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@CoolestVeto stahp infecting others with the wat
@flawr And some people do after they try.
Programming languages' limbo: what resides there?
Aw yissss, my Julia package has been submitted to the official Julia package repository, so hopefully before too long it'll be listed on the Julia website!
@AlexA. who is the dude on your github page? Not you, you're a bird. Who is he?
Idk, some guy. I use his picture because he's super hot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Click the link.
@EasterlyIrk Continual practice and time is a good remedy.
@Mego ^^^
> time
Nope, nethack is better than art.
More brain straining/killing in less time.
@AlexA. s/hot/non-birdlike./
I get it, you don't want people banning you because they don't like birds.
That makes total sense.
Oh my gosh, I found a code golf answer written by someone I’ve talked to at my campus. O_o
@EasterlyIrk Then they just didn't try hard enough.
@EasterlyIrk He is the actual Alex Arslan! \o/
@Lynn bring up PPCG the next time you talk to them :p
@Lynn woah
and ^^
We’re Facebook friends, even.
@Lynn here or elsewhere
A: Rotate the dots

Jens RendersJavaScript, 311 bytes Can probably be improved alot: a=(s=prompt()).length-1;o=s[0]==":"||s[0]=="."?s[1]==":"||s[1]=="."?":":"'":s[1]==":"||s[1]=="."?".":" ";for(i=1;i<a;i++)o+=s[i-1]=="'"||s[i-1]==":"?s[i+1]=="."||s[i+1]==":"?":":"'":s[i+1]=="."||s[i+1]==":"?".":" ";alert(o+=s[a]==":"||s[a]=="...

1. I gotta show him the code golf ropes, man, look at all those bytes. 2. Famously, I’m trans, but the outside world doesn’t really know yet, so it’s tricky v_v;
Does anyone else ever get excited by their own code lol
@ZachGates yes
especially when it works
and even more so if it's code golf
@Lynn Famously?
because currently i kinda suck at it?
> kinda
Suck or do not suck, there is no kinda.
@AlexA. Sure, to people in here.
@AlexA. no knowing creepy faces.
To suck, or not to suck, that is the question.
@Lynn I didn't know.
Tips for golfing in Ruby (166 bytes): switch to Perl (144 bytes). >_>
Cops and robbers is a much bigger thrill IMHO.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what no comic??????
I'm going home
@Lynn Ohhhhhh, so they know you in person as Mauris but you've seen their code here where you're known as Lynn?
Yep, exactly
I can see how that might be a tricky situation.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ must hurry make comic
@Lynn change your name here temporarially, then change again in both places at once later.
Sooo close to 123456 rep (on SO): meta.stackoverflow.com/users/102937/robert-harvey
@Dennis I've never tried CnR. Can you explain the appeal?
@Dennis We haven’t had a good one of those in a while...
@Dennis ??
How would you transfer files from your phone to your computer without using a cable/without remivng the sd card/without dropbox?
what kind of phone?
@flawr does the pc have bluetooth (either internal or a dongle)?
@flawr FTL communication.
@flawr email, but ^ is better.
@flawr Why not dropbox?
@crayzeedude Nope, doesnt.
@EasterlyIrk What is FTL?
Faster than light communication.
@EasterlyIrk Dropbox doesnt seem to work.
Then you can beam tachyons from phone to computer.
and i'm assuming you don't have a cable handy
Might need a time machine powered by more tachyons to get the original tachyons first.
Gogh is starting to look pretty good. wooh
@Sherlock9 They’re two-sided challenges, where you create sub-problems and others solve them. Say, the “cops” must write a program that solves a given task, and post it scrambled; the “robbers” must unscramble their answers.
@flawr In addition, a epic game.
@ZachGates interpreter online?
@Sherlock9 In code golf, unless you're going for FGITW in a trivial challenge, time is usually not an issue. In cops and robbers, specifically in the robbers' challenge, you have to be the first one to post a crack or it doesn't count. More than once, I cracked a solution, just to find another answer pop up while I wrote mine. Also, there's a deadline, which lead to this.
Nov 18 '15 at 0:23, by Dennis
On one occasion, I pulled over to post an answer though. It was a CnR, and the deadline would have had passed if I had waited until I got home.
Stars for a self quote? Now that's just crazy
@flawr Google Drive is another possibility.
@EasterlyIrk There's nothing to interpret yet, haha. I've only written the stack controller, language director, object planner, and error codes
Ok, E-mail worked.
What were the files?
Classified information?
An image.
That was the image.
@AlexA. cute dog warning
oh dang ninja'ed
@flawr your dog?
Or Roujo's? He has other animals Alex is addicted to likes.
@Dennis Is the Jelly code page specific to the language?
Nope, I don't have any pets.
Except the spiders under my bed.
I has ~14.
@ZachGates Yeah
@ZachGates Yes. (Technically, M uses it as well, but that language is still WIP.)
@flawr Cool, somebody else has a arachnid non-tarantula pet.
@Dennis Well they're both your languages so :P
@EasterlyIrk And the slow worms in my garden!
Alligator lizards FTW.
@flawr AHHHHH
@AquaTart Oyo boyo
git spooked m8
@flawr I'm sorry, I should use my inside voice. ahhhhhhh
C:\Users\El'endia Starman>git spooked m8
git: 'spooked' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
@epicTCK That's actually because Minecraft is terribly optimized.
@AlexA. Your inside voice?
Having looked at the decompiled Minecraft source I can assure you it's bad
@El'endiaStarman Your user account contains both a space and an apostrophe? ಠ_ಠ
git spooked m8
8git spooked m
m8git spooked
 m8git spooked
d m8git spooke
ed m8git spook
ked m8git spoo
oked m8git spo
ooked m8git sp
pooked m8git s
spooked m8git
 spooked m8git
t spooked m8gi
it spooked m8g
And ^^^
@AlexA. It uses XNA Game Studio
@EasterlyIrk AAAAAAH
@AlexA. What's wrong with that?
@EasterlyIrk Awh, that's a cute one.
@AlexA. I've seen that break at least one thing. :P
> For fuck's sake, I said 'inside voices', Tommy.
I'd post pictures of my leopard gecko but my camera is shit
@EasterlyIrk Such a beauty=)
In particular, the apostrophe has twice broken code that used ' for strings.
@AquaTart not mine, brb finding cat attempting to eat one
@EasterlyIrk Oh hahaha
@AquaTart Huh, okay
Once, Microsoft VS command line, and the other, Stack Exchange's chat ping system.
@TimmyD It's... wrong
@El'endiaStarman It broke both my legs
I used to catch lizards (mostly alligator and fence) and keep them for a while when I was a wee lad
So you're saying it's not apostrophe ...
( •_•)
( •_•)>⌐■-■
it's apostasy?
@Dennis Is it cool if I use it for mine as well or do you want to keep it Jelly/M specific
@EasterlyIrk wat is omnipresent. I'm just channelling the wat.
@ZachGates Sure, go ahead and use it.
@TimmyD I don't get it
@TimmyD I knew the meme part, I just didn't know the word "apostasy." Just looked it up. lel.
@BetaDecay ;-; Whare aer u
@AlexA. I think this is actually a reference to the "WASTED" gifs.
@AlexA. You definitely didn't strike me as a Filthy Frank fan Alex
I saw a purely -8 answer and was reminded of Beta Decay. >.>
@AquaTart I wouldn't call myself a fan so much as someone who has seen several of his videos and can't decide whether to be amused or horrified.
@El'endiaStarman I'm not familiar with the "WASTED" GIFs.
@AlexA. I (sadly) am in the amused camp
@AquaTart 四百二十燃やせ。
@AlexA. "WASTED" is the "You're dead" screen when you die in GTA.
@Dennis Fascinating :D
@AlexA. erryday
@TimmyD Oh, okay. I knew that. I didn't know there was a series of GIFs that use it though.
Also, how do you do quotes like that in chat? I've been here four months and have yet to figure it out
@Sherlock9 Prefix the message with a >
like what?
@El'endiaStarman That's incredible
@AlexA. And that gets the timestamp in as well?
15 secs ago, by Sherlock9
@AlexA. And that gets the timestamp in as well?
You mean like this? ^
Permalink the message.
@AlexA. Google something like imgur wasted gif and you'll get a bunch more.
Yes master
@flawr 0/10 not a lawnmower crash
my school blocks imgur
That's for the best
but the funny thing is
the reason they block it is "Friendship"
I think it broke.
and the Steam website is blocked for "Forums"
it's hilarious
@Dennis What would you like me to call it in my docs? The Jelly code page?
@crayzeedude Why would anyone need Steam at school?
@Rainbolt To sell their soul to Gaben
@AquaTart But there is a DOG!
@ZachGates It doesn't have a proper name, so that's fine.
or if they have some free time
1 min ago, by Alex A.
That's for the best
@flawr Ideally the dog should crash the lawnmower
> Dogs are the new cats.
@Dennis You should call it The Book of Dennis ;)
> what is even going on
@AquaTart A lawnmower doesn't even fly.
Flying lawnmowers are called helicopters.
Or drones.
Or quadcopters.
Depending upon how big your yard is.
I knew that someone was going to post this=)
@AlexA. Yep. Permalinks then?
2 mins ago, by Aqua Tart
@flawr Ideally the dog should crash the lawnmower
@Sherlock9 Permalinks.
NoSuchYardException: Bark.
Chat markdown will then Onebox it.
In other news, average day in Game Dev SE chat:
in Game Development, 4 mins ago, by DH.
(let's mix tech with boobs)
in Game Development, 44 secs ago, by DH.
mechanic twerking butts
in Game Development, 12 secs ago, by OMGtechy
mechanical twerking butts in space
Comon, are we a bunch of 12 year olds?
Or a bunch of 8 year olds pretending to be 12 year old?
@AquaTart Austin Powers tried that. It didn't work out well for him.
"what are you, 12?"
69 hahahahahahahhaaaahahahahaha
leaving school
will be back later
g'bye m8s
g'bye m9
@Sherlock9 Yep! You can click the downward triangle that appears on the left side of a chat message when you hover over it, then right click permalink in that menu, and select Copy link (or whatever your browser's equivalent of that is). Then just paste it in a message.

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