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@ThomasMcDonald I linked that in here ages ago, I think.
@GnomeSlice No.
Pretty gory track.
@Wipqozn Well, she had a really annoying voice.
@GnomeSlice Do you recall her name?
@Wipqozn Er...
Wait... I think I'm starting to slowly remember her...
Was she blonde, with short hair?
@FallenAngelEyes Have you played any Coop vs. AI?
She was really tiny.
@Wipqozn Yes her!
(a.k.a. Stephanie Beard)
@GnomeSlice the original zone was the best. With phil and that blue thing.
Q: How do I load/board a ship?

GnomeSliceTwo of the 4 scenario battles available in Cortex Command contain a step requiring you to load something onto a ship, or to escape on a ship. ...How do I actually do this?

@GraceNote Only one game yesterday, managed to win playing uh... melee paladin dude. Garen?
That's all I've tried so far though. Doing some more reading before I try another.
Oh wait, that was just solo against AI, not with others.
Yeah, if it is the tutorial game, it'd be Garen
I remember this.
Poor Sugar.
@GnomeSlice I lol'd
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah. APparantly she's leaving Riot for greener, non-gaming pastures.
@RavenDreamer Ah, I didn't know she was part of the dev team
For today, anyway.
So it appears I only have access to Tristana as a permanent Champion
'cause you liked them on facebook?
If you subscribe to them on youtube you'll also get Alistar
I have an account anyway, so I figured sure why not
Oh? I'll have to do that, thanks for the tip!
That's new like, since Friday
I just don't know how to go about this yet, seeing as I'm only going to have access to whomever's in rotation. I guess just read guides each week x_X;;
I should play DXHR again.
And Alistar get
@FallenAngelEyes My suggestion is to just do some Coop vs. AI for a lot, with Raven or I as assistance too, just trying out new champions.
So... random question
@FallenAngelEyes You really have to, at least until you get a sense for what you like to play (and are good at)!
A week is a long time to try out a single champion so you can get the hang of that particular character. Tweak out playstyles, all that.
Also, why isn't Riven free yet?
Roughly what temperature do you guys think is the point at which roll on deodorant will get melty/sticky/gross?
@GraceNote Really? It seems like it wouldn't be very long :o
@DaveMcClelland ...ask at Fitness.SE :D?
@FallenAngelEyes Depends on how much time you get to play, I s'pose
@FallenAngelEyes I don't mean deodorant on your body - I mean like, at what point will a stick of deodorant start melting
I mean, I only had Rammus for 3 days before he was off the rotation when I started. I had advantage from playing DotA, but I squeezed in a lot of games with the awesome guy.
@DaveMcClelland I was mostly being facetious. >_> But uh... well, I'd imagine anything above 75F would be ewwww.
That sentence seems prime for misquoting
If you don't want to stick with either Alistair or Tristana as a start (Tristana is a maybe but I'm not fond of Alistair as a starter), I'd recommend looking at who seems most interesting of the current roster, but doesn't rate too high on "Difficulty"
@GraceNote Gotcha. I never played DotA (...or even WarCraft for that matter), so I'm at a bit of a disadvantage in gameplay knowledge.
Grace Note: "...I squeezed... with the awesome guy"
@FallenAngelEyes I left my gym bag in my car yesterday, with my deodorant in it. Then I realized if it was much hotter my car could have gotten really nasty. I'm curious to know what point I should start taking it in
Not that DotA was that close to WC but yeah
@FallenAngelEyes Which is why Coop vs. AI is very nice.
Q: Difference between Minecraft and FortressCraft?

benregnWhat is the difference between FortressCraft and Minecraft?

Not having a bunch of skilled players beat your face in like there's no tomorrow is a good way to try and learn the ins and outs.
@GraceNote Yeeeeeah.
Lessee... it's a new roster starting today, so...
@DaveMcClelland Ugh, considering how hot it gets inside a car, I wouldn't risk it for too long. :S
@FallenAngelEyes Out of context... ha
...wow, um, high difficulty much this week?
Alistair, Urgot, Rumble, Cassiopeia...
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah... I think that's probably a good idea. It's almost winter though, and I'm lazy so I'd much rather leave it in my car. Boo
Okay, I gotta go eat dinner, would you guys maybe be up for a co-op vs. AI match in an hour or so?
Obviously, I need to ask science
@FallenAngelEyes I don't get off work that early
Maokai is also a bit tricky to learn but... is plausible if you are interested in CRAZY AWESOME LIVING TREES
Ah, curses. @Raven?
Are there any female necromancers? >_> <_<
@GraceNote Not yet.
@RavenDreamer It took us this long just to get the one. And I think the next female lined up is supposed to be some sort of gravity user, so the rumors go.
Oh, this is neat.
Oooh, Cassiopeia's a snake lady.
@GraceNote I like Riven's character design.
Will you be about, @Raven, by any chance?
@FallenAngelEyes She is... hard. I won't tell you not to, but I really, really, really do not recommend her as a first choice. She is busy
I'd like her more if her name also wasn't a Myst sequel.
@RavenDreamer I do, too. Feminine a bit, yet not stupid.
@FallenAngelEyes hm? When abouts?
@GraceNote Gotcha
@GraceNote Or stooooooooopid.
@RavenDreamer In an hour or so?
@RavenDreamer That's what I thought you were talking about
@FallenAngelEyes Alas, no, I'll be getting ready for class.
@FallenAngelEyes To be quick - she has an ability dependent on landing her other abilities which can only be aimed, oh and she benefits by repeatedly casting stuff so you're going to be spell-slinging repeatedly, a lot.
@FallenAngelEyes I'd play after work, but I'm stuck here for a few more hours
@GraceNote Yeah, sounds a bit over my current skill level seeing as that skill level is uh... 0
@DaveMcClelland Ah, I probably won't be free then, doing some gaming with the b/f then :(
Okies, thanks for the tips guys, gonna go food
It's like trying to micro a group of marines and hydralisks and reavers, where you don't want the marines shooting until the hydralisks hit first, but you want all 3 unit types shooting as many people at once at all times.
@FallenAngelEyes That's cool - have fun
Urgot's startlingly like Cassiopeia's play style, now that I think of it.
@FallenAngelEyes Enjoy!
@RavenDreamer You're kinda right. Different quirks, but they have a lot of parallels.
Speaking of parallels, what you think about Cofagrigus Xerath?
I am enticed.
He sounds like I was hoping Caitlyn'd play, actually
I'm still largely considering buying Kog'Maw
Unrelated: Does anyone know how to search through a specific user's tweets?
Oh, is today gibberish day?
What a pleasant surprise!
@RavenDreamer Are their tweets public?
It's Notch, so yeah.
if you go to google and type "site:twitter.com" it will restrict your search to things on twitter
i suppose you could try "site:twitter.com/notch"
i'm not sure how well that would work, though
@notch, Stockholm, Sweden
I work at Mojang. Working on a game called Minecraft. I love indie games!
11.2k tweets, 397k followers, following 103 users
@RavenDreamer Do an advanced search.
@RavenDreamer Oh - there's also that
Where is advanced search?
@GnomeSlice You shut your mouth with your better solutions
@RavenDreamer Do a search for anything at all, doesn't matter, then click refine search, when it comes up.
search: gnomeslice
refine results
@RavenDreamer That account was deleted, by the way.
I'm @BassDownLow now.
Psh. You were "anything".
And nothing more.
I takes what I can gets.
@GnomeSlice I'd never seen that
@badp And you guys say I'm an idiot.
you probably found that link by misclicking or something!!!
Feature request: downvotes in chat
@badp I was all "pretty sure there's a way to do that right in twitter. looks Oh there it is. posts"
If you clone a game, lie about it, and act like a jerk for no reason at all, you probably refuse to pet dogs too. #itswhativebeentold
Q: How to get an overview of all skills in my fortress?

HackworthIs there a way to get an overview of all skills among all my dwarfs, either in vanilla DF or with a tool?

@badp The best part was, someone else found it before I could.
@RavenDreamer I didn't even look right away.
I was surprised nobody else had posted it after a few minutes, so I figured I'd show you.
I wonder, if I post a meta post about posting twitter stuff in Gaming.StackExchange's The Bridge, how many people will star it?
Oh blah, wrong link
Protected, anyway.
@Powerlord Not authorized to see your tweets.
sends follow request
Yeah, so?
So you can suck it.
Private twitter accounts are kinda annoying. Retweet is the soul of twitter.
Spherical cow is a metaphor for highly simplified scientific models of reality. The phrase comes from a joke about theoretical physicists: : Milk production at a dairy farm was low, so the farmer wrote to the local university, asking for help from academia. A multidisciplinary team of professors was assembled, headed by a theoretical physicist, and two weeks of intensive on-site investigation took place. The scholars then returned to the university, notebooks crammed with data, where the task of writing the report was left to the team leader. Shortly thereafter the physicist returned to ...
@Powerlord You are very active on Twitter.
@DaveMcClelland ...Do I dare ask if there's a particular reason you request this.
user image
@GnomeSlice So I can downvote you whenever you're better than me
@GnomeSlice Certain people constantly post uninteresting stuff.
@ArdaXi ಠ_ಠ
I'm tired and my head hurts.
@Powerlord I still can't see what that starred tweet is.
@GnomeSlice I'm going to blame Canada.
@Powerlord "This person has protected their tweets"
@GnomeSlice This surprises me because I don't even have a Twitter account yet I can see that tweet.
@GnomeSlice I already unprotected them.
(Not Canada's Fault)
@Powerlord Still says that.
Maybe I'm cached.
@ThomasMcDonald That's so sad, it requires starring
@Powerlord "I wonder, if I post a meta post about posting twitter stuff banning GnomeSlice in Gaming.StackExchange's The Bridge, how many people will star it?"
(Heard that somewhere, has no idea what it means)
How do you do strikeouts in chat? :o
@badp More than a star to meee
@GnomeSlice I don't know.
Okay, now for your test.
Replicate this: ^
Okay, now for your test.
@GraceNote A+
See, I can figure things out for myself.
@Arda but that's stupid because ambiguous character that doesn't look like an arrow
@Powerlord Two, apparently.
@ArdaXi Probably depends on where you post it.
@ThomasMcDonald You're an ambiguous character that doesn't look like an arrow.
Meta SO probably won't care as much as Gaming Meta would.
@GnomeSlice " in Gaming.StackExchange's The Bridge"
Although Meta SO has @JeffAtwood.
Don't ping it!
He hasn't been here in long enough ever, he won't get pinged.
You don't know that
(knows that something)
He's been here before.
Don't summon @LordAtwood unnecessarily - He will be most displeased
mods can always do their special global ping
I should probably play Dead Island now.
Looks pretty... fun...
I hear if you say his name three times in chat, he will appear in front of your computer
@JeffAtwood @JeffAtwood @JeffAtwood
@GnomeSlice this is the first such video I watched... ugh
I didn't need angry german kid v2
@badp Do you actually have to repair weapons?
@badp I suppose I should have warned you.
oh wait, I'd already seen the wool one
(That's basically how I moderate)
Man, I love the opening sequence of Cortex Command.
Q: How I do to manage so many Overlords?

Click OkI'm training using zergs in Stacraft2, and I create a lot of Overlods. In broodwar it's straighfoward: I send my OL to patrol my base. With Stacraft2, There are so many variants that I'm lost on how I do to manage all this work: Scouting; Spread over the map and expand creep where the tumor i...

Q: What is the City of Heroes Party Size?

The SasquatchWhat are the party/group sizes in the City of Heroes MMORPG? I can find all kinds of resources online that say these X games are multiplayer but no where can I find a listing of "this many people can play together in this game." (If someone has a listing like that for MMO-type games, that woul...

@Lazers er, isn't it 6?
! A City of Heroes question :D
@Powerlord It's 8
The Russian Gelmini in defense of the tunnel: she did not write that statement. But he signed. And drive was the face. His and ours.
However, should not rattle anyone, at this point the weight of zero (or negative?) Given by the Government of Italy's reputation abroad.
@ArdaXi er... what?
Ask @badp.
@badp: What is this, Google Translate spitting out garbage or something?
LaRussa in difesa del tunnel Gelmini: non l'ha scritto lei quel comunicato. Ma l'ha firmato. E c'ha messo la faccia. La sua e la nostra.
Non dovrebbe però sconcertare nessuno, a questo punto il peso nullo (o negativo?) che il governo dà alla reputazione dell'Italia all'estero.
@Powerlord I told Arda to not do something and he obviously did
(If you don't speak Italian - don't bother making sense of these tweets, you don't care about this crap.)
@badp I only saw the deleted tweet.
@badp Tradurre è di solito meglio di questo.
Okay: stuff that you don't give a shit about GET. I dunno if you caught wind of this, but the local ministry for school and research boasted the Italian support for €45M in the tunnel between the CERN and Mt. Gran Sasso. Turns out she didn't quite know where this mount is, or she'd have realized this 750km+ long tunnel cannot exist.
/. claims 900km but anyway
It can with FTL travel.
Also, Gabe Newell has too much money.
The Ministry of Defense's best defense of this was that she didn't write that press release
She signed it
and she made a fool of herself
and with that, she made a fool of all Italy. Again
As if we needed the extra help
So she's like your Sarah Palin.
By now I'd expect other countries to put news about Italy at the end, as comic relief
The only thing we have is Wilders.
@ArdaXi It's because the other item sets required hats.
(that and they were sold as a bundle)
This is amusing. Both my code and SourceMod's code has two properties that have the exact same value.
Just they're set in two differently spots.
Q: How are recommended champions determined?

FallenAngelEyesLooking at my profile page and the list of Champions, I can see that I can sort them by several characteristics, including pusher, ranged, etc. However, they also have the option to sort them by recommended. All of the recommended champions for me at the moment are Easy to Medium difficulty. That...

Oh cool, our accounts were finally activated for Lync (aka Microsoft Communicator)
@Powerlord So what's so good about that?
(I'm honestly curious)
Wait, I thought this was the parody.
@GnomeSlice You're a parody.
@Wipqozn OF WHAT.
@GnomeSlice A normal person.
I hate you guys.
You hate you.
@GnomeSlice I want to star that so bad, but I'm trying to refrain from making you look like a jerk in the starred list.
@Wipqozn Don't worry about it
1 hour ago, by Thomas McDonald
user image
Is that @GraceNote?
So, it turns out she was a logo all along...
@Wipqozn No, I don't work at the office
@GraceNote It doesn't look like... that... is working either.
@GraceNote Dang, was hoping you were really a logo.
@ArdaXi You do know that mascot is technically a job, neh?
@GraceNote Inside an office? Neh.
...yeah, I can't defend it anymore.
@GraceNote :)
Well finished a co-op vs. AI match, we managed to win, but I think my contributions were minimal at best :(
@FallenAngelEyes Small steps. Who did you use?
How did you feel about lag or anything?
Didn't seem bad at all
I didn't experience any rubberbanding or anything
I'm not sure if you can check your ping ingame anywhere, I didn't see anywhere
That's good.
I don't know where it is, if it is available, but I think it'd be in the top right
I was using Tristana's Rocket Jump ability and that seemed to be working okay
@FallenAngelEyes Other than the indicator at the start, I don't think you can.
Q: Ubuntu top/best Games list

pahninWhat are the best/top games available for ubuntu (free/non-free) but non-commercial. Please help if anyone knows something. And preferably playable offline. (not like urban-terror, although it has a option to play with bots they are not that good).

@FallenAngelEyes Hee, a fun one
@GraceNote Yeah it seemed nice to use to jump in on a bunch of creeps close to death
FallenAngelEyes: "It seemed nice to... jump... on a bunch of creeps..."
@ArdaXi Because we had no IM client for the last two days.
Now I can finally ask other people questions without having to call them or email them.
Anyway, class time.
I don't get why people can't just make enterprise-level XMPP clients or something.
Q: How can I get this party started?

Ben BlankI'm trying to create a social/common area for my NPCs, so that they don't have to spend all their time hanging out in their bedrooms. Unfortunately, all my NPC housing to date has been apartment/hotel style and no one seems willing to leave their floor: How should I instead construct my NPC h...

@ArdaXi So ArdaXi won?
@Wipqozn Arda always wins.
Remember that. That's all I can say.
@Wipqozn Fish against bear.
@GraceNote In other words Arda is higher up on the chain food than you?
@Wipqozn Higher up on the food chain than my debate stance, aye
Arda > Stance.
in English Language and Usage, Jul 28 at 20:10, by Grace Note
@Robusto While this is my approach to a lot of things, I don't use trout as artillery against a wild bear.
^ On the subject of using pathetically weak arguments that pretty much do nothing but feed the victory of the opposition
@ArdaXi well that was terrible.
-10 awesome points to you.
@GraceNote noms on victory
@Wipqozn :(
I hate you. Jerk.
I'm sure you'll redeem yourself soon enough.
5 mins ago, by Arda Xi
@Wipqozn Arda always wins.
@ArdaXi Exactly.
If cats had a say on how to eat meat, they'd just cut to the chase and kill us
for crimes against... carnivory
> "Minecraft has been squeezed out of its own market," he said. "It might do well on the name alone, but if you want sexy graphics and shaders and the creative aspect, you have FortressCraft. If you want to fight monsters and share stuff with your friends, you have Total Miner. Nobody will pay for Minecraft when they can pay $3.00 for Total Miner or FortressCraft."
what a douche
@ThomasMcDonald It may be kind of true. Minecraft was a boundary pusher, but you have to expect the clones are likely going to outshine it eventually.
@GnomeSlice Not really, I've played on FortressCraft, it's crap
@ThomasMcDonald I've never played either of them, actually. I probably shouldn't have said that.
I don't think those people like me.
I love medics that go out of their way to kill me
for every second they chase me they waste two
especially if I'm disguised - they're not building uber then at all
(do you get 25% for killing a disguised spy tho?)
Hm, I wonder if @Fallen is around
@GraceNote ...I'm here...
@GnomeSlice Do you play League of Legends?
@GraceNote Well... no.
Then your presence is irrelevant to my desire to see if Fallen is around to have a fun match.
How come when I zoom out in my browser, chat becomes jumpy?
@GraceNote You had me at 'your presence is irrelevant'.
@FallenAngelEyes Up for a Coop vs. AI?
Or are you up to stuffs around now?
I can't at the moment, playing some CoH with my b/f :( He'll be going off to dinner in an hour, hour and a half and I'd be free then for a little bit, but with my luck, you're not free anymore at that point >>;
@FallenAngelEyes Hour and a half... lessee...
Oh actually he's eating earlier today, so I may be free in about 20 minutes or so
That puts it at around 7:30. Is plausible.
20 minutes even moreso
When I queued up for the other mission, I didn't realize it'd throw me in with other random people even though I chose to option to invite people and I was all waugh!

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