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@slhck My mom used to have a problem with a certain pizza shop delivering pizzas to our house, when they were meant to go next door. It was particularly irksome because she really doesn't like that brand of pizza. One night when it happened, she unloaded the delivery guy's arms and slammed the door shut in his face before he had a chance to ask for payment.
Guys, anyone know about using crash to analyze linux crash dumps?
Turns out it was a new guy that time, so she gave him a brake and told him he'd better make sure it never happens again. It didn't.
@Iszi Haha. Solved that problem once and for all then :P
@slhck As she tells it, once or twice she'd notice the delivery guy slow down near our house and then quickly drive on to the next one where they were meant to go.
Okay, your duty is clear: order a pizza from that chain and watch the delivery guy triple-check the address as he's walking up to your door.
Is there any reason why chmod would say that it changed the permissions, without the permissions actually changing?
@Na7coldwater Can you try with -v?
@Na7coldwater Maybe some Windows share or something similarly exotic, and the FS driver confirms the change but isn't actually capable of performing it?
I tried with -v, and I got mode of 'file' changed to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx).
Yeah.. Isn't that what it's doing on vfat too? @DanielBeck
But ls -l | grep "file" says the permissions aren't changed.
@slhck No idea. Recently had this behavior with mounted remote file systems on a server, and those were Windows shares AFAICT. The missing capability of mapping permissions to the Unix model sounds like a good reason to either return errors all the time, or just silently ignore these commands.
This is on a computer with both Windows and Linux installed. The file is on one of the Windows partitions. Should I copy it to a Linux partition?
@Na7coldwater That could very well be the problem, since Windows filesystems don't really have these Unix permissions
@Na7coldwater What are you actually trying to do? Make the file executable?
If you've got the filesystem mounted as quiet, then chmod will not fail if it can't change the permissions
I don't know how it's mounted, I'm sshing to a friend's computer.
@Na7coldwater We recently had a similar topic on SU
You can probably copy the binary to your machine and set the executable flag there.
Okay, copying the file to a Linux partition did the trick.
I guess the Windows filesystem wasn't accepting the permission change.
Q: Can I execute a Linux binary without the execute permission bit being set?

TomIs there a way to run an executable binary file under Linux which does not have the execute bit set? chmod +x is not an option. E.g. it's permissions may be r--r--r-- only. Executing scripts is possible without setting the execute bit and putting in a hash-bang by passing the source to the inte...

This could also work.
Additionally, you could look into the mount options you use. I'm pretty sure you can tell it to make all files on there executable.
I might actually do that, I have the feeling my friend will need to run files from that partition a lot.
@slhck Have you ever used gdb on OS X?
@DanielBeck Not yet
@slhck It's pretty disappointing... it looks like a rather ancient version (2002 or so) and I was wondering if you knew how easily it can be replaced.
Does anyone know if Java URLs can also point to file://?
@slhck Yes they can.
Otherwise File.toURL() would be kind of pointless :-)
Good point :)
Looking for a way to transparently point to either file or web resources
so URL should work for that
argh now my computer froze while formatting the crapped out drive @slhck :(
the computer gods aren't favoring me this day
@IvoFlipse Ah … how does that happen? :/
@DanielBeck Hivemind ;)
@slhck ah it seems it unfroze, but that doesn't make me feel safe
haven't had issues with the unarchiver though – not even on split files or password-protected ones
@IvoFlipse Why are you formatting a dead drive?
@slhck well I'm not 100% sure its dead yet
and mostly out of necessity, I don't have a replacement at the moment
ah, sucks
and right when the HDD prices are at a peak, I need to get replacements :P
oh right, I totally forgot that! bugger :(
@slhck I remember that for some reason I needed unrarX a while ago. That's why I added that "older versions" bit.
I think it was passworded or split archives, but I'm not 100% sure.
Hmm now that you mention it … I once had a file that just wouldn't open. It had to do with the password though.
Plus, UnRarX can check them for integrity, which is nice
but the interface is horrible
Can anyone help me get something useful from a kdump Linux crashdump?
@slhck Why did you delete your answer?
@DanielBeck Because it says exactly the same as yours?
@slhck No, yours had the screenshot of the relevant config page.
And you were 15 seconds faster :P
@DanielBeck Yeah I planned to edit that into yours once you were over the edit grace period so I wouldn't overwrite anything
@slhck 49 seconds, but really? Fastest gun in the west?
@DanielBeck Oh, I don't care so much about that – I mean, it's not a competition or anything
@sinni800 No experience with that, sorry!
True, but you spent the effort, you should get rewarded. And I cannot vote on deleted questions.
I'd actually love the ability to up vote deleted answers, even more so if the user deleted his answer. Downvoting should be restricted, but up voting?
What possible reason is there to restrict that?
@DanielBeck If you insist, undeleted ;)
Well, they should start by allowing you to find your own deleted posts
Q: How do I find questions or answers that I've deleted?

ChesterI deleted one of my questions yesterday on SO and would like to un-delete it... How do I go about doing this? If I can't, I think this should be a feature request since you shouldn't be prevented from seeing these posts, especially when they were your own. For a work around, feel free to vote ...

@slhck They should start by fixing the deleted: operator. It is parsed as operator, listed in search options, but ignored.
@SimonSheehan So basically, "you can't" :P
@DanielBeck Well, it was kinda ignored until I brought it up … then they ignored it completely
@slhck In a nutshell, yep :p
Q: More consistency with the search result count for deleted posts

slhckI know I'll kinda shoot myself in my own foot there, but let's see. As we all know: 10k users can see deleted posts. For questions, this only works when they have the URL to it. Mods can see deleted posts and also search for them. However, the deleted operator still somehow works for 10k use...

@slhck Too bad.
@slhck If it weren't a pointless waste of time, we should petition to be able to find one's own deleted posts. How can user:[me] deleted:1 hurt?
@DanielBeck I know. I mean, why even give you the option to undelete if you can't find it anymore?
Q: Show all of my question/answers to me even if they are deleted

vavaI would really like to see all of my questions and answers on the profile page, even if some of them were deleted, and I don't have enough rep to see them on the site. (Note that some questions are automatically deleted after 30 days or 1 year, and the author might be oblivious about what happen...

Damn, I don't have 1k rep on MSO anymore... My answer got deleted, since it was a bug report thats now fixed for new user pages
@TomWijsman Not yet... Forgot about it!
@SimonSheehan Ah, gotta get used to that on MSO :P
@slhck Indeed! Haha, Guess these things do happen
Q: How can I prevent sudden audio peaks while gaming?

wizlogWhile playing intense first-person-shooter games often a grenade goes off near my head. The problem, is that I want to maintain my longer hearing while still hear the guy who sneaks up behind me. Is there software I could use to deafen loud blasts and amplify quiet footsteps? Edit: I think I'...

I actually find this really interesting – you Windows guys have an idea how that would work?
Audio cheat! ... No idea :/ Don't think anyone has done it, but, Windows has the ability to code additional audio filters... so, I am sure it is technically possible
@slhck: Isn't it just volume equalization?
@TomWijsman Under equalization I'd understand cutting/boosting certain frequencies
I mean dynamic range compression, as in lowering loud signals over a certain threshold
In the most extreme form, using a limiter
@SimonSheehan Nice song!
@slhck: i believe your terminology is correct here
@JourneymanGeek Haha. By the way, excuse me for suggesting a Behringer compressor, but it's cheap and does the trick.
@slhck: Why not just do this?
@TomWijsman Well there goes my Windows knowledge, haha.
If that does what it suggests, then that might be a solution – I'd post it as an answer.
I don't remember any of my old PCs having that, but I haven't used a Windows PC in ages.
@TomWijsman +1 for finding this
@slhck: eh, nothing wrong with cheap and does the trick
@slhck Great artist, check out their album Torches for some more good stuff
@TomWijsman - I first thought of that, but, as it's name says, it just equalises... what they want to do is artificially increase the quiet noises and decrease the loud noises (if I understand correctly) ... I am sure it is possible to add your own filters there as I have seen both Realtek and Creative do it, but, I think it is really hard/required DDK or something.
ahhh I hate that … I spend 15 minutes researching on an answer, and then the question gets an upvote, but my answer does not :(
@slhck :( I hear you on that one... the most bothersome is when a one-liner gets more upvotes than your essay ;)
Well, or even the question that actually shows no research effort at all
it's a bit ironic
oh well, off to sleep
see you guys
Cya later @slhck, have a good one
@WilliamHilsum Equalization brings the queit and loud noises more on par, so I don't see what's wrong.
@TomWijsman Equalizer is a bit different.. its more for music stuff really
It's not equalizing frequencies... o_O
Well thats what it take it as
Loudness equalization would increase the amplitude, not the frequency.
Loudness/Volume Equalization is making the amplitudes more equal...
equalizing - verb - 1. Make the same in quantity, size, or degree throughout a place or group. 2. Become equal to a specified or standard level.
Ah i see
A frequency equalizer changes the amplitude of individual frequencies to do a constant boost certain things in the music, a loudness equalizer changes the amplitudes of all frequencies over time so there aren't annoying volume changes.
But well, I'm not 100% certain of my suggestion is sufficient. It kind of depends if it works short or long-term, because it might be mainly meant for music...
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