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A: The Mystery String Printer (Robbers)

DennisJavaScript, ev3commander, ≤ 32 console.log(0.1411200080598672) OK, that was easy.

Then cracking each answer would be like a mini
@Dennis LOL
Gotta love when course notes include example code that isn't even valid code
@AlexA. Story of all of my lower division CS courses
And most of the internet, and textbooks, and...
This is a master's course. I feel like they should know better.
Nah. The people that teach master's courses don't need to validate their code, they know it all :P
@AlexA. :P
@Geobits I think this is really what goes through their heads.
I've had some good CS professors anddddd some really bad ones.
@Geobits They've mastered it.
Of course they have.
@quartata This isn't CS, it's statistics (hence SAS code instead of a real language). So perhaps they don't feel as though they should be held accountable for code.
Statistically, they probably aren't held accountable for it.
@Geobits That's an accountant's job.
But yes, what you said is actually true. I can attest to this as the only programmer in a group of biostatisticians.
It's perfect.
Yet another reminder that I have a shiny 100 rep bounty on this question: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/60147/rtttl-obfuscation
I really don't want to have to award this to the Whitespace answer
@quartata wtf did i just watch
@Geobits I want to believe those aren't real, but that's exactly something anheuser busch would make.
@AlexA. Basically, Sweet Genius
@AlexA. You didn't have to watch the whole thing just the no no no it's perfect part.
I did have to watch the whole thing. It was like a car crash; I couldn't look away.
@Dennis S limit exceeded
@Dennis Wait, that seems to be a thing.
But I think you can just do that once without the loop. — SuperJedi224 44 mins ago
I wonder if he realizes that I made the language...
@El'endiaStarman roflgolfer
@AlexA. Did you actually watch it from start to finish or just from the time I linked to the end?
It makes more sense if you start from the beginning.
Oh, from the time you linked to the end I think.
@AlexA. That's not true -.-
@AlexA. Watch it again.
@AlexA. Goddessship. :3
Seriously. Do it.
Uh... no thanks
Peer pressure I need an adult
I'm an adult.
Oh good
I need you.
My advice is this: Just give in and do it. It'll be over soon, and you don't want to be an outsider. Remember, conformity=comfort.
Wait, what is he doing?
Seriously though it's actually pretty funny
More so if you watch it from the beginning rather than 3/4 of the way through.
It has something of a story to it.
Running for your life from Shia Labeouf...
I sent that to my parents in 30 seconds of finding it.
I just thought of a new challenge type.
So five golfers are selected.
The sweet genius posts a challenge. The worst golfer (BASED ON WHAT CRITERIA THE SWEET GENIUS DECIDES) in that challenge is eliminated. Then another challenge is posted until a winner is determined.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE The original sound-only version or this improved live version?
A question regarding codegolf: I frequently get annoyed because of codegolf (answer)submissions that just include language,bytecount and code, without any information on how it works, how it is used etc. I think we should make a requirement of having at least some sort of short explanations /comments in the code.
Improved live version.
It's like multiple pop-cons changed together except instead of the unwashed masses determining the winner the one true demonic overlord of PPCG (me) determines it.
@quartata Closed as lacking an objective winning criterion. Otherwise it's the same as the series challenges that Martin has posted.
@flawr There are so many meta questions on that. Look it up - google the search bar is your friend. c:
@AlexA. I would pick the criteria.
It depends on the challenge.
Wait Martin already did this?
Martin only blinks when you blink.
3 hours ago, by Geobits
Q: What should our response to code-only answers be?

JustinI've seen a lot of code-only answers in the Low-Quality review queue. What should our response to these answers be? Although they have all been flagged as low-quality, I've been posting a comment welcoming new users and asking them to explain how their answer works, then clicking "Looks Good" (be...

There are a few "series" types. Random Golf of the Day for one.
New challenge: Give flawr a colonoscopy
2 hours ago, by flawr
check out my colon.
So the we should just all flag those answers as low quality??
@AlexA. I think I'll pass on this one. Sounds ShadyAsFuck.
The system does that.
@Geobits ;)
@AlexA. Would apply?
@flawr No, just leave a comment asking for an explanation if it isn't provided and it isn't immediately clear what the code does.
@TimmyD CJam 2 bytes ':
Ultimately, I don't think they should be deleted. If you think it makes for a bad answer for the site, downvote it ("This answer is not useful").
rapid fire question - choose a javascript documentation tool
@Geobits This
Man we haven't had an question in agggeessss
Nor an overhanded one.
@Optimizer Seeking a hacker with great coding skills who knows JavaScript (also called Java).
@quartata And we haven't had a good one in a lot longer.
@quartata Many (or at least a few) would argue that it's a good thing
@AlexA. yeah, for some definition of tool
Damn, Peter Ninja strikes again!
Maybe I should try to make one
Make it good.
@quartata Be careful. It's really easy to mess them up. I'd highly recommend sandboxing anything like that.
So what exactly was anyways
@Geobits OK
@quartata @PeterTaylor's favorite tag.
@quartata A disaster.
And a scourge upon the face of this site.
Oh wait it has a tag wiki
So it's basically just like the homework questions we get sometimes on here except instead of closing it we actually have to answer it
There are a few of them still locked if you want to see.
Sounds like it was a bad idea.
Grace Note congratulated us on all of the traffic it brought to the site. Too bad it made the site a festering shitscape.
@AlexA. I saw that post.
Useless PPCG Poll: Are you right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?
I'm right handed.
@AlexA. yes
@AlexA. I'm anti-dexterous.
I'm sinister.
But then you already knew that.
I know a guy who got "Sinister" tattooed on his chest in prison.
What did he ask for?
He got what he asked for.
@AlexA. ಠ__________ಠ
He also got devil horns tattooed on his forehead in prison.
I wonder what the most starred post is
That sounds like just the way to convince the parole board that you're rehabilitated and ready to rejoin society.
we really need to get that disabled or something
OK so I've been through a couple pages and so far the most starred post is this: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/240?m=23783642#23783642
@Dennis What am I looking at
@AlexA. the latest CnR
Is there anyway to use SE Data Explorer to do this?
@quartata SEDE doesn't do chat
The main site has an API and chat does not,
According to Jeff Atwood
Which is why no really good mobile chat app has been developed yet
ChatSEy isn't bad.
> no really good
On mobile I always just use the full site for chat
But then you don't see the starboard, right?
On mobile I just don't go on chat.
@AlexA. yes I do
@AlexA. I'm not saying ChatSEy is stellar, but none of its problems would be solved by API access.
@Dennis Ah, okay. Good to know. Too bad they don't have an iOS version.
@Doorknob :O
@AlexA. Upgrade to Android.
Windows Phone 4 Lyfe
Definitely no
@TimmyD ಠ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ಠ
The WP app store (I don't remember what it's called) has approximately 0 useful items.
Oh no
(fights urge to kick-mute @ಠ_ಠ)
Don't hurt me please....
Apology accepted.
@Dennis That is very considerate of you.
@Dennis Do it
I'm getting mixed signals.
Well, you're getting signals from two different people.
Oct 1 at 20:39, by Alex A.
@ಠ_ಠ is not my sock! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
That's funny because I just looked at it said
> Oct 1 at 20:39, by Alex A.
@ಠ_ಠ is my sock! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I don't even know how to markdown
Oct 1 at 20:18, by ಠ_ಠ
I am in no way related to @AlexA.
I cannot confirm but only deny any affiliation with birds.

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