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@studiohack looking for me? :p
@SimonSheehan nah, just sayin hi :P
I have to go work on my little brother's PC... so back in a few @SimonSheehan
oh btw, the Dell Inspiron, with 128MB of RAM, I upgraded it to 512 (the max), and it runs awesome! :P
had to do some surgery though :P
and brb.
@studiohack Oooh, sounds fun. I want the details when you get back :p
/me is half tempted to pop off the wireless card off his old thinkpad and installing it on the old wireless-less compaq
no idea where the mini PCI slot is, or if it has antennae tho
@JourneymanGeek Why? :S
the thinkpad dosen't boot?
or power up... or anything. I've been using it for parts mostly ;p
:P Ahh.
didnt know you had an old thinkpad
also, drivers ed (in class) is over. So you'll hear me complain less now
@SimonSheehan: I have a non functional R51, and a functional R61 and x220. I mostly use the X220 now, but the r61 is my main 'test' system
@JourneymanGeek We still use R61's at school :p
Its still a fairly useful system ;p
Some teachers have T420's and 520's, but the teachers who have been around a while still use R61's
All the students use ThinkCenters
most of our office computers are thinkpads or custom built desktops
our proper shared box at home, i built, but we have the dumpster dell as a backup
@JourneymanGeek At my house we all share an Inspiron 545 desktop, and an Inspiron 15R laptop
@SimonSheehan: my dad and bro have netbooks for home use. dad has a R51 and R61 in the office, and a desktop ;p
(well the r51 was ... detained for 5 years, we just got it back)
@JourneymanGeek Ah yeah, I remember that now.
suprisingly the battery on the R51 is still in great shape
about 2 and a half hours battery life
Really good... My Inspiron has a crappy battery :p
Quite honestly, the office desktops need a refresh...
since, they still use PATA/DDR2 etc...
if something dies.. its gonna be a pain to fix
lol my little brother (about 11) thinks the motherboard looks like a city - and when I booted the system, he said "some of the houses in the city have lights" :P
@studiohack Haha, funny reference really :P
@studiohack Can we get the details on this surgery? :P
For those interested, check out the new user pages, its being tested on MSO!
@SimonSheehan what a mess! :P
I like it, but its going to take some serious getting used to...
@studiohack Definitely a big change... INFORMATION EVERYWHERE!
Already tossed in a bug report
link @SimonSheehan?
A: New User page - LIVE (on meta)

Simon SheehanPart of my profile appears to be cut off right now.

and sorry, I was fixing my bro's PC, adding some CD drives from the old scrap PCs :P
1000 rep on MSO :D
the surgery, well...the Inspiron 2650 is one of those beasts where one RAM slot is very accessible, and the other RAM slot is under the EMI shield and the keyboard
@SimonSheehan congratz! :)
@studiohack Haha, I got there surprisingly fast too! Much faster than SU I think.
so, I had to take the keyboard out, the emi shield, and one or two other parts, (fairly simple) and change the RAM... when I tried to boot, it didn't even POST... so I was like... I'm gonna do this another day :P
@studiohack: most laptops i've seen are like that
thinkpads don't seem to have that EMI shield tho
so the next day, I fiddled with the RAM and reseated the easiest access one, and tried to boot again... lo and behold, it booted...
@JourneymanGeek both of my Dell laptops (1-5 years older than the one I worked on) have very accessible RAM, and together
@studiohack sounds like a fun weekend project!
@SimonSheehan and I bought two 256MB sticks for $10 total + free ship on eBay!
so for $10, I quadrupled the RAM and have a new laptop in very nice condition. :P
@studiohack holy :O I remember buying RAM like that for $40 before :P
@studiohack: with thinkpads, pop off the keyboard and there's one. there's one more underneath... I think once i got the hang of how the slots worked, took me like.. 10 minutes ;p
its actually less painful than that dell 530 desktop i keep yammering about
Well the keyboards are really simple on thinkpads
oh really? I've got the Pentium 4 mobile in this one...
and a Celeron, and a Core 2 Duo... and an Xeon :P
the PIV mobiles.. are the least sensible laptop chips i've ever seen
and huge
wait.. a xeon laptop?
Am i reading that right? o.o
Xeon in... a laptop?
studiohack is a Microsoft Intel Dell :P
no, my server @SimonSheehan @JourneymanGeek
large small business server - 67 GB space with RAID - runs Amahi Home Server on a Fedora 12 build @SimonSheehan
@studiohack Oh! Didn't know you had one... Whats it for?
Lets see, the current running network is.. 3 core2 duos (one self built laptop, one self built desktop, and the dumpster dell), two atoms of some sort (netbooks, one HP, one dell mini 10), one core i5 (my x220, which still hasn't been fixed).
I use it for pictures, docs/music mostly...gonna convert it to mostly pictures and move the music/docs to another machine or my external Passport
also one more atom running at the office which i'm considering moving back since i don't need it as a web server any more
dumpster dell @JourneymanGeek :P
also, 67 gb isn't much o0
@studiohack: literally!
but she runs fine now, threw out the video card, and the noisy ass case fan
(which is probably a bad idea, but ...)
@JourneymanGeek it was given to me by my grandfather, who upgraded his small biz server, and it has 100GB hdds (three 33GBs) and I only have 67GB space free - max if I run RAID 5, I think it is
Yeah, 67GB is very little at today's standard.. I mean, my old HDD was 40GB :P
I'm tempted to kill the RAID... but am scared of the higher chances of data loss?
killing the raid dosen't seem to be a bad idea
won't I have a higher chance of losing data, @JourneymanGeek?
well... quite honestly, you could just plug in a 1tb USB drive ;p
I could @JourneymanGeek - but I don't have $$$ :P
I'm saving money
@studiohack: I wouldn't put sensitive data on just one place ;p
eh, i totally forgot about that silly hard disk shortage
@JourneymanGeek its not, its a backup and I have the same photos spread out over 3 Zunes, two laptops... (cc @SimonSheehan)
@studiohack: I'm on something like 300 dollars a month
@studiohack My 500GB drive was only $50 :p
and, well.. quite honestly, other than having to sneak most of my hardware in...
@SimonSheehan how?!
actually mine was 49 SGD
@studiohack Its just a USB portable one... nothing major.
but i got it pre flood
preflood. lol sounds like Noah and the Ark
oh, external
@studiohack Yep. Prices dont seem to be too bad here yet from what i see..
is that $50 in Canadian? which is more in USD
I think a 1tb external was something like 110 sgd
@studiohack $50 Canadian is only $49 USD
you guys have to understand, I'm the highest thinking tech geek in my family, so they don't understand what a 'server' is lol
@studiohack: they don't need to ;p
so I have to sell them on the idea of a server and how nice it would be to have centralized backups and be able to access all of our digital photography in one place!
well, i wish they did. I'm really antsy about the office setup at the moment, and backups would be a good idea
or better yet, replace our old PIV 1.6s with... donno... something cheap which i can get spares for ><
so one of the biggest things I like about this, is that I can set up permissions and users very simply, and then when we need to transfer a photo or a document, we don't have to fire up our email, we can just put it on the server - I've even created a special folder with special permissions called Exchange :P
I've always wanted a system like my schools, sort of - Where I can login and have the same user profile anywhere :p
a domain controller? ;p
well, roaming profiles
Windows 8 might have that...
using the cloud
I don't trust the cloud, ya'll :P
@studiohack Amen to that :p
@SimonSheehan how have you been?
any exciting escapades? :P
@studiohack Oh pretty good. Finished drivers ed today and stuff, at last! Spent all last week bottled down with work, and now im back to... not picking up a pencil until 13:00 each day
How about you?
i don't believe the cloud exists ;p
@SimonSheehan nice! so no more driver's ed then?
pretty good. wrestling with several tech issues with my new inspiron, precalculus, and got some $$ today for granola :P
@studiohack In 2 weeks I've got an in car lesson friday, and sunday. Then I qualify to do my G2 test ! (2nd level of license, only a few restrictions)
@SimonSheehan sweet! :)
@studiohack yeah! Finally some freedom! And I can drive around to find a job :p
that's the best part!
It is! I'm thrilled. Plus Theres some opportunities where I'll have the car to myself on certain days
Since this year I only write... 2 exams total.
Out of 8 courses
switches to his iPod
wow... sounds like you're gonna have a fun winter @SimonSheehan :)
@studiohack easy trips to the ski hill!
@SimonSheehan YESSSSS!
@studiohack I go 50+ times a year, will be much easier for my dad then instead of dropping me off :p
@SimonSheehan are you serious?! 50+ a year? you must be quite good!
downhill skiing, right?
@studiohack downhill and starting park a bit more since I liked it last year. The hill is really quite small - takes maybe 45 seconds to get down. But has 25 runs! So I can do about 45 a day :p everyone in town goes out there
oh brother... I'm jealous that you get to go so much - I'm lucky if I go once a year :P
we have some pretty sweet mountain slopes out here, but they are minimum 1.5 hours away
@studiohack only about 20 minutes for me. So it's great ;D I love Canada!
hahahaha :)
@studiohak gotta run now though - take Care!
laters @SimonSheehan - have a good one!
3 hours later…
oh shit
my main desktop stopped booting. No post. no power to USB devices... NOTHING
I don't really have time right now to go trouble shoot it... or the resources...
@JourneymanGeek I hate it when that happens.
and i don't have a suitable power supply
@studiohack: Well, i was thinking of upgrading, but... not like this
lol. I have several PSUs, too bad I can't give you one
they are 150-200ish w
450W. most of the spares i have lack the video card power connector
gonna check the office
edit wars with @Gareth :P
totally no suitable power supplies
Guess i will need to drop by the mall at some point and buy one
@studiohack edit war? I'm just going through slhck's meta post :P
hm, do new PSUs still come with molex connectors?
one of the office monitors dropped dead
well it powers off, then switched off after a second or so
@Gareth I didn't mean war, as in fighting, just us both filling the page with edits :)
and same here, been going through that post as well :P
morning all
Preview of new profile on M.SO.
it's like a personal dashboard or something
do you not think it's a bit too much?
I dunno, it saves going to several different pages I guess
having accounts right there is handy; that's probably the main reason I ever open anyone else's profile, to jump to "them" on another site
Also, November 3rd I put a MSO question on about including rollbacks in edit history. Nearly two weeks later and a 100 bounty its finally been tagged with [status-complete]
Q: Include rollbacks in recent history

tombull89Yesterday I rolled back this answer and, as it was my first rollback, got the "cleanup badge" and all was well in the world. However, when I go to my "activity" tab I can't find any trace of the rollback, only the fact I got the badge. Is a rollback not an action that needs to be logged/easily f...

ah yeah, I've a feeling we had a chat about that in here...?
well glad to see it's fixed :)
Yeah I remember talking to you about it, so I thought I'd mention it.
tbh, the new profile
only rep, accounts and bounties are new
the rest were already there, just really spread out
woah. I've actually hit the rep cap once, on lego.se
haha, nice
the sketchy theme site icon isn't a L on sketch paper, it's a brick; like it :)
My top 3 answers are on Lego.SE, Lego.SE and Gaming.SE...then MSO.
@slhck peekaboo!
@tombull89 It looks like they tried to fit everything in there
Finally, they switched to a nicer font, yay Helvetica Neue!
Well, there's a feedback thead, go post in it.
Q: New User page - LIVE (on meta)

Geoff DalgasWe have deployed a redesign of the new user page on META only. We're looking for any bugs / feedback you may have before we turn this on for the rest of the network. Click through to your user page to check it out. Post your comments / feedback as answers to this question.

also, I thought the font had changed.
Hello everybody, I was looking a script to installing multiple applications from file server. do know a nice one?
@Achu I'd personally just use cmd/batch file.
what it look like?
But maybe I misunderstand...
yeah i think
what i need to do is, i want to run that script from user computer and the script will show pop up all application setup step-by-step.
Wait, what Operating System are you trying to do this on?
on windows xp
yeah, you can do that through batch files.
Yeah you right but i have know idea how to write a batch file
my server address is like this:
mount first \\
run \\\software\firefox\setup.exe
run \\\software\7zip\7zip.exe
just like this
so you're running this command on the server? or on the user?
from user side, but i was trying to give a clue :)
it is not actual script
or command
oh right okay.
I think if you ask a question on the main site it'll be easier than trying to explain in chat.
ohh ok i will do that
thanks you :)
Also, check out Ninite. ninite.com Mass automated install of programs. One click install.
+1 for ninite!
that reminds me, gotta go fix some computers :/
later @tombull89
later @slhck
Yeah, it looks good but we have commercial software's.
and ninite not allow me to add those applications :)
@Achu: i think the paid version might. else you might want to learn how to script unattended installs
@JourneymanGeek Yeah thank you i going to do that
@JourneymanGeek Scripting installs = no worries. unattended installs = bit more tricky.
I just need to learn and find the switches and spend some time on it.
2 hours later…
sourceforge.net/projects/winqconsole quake style console on windows
hm, dosen't seem to work for me
3 hours later…
Hello, dearie :)
@Sathya Wow, that's pretty. 24"?
@slhck close, 23"
I wanted the 24" 2412 - but that's about 2x cost of this
Yeah, they're quite expensive, but they're pretty good! @Sathya
ARGH CHKDSK says: file record segment unreadable :(
@Sathya Any reason why you picked that one?
@IvoFlipse seemed the best of the lot at my budget - ~ Rs14,000 / $150
Ah yeah, that makes sense
I guess you can't really go wrong with screens anymore nowadays
it's IPS + full pivot/twist, DVI/VGA/DP
they're such a commodity
23", full HD
I'm torn between 23 and 24
also had a look at Samsung, Asus, BenQ - either they were over my budget or weren't IPS screens
and the 24"was Rs 27,000
though it would be my third screen, so I guess even a 3rd 22 would do
@IvoFlipse I suppose any TN 22" should do
I want to be able to have an IDE, some pdf and SO open at the same time
though I might put the new one on its side, so I can fit more text on it vertically
IDE on main, PDF on left, SO on right
sadly I need a new GPU to go along with it
the gtx460 can only output to 2 screens at a time
@IvoFlipse oh
even though it has a hmdi port left over I believe
Q: Using three monitors with a GTX 460

MatthiasI recently purchased a GTX-460 and expected it to be able to supply 3 monitors. However, this does not seem to be the case (that's what you get for trusting a random store clerk instead of doing your own research I guess). However, I have also purchased the screens already, so just settling for d...

I suppose you add a low budget GPU
I was planning on adding the same, but I guess that's not really necessary
Would I be able to stick in a el cheapo 50 euro one next to the GTX?
yep, you can
and you aren't going to SLI it right
Hehe, I was just checking :P
well technically I don't need it
I'm perfectly happy with my current graphics
and the power usage overkill doesn't make SLI that tempting either
@slhck, @WilliamHilsum: Has anyone received the prizes from the second anniversary yet? It's-getting-cold-and-I-need-to-wear-that-SU-hoodie...
I don't know
And I reckon I need to replace that disk that's giving me chkdsk errors :(
I wouldn't know either...
chkdsk won't even finish :(
@IvoFlipse better get on that pronto
well I first need to get my payments, then I can spend it :P
I should check if I can RMA the disk
@TomWijsman you any idea whether a disk is salvagable if it starts crapping out?
Q: WinXP: File Record Segment nnnn is unreadable?

chrisI'm pretty sure that the drive is toast, except for the fact that this error is only showing up on one partition (it's out of a Dell computer, and has a couple of Dell partitions, which boot and work fine.) I've already purchased another hard drive, and re-installed WinXP, but when I re-connect ...

Something like this
@IvoFlipse You could run something like SpinRite of it and then do an error scan across the disk to see whether it is still usable.
If you didn't see it yet, check this answer:
A: When to stop using a hard drive? What rules/software apply?

Tom WijsmanIf you want to go low-level and aren't afraid of DOS/Unix applications, I've found MHDD and SmartUDM, available on Hiren's Boot CD and UBCD next to other great tools (scroll down to see a list). If you prefer using something with a GUI there is HD Tune, which comes in a free and a pro versio...

I'll try spinrite then
though don't I have to buy that?
Yeah, that's the problem. Dunno about other tools.
I'm not really experienced with bad disks though, I haven't seen any of mine fail and my last replace was to replace some smaller external hard drives by one bigger one.
Well then I'd rather waste that money on new disks
@TomWijsman None yet. I wrote Rebecca in between but she said they were working on it.
I was hoping 3tb drives would be cheaper by now, but I guess getting 2 * 2tb should suffice my data hunger
I'll just let them mirror each other as a primitive form of redundancy
@slhck Thanks, I don't really mind that it took time but would still want to know if mine got lost somewhere (not that I can do anything about that, but then I don't have to wonder about it :P). Nice to know there was an update on the progress...
@IvoFlipse: The problem is that the stocks are smaller due to the flood, causing higher prizes.
oh right, totally forgot about that
perhaps I'll just buy one disk then, just to wait until the situation improves
@TomWijsman Yeah, still a bit meh to wait for so long :/
I need to check out my mother's laptop HDD, because I'm suspecting the weird/slow OS behavior to be because of the drive.
oh god I fear the disk is becoming inaccessible now :(
damnit, all my steam files are on that
now I have to download Skyrim AGAIN
@IvoFlipse: You could freeze it and get whatever you can of it.
When I went to Task Manager of my mother's laptop, it showed 100% usage on boot. I believe it causes explorer.exe to crash over and over, and random freezes/crashes.
@TomWijsman freeze, like how?
Disabling Windows Search seemed like an easy fix.
@IvoFlipse Physical. lifehacker.com/5515337/…
Also, software like Roadkil's Unstoppable Disk Copier might be handy for backing up the data from it.
the problems started when I ran several antispyware programs over the drive, guess it didn't like that
@TomWijsman That seems to be working
Or at least it started, then the drive probably hung up again
Sounds bad... :(
It feels bad too, perhaps I should run to MyCom and get a replacement/backup tomorrow morning
I've stopped using scanners for a while, I just make sure that it's not in Autoruns (so, it doesn't load) and occasionally run a memory/quick scan and only a full disk scan if the former's have found something really serious.
Ah, I love it when random people leave their Facebook profile open and post pictures of their computer setup
oh man, my GF will be disappointed to hear all the episodes of Desperate Housewives are gone
@IvoFlipse Haha. Mine's recently started watching it.
@IvoFlipse Unless they were subtitled or high definition, she can probably watch them online?
@slhck So did mine, but she's already into season 5 :P
@TomWijsman Its more that I had season 3-7 ready for her, so she could watch whenever she wanted. Now I need to redownload all of them
@IvoFlipse Well, 3 more to go!
and all the steam games
either way @TomWijsman the copy program does its work flawlessly
but I'm rather impatient, so I constantly try to move other files as well
@IvoFlipse See G+ chat.
I saw it :)
Well, this is a bad time to be trying to find out how to do something in php...appartnly php.net's DNS provivders are suffering a DDoS attack...
@WilliamHilsum: It seems my computer hasn't crashed for about a week or so, while it was at a daily basis before that. I've increased the ReadyBoost log file size, installed the latest drivers for all devices and such. And something seems to have resolved it (I hope not for now) but I don't know why.
There was a mention of a fix for the Nvidia driver that was kind of related so it might be resolved in the Nvidia driver itself. Perhaps they were bored of receiving crashes from me...
Or it could be related to chipset drivers.
The computer is on as long as before, I've switched between StarCraft II / Skyrim. I've watched quite some YouTube on some days, as well as other video plug-ins and streams.
Q: Windows 7 stuck on CLASSPNP.SYS

Abhijeet PatelI'm running Win 7 x86 on a Lenovo Thinkpad Z61m in dual boot mode with Win XP, both OSes are running on separate partitions. I have a faulty battery and if left unplugged my laptop shuts usually down within 10 minutes. Last night, it shut down due to this, but after plugging in AC power and start...

Huzzah, now it hangs when booting safe mode...
Pretty weird that my hangs seems fixed after updating all my drivers, while this is my third install since I experience this... o_O
@IvoFlipse: The gist seems to be to try to boot in Last Known Good Configuration, if not you'll have to go the the recovery environment, hit SHIFT+F10 and enter sfc /scannow
@TomWijsman I can boot into Windows normally, just not safe mode :\
but it seems to hang windows for no good reason
@IvoFlipse I went with 27"
@Diago That keyboard is so lost in comparison to the huge screen
Do you find it productive to work on?
@slhck The 15" MacBook is lost in comparison to that screen
haha, indeed
@slhck Yeah. Although I pushed it up to 16GB of RAM, double the memory of MBP. Although the MBP is an i7 compared to an i5
Takes some time to get used to it however. I was shell shocked for the first few hours
I can imagine!
Got the same 8GB i7 MBP – do you use SSDs?
I was playing Civ 5 and Duke Nukem on there this weekend. It's awesome.
@slhck Nope. I installed a 7200rpm drive thought
I now have to think carefully if I want games for the iMac or my PS3
Also you stop using apps in full screen
yeah I can imagine that looks kinda ridiculous
My wife uses hers for Poser. She loves the amount of space to render images and build models
@Diago zyeah that's pretty sweet
Hi all
@Diago Nice
And I'm down to formatting the darn drive, hope that helps
hi @DanielBeck
Could someone help me figure out why Excel might not be processing formulas on a spreadsheet?
@Iszi what's the formula?
  if(node.getLevel() >= depthLimit)
      return true;
      return false;
well what do you say about that
Uh if its more than the limit return true?
@IvoFlipse Nevermind. Figured it out. I'd changed the format from Text to General, but hadn't forced Excel to refresh the cell yet.
It wouldn't even evaluate "=1+1" let alone anything else.
@IvoFlipse Haha, yeah, I was just wondering why someone would write this instead of return (node.getLevel() >= depthLimit)
@slhck probably because he didn't know how it worked, so he tried this first
and then never 'fixed' it
@IvoFlipse Turns out the person who wrote it is a Professor with a PhD, a M.S. and a B.S.E.. Oh well :P
but yeah, coding style is very subjective
@slhck People in universities are the worst coders
Especially when they lack a formal programming education
I know that from first hand experience :P
uhh … stupid pizza delivery website … their printer always truncates my address from number 29 to number 2
@IvoFlipse Hear hear!
Obviously there are exceptions, but they are just that: exceptions
Version Control? What's that?
do I see a bit of irony there?
You should see my folders with matlab scripts, copies of copies of copies
Databases? Who uses that?
@IvoFlipse Uh … don't even start!
Got to evaluate some experiment results in the next few days
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