done
user image
@quartata Unfortunately there isn't a "None of the above" option.
@HelkaHomba you are the master of clickbait ;)
@betseg Wait some days and the question will have Infinity upvotes
@Geobits Ah
@betseg Day is not over. But phone-golfing is hardcore :p
@DrMcMoylex same for me, for PPCG \o/
@TimmyD oi
C phone golfing is not as hardcore as phone Jelly golfing
True dat
And phone Jelly golfing already happened (Dennis IIRC)
I hope you people are happy. I just golfed in not-Java.
Not like what I used was any better for golfing, but that's besides the point...
@ConorO'Brien this time at least it's kinda a public service
@betseg I'm really happy though, cause my ppcg posts are usually well received and my SO posts never are
I think golfing in Emojicode on mobile is easier than on pc
hey @betseg what was the number?
@betseg I specifically use an emoji-free keyboard, lol
@arda 97388839913164773144180653700430045648016870068507697797313816794125988183817453‌​6316361975757
@DrMcMoylex I've got 20 of those on SO, but that's out of like 400+ answers :/
I have one out of 70 answers
@TuxCopter u wat'ed at the number?
3 hours ago, by betseg
@ASCII-only http://i.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/98/770x0/581ef49e18c77313b0e83760 a=*huge number*; n=*an integer*; Bn=*n 1s* ((10^n-1)/9); Bn%a=0; b=2^n-1. Questions: n=? What are b's factors?
Solve this and get ₺100,000
Solve it? I can't read it :P
brb buying plane tickets to samsun
@Geobits a is that huge number. n is an natural number. Bn is a number like 111...111 that has n 1s. Bn%a==0. b=2^n-1. Questions: what is n? What are the prime factors of b?
That's 28 euro
No it's not...
Or 28543 idk
ok its easy
The fun part is b's factors :P
$42,000 CAD
@TuxCopter French uses ., English uses ,. That's why you thought 28 euros.
holy shit this is actually possible
Wolframalpha <3
(I might be able to solve it)
If you get b's factors, please do tell how (unless you pull out some Mersenne fun facts in which case keep it short :P)
you know, there should really be a language that can handle really large integers by giving up loss of precision of the lower decimal points. Basically double, but for whole numbers
Wolframalpha can factorize that huge number tho. b shouldn't be hard for it.
@NathanMerrill yes
That's F# for you
@betseg Here is a tip: Mathematica.
Wolfram Language. Mathematica is the IDE.
Er... even 2^(largest prime factor of n)-1 is fairly large, so I'm fairly sure you can't brute force through this
@arda I just looked it up, and I don't see one
I do like BigRational
that's a cool data type
n is the number of 1s in Bn.
@Sp3000 I lose nothing for trying :P
brb switching to windows for opencl
is Bn a binary number?
@Martia... wat
@Shebang a decimal number with n ones (111...111)
So then is it not bounded by the length of a?
So Bn can have 2 <= n <= 93 ones?
Bn % a == 0
Ah, I read it the other way around
btw @betseg which grade are you on? 11th?
@arda yes
@betseg Same. Can you help me understand the ebob ekok thingy? I just can't understand it (I missed the first lesson and I'm now too afraid to ask teachers to teach me again) :/
@HelkaHomba Thanks for giving me an excuse to figure out HSP
For those who don't speak Turkish: EBOB: GCD, EKOK: LCM
Thank you, I was very confused :P
The name's BOB, E BOB
Also, it looks like there's a reason this question is worth ₺100,000
Which question is worth 100,000?
27 mins ago, by betseg
3 hours ago, by betseg
@ASCII-only http://i.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/98/770x0/581ef49e18c77313b0e83760 a=*huge number*; n=*an integer*; Bn=*n 1s* ((10^n-1)/9); Bn%a=0; b=2^n-1. Questions: n=? What are b's factors?
That's not even the problem
There are some "RSA Numbers" that have yet to be factored that are 617 digits long
I know for a fact b has at least 21,000 digits
If there's tricks for factoring 2^n - 1 then it may be feasible
@arda new room or here (for gcd lcm)?
You can use some tricks to get some factors of 2^n - 1 (namely 2^d - 1 for all d dividing n), but the rest is the hard part
@betseg I'd prefer not disturbing the fellow users here (new room)
PPCG room or math.se room? :P
Is it easy to find factors of a number that's entirely ones? :P
... not necessarily, and that's not even the challenge :P
@betseg whatever you prefer, tbh.
Bn is at the bare minimum ~80,000 digits
Bn is more like 10^74 digits if my previous check was right (since n has 74 digits I think)
This question is meant for someone much more knowledgeable than myself ;)
(woo beating Batch by dropping things left, right and centre)
Now just for fun I am searching for the multiple of n with the highest percentage of 1s and maybe I'll get lucky :P
... you won't :P
I'm at 30% :P
30% of what? :P
n * 11,512,526 has 29.7% of the numbers being one :P
... that's a very misleading 30% :P
You'll basically hit Zeno's paradox where you'll almost be there but not quite
I'm brute forcing. This was a good opportunity to learn opencl, tbh.
hi all
and the largest confirmed Mersenne prime is 2**37,156,667
(if I'm right about n being 74 digits though, you'll have better luck breaking a hash :P)
@arda Is this a good task for GPU? I wouldn't know
@Shebang I'm not really sure, but well, I didn't waste all that money to this GPU full of cuda cores for nothing!
74 digits seems reasonably high enough that you couldn't bruteforce it in any reasonable time which means you need to have a large amount of knowledge
@arda Are you bruteforcing Bn?
I'm multiplying x with increasing y values, X being the huge number.
What have you gotten to?
@TuxCopter just discovered this surprising paper arxiv.org/abs/1211.0391
which has a faster algorithm for computing the permanent
@Shebang we need more GPU experts here!
@Shebang I didn't switch to opencl version yet as I'm working on it, but the y value of the one that runs on CPU is at around 400m, not really much.
@Lembik That's nice, but I think it's a misping
Ah, neat. On Helka's challenge, odd ASCII values correspond to red, while even ASCII values correspond to blue.
CMC: What's your favorite answer you've seen someone else post?
Either of feersum's Seed answers
@DrMcMoylex i have lots
feersum made a second Seed answer?????????
@DrMcMoylex Both of the answers on Sprocket Science
I like this one a lot
A: Draw an asterisk triangle

udioicaVim, 8 bytes o <Esc><C-V>{r*J Takes input in the readahead buffer, so if input is 15, you would type that and then the code above. This is a silly rule, but seems to be allowed. If you got input in a register like "a, you'd just stick @a in front (10). If you got it from the start file, you'd ...

It's tied between that and Lynn's tabula recta
@TuxCopter codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/88979/… and the Hello, World! one
Oh, I forgot about this one :P
@DrMcMoylex all answers in this post (definitely not self-advertising, upvote those 500+ or 1000+ byte golfs!)
...I apparently forgot to install C++ tools to VS2015, dammit.
That's another billion GB to install ;P
@TuxCopter your comment has more upvotes than my answer ಠ_ಠ
jeez wth
@betseg :D
I can't install c++ tools without windows universal tools
There, just finished slapping my keyboard repeatedly, now I've created this monstrosity:
new MutationObserver(function(a){if([...a[0].target.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[4].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes].find(function(a){return a.childNodes[2].childNodes[1].innerHTML=="LINKS";}).childNodes[3].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes.length>1){console.log("Luke, it's a tarp!");document.getElementById("stop-button").click();}}).observe(document.getElementById("seqwin"),{childList:true});
I presume it's a tarp because Luke needs to get behind cover?
ugh I'll have to work on c9 while this installs
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ related: xkcd.com/722
upgraded gnome, gonna reboot, brb
ssd detected
I switched to ssd too last year: best choice ever
Just updated the thing:
new MutationObserver(function(a){if([...a[0].target.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[4].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes].find(function(a){return a.childNodes[2].childNodes[1].innerHTML=="LINKS";}).childNodes[3].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes.length>1||[...a[0].target.getElementsByTagName("a")].findIndex(function(a){return a.innerHTML=="tabl"||a.innerHTML=="tabf";})!=-1){console.log("Luke, it's a tarp!");document.getElementById("stop-button").click();}}).observe(document.getElementById("seqwin"),{childList:true});
I don't have an SSD and my laptop boots pretty quickly. Not counting the time to enter my luks password.
Is there any issues with SSD's being your main/only drive?
on a linux distro with systemd, you can use systemd-analyze for boot time
Let's see... My Win10 install and Ubuntu /home directory are on SSDs. The rest is on HDDs an HDD.
I find that with the aggressive disk caching in linux, an SSD doesn't really make a difference if you're not handling huge files. Windows though...
oh, while at it
I was thinking of throwing in a 1TB SSD into my laptop, sometime around Christmas but I had heard that lots of read/writes isn't good and they're better for an OS. Is that true?
@mınxomaτ 10% free ram, 80% usable ram
I disabled secure boot for third party drivers, and grub keeps showing a "booting in insecure mode" message at every boot; anyone knows how I can disable that?
@Shebang I mean, I've had Windows on one for like 6 years
The thing will become obsolete before it runs out of R/W capability
@Shebang It's not 2010 anymore. SDDs last forever now.
Fair enough, just want to be sure a $310 upgrade isn't going to crap out any time soon
Get one from a reputable brand (Kingston, Samsung). Not cheap rebranded things like Intenso etc.
I was looking at a Mushkin, does that count?
The cheapest Samsung is $400 rarely around here
(these prices are all CAD$)
There is a $340 Sandisk
@Shebang There's almost no endurance test data on that.
Yeah, got an Intel one (500GB, 4-year-or-so warranty) for less than $200 IIRC
^^ brands and their actual endurance
If I'm reading this correctly, the Corsair is the best? I may be interpreting this wrong
@Shebang You're reading it correctly
Intel didn't refresh their drives in forever. The most stable performance is Kingston
That's also a lot of data being written to the drive.
@Shebang Well, the downside is that it fails abruptly, not slowly. Unless in RAID, I wouldn't use that.
ssds have extra sectors in case of bad sectors right?
@betseg That's what the chart shows.
No one overwrites 100 TB of data for personal use
@Fatalize Especially on a 240GB drive.
on a 250 GB hard drive
damn it
Yeah, I'm trying to maximize on storage since the laptop only has 1 spot for a hard drive and no M.2 slot
If you assume the drive lasts for 5 years, that's 56GB of data written per day, every day.
But I don't think I could do less than 750GB, 1TB has been real nice to have
You guys don't write more than 50GB/day? Why even have computers then?
@TimmyD I honestly wonder if that was deliberate or not
@Shebang Then I would go with a bigger Kingston or Samsung if you expect to keep the drive and laptop for a long time.
@TimmyD Good, considering streamed video and such stay in memory
@Geobits Well, I can say that I receive a 100GB log file on my personal PC every two days or so. And that's compressed.
Uh, is it just me or does tryitonline not resolve?
@Shebang I'd rather pay less for a smaller one, tbh. Bulk media (which is the majority of my space used) can go on any HDD, since read/write speed really isn't an issue at all for that.
I'm seeing a Kingston SUV400 960GB for $290 CAD ($218 US), seems like a good deal to me
@quartata Working for me
@mınxomaτ Ouch
@Geobits I have lots of games and large data in the form of CSVs and the like so a lot of the personal media has already been re-allocated to externals
So yeah, I'm through 100TB very fast. I'm using an HP RAID server as my storage though
(with HDDs, because they are dirt cheap)
@Shebang Ah. Yeah, I don't think I have more than 200GB or so used for everything besides media. Probably quite a bit less, since I don't do much PC gaming.
@quartata Knowing Helka, it probably was. He seems to put in little nuggets like that.
PC games are insane ... GTA V is like 65GB.
@Adnan Does 05AB1E not have ord?
I have been considering finally building up a desktop which would mean I could go for the smaller SSD + massive hard drive
Get fast home networking and a cheap PC and make a NAS. 8TB HDDs are like $200.
But $290 vs. $1000 ...
@Shebang Oooh, I thought you were talking about a desktop. Yeah, for a laptop one big drive is easier lol.

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