It's contradictory to most other languages, where booleans can be cast to integers by simply multiplying by 1. True becomes 1 and false becomes 0, which makes sense in a cosmic sort of way.
@BrainSteel Do you think it would be relatively easy to get 3 sig figs by superimposing a grid on the circle and checking whether each point in the main circle is in any other circle? It'd probably even be easy to decide what resolution the grid should be based on the size of the circle.
I've read that XCode used to be a pretty decent all-purpose IDE but Apple removed the functionality for just about everything but Apple device app development, e.g. Objective-C and Swift. (You can still do C and C++ though.)
I don't know how much I want a GUI. I keep thinking I really don't want one, and then I keep going back to it because I never get around to learning them darn hotkeys.
@BrainSteel Ah, I know. Sampling radii. For each angle, find how far in that direction you can go before hitting a circle by solving the linear-quadratic equation for each circle and taking the min. Find the area of a sector with that radius. Add up the sectors for all the angles.
@BrainSteel Or you could just allow it. (If you really want to ban any non-analytic solution, just require the output be an exact expression for the answer in terms of elementary functions.)
@quintopia Don't get me wrong, I'm not against integration by any means. I quite like your radius-sampling solution, really. I just don't like the point-sampling method because it trivializes the problem beyond recognition.
@undergroundmonorail Doorknob made some animated GIFs for showing people how to use Vim. Dennis has stated multiple times that the odd keyboard commands make him feel like he's playing Super Mario. Hence this.
@quintopia It's a pretty good rule of thumb. It's really more like sleep = awake/2 + a little, but it even works for sleeping in the night after a significant loss of sleep. Like, if you lose 6 hours of sleep one night and sleep in the next night, you'll probably sleep an additional 3 hours, not 6.
@AlexA. seems unlikely. there aren't that many fighter planes in Thailand. I suspect the U.S. has more Thai immigrants flying jets than Thailand has fighter planes. :P
This would probably be a better way to put it: "Q: Where do the most TIE fighters come from? A: Southeast Asia." Would be even better to prime the audience with Star Wars beforehand.
windows has been getting less awful in general. I'd drop it like a bad habit if linux support in the world would generally increase, but if it continues getting better that opinion could change...
For one, they finally have native support for virtual desktops. No more need for the hacked-together apps that simulated them before.
I worry that he won't win in the Democratic caucuses because he doesn't have the name recognition or momentum of Hillary. (O'Malley doesn't have a flame's chance in hell at this point.)
Well, thing is, normal polls and media aren't accurate. One big reason, I think, is that they miss out on the enormous segment of the population that spends more time on the Internet.
And internet polls are also inaccurate because that same segment is overrepresented.
@El'endiaStarman I've been hesitant to register with a party because I'm not a fan of the effects the party system has (e.g. fragmenting the country into two polar opposites that are sworn enemies). But I think at this point it's too ingrained to ever change, so I might as well register with the one party I actually agree with. :P
Consider a sequence based on recurrence relations, f(n) = f(n-1)+f(n-2), starting with f(1) = x1, f(2) = x2. For x1 = 3, x2 = 1, the sequence begins like this:
2 1 3 4 7 11 18 29 47 76 123 199 322 521 843
Concatenating this into a string will give:
Binary Combinations Converted
Given two integers X and Y, representing the number of zeroes (0) and ones (1) respectively, calculate all the possible decimal equivalents that can be determined from creating binary strings using only the zeroes and ones provided, and display them as a ...
Onion Knight was based on an idea (mine as it happens) that I rejected last year as too diabolical. Pops actually made it easier to earn (and by extension guess), so I'm quite pleased nobody figured it out. — Jon Ericson ♦20 hours ago
@mınxomaτ It was a stupid pun in an Internet chat room on a site about explicitly making code unreadable for the sake of brevity. Of course it's forced. :D