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@NathanMerrill ok, I'll take a look into it. But I think as an excecise at some point I'll parse my own cfg for SILOS
a = (any mathematical expression)
where expressions can use * + - / % ()
I mean, you could but why reinvent the wheel?
@RohanJhunjhunwala how does S.I.L.O.S. handle variables?
@Geobits adding this as a browser substitution
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei it writes them directly to the first 128 spots of the heap where the address it assigns it to is the ascii character code
@NathanMerrill I'll make the switch to a better Parser, but I would like to learn how they do it. I agree I shouldnt reinvent the parser
@NathanMerrill Because reinventing wheels is fun :P
Does = = 3 work :p
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei yes technically but you are a monster
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei 1 = 3 works too
@RohanJhunjhunwala i know
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei you've tried it??!!!
nah, he just knows he's a monster
> but you are a monster
@Dennis Then we'll just remove app and the first r in armor
Still not the same as SELinux though
@RohanJhunjhunwala how "print" know what's a variable and what's a value?
@NathanMerrill there are two different prints
printInt x //prints the value of x
print x
//prints "x"
printLine x
2 = 3
printInt 2
and printChar x (casts x to a char) and prints
@NathanMerrill it should print 3
doesn't that seem...a bit odd
Why is there no mod here
@RohanJhunjhunwala Do you think you should create a room for SILOS
@LeakyNun Eh?
anyone else annoyed that the "N questions with new activity" link is blue now?
@LeakyNun on it!
@El'endiaStarman Could you or @MartinEnder please move all messages related to SILOS to SILOS room?
@MartinEnder here
@LeakyNun I would, but it's a bit hard at the moment to tell what's related and what's not.
@LeakyNun are you complaining that there's too much on-topic discussion going on in here?
@MartinEnder Ja.
Shameless promotion of the SILOS room
@RohanJhunjhunwala it looks like if I have a variable named a number, its impossible to use that variable in an expression
@NathanMerrill yes, its a feature
@El'endiaStarman Well... I believe you can
@NathanMerrill there is no legitimate use case of naming a variable a number
@NathanMerrill it's a feature
Why are we still talking about SILOS here?
Lol my connection speed make me a fat ninja
@RohanJhunjhunwala then why is it supported?
@LeakyNun because it is a superior language
S.I.L.O.S has a lot of good features, like being unable to indent
@NathanMerrill honestly, I somewhat slapped it together slopily, I found it humorous that it is possible
Not being able to use a variable in an expression. Sounds like a Microsoft Feature™.
@LeakyNun Eh, I could try, but I'm not sure it would be worth it. Feel free to carry on any further language-specific discussion in that room.
@RohanJhunjhunwala Are you still doing it?
@MartinEnder yes, it's a bit irritating
@LeakyNun yes I''m still on it I'm almost there
@BusinessCat brilliant
@MartinEnder I find it harder to read the blue-on-grey
@BusinessCat So you can have a variable name as an integer but you cannot use it
@BusinessCat the expression on the right is parsed as a value first, then as a variable
what link are you talking about?
@BusinessCat But you can use the variable if it is the argument of printInt
@RohanJhunjhunwala .....
I was talking about this challenge
@LeakyNun oh, I'll do that next
wait, if it was ignored, then 5 should be 0
@BusinessCat it's java script type immplicit casting
but if it was 5 = 2 then, it should be 2
ಠ¯ಠ SILOS is weird
@NathanMerrill that line gets treated as 5 = 2 where 2 is the variable 2
@TùxCräftîñg stop that blasphepy
@TùxCräftîñg s/weird/superior/
SILOS is superiorly weird
why does "2" get treated as a variable?
@NathanMerrill it try catches the integer.parseINt
oh lol
so it takes the first character of 2+2 which is 2 and treates that as a variable name
so to force a expression to be treaten as a variable: <var><any character>
so you can use the variable 2, you juts have to ensure the rest of the line isn't an integer
yes its a feature
everything is a feature
yeah, sounds like a feature to me. All possible outcomes are possible, so everybody is happy
Any CMC for SILOS?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Swap two numbers in place (don't look above as I posted the solution above)
@LeakyNun i did look, i can't unsee
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei CMC: Understand SILOS
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei I believe you can't recall the exact commands
@LeakyNun lemme try
@BusinessCat i do
@BusinessCat exempt
@LeakyNun shameless SILOS self promotion
A: Sylvester's sequence

Rohan JhunjhunwalaSILOS 201 bytes readIO def : lbl set 128 2 set 129 3 j = i if j z print 2 GOTO e :z j - 1 if j Z print 3 GOTO e :Z i - 1 :a a = 127 b = 1 c = 1 :b b * c a + 1 c = get a if c b b + 1 set a b i - 1 if i a printInt b :e Feel free to try it online!

@RohanJhunjhunwala I don't see any point posting a 201-byte answer while upvoting a 60-byte answer...
@LeakyNun I took great pains to write it. It is fairly golfed so, It's worth posting for reference.
@NathanMerrill First line is useless
"5" = 2
"5" += 2
the link didn't update
integer overflow exists
@TùxCräftîñg witchcraft — Rohan Jhunjhunwala 1 min ago
@NathanMerrill integer overflow
seems legit
because it is written in Java and uses int
How does a 201-byte answer get more upvote than a 60-byte answer?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Nice, but my answer is 2 lines less
@LeakyNun wateva
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei a-b and a+b cancelled out each other
@LeakyNun because the 60 bytes answer is understandable but the 201 bytes one involve witchcraft
@TùxCräftîñg ...
@LeakyNun how i didn't notice that ;_;
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei You forgot to click save
@LeakyNun edited
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Good, that's exactly my solution.
@LeakyNun are you trying to do it without assigning c?
CMC: exponent
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yes
FOG, 1 byte: p
@LeakyNun oh, cool
14 mins ago, by Releasing Helium Nuclei
Any CMC for SILOS?
oops, sorry
A: This isn't rocket science

TùxCräftîñgNeoscript, 76 bytes {s|" | /_\\ "+(s as Array):map({e|" |"+e+"| "}):fuse()+" |_| /___\\ VvV"}

the as notation is so verbose :/
What's the status on our site design?
Come on, does anyone have any CMC for SILOS
Q: This isn't rocket science

Helka HombaWrite a program or function that takes in a single-line string. You can assume it only contains printable ASCII. Print or return a string of an ASCII art rocket such as | /_\ |E| |a| |r| |t| |h| |_| /___\ VvV with the input string written from top to bottom on the fuselage. In this ...

^ do this in SILOS
Print pi to input n decimal places.
@TùxCräftîñg Done
@TimmyD too difficult
Complains no challenge. Challenge given. Complains too hard challenge. :p
ah true
no floating point in SILOS
@RohanJhunjhunwala Are you doing it?
CMC: Factorial in SILOS
CMC: Interpret SILOS in SILOS.
@BusinessCat Done
@BusinessCat And golfed
ill port SILOS to C, Superb Interpreted Language Interpreted In Superber Language SILIISR
is there a silos quine?
@NathanMerrill 0 byte:
doesn't count
Yes there is
@TùxCräftîñg How come this challenge is ok but the cowsay challenge was put on hold
A: Golf you a quine for great good!

Rohan JhunjhunwalaS.I.L.O.S 6425 See docuentation here https://github.com/rjhunjhunwala/S.I.L.O.S set a 47 a + 1 set a 47 a + 1 set a 109 a + 1 set a 121 a + 1 set a 32 a + 1 set a 97 a + 1 set a 112 a + 1 set a 111 a + 1 set a 108 a + 1 set a 111 a + 1 set a 103 a + 1 set a 105 a + 1 set a 101 a + 1 set a 115...

@TùxCräftîñg not talking about your answer but the question itself.
@BusinessCat wat
@Poke ik
Peter Taylor put a related challenge in the comments
@LeakyNun yes
pattern defeating quicksort visualization
@RohanJhunjhunwala ok
@orlp which algorithm is this
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei ^^^
4k! Woot!
@Sherlock9 Congratulations!
no love for Neo<integral>cript ;_;
12.k5 posts per week.
@Sherlock9 congrats
Thank you! I owe a lot of it to Leaky Nun, for both his alphabet challenges and his help with all the Actually answers :D
I'm almost up to 20k
@Sherlock9 Finally someone who appreciates my alphabet challenges.
@LeakyNun did you see the visualization?
@orlp yes?
Almost up to 200
alright ^^
i've just realized
i'll be 0x10 in 10 days
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei What base is the second 10 in? :P
@El'endiaStarman everyone uses base 10
@El'endiaStarman in base 10
@orlp I knew you would respond with that smart-alecky comment of yours! :P
@orlp nice ninja
@LeakyNun I made that algorithm :P
@orlp you made quicksort?
@LeakyNun pattern defeating* quicksort
@LeakyNun Implement Tetris.
@orlp what is that supposed to mean?
Oh, alright
@orlp makes documentation without the actual algorithm
seems legit
@orlp Any relation to P. D. Q. Bach?
@Sherlock9 nope
@LeakyNun ? the algorithm is in pdqsort.h
@orlp self-documenting code...
NASA: Breaking the laws of physics since the 80s and not telling anyone.
@LeakyNun the algorithm is the code, there is no simple explanation
@orlp alright
> I hate that I cannot come up with any better ppcg challenges than the popular ones others have already posted.
I'm guessing they meant sound...
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei You're not using FTFY properly..
@BusinessCat Undoubtedly.
Even then, 18x the speed of sound is pretty damn fast
@ColdGolf oh he's back
@LeakyNun if you want a more in-depth explanation of how it works you can read a draft of my paper: drive.google.com/file/d/0B1-vl-dPgKm_T0Fxeno1a0lGT0E/view
@BusinessCat That's not enough. It's crazy damn pretty super fast.
@orlp exempt
Never mind, I won't understand it
the zyabin is spreading
(cc @zyabin101)
@LeakyNun I don't know what you mean by exempt
@orlp It means "Never mind, I won't understand it"
exempt is not used in that way :P
@LeakyNun What an interesting acronym...
@ColdGolf let's not use that here, and both definitions as perfectly fine.
Use what here?
@orlp zyabin101 started it, it's caught on among some other people
@LeakyNun "I'll pass" ;)
@ColdGolf it really is, we are orbiting around Sagittarius A* at about 670 mach
> You're not using FTFY properly..
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei That's crazy, pretty, damn, super, fast.
> Your not using FYtF proprely
You guys sound like Markov chat bots trying to collectively figure out English slang and internet acronyms :P
language design question: Lets say I have a function with two required parameters: divide(dividend: Int, divisor: Int). I do allow parameters to be passed by position divide(4,2), or by name divide(divisor: 2, dividend: 4). Should I allow mixing of the two (aka, Python style)?
> ur not using ftf prrtly
@Mego shhhhh
> u no use ftfy prprly
@Mego Has there ever been something like that???
@NathanMerrill Up to you. In my opinion, mixing positional and named arguments doesn't add anything, and actually makes things more confusing.

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