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Very kind
@trichoplax what are you talking about? It needs another 186 downvotes. :P
So, I want to ask about code snippets. Sometimes a user posts a full program, right, it's too many bytes. Someone else makes a one-liner and his answer is accepted. Is this okay?
snippet = no
function = yes
9:01 PM
@DJMcMayhem You use Fahrenheit when dealing with absolute zero?!?
lamdba = yes
@trichoplax you use celsius?
@trichoplax Absolute zero is obviously just zero. Use the right scale.
and full programs = yes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ guilty...
which is why one-liners in python are ok
9:01 PM
@trichoplax I don't really ever deal with absolute zero. I'm not a physicist
but in Java they aren't
@ColdGolf as long as you can either assign it to a function or run it by itself, it's valid
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Okay.
@trichoplax yep.
@Geobits leave to to geobits...
@DJMcMayhem That's rude to us scientists haha.
9:02 PM
i thought you were a math dude?
I'm both when I need to be.
I actually like the metric system a lot more, and wish we used it over here but I don't intuitively understand it the same way
Scientists don't talk about the metric system. They're used to it, heh.
we need a temperature scale that works logarithmically
It a heck of a lot easier to use for anything mathy, but I still prefer standard/imperial for most things day to day.
@Geobits that's cause you're used to it (like me). Wouldn't it be better to get the best of both worlds?
I hate logarithmic scales, though.
@ColdGolf That's a good question actually. Meta seems somewhat undecided as there is no snippets but also REPL code is acceptable so maybe it needs more discussion
@trichoplax Yeah, sure. I'll post it on meta.
I'm not sure how to ask a new meta question that isn't a duplicate though
9:05 PM
@ColdGolf They're very useful for comparing magnitudes though.
@El'endiaStarman Look, I hate the decibel scale.
So don't even start.
Do you hate the Richter scale too?
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, and like I said, I use it for some things. I've lived in a multiple countries and can generally get by with both.
@El'endiaStarman Is the Richter scale quantitative, though?
What? The decibel scale works perfectly
9:06 PM
Nobody said it didn't.
I just hate the way it was made.
@trichoplax wait, I'm confused. When would a Python REPL be able to do something that a Python program wouldn't?
@Geobits ah, there you've got the upper hand. I've never lived outside the US
2 decibels + 2 decibels = 5 decibels

2 +2 = 4

Mr. inventor of decibels, why are you doing this to us?
@NathanMerrill All I can think of is implicit printing
actually...I know of a Java REPL
oooh, time to do some golfing
9:07 PM
@NathanMerrill Link please?
oO I got a 502 on a google search
I'm still getting a 502
bah, it works now
Sounds like somebody at Google just got fired.
I actually use it quite frequently when debugging
Oh, I wonder if they have one for Eclipse? If not, that may be the final straw to get me to switch.
hmmm...that may not be the right plugin
9:10 PM
@ColdGolf With your background in mathematics, I suspect you can argue your case more convincingly and more positively. There's also no need to stretch out one statement over 5 lines of screen space.
but in essence, when debugging, I can type in an expression, and it will evaluate it right then and there
@NathanMerrill Beanshell is also really good
Hmm. I think i've seen something similar. I'll have to take a look later.
@ColdGolf I agree this isn't as clear cut on meta yet as I'd like, but that wording is a direct duplicate of the discussion I linked to, so I expect it will be closed.
9:13 PM
oooh...this is fun:
you can even do imports
@trichoplax See my comment.
Fine, I've deleted the thing.
seriously, I think I found the answer to "Java can't golf". Just REPL it :)
@ColdGolf I did. The accepted answer can always be changed if another gains more votes
@NathanMerrill I'm confused 0_o
@trichoplax It's about consensus, not accepted answers only.
9:15 PM
@NathanMerrill Yes, this is very nice indeed. Bookmarked :P
@ColdGolf so if you do hate Logarithmic scales please get enough paper to chart this chart of common sounds onto a linear plot true to scale.... hearingsense.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/…
I mean, it still can't golf well, but it will cut a lot of overhead.
@ColdGolf The close votes aren't meant as an attack on you personally. I'd like to see more discussion of this. I just don't think having an identical question is going to help. I've been trying to think of a new way to ask myself
Again, 2+2 decibels = 5. Normal 2+2 = 4.

Decibels is complicated, at least in my opinion.
@trichoplax I've already deleted the question since people were so hostile towards it.
@ColdGolf ok, simplify it, Please acquire enough paper to make that chart send it to me, and I'll give you 500 reputation poitns as a bounty
9:17 PM
@ColdGolf The acceptance isn't the important thing - yes exactly it's the answer with the consensus that gets accepted
BUT it has to be a linear scale
@trichoplax what is this discussion about?
@RohanJhunjhunwala If you want to change decibels to a linear scale, go ahead. I'm not doing it.
(Sorry If I'm "butting in")
@ColdGolf you were the one who said that you hated it I had no problem with it
Actually, the argument in the "REPLs are allowed, because a REPL is an interpreter" is a bit faulty. Lets say I'm in the middle of debugging program X, and I use the current state of that program when using the debugger's REPL
@RohanJhunjhunwala I hated it, doesn't mean I have the authority to change it.
9:18 PM
@ColdGolf Repeating something that was ignored earlier, and adding more unnecessary blank lines, is irritating a number of people here. The interesting discussion we're also having isn't going to stop me kicking you out of the room if that continues
yes... do go on @NathanMerrill
@trichoplax Chat markdown is bad, and newlines makes things more clear.
@ColdGolf Pointing out that it's a duplicate isn't hostility, it's just how meta works (same as on main). You don't need to look for enemies where there are none
@trichoplax I know. I've realised that meta.SE is better than all the other metas.
@RohanJhunjhunwala About starting a discussion on meta for something which needs discussing, but already has a meta question
@ColdGolf That doesn't sound in any way relevant, and seems to be just trying to start an argument. Kick next time as this is spoiling the atmosphere for everyone else
9:22 PM
@trichoplax I'm not trying to start any arguments. You're just assuming everything is one. Even this very text isn't an argument.
@RohanJhunjhunwala er...that was my entire argument
@ColdGolf As stated earlier, just giving the impression is enough to get you kicked
@ColdGolf uh... yes it is
@trichoplax I think its good I think its ok, to start another discussion on a topic as long as you can significantly modify the original question to approach to discussion in a new way, and future answers will be significantly different.
actually, I found the fault in my argument. An "interpreter with state" is effectively the same thing as "storing the state in the name of the program"
9:24 PM
@NathanMerrill I'm confused
you familiar with MetaGolfScript?
It's a family of languages where each language has only possible output based on the name of the language.
@NathanMerrill I'd have downvoted interpreter-with-state on general principle, yes :P
What is an interpeter with state @Geobits
MetaGolfScript3456789 is an interpreter with state
9:26 PM
Basically what Nathan said earlier: "Lets say I'm in the middle of debugging program X, and I use the current state of that program when using the debugger's REPL"
3456789 is that state
@RohanJhunjhunwala Yes finding a new way to ask that makes it different is what I've been trying to do. CodeGolf's question was just the same question with no modification, which is why it gathered close votes
but if I'm debugging, and I use that interpreter, its basically the same thing as using MetaGolfScript
@trichoplax thats good... did CodeGolf leave voluntarily
@NathanMerrill you mean like a family of different interpreters just based on which one you pick
I'd assume that if we do allow REPLs, then the code would have to work with a fresh instance
9:27 PM
@RohanJhunjhunwala Based on the program you're debugging and the breakpoint.
I don't think that is really cheating iff you add bytes to account for that state
MetaGOlfScript 3456789 an empty program will take 7 additional bytes of state
So you could do the real work in that program, break once you have the answer in a, and say "my program is echo a".
Sure it's not cheating if you count those bytes, but then there's no point to doing it at all.
well, isn't MetaGolfScript allowed? Don't we simply downvote, but because each MetaGolfScript program is allowed, we simply say "its a different language, scored against itself"?
@RohanJhunjhunwala That information is available to moderators and room owners, but isn't advertised beyond that. I won't get into a habit of mentioning it. I suspect after some initial problems this user will end up making a positive contribution to the site - the evidence for it is already there
9:28 PM
@Geobits What's wrong with MetaGolfScript? It's a valid language.
@Geobits ok, the "real work" should be counted
@trichoplax ok, sorry I was unaware of that policy.
@ColdGolf No, it's a standard loophole.
I believe the same rule would apply to having a REPL in the middle of debugging. It's its own language, and scored against itself
@Dennis MetaGolfScript can do primes and can add two numbers together.
And yet it's still a standard loophole. They were chosen by the community to be invalid here.
9:30 PM
@RohanJhunjhunwala I don't know of a rule, I'm just trying to be careful not to draw undue attention - you certainly have nothing to apologise for :)
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

jimmy23013Using MetaGolfScript MetaGolfScript is a family of programming languages. For example, the empty program in MetaGolfScript-209180605381204854470575573749277224 prints "Hello, World!". It is similar to using extra command line arguments, where they should also count as characters. And using the ...

Whether or not it's technically a language doesn't matter.
@trichoplax ok, thanks
#ifdef __unix__
# include <fcntl.h>
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ ^
@Geobits Wait, I thought Martin Ender already clarified this? MetaGolfScript follows all ppcg rules of being a language.
9:31 PM
Even without the loophole, only MetaGolfScripts that had a working interpreter before the challenge was posted would be valid, which rules out pretty much 100% of them
@trichoplax I agree with that.
@ColdGolf I'd be interested to see that discussion if you have a link.
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei meh, I wrote it at school when I was bored
All the computers there run Win7
Q: What are programming languages?

Ingo BürkOften, answers to questions asking for "programs" or talking about "programming languages" utilize things like sed, awk, … in order to get around having to write an actual shell script. Therefore, a question comes to my mind: What qualifies as a programming language? Sure, ultimately the OP ca...

@ColdGolf If MetaGolfScript was allowed, every code golf contest would have a 0 byte solution. If you don't consider this a problem, I'm not sure what else to tell you.
9:33 PM
I know it's a problem, I'm just saying the ppcg rules of what classifies as a programming language should also exclude MetaGolfScript explicitly.

Otherwise, MetaGolfScript remains a programming language under the rules.
@ColdGolf but the standard loopholes explciitly block it
@TimmyD thanks! :D
Like I said, you can call it a language just fine, but it's still explicitly banned here.
@Geobits Fine.
9:34 PM
@ColdGolf The only MetaGolfScript that can solve a challenge in zero bytes is one that didn't exist before the challenge was posted
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ blasphemy, how dare goats be compared to lowly sheep
@trichoplax Which is almost all of them.
CMC: 1. Enumerate all Turing machines that operate on bytes. 2. Write a GolfScript program to emulate each Turing machine. 3. Post the relevant MetaGolfScript interpreters on GitHub.
@ColdGolf if you wish to explicitly accept Meta-Golfscript I think you technically can in your challenge, but you are forbidden from using it in any challenge
@RohanJhunjhunwala I agree.
9:35 PM
@ColdGolf But prepare for the downvotes
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ VTC restricting inputs to one programming language
@RohanJhunjhunwala I never said I would do it myself.
@ColdGolf We also require that an interpreter must have existed before the challenge was posted. MGS doesn't comply with this rule, since it requires infinite distinct interpreters.
If someone were to explicitly allow mgs in their challenge, I guarantee they would be downvoted like crazy
@ColdGolf Having one language as a theme is fine, as long as you can still do the work in any language
@DJMcMayhem I'd close the challenge as too broad (and have done so in the past).
9:36 PM
@trichoplax Wait, doesn't that mean I need an interpreter for the theme language in my language first?
Hey all
@Dennis what about catalog styled questions?
@Dennis on the merit of allowing MGS?
LOL 2 days later, my profile is still screwed
@Dennis simply for allowing MetaGolfScript? What's broad about that?
bah, ninja'd
9:37 PM
@ThreeFx what do you mean?
@ColdGolf Quite possibly - it wasn't a serious CMC. It was just to demonstrate the impossibility of having an interpreter available before the challenge is posted ;)
My profile pic in chat is red
@trichoplax Okay.
@NathanMerrill it would become broad as there are infinite possible 0 byte solutions. IT is an FGITW competition
9:38 PM
@RohanJhunjhunwala Catalog questions don't have a special status.
@RohanJhunjhunwala there are also infinite number of solutions to any other question. That doesn't make it broad
@Dennis Speaking of MGS, the standard question explicitly allowed 0 byte solutions.
@ThreeFx Wow that's even weirder than it seemed before...
@El'endiaStarman @Geobits @Sp3000 @trichoplax @xnor I don't know if you've been pinged already, but I just wanted to express my gratitude. Thank you for stepping in to a job that isn't always a walk in the park. I wish you the best of luck, and thanks for helping this room become a better place.
@Dennis I only mention it, because it could be argued (not by me) that catalog questions allow interpreters created after the posting of the challenge. Thus someone could create a MGS interpreter for the relevant language
9:39 PM
@Dennis why do trichoplax and El'endia need to be ROs if they're already mods?
by the stars, I can only assume that I'm not too late :D
@NathanMerrill There's an infinitude of MGS-like languages, and absolutely no need to allow all of them in a challenge.
I literally have no idea why this happens (first time I used it in the literal sense I think)
@NathanMerrill My argument is not that there exists an infinite number of solutions, but an infinite number of valid submissions which are each only 0 bytes
@Dennis The standard question explicitly allowed 0 byte solutions, and joke languages. This includes MGS too, but MGS isn't allowed. Is this okay?
9:40 PM
@ConorO'Brien Thank you! Since we're dealing with the grey areas outside standard flags and offensiveness, please let us know anything we're missing :)
@ConorO'Brien I think u meant to doing SP instead of Sherlock
@Dennis could you mod edit s/Sherlock9/Sp3000/
I did @S + tab without looking :P
@ConorO'Brien s/mod edit/eleven :P
@ConorO'Brien Dennis won't RO anybody else.
9:42 PM
I agree that there would an infinite amount of possible solutions/languages, but I don't think that that is what we mean when we say "broad"
@trichoplax is a recreational programming question (or even a general one) considered on topic here?
@RohanJhunjhunwala I'm interested to see solutions from languages released after the challenge (as long as they're marked non-competing) but that's very different from solutions from languages designed for that specific challenge. I'd flag those whether marked as non-competing or not
@NathanMerrill I think the difference is that each of these infinite solutions could win.
@RohanJhunjhunwala meaning?
@Sherlock9 sorry for the ping, I mis-pinged ya ;D
9:43 PM
@RohanJhunjhunwala Yes, absolutely (assuming you mean in chat, not main)
@Downgoat like please help me create a brainf*** interpreter. Or hey, can you help me debug cheddar. I think they should be on topic, but the chatiquette says dont ask "homework questions"
ok @DJMcMayhem thank you
wrong room @Rohan
@DJMcMayhem so? lets say I made a family of languages that did character-for-character replacement on Jelly. There'd be an infinite number of solutions that could win (assuming Jelly had the best program), but they'd be valid (except for the "must exist after the challenge date")
@Rohan Somel languages have their own chat toom
@RohanJhunjhunwala those are usually fine but don't ask "Hey problem 1 on my homework is fine prime number in Java pls writ coed for me" room specific rooms work too
9:45 PM
@Downgoat yeah sure, I wont treat tnb like my personal code-monkeys, but more quick quetions relevant to programming
coed 😏
@NathanMerrill Yeah, but jelly still has to be the shortest. In this case, mgs does not. Plus, I would consider each of those a duplicate
@RohanJhunjhunwala From most people it's an interesting question and clearly isn't handing out tasks, but inviting discussion. The fact that you ask beforehand suggests you won't be one of the problem ones :)
Sorry, the golfscript does not, that's what I meant
Thanks :)
9:46 PM
@DJMcMayhem MGS isn't allowed anyways. Unless your challenge explicitly allows it, in which case, get ready for the downvotes.
@ColdGolf I'm not arguing for it, I'm arguing against it. And that's literally exactly what I told you
@DJMcMayhem I still feel like allowing MGS on a challenge isn't close-worthy, but lets hope we never end up needing to figure it out
@DJMcMayhem Well, it wasn't clear...
So as one of my first official acts as room owner, I'm going to Universal Studios for the weekend. I'll be in and out.
9:49 PM
@NathanMerrill Agreed. :)
They'll close vote it anyways.

The exceptions I can think of are the standard [tag:hello-world] question, which wasn't close voted.
@ColdGolf that question does not allow MGS
@DJMcMayhem It explicitly allows zero byte solutions and joke languages, because it was designed as a fun, not serious question.
That means it allows MGS, but only because it wasn't meant as a serious question in the first place.
In real questions, MGS is forbidden.
@ConorO'Brien eleven'd Sorry for the additional pings everyone.
thanks :)
9:54 PM
@ColdGolf zero byte solutions and joke languages are allowed on every challenge. That one is just as serious as any other, and none of them allow loop holes.
@El'endiaStarman Are you actually allowed to drive cars?
@DJMcMayhem Every challenge? Watch out for the downvotes.
Joke languages aren't allowed because they don't always have a working interpreter, or even any interpreter at all.
A: "Hello, World!"

FatalizeStuck, 0 bytes Well, can't get shorter than that... An empty program will output Hello, World! in Stuck

Stuck isn't a joke language.
9:55 PM
It's a zero byte solution though
Stuck has no working interpreter, so it's disallowed.
A: "Hello, World!"

AlCodeArnoldC, 71 bytes IT'S SHOWTIME TALK TO THE HAND "Hello, World!" YOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED Just for lols..

That's a joke language
ArnoldC is a joke language but does have a working interpreter. Stuck doesn't.
What is the meaning given in this chatroom to the verb "eleven", exactly?
9:56 PM
@LuisMendo mod abuse
This a pointless and stupid argument.
@flawr You win.
@flawr that actually begs a question: why do some state disallow headphones, but allow deaf people to drive?
@LuisMendo When it is not quite twelving
@Adnan ...more specifically?
@flawr I should have seen that coming :-)
9:57 PM
@Downgoat Being a room owner grants a few additional powers, but I don't think any of them is relevant for The Nineteenth Byte. Nevertheless, we wanted to make sure they felt comfortable moderating this room, even though they got their diamonds from other SE sites.
@trichoplax Is the general idea worthy of a question on meta?
@NathanMerrill Deaf people are used to being deaf, while hearing people aren't.
@ColdGolf Which general idea are we on now? Interpreters or MGS?
9:58 PM
@NathanMerrill Similarly some (literally) un-armed people are allowed to drive with their legs/feet only, while armed people are not.
@flawr that's actually a really good argument
@LuisMendo Like editing chat messages, closing challenges etc.
I'm quite glad my state allows it though
Not sure though :p
@trichoplax My question is "Imagine a language follows all ppcg's rules for being a programming language, but it has no working, valid interpreter or compiler at the time of posting the answer. Are those kinds of answers allowed?"
9:59 PM
I expect over the next few decades this will be balanced, and no one in any country will be allowed to drive

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