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Okies @Grace, I'm free if you are!
@Fallen Gimmeh a moment and I'll login
You missed it.
@GnomeSlice ?
@Mana The podcast.
if the dogs one was a reference I missed it :(
@GnomeSlice Anything interesting? I was in class all day
@Mana I kind of ruined it.
you what
in SE Podcast Live Chat, 1 hour ago, by GnomeSlice
Oh shit, I'm ruining the Podcast chat.
I kind of made people leave.
And use the livestream chat instead.
besides "ruining" the podcast chat
...did anything interesting happen in the podcast itself?
(I still am in class btw until 9:00 PM so blaaaaaaah slow responses)
@Mana I didn't watch it, why are you asking me? :/
god, the pressure!
@Wipqozn I dunno..
@Mana ...wow. THat's shitty.
Perhaps you should go on a violent rampage?
Well, it's only today, and I don't mean Tuesdays in general
today is just a particularly awful Tuesday where office hours, one-day seminars, lectures and tutorials combine to give me no not-class time
where normally I only have three classes today.
I normally get off at 11:45am on tuesdays, and today was no exceptions.
Yeah, 12:00 PM on Wednesdays
for me
nice, nice
mine is 1:25 m/f, 11:45 t/th, and 3:25 some Wednesdays. I have a lab, but the professor cancels it from time to time.
Nice. I have SCREW YOU
throws desk at Wipqozn
@Mana thanks!
If it helps, I do need to get up at 6am and 7am for class.
Although I like getting up early, so that's not a negative for me at all.
Ohh..that's rough.
16 secs ago, by Wipqozn
Although I like getting up early, so that's not a negative for me at all.
I like how the first 3 comments are negative messages directed at me. Although @GnomeSlice's comment is directed at Arda and I.
I'm going to just leave this here...
@StrixVaria Definitely been posted.
18 mins ago, by badp
I didn't see it in the starred comments so I thought I was safe :(
Let me just delete that and star badp's instead I guess...
People only star hate :(
Indeed. I'm writing a research paper on it, actually.
@GnomeSlice ...and I can't unstar them or some people will complain!
I know! It's silly! But it will happen.
stares at Gnome
@Mana W...why?
@FallenAngelEyes you still hereabouts?
@badp I also star sorrow.
Oh, we're probably going to be switching to an internet plan that uses phone network data.
So we'll be restricted to 10Gb a month.
i.e. no TF2 download.
@GnomeSlice ahahahahahaha
aaaaaaaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha god that sucks ahahahahahahaha
@Mana Yeah. Our internet has been very slow of late.
@Mana WOw, that is cruel.
I would not blame you if you took a swing at @Mana, @GnomeSlice!
@Wipqozn My connection isn't fast enough, he'll just evade. =[
I feel his pain, though, since this was my situation a month and a half ago
@GnomeSlice haha, okay. I actually laughed out loud, that was a good one. Good job.
@Mana You were on Rogers Mobile data as your main internet?
@Mana Does Toronto have shitty internet or something?
@GnomeSlice Oh my. That is most excellent.
Why are you starring my repost of it?
Star the original post by @badp...
@Wipqozn Ottawa
I never even watched it.
@Mana I think he was talking about you.
@Mana I thought you were attending school in Ottawa but lived in Toronto up until that point...?
@GnomeSlice Yes. Ottawa. A month and a half ago
@GnomeSlice Oh, so you're part of the repost blog-spam machine? I see how it is.
No, other way around.
My stars! For @badp!
Oh, okay.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I made everybody leave the Podcast chat by doing that.
@GnomeSlice That's impressive. You should probably be teaching classes on that.
@GnomeSlice Stop blaming yourself.
Stop blaming yourself. Stop blaming yourself. Stop blaming yourself.
@Mana No.
More accurately, stop attention whoring
And chat star whoring
That's the worst kind.
@badp I'm not.
I asked you guys to star @badp's post instead of mine.
That might not be the intent, but it's kinda what it looks like from the outside. (Not just a matter of stars; just the general everybody-hates-me attitude.)
Because in reality we all think you're pretty darn awesome.
@badp ...How is that attention/star whoring?
Did I say 'star whoring'?
He implies that you're prostituting for attention by beating yourself up.
@Raven in a game with @Grace atm (yay deathtimer)
And by implies, I mean outright says
It's not a very nice thing to say! But to be honest I wonder about it sometimes myself. Then again there are probably times where you beat yourself up for beating yourself up.
At least, if you're anything like me. Which you're probably not.
in SE Podcast Live Chat, 2 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
This is why they don't like me.
in SE Podcast Live Chat, 2 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
1 min ago, by GnomeSlice
This is why they don't like me.
@badp That's attention whoring?
I used it again as a reply to something else.
in SE Podcast Live Chat, 2 hours ago, by Kyle Cronin
@GnomeSlice why do you keep quoting yourself?
So what.
I was using them as replies, woooowwww.
@GnomeSlice Hey, now you sound like yourself outside of the internet.
in SE Podcast Live Chat, 1 hour ago, by Kyle Cronin
@GnomeSlice no offense, but most of your stuff was a bit distracting, with you triple-quoting yourself all the time
First time that's really happened. Carry on.
@Mana ?
Oh, no, it's just the first time where I was able to read that in your voice.
Oh. Hah.
now it's 1am
@Mana So there is a whole other side to @GnomeSlice we never see?
@Wipqozn He's very romantic in real life.
@Mana A modern day Shakespeare?
That's crazy.
Although, not surprising he's different outside of the internet. A person tends to act different based on the group of people they are talking to.
@Wipqozn That's me.
Anyway, gotta peel potatoes.
I'm assuming @GnomeSlice is a person, so that probably applies to him as well.
@Wipqozn Indeed. For example, whereas on this internet chat I am the pinnacle of suaveness and dudity, outside of the internet I'm just a pretty quiet and shy person.
Does this surprise anybody? Probably not.
@Mana That doesn't surprise me at all to be honest.
Another example is I talk about how darn handsome I am on this chat, and in reality I'm actually about 100 times more handsome than I let on.
Q: Does Spell Vamp affect magic damage procs from items?

Raven DreamerI've been pondering how best to build Ezreal in the new Dominion mode, and it's gotten me wondering: Are Magic Damage procs, like from Wit's End and Madred's / Kitae's Bloodrazor affected by the aggressing champion's spellvamp? I know they don't get counted as part of the base damage of the att...

@Wipqozn Ah, yes, that's another good example.
The way I act in this chat is fairly close to one side of my personality.
then...WHO AM I??
Is the shy, kind of bashful, somewhat optimistic somewhat depressed me outside of the internet the real Mana? Or is this internet persona myself?!?!?!?
flips coin
@Mana In reality it's a combination of the two. I'm assuming the way you act on here is due in part that the internet removes the shyness.
Oh okay
This is an unusually serious conversation for the bridge.
Excellent! MY little guy moved!
He got stuck on a wall... but he moved!
(I wasn't really being serious)
(I'm not even depressed IRL)
and to be honest I think I got over a lot of the social insecurity that resulted in my shyness anyways.
So nowadays I am just a guy.
@Wipqozn Did you get his wife out of the wall?
@Mana So you're growing as a person? That's pretty awesome.
@GraceNote Why would I do that? Screw his wife.
@Wipqozn woah, why would Grace screw his wife? I'm so confused.
@Mana Maybe @GraceNote has frequent affairs with the wives of other men?
Like, business affairs? I can see that.
@Mana Well, people normally say they are going on a business trip when they engage in affairs so...
Or I'm just an endless barrel of Gaming injokes
@GraceNote I hold strong to the theory you don't actually exist.
@GraceNote Is this you?
@GraceNote The blue name tag requires a requisite amount of 'snark' before we're allowed in chat.
@Mana Oh man, I had one of those
Q: PC futuristic adventure game with bald marine

TiagoHrIt was an adventure game for PC that came in a cereal box. It should have been released around 1996-2000. Graphically it consisted of pre-rendered 3D backgrounds. You controlled a bald marine and the game started in a space station. In the first puzzle the character was locked inside a room and ...

Everyone had one of those.
@FallenAngelEyes I would hope so! All the cool kids had one. I personally didn't though, but that was because I was too cool.
@Lazers cringe All the futuristic adventure games have bald marines...
Crap. Just found a hole in my pants.
Guess its time to throw these away.
@RavenDreamer Or use them for nefarious purposes
No way man. Flaunt the holes.
@FallenAngelEyes ah damn, you beat me to it! Was going to make a comment about it being a glory hole.
@FallenAngelEyes intruiged Go on...
Someone trying to make conversation with you? Just go like "YO CHECK OUT THIS HOLE IN MY PANTS"
instant better conversation.
"whoa, what's that huge thing coming out of it!"
"oh this? this is just a banana" *pulls out banana*
@Mana Or instant lawsuit, one of the two
@FallenAngelEyes All the better!
@RavenDreamer Depends on where the hole is!
@Wipqozn ...D:
@FallenAngelEyes Just saying, a lawsuit could give you a great pick-up line!
@Wipqozn I am reminded of a thing.
Sep 21 at 20:36, by Grace Note
Would you like a banana?
I don't think I need to fish out the relevant line after that one.
@Mana I am! :D
@Wipqozn THAT'S IT.
@GnomeSlice No, really? Wow.
Sep 21 at 20:37, by Grace Note
Peel it down and go mm mm mm mm~
@Mana ಥ_ಥ
There you go.
(I still don't understand what the hell Grace was going on about there, but Juan's reaction was perfect)
@Mana My word, you're so young and innocent.
@Wipqozn No, I meant, in context da agh blaaaaaah
@Mana Peel down the banana skin and go "mm mm mm mm" to represent how delicious it was?
@Mana It's something that some friends of mine randomly sing. It just came to mind at the time
@GraceNote a-ha
Nobody watches my things.
Nobody things.
@GnomeSlice Well, I can't at the moment. I'm in class.
@Powerlord ...what
@Powerlord Can't understand anything he's saying.
You know, I'm making a point to vote to close all questions I consider too vague, however this has resulted in me just voting to close nearly all of them.
@GnomeSlice Good thing it's subtitled at the bottom then, right?
@Wipqozn Do not.
@Wipqozn "nearly all" so close
I'm still wondering where some of those phrases the Heavy says in that video come from. For instance, when does the Heavy ever say "salt"
@Powerlord This is why audio splicing sucks.
@Powerlord "Assault"
When does the Engineer ever say Sandvich?
It's on my favorites list too
@Mana Yeah, but that's only so you can step on them faster.
(for a completely different reason)
@GnomeSlice wooooooooah
@Mana I said 'step on'.
I treat ITGs like a proper gentleman would, thank you.
@FallenAngelEyes I missed whatever those last 2 messages were because my game launched.
I said "Right" and "Ooooh LeBlanc looks neat too"
oh wat
the PC Gamer that contains the key for the tf2 hat
it's available through Steam
just not in the UK, it would appear
@FallenAngelEyes LeBlanc is pretty potent
Why wouldn't you just scan the page and upload it to the internet? Or write down the code?
Unique code
@GraceNote I was telling Raven how going off just lore, I'm interested in Morgana (fallen angel, how can I pass that up), LeBlanc, Soraka, Vayne, and Evelynn.
Really? REALLY?
I like dark, kickass ladies, what can I say
Hats are serious business
Me too Fallen.
Morgana is one I haven't tried, but honestly after you mentioned lady necromancers she was the first person I considered suggesting.
I am a lore nerd :(
Vayne also gets props for having an outfit that actually covers stuff
@FallenAngelEyes You should read Rammus' lore
also, subscriptions coming to Steam 'soon', going off that article
How the heck have we managed to make computers with so much RAM...?
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, considering the other 4 of your choice... skirt, "dress", poncho, and... yeah... Evelynn.
@GraceNote "Armordillo" bwahahaha
I'm just learning about what actually makes up the RAM circuit right now and it's pretty amazing we manage to cram so many of those in such little space
@GraceNote Yeeeah, she's uh... not wearing a whole lot.
@FallenAngelEyes That's an understatement
@ThomasMcDonald PC Gamer is the one with the promo code for a TF2 hat in it, right?
@GraceNote I love her ability names though!
@Powerlord Yes, but I don't think the promo code comes with the digital edition
@ThomasMcDonald Which is just dumb.
at least, I would have thought it would have been mentioned in the digital announcement
not really, since it's a UK magazine, and I'm in the UK
want a copy?
and by copy, I mean hat.
oh man, an hour left in class...? Really?
12 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
r/coffee is quite possibly the best subreddit
simply because I want to become a coffee snob.
@ThomasMcDonald well, you are English. /racism
@Mana You know, if you lived in nova scotia, you would be out of class right about now.
Also, @GnomeSlice here. I want your thoughts on that.

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