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@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I am around 3 in goat years .__. u r 10 years old?
@ETHproductions That just makes me right though ;)
@Downgoat wat... 3 - 1 = 10!?
goat year to human year conversion is (n / 15) * 80
@Downgoat waaaaat
human year - 1
i dont think ive specifed age in human year?
@Downgoat So n * 16 / 3?
ugh math
Yeah... 3/16 is a much nicer way of putting that :P
@ETHproductions yea i guess
@Downgoat fourteen
I feel like 12.
I act like 14.
I am 3. /s
@Downgoat to what?
@Geobits I messed up the * and /... it's actually 16/3
My programming skill is... what do you think?
wait gaot is 14?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I think programming is fun
@ETHproductions Oh, right. Goat to human, not human to goat.
@DmitryKudriavtsev no gaot is roughly 3
@ETHproductions no, what do you think of my programming skill is
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC oh
Great, two adults, three... non-adults
Who are the two adults again? Geobits and...
:D lets make TNB into ball pit and call the big-kids potty-faces :P
when we are older, I hope we won't age discriminate in TNB
@Downgoat according to goat calculator, you are 30 human years old
@ETHproductions Who are you calling an adult? :P
@Geobits So you're a teenager with a 9-year-old son? :P
@Geobits now "adult" is derogatory :P
Oh, you can definitely be out of your teens and not be an adult :/
That's half the problem with the world
@Geobits then go trick or treating politely asking for candy /s
how do you do strikethrough
@ETHproductions depends on life expectency of avaeragre human
I'd say ~80
but ok
How do you find the number of messages by each user containing a specific string in TNBDE again?
Ah the diversity in TNB.
Indonesians, Turkish, Americans, Australians, Goats,
@ETHproductions Nevermind, found it
8th result for comcast is nazi flag
seems legit
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC same difference
/r/polandball, historical, actually funny comics. Each nation is a ball.
El'endia has a little bit of a lead there
@ETHproductions Well, that's case-sensitive. Most people capitalize it.
Not case sensitive
Ooooh nvm
Sheesh ninja
And that leads into my next query
I meant to say "case sensitive" woops
Number of times each user has said "ninja"
Well, El'endia still has a huge lead in the non-case-sensitive query
(how do you do a non-case-sensitive regex in SQL?
Quick question about C#. I've got an object called Car. I create an instance of Car in my code called HondaCivic. I add that car to a List<Car>. Now, i modify that instance HondaCivic so the color property is white. Does that Car's property also update in the List?
@ETHproductions dammit ninja'd
In java it would. C++ (array) it wouldn't.
I'd be shocked if it didn't. The List entry should just be a reference.
In C++ you'd use an array of pointers(etc) to do that though.
@Geobits I'd think so, but testing this will be weird, so I'd right a test program to do it.
@Geobits yeah.
Testing it should be easy enough.
ugh Halloween. How frusterating. i can't program in peace.
@AshwinGupta 99.9999% sure it should
@Geobits working on that, I got interrupted by the doorbell.
@AshwinGupta our neighborhood has a protocol; porch light on -> candy, otherwise -> no candy. It just sorta happened, never was formalized.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC thats very convienent
I've got candy, just don't wanna hand it out.
Ok bye gtg.
Pretty sure that's how it works everywhere.
@AshwinGupta if you think doorbell is bad, try having kids walking into house and banging on every door like zombie apocolypse ;_;
^^ Everywhere I've ever lived at least
@Downgoat Lock the door, silly goat
I would love to see more dynamically typed functional programming languages that were compiled
@quartata JIT count?
the answer is yes, yes it does
@Downgoat Reminds of a story I saw on /ck/ recently about a guy's Halloween tradition. Apparently he gets like 5 of his friends to dress as zombies and hide the bushes. When kids come to take candy they pop out and start walking towards the house and the guy gets on the roof and starts dry firing a bb rifle at the zombies and yelling at the kids to run while they still can
@quartata oh god, thats so horrible ;_;
wait zombies?
i tohught they were firing at the kids :|
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC No I mean like Erlang HiPE
We have a guy where we go that runs around the block jumping out of bushes with a chainsaw.
@Downgoat Oh no
(no chain on the saw)
It's pretty hilarious
@Geobits eh, pretty normal /s
@Geobits you find traumatizing kids funny, and you say im monster for promoting healthy food :/
Oh, sorry I wasn't clear. He mainly jumps out at teens and adults. It's much funnier that way.
People get upset if you give their six-year-old a nervous breakdown on Halloween.
huh, wonder why
Well, it's probably mostly self interest. I'm sure he wouldn't like to get punched in the face by parents :D
@Downgoat For the record, I love apples (not the computers)
@quartata does this look horrid
@HelkaHomba +1 Apples are best fruit
(maybe riviald closely by mangos and strawberries)
Bananas, mangoes, and strawberries are all far better than apples.
Mangoes are amazing. I love mangoes so much.
@Downgoat no, apples are way down the list and mangoes and pesimmons are #1. Pineapples and kiwis #2.
Along with kiwi and pineapples.
@Doorknob mangos are new avacados? :P
Oh no...
how to prune mango
Perssimons are sweet-like-a-mango, crunchy-like-an-apple, shaped-like-a-tomato, DELISH FRUITS.
oh god
not again
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC brb trying
@Downgoat Oh, speaking of which, did you know that Mathematica has AvocadoColors? (Our calc teacher imparted that knowledge to us today. His favorite is WatermelonColors, though.)
@ConorO'Brien Seems OK. The hat is the Harmburg but what is the jacket?
I don't understand the thought process that occured, which led to the descision that a "AvocadoColors" built-in was a good idea
@Doorknob your calc teacher sounds amazing
@Doorknob Mathematica has every builtin imaginable.
@Downgoat report back to me pls
@quartata jacket is lurking legionnare and hat is base metal billycock
wait no that isn't it
Persimmons are technically berries. So are tomatoes.
Tomatoes are technically delicious.
@Doorknob that avocad post should be undeleted, this posted as the single answer, then redeleted
@Downgoat I have always eaten Jiro (asian) persimmons, my research seems to show they are big and tomato shaped. They are the most cultivated kind.
@Geobits eaten raw, like "f**k yeah"
apples aren't very good
I really like water
i once ate tomato raw and almost un-ate it >_>_>_>_>
@Downgoat wat
think about it for a sec
I figured it would be better than a tin can at least.
are you kidding tin can is best
You know what you can put in tin cans to improve them? Tomatoes.
Mmm, fruits
(go away, apples, cranberries, and grapes. Your not delicous)
@Geobits no real answer is more tin cans. like matryoshka dolls
How can you not like grapes
Yeah, that would make me immediately suspicious of someone.
question: in C++, is "foo" a std::string or a char*
should be a const char* IIRC
ok thanks
(it's been a decade though, so you should probably look it up anyway)
@quartata too sour
Then you got some super bad grapes. Good grapes are very sweet.
Green seedless grapes are the bomb
Red are good too
grapes with seeds still exist?
Can a python expert pls tell me if this error:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get' while trying to load binding.gyp
would be caused by accidentally using python3 on python2 code?
@Downgoat No
Something you think is a dictionary is actually a string
guys, I've finally made a package manager for DASH
I called it Delishusly so I could do delishusly install <pkg>
Wait what it's like a week old and it already has a package manager?
Are you running the central server or something?
Also wait wat it has module support already?
@Downgoat IDK but if youassign it to a std string it's a std string
@MamaFunRoll Oh my god you golfed an actual projects source code O_O
idk whether to applaud you or to gasp in horror :P
@quartata IDK what languages are functional but do julia and PyPy count
@Downgoat Phase's O and jsoftware's J are golfed as well
Wait J??? O___________O
@Downgoat also pls copy files from my most recent gist to medium story draft?
@Downgoat Yes. have you not been reading chat in the past few days :P
I have?
But people have been saying J's source is unreadable a lot lately
Maybe it's when you are sleeping
@ASCII-only wait. If you move to north hemisphere. Will you become DownASCII-only?
@AshwinGupta Yes, like most high level languages all mutable objects are references
@Downgoat Yeah, why
@ASCII-only :O
does this mean I was born in Southern Hemisphere and moved to northern hemisphere:O
Ugh bison is hard to write in
@Downgoat Maybe, or you're just one of the 3-4% born upside down
hey vihan
@Downgoat wait you're 14 in human years?
@Downgoat I could see a "mengo" meme taking off.
oiler v is here
What happens if a sloth catches diarrhea? (they hang upside down)
Well that's an unpleasant mental image
We don't need any more memes
We're at capacity
So I didn't get the Google job :(
@Mego :( What happened
SVPs didn't approve the job offer
Is there a way to select and copy a code snippet from Chrome's inspect window? Drag-clicking to select text just changes the inspected element
@Mego I'm really sorry to hear that... :(
Yeah, it sucks
Tomorrow I get to go back to hunting for jobs
@HelkaHomba Press Ctrl+U
@HelkaHomba right click the parent, edit as HTML
@DmitryKudriavtsev I know that, but then you have to find where you were again
for a test someone please ping me
@betseg Ooh, thanks. This'll do
@DmitryKudriavtsev ping
lol both my laptops just pinged at different times
Sometimes different tabs ping at different times
I wonder how many miles the average ping travels
I wonder how many SE servers there are
@HelkaHomba Or console -> $0.outerHTML if you don't want to possibly ruin any events on the element
@Everyone I think we should rename our blog
We have a blog? :O
Yeah, but it's on Medium = bad
I'm thinking of creating a new one on GH
And make it golfed :p
@betseg Pls no
For speed, I meant code minifying
Do I just call it TNB
@betseg Minifying? no way, makes it unreadable
@Anyone active what should PPCG's blog be called
Aug 17 at 23:19, by Releasing Helium Nuclei
The Nineteenth Megabyte
@betseg ... I don't think any golfed program has ever been 19MB
You aren't real melon
You didn't write "yo"
How dare you insult my parentage
Also esosub is in a semiworking state now
not really though
The % command only works in one direction and also I just realised the replacement pointer skips back or forward past some of the stuff after making a replacement because the line index does not change
Any comments on this challenge?
Anybody from the puzzling SE crowd have thoughts on my puzzle here?
@DestructibleWatermelon hmm, looks hard
@DestructibleWatermelon No hints = going to take forever
You're pretty much going "here's this picture, now solve it"
yeah, ok
also I'm having a problem with python regex
@DestructibleWatermelon Post a snippet here?
Now, it isn't really the regex
I want the replacements to be able to include previously substituted text
@DestructibleWatermelon Previously substituted text? Can you give an example?
regex.sub("([^aeiou]|^).([^aeiou]|$)","d", i.lower(),overlapped=True)
say I have dad, it should end up with d
@ASCII-only it's in a loop
that's just an input string
don't worry about it
@DestructibleWatermelon ??????????
More examples?
@ASCII-only from the regex substitution...
What would bad give
Also NaN, ab and fa
@DestructibleWatermelon If I'm understanding you correctly there's a really easy solution
dad->d, dadad->(I want it to be)d bad->d baa->baa
@DestructibleWatermelon What about bac
all the questions are d
d has no significance btw, it just is there
Oh, okay then, the best way is probably a loop then
BTW people pls criticize this article tyvm
;_; but that's so ungolfy and also why can't that be builtin
@DestructibleWatermelon Oh wait a sec
@DestructibleWatermelon Why not just ([^aeiou]|^)(?:.([^aeiou]))+.?$
@DestructibleWatermelon Because it's really bad for performance
isn't ? supposed to come after something else?
@DestructibleWatermelon It can appear in a group to modify it e.g. make it non capturing (like here), make it positive/negative lookahead/lookbehind etc
also couldn't the ([^aeiou]|^) be replaced with the ^ at the start? (thats where it always is)
@DestructibleWatermelon Can you link to the question/reason why you need this regex (if there is one)?
no, you might post before I do
@DestructibleWatermelon I won't, I usually don't golf
Because golfing is so hard ;_;
@ASCII-only What exactly is non-capturing?
also this is incredible confusing
@DestructibleWatermelon The regex engine doesn't save it so you can't insert it in replacement with e.g. \1
That just raises more questions?
why don't we want to be able to use \1?
@DestructibleWatermelon No reason, but here it's going to make the regex faster, in production you'd include it
Yeah I know
also the regex doesn't work
dadddaaa -> dadddaaa
Q: can vote be one objective, or one winning criteria?

RosLuP2.An objective primary winning criterion, so that it is possible to indisputably decide which entry should win.

@DestructibleWatermelon What should it be
dddaaa right?
daaa or something
Ok, I'll tell you the question
Q: Decode Baby-talk!

Flp.TkcWhen babies open their mouths, they're not just spewing gibberish. They're actually talking in a highly advanced, adult-proof cipher... The Baby-talk Cipher When a baby talks, it could look something like gogooa gagooook aagaaoooy Each single-space separated section represents a character (so t...

starting to think I might be over thinking this...
nope, I'm just going to give up
that slashes derivative with input will be better
oh wait, it might not
[^aeiou]+(.[^aeiou]+)* maybe
Also won't replace with nothing be golfier
@DestructibleWatermelon ^^^
actually I realised I have an xy problem
because I forgot what regexs overlap was for
@DestructibleWatermelon xy problem?
well, I tried to get overlapping to work to make all this work, that still didn't work
'And I forgot I could just count all the overlaps of the stuff
also not sure which regex function to use
@DestructibleWatermelon import re;list(map(lambda s:(lambda t:list(map(t.count,"ao")))(re.sub("([^aeiou]|^)[ao]([^aeiou]|$)","",s)),input().‌​lower().split(' ')))
Way too long but gets the counts
I want all the docs on all the things in the module
how do this?
also one of my lines is permanently blue -_-
@DestructibleWatermelon Click the grey thing?
CMC: something useful in Alphafuck with proper English grammar (excluding letter casing)
Melon calm down plz ;_;
oh, I thought I could close and reopen that one file, but nooo
get off my screen
@DestructibleWatermelon r=range(65,91);r.remove(74);import re;map(lambda s:(lambda t:map(chr,r)[t.count("a")*5+t.count("o")])(re.sub("([^aeiou]|^)[ao]([^aeiou]|$)"‌​,"",s)),raw_input().lower().split(' '))
Really ungolfed, doesn't work partly
why is r assigned to?
because you need max(t.count("o"),4) and max(t.count("a"),4) instead of normal
@DestructibleWatermelon So I can remove "J"
Also needs a "".join()
also wtf why is this happening
no error exec("print(regex."+i+".__doc__)")
error exec("print(regex."+i+".__doc__+'\\n')")
if it is nonetype how is printing something!!!!
Alright, time to calm down.
@DestructibleWatermelon Just a head's up, @DestructibleWatermelon, someone flagged some of your more "ranty" messages in here
@Magisch Given that they're currently suspended, I think they might have gathered that :P
@Mego Yeah but it doesn't explicitly say what lead to that
It doesn't really need to

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