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@Hanaa Good evening. Catch you next time!
@CopperKettle I think "tumbles on the pavement" is good; "tumbles to the pavement" is also good; even "tumbles onto the pavement" is possible. How about "tumbles down the pavement" and "tumbles down (on|to|onto) the pavement"? I think all are possible!
Curious phrase of the day: As I know, [blah blah blah].
It struck me as odd when I was reading ell.stackexchange.com/q/44212/3281. "As far as I know, ..." is common. "As you know, ..." is something I've heard. I think I haven't heard "As I know, ..." at the beginning of a sentence before.
Maybe somewhat akin to "Per my opinion, ..."
@DamkerngT. I agree with this message
@DamkerngT. "Per my opinion," seems odd. "In my opinion," would be better
But "As I know," seems rather more odd than "Per my opinion,"
That is, I don't think people normally say either of them, but "Per my opinion," is readily understandable while "As I know," might cause a double-take or two
That's just my personal impression of each phrase
Of course, as you said, "As far as I know," is perfectly fine
And the string of words "as I know" is certainly possible in other constructions
@snailboat Thanks! It seems like "tumbles to the pavement" is the most common.
Well, it's not a lot of evidence to conclude from, but it does seem common enough
I agree with your message that the others are possible too!
Yay! :-)
I found a picture of a snailboat someone else drew recently
Oh, I think "snailboat" is rather unique!
user image
You might think so, but if you search online you can find other people using the name.
Wow! That's awesome!
I know, right? Makes me ashamed of the snailboat I was going to draw ;-)
I'm just kidding, of course. I still intend to draw a snailboat of my own later.
I have my art tablet all set up.
I think everyone should be able to draw in their own style. :-)
How does this sound for a reading method, to you?
Read one chapter without looking at a dictionary
After the chapter's over, go back and look over words you missed and re-read those portions
I'm going to try ordering 128GB Micro SDXC card at $16. Hopefully not a scam.
Wow! I haven't ordered SD cards in so long I have no idea how unreasonable that price might be, but it certainly sounds like a steal!
Last time I got SD cards, 32GB was the biggest they made them.
A Banana Pi is also already on the way, so I think a new SD card would be nice.
Because I chose not to buy a fanless PC, I decided to try a Banana Pi instead. I also got a heatsink for it. I think I will get it around the same time you will know your Japanese test result. :-)
I'm planning on making this desktop computer last a really long time, if I can :-)
But I might get a new computer at some point for music stuff.
I have a separate computer for that.
It's a mac.
Ahh... That's neat, too.
Besides that, I hope to not buy any computer stuff for a while.
Mac is great and all. The only downside is its price. :P
One thing I've noticed over the last, say, 25 years
Is that computers seem to last longer and longer, in terms of how long it takes to become too obsolete to keep using
Ah, I noticed something opposite. IT stuff seems to be broken faster and faster.
Oh, well, I think stuff might be getting less reliable over time
Like, hard drives, for example.
My first notebook stayed with me for almost a decade. Now it's hard to find one staying with me longer than three years.
@snailboat Oh, HDD is different. :D
Before this desktop, I had my old one for seven years! :-)
That was the longest I'd had a desktop computer.
Laptops are probably another matter.
I had to open the case of the PC I mentioned a couple of days ago to fix the RAM. I just realized that I bought it 6 years ago.
Hopefully it will make its seventh.
I've got my fingers crossed!
I like desktop computers for a lot of reasons, but one is that things are relatively easy to replace in them.
I've replaced a lot of things in laptops over the years
And I don't really like doing it
I'm not a hardware person
Have you tried things like Arduino or Raspberry Pi?
I don't really like fiddling with electronics
I like it when things work and then they keep working :-)
I see. :D
I'm going to go feed my baby snail.
Say hello to them for me!
2 hours later…
please recommend me a book regarding "speaking English fluently" ie, spoken English book.
@AvinashRaj That's an interesting question. Too bad that I don't think I have a good answer.
What kind of spoken English do you have in mind?
(Did you mean conversational English when you mentioned spoken English?)
@DamkerngT. I'm sure i'll stuck while answering to an interviewer. I'm not as much as good in the grammar part.
even this sentence may contain grammatical errors.
an easy understandable book which covers both Grammar and speaking part.
you see my global rep is 72K. It's only because of code not by English.
If i'm well in that too. I will be so happy.
That sounds like a book I want to write some day. :P
Just kidding.
However, imo, grammar and speaking fluently are unnecessarily related. Or at least we shouldn't let one get in the way when developing the other skill.
@AvinashRaj I'm pretty sure that with 72K rep points, you don't have any problems with written English, at least in general.
yep, people understand what i'm trying to say.
But my explanation for code i presented in a simple form.
So that i can't able to participate in meta.
where English with pure Grammar is must.
Eh? Hmm... I think you're doing fine chatting with me here.
I daresay that if we look hard enough, we will find grammar flaws everywhere.
Getting your points across is the main point, and perhaps the only point that is really important.
If I may, I'd like to suggest an exercise, rather than a book.
@DamkerngT. exercise? could you provide a link for that kind of online free exercises?
@AvinashRaj Ah, I wasn't clear enough. I meant an exercise that you can do on your own every day, to improve your writing. It's hard work because you already know English too much, and it's hard to break our old habits. Still interest?
yep, i know how to write in a simple english. But it's hard to me give answer through speech.
i would stuck in the middle and think that the speech i made is grammatically correct or not.
Alright, then. The exercise is actually rather easy. First, you need to find your master. Be specific with what you want to learn. For example, if you want to learn about job interview materials, find one that you think is really, really good. If you want to write a meta post, find one (or lots of them) that you think is really, really good.
Let's say that you found and now have the master materials. Here is the task that you will need to do every day. At least until you can feel the improvement.
Day 1: Pick a post or an article from your master materials. Translate it. Write down the translation in your own language on the paper. Set the time limit to, say, about 30 minutes. (This is flexible; it depends on how much time you are comfortable with this task.)
Day 2: Get your translation from Day 1. Translate it back into English. Don't peek the original during the back translation. (Again, set the time limit to 30 minutes or so.) Once you finished the back translation, compare your version with the original.
Day 2 (con't): By comparing the two versions, you will see all your flaws. Make mental notes on those flaws. (You can write them down if you'd like.)
Day 3: Do the same as in Day 1.
Day 4: Do the same as in Day 2.
(and keep this going on, and on, and on. :-)
You can adapt the process to suit your own preferences. However, do not back-translate your translation on the same day. Make sure that you've already forgotten the exact wording of the original.
Easy, right? :-)
superb Thanks.. And how i bookmark this conversation?
Thanks , bye.
See you around!
2 hours later…
@DamkerngT. A very interesting technique.
5 hours later…
Good afternoon everybody
@Hanaa good evening
@Freddy do you know the difference between the words, lesson and course?
@Hanaa yes, check out this question.
How? i haven't understood what you have written.
Q: What is the difference between taking courses, classes or lessons?

JJDCurrently, I am preparing a letter of my study objectives for an university application. I ask myself what is the exact difference between the following terms? Or can I use them synonymously? taking courses taking classes taking lessons

I hope this is more clear
Ok thank u so much
your welcome
Do you have books about Second Language Aquisition theories?
i event don't know what is "Second Language Aquisition theories?"
No problem
But actually, i need them in my master studies and found in google books , but i can't buy them because we don't have a cedit card system in ou country
@Hanaa Does that mean "second-language learning"
Yes , second language learning is one of those theories
@Hanaa why you wanted to know bout book?
Because i want to read them
@Hanaa I have got link of pdf file
You were searching for me! Thank you so much^^
I was doing two things together 9gag and Google search and it took bit more time.
Do you use 9gag
No , it's the first time i see it.
I have just opened the pdf u sent me
It talks about Krashen theory in second language acquisition
Yes I am also reading that
it is one theory among many other hteories
bye, need to go
ok bye
Q: the Russians have had their favorite, most-hated pindoses -- I got a problem understanding what this exactly means

Cookie MonsterExample with a context: The most popular explanation states that this word was invented by Russian peacekeepers in Serbia with the purpose of describing a NATO soldier, who was seen by them as a strange, clumsy figure with his 90 lbs. of bulletproof vest, weapons, radios, flashlights and so o...

A random thought: Events do not force the tenses. Tenses reflect how the speakers see the events.
I really have no idea about it @DamkerngT.
@Hanaa You meant had, perhaps?
yes, i had no information
(The "have" makes me feel like my message can't communicate anything. :-)
Your message deals with a political issue an the problem is in me not in it
Oh, that makes me curious. :-)
I don't have knowledge about foreign politics
Ahh... I didn't really focus on the text. That post on the main site reminds me of something about tenses. That's all.
I have a theory (more like an observation) about English as a second language.
Dec 10 at 1:41, by Damkerng T.
The Gang of Four (most difficult things to master in English): articles, tenses, prepositions, modal verbs
the tense is present perfect
Yes. And the OP was thinking backwardly, from the tense to the event.
can u explain more the last point?
Tenses do not really tell us about what happened, they tell us how the speaker thinks what happened (or happening, or will happen, etc.).
Or in this case: have happened
I'd say that the sentence would be just fine if have had were replaced with have.
It'd be just a different perspective.
what i know about present pefect is that the event has a relation with the present or the time of utterance.
That's what the teachers and the textbooks usually say.
i have asked you to ewplain more
What they seem to forget to say is that it's not the event, it's what the speaker thinks of the event.
is correct
> The Russians have had their favorite, most-hated pindoses.
> The Russians have their favorite, most-hated pindoses.
What do you think about the two sentences?
Good evening, @DamkerngT.! I saw you discussing this question and decided to peek in.
the fist happened in the past but is still happening
Hello @CopperKettle!
i mean the first
And the second one suggests that it always is like that, right?
what do you mean by nods here?
@Hanaa It means that I nod.
Note that I italicized it.
the second has many interpretations
either the event is in the time of the utterance
or it means that the event is a general truth
Sorry! Got to go
See you around!
I've expanded my answer with my understanding of the meaning that the Simple Present have would impart to the sentence.
nods -- I think it could mean exactly the same thing as the have had version, too, but with more emphasis on the present.
(Sometimes I really prefer calling the present tense "the plain tense".)
i'm back
yes have there is for a reality known by the audeance as you daid the plain tense
as you have said@DamkerngT.
nods :D
@DamkerngT. So it could be analogous in meaning with "have had".. but it lays more stress on the set of "hated US persons" at the present moment. Thank you for your opinion!
nod= agree?
Ah, yes. I forgot that in some cultures nodding doesn't mean agreement.
@CopperKettle Yes. I think if you can think of different sets of such groups of people with the have had version, you would be able to do the same with the have version.
@Hanaa I usually "nods" in agreement or in acknowledgement. :-)
Hmm... I just realized that I might always have misunderstood the term "State of the Union". I think this State should mean the condition, but in subtitles of a movie, they chose to translate this State in the sense of a country or a nation.
I thought it meant "condition" too. Strange.
The address fulfills rules in Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, requiring the President to periodically give Congress information on the "state of the union"
The State of the Union is the address presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress, typically delivered annually. The address not only reports on the condition of the nation but also allows presidents to outline their legislative agenda (for which they need the cooperation of Congress) and their national priorities. The address fulfills rules in Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, requiring the President to periodically give Congress information on the "state of the union" and recommend any measures that he believes are necessary and...
Maybe it's another translation gotcha! :-)
Hello @starsplusplus!
Is this expression correct? "you have to decide on the group you want to join".
Sounds okay to me.
Who does have SLA books?
second language acquisition theories
I don't have any.
I found interesting ones in google books but our country doesn't have a credit card system
i'm suffering
I take it that the libraries close to you don't have many of them.
they don't have
@Hanaa a country with no credit card system? I'm curious, but if you would rather not disclose the country's name in an open chat, it would be okay with me.
i know
i haven't mentionned the name
I'm wondering if it's possible for a person who has no credit cards to buy books on eBay.
There could be some intermediary firms
I don't know
companies that would buy a thing for you and ship it inside the country
Is it possible to transfer money to a PayPal account without having to use a credit card?
@CopperKettle That would work, too.
Thank you for the information @DamkerngT. and @CopperKettle
Some 250 folks went on a meeting today in our town to protest against the verdict in the Navalny case. It was bust ass-cold.. I only stood for about 40 minutes.
Your picture makes it look like there were more than 250 people. :-)
Probably there were more, but one guy wrote that he counted only about 240 (0:
There's a big demonstration in Moscow at the moment
117 people have been arrested
Yes, Russia
why so?
@Hanaa Why what?
@CopperKettle Oh, no!
the cause of the demonstration
@DamkerngT. It's things as usual. My friend posts her scientist friends in Moscow now and then, packed in Black Marias (0:
@Hanaa Corruption fighter Alexey Navalny got a suspended sentence of 3.5 years and his brother got 3.5 years of real sentence.
Black Maria may refer to: Black Maria, a slang term for a police van used to transport prisoners Edison's Black Maria, a film studio created by Thomas Edison == Music == The Black Maria, a Canadian rock band "Black Maria", a song by Todd Rundgren from the 1972 album Something/Anything? "Big Black Mariah", a song by Tom Waits from the 1985 album Rain Dogs Black Mariah, an English electro-rock band == Art and literature == Black Maria, an anthology of drawings by Charles Addams Black Maria, a 1991 novel by Diana Wynne Jones Black Maria, a book of poetry by Kevin Young == Transportation == ALCO DL...
Ah, Black Marias!
Interestingly, the Russian term some years ago was "Black Raven" (but with a diminutive suffix to the Raven)
Is there a special folk term for "police van" in Thai?
Probably, but I can't think of one at the moment.
@Hanaa In effect, the current regime took Navalny's brother hostage
i see
i remember Palastine when you said prison and protests
There is much oppression in this world
@Hanaa I'm quite uneducated regarding Palestine.. yes, oppression seems to be on the rise lately
Zionists invade Palestine and considered it their country
Today's meeting was not sanctioned by the authorities, so everybody just stood silently or talked privately. No speeches, no posters..
they hit women and children
Well, let's hope they will come to peaceful coexistence someday.
@CopperKettle, whom do you mean?
Both sides, the jews and the palestinians
ooooh, no one can feel what the muslims are suffering. Zionists are selfish and violant and want to get the country for themselves.
Well, there are people who are violent in every nation...
Let's change the topic
P.S. I recalled one joke, a pseudo-quote, as if by Tolstoy: "Someday, all good people should get together and kill all bad people (L. Tolstoy)" (the crux of the joke is that Tolstoy was against violence, and that by killing all bad people the good people will turn into killers)
I believe that this is the balance, the gravity needs two powers against each other to get the balance .. the force of attraction and the centrifugal force. if the world has only good people so at this time it will be the heaven.
and also, everyone gives himself the right of doing anything .. except who regrets and admits that he was wrong.s
and the Paradize is for the patients and oppressed ones
Where are you from @Hanaa
How about you?
Actually, this's my first time getting in this chat :)
It's an honor for me to meet you here
you will improve your language here
Thanks a lot for your kindness :)
I hope if I can, I'm struggling with practicing English actually.
@DamkerngT. helps with information
information about what?
about the correctness of your english
Aha, got it.
But sister please don't write any personal information here
I mean personal info is forbidden here
Okay I see.
"You know, or don't know, that great Bacon saith,
'Fling up a straw, 'twill show the way the wind blows;'
And such a straw, borne on by human breath,
Is poesy, according as the mind glows;" (from Don Juan)
I wonder what's the meaning of the last line.
Is it "poetry shows the motion of human mind", I wonder.
Which sounds/fits better in the quote below: according to or depending on?
Price of DVD: €29 (Shipping fee €3 - €6 according to destination).
Oh, Hi there!
@learner Probably depending on
As I thought! thanks
What do you call the thing that you cook on using charcoal/wood put on a bowl-like container usually outdoor; is it just "stove"?
Could it be "brazier", I wonder.
There is this Hobo stove! How interesting!
A nice name (0:
I'm looking for the name of a stove close to that Hobo one! Very basic almost "make shift stove"
I was looking for the word brazier too, thanks
You're welcome!
This is a list of stoves. A stove is an enclosed space in which fuel is burned to provide heating, either to heat the space in which the stove is situated, or to heat the stove itself and items placed on it. Stoves are generally used for cooking and heating purposes. == Stoves == Aprovecho – Aprovecho Research Center has worked on designs for cook stoves, primarily for use in developing countries. They are best known for the Rocket stove, developed by their technical director Dr. Larry Winiarski. Bachelor griller – a countertop kitchen appliance with which a single person can grill, bake, boil...
Good night everyone!
@learner A grill
I think
At least, that's the only thingy I've ever cooked on outdoors :-)
But then, it doesn't usually involve wood
So I dunno!
Is it any of these things? google.co.jp/…
The grill is for meat i.e BBQs. One could use it to cook an outdoor meal but I've never tried that before and I don't know why people don't use them.
I've found one using Google images and the picture was from Senegal
the keyword I used was still stove or outdoor stove
I think the word is just a stove but this is merely a guess
By the way, do think this guy is a native speaker?
2 mins
It is a course about phrasal verbs
the source
@learner Oh, I don't know. Grills are the only outdoor cooking I know about
I guess there's a lot of cooking stuff I haven't heard of :-)
@snailboat Thanks anyway. The same goes for me in my language.
Can I see the picture?
I didn't save it. Let me try and get it for you.
I couldn't find it fast but I used my native Google image and found a better match
There are different sizes and shapes but more or less they have the shape of a bowl
made of clay or some other material.
my native language, Arabic on Google images, that is!
From the Annoying Orange videos:
"... cows hang out ((at a range))" means withing a limited range
@3:20 mins
Oh, I've never seen one of those before
me neither
The kids love it!
@learner On a range, meaning, like, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rangeland
Well, I never thought of that. Glad I asked you. Thanks
1 hour later…
Hey, anybody here?
1 hour later…
@NouranMahmoud I'm here

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