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I feel like implementing the XmlQueryBuilder class I suggested... but I should be working right now.. :/
Gosh, I need another 325pts day to catch up with @SimonAndréForsberg now!
actually I find mine answer (I know its java 6 ^^) still low appriciated
A: Initializing JTree

chillworldpublic enum PieceGroups{ BITWISE(BitwiseAnd.class, BitwiseNand.class, BitwiseNor.class, BitwiseNot.class, BitwiseOr.class, BitwiseXor.class, BitwiseXnor.class, BitwiseLeftshift.class, BitwiseRightshift.class), ARITHMETIC(Add.class, Substract.class, Multiply.class,...

ola in 10 min I must leave office cause I'm not paid after that hour :)
@chillworld I think this one is just not appreciated: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/48943/… ;)
@Mat'sMug That's what happens when you pay bounties.
@SimonAndréForsberg it's for the greater good: another 6 votes here and the bounty will have generated 100 additional points on the site ;)
@chillworld I've been wanting to take a look at that question for a while. Now I have a reason to, thanks!
@Mat'sMug I feel a bit that I have no idea whether the answer is good or not, but perhaps simply that fact in itself is proof that it is a good answer :)
Time to eat
Q: Compare code with documented algorithm - is this correct?

user961627I'm new at stats and python... I had to implement the algorithm that I pasted and clarified here. I'm reproducing the algorithm here for convenience: The algorithm describes an implementation of gentleBoosting for multiclass classification. Now, below is how I've coded it. Is this doing what i...

@SimonAndréForsberg I don't review , but OP's code does look very readable - as readable as gets..
@Mat'sMug from me you get mine appriciating ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg try to add the reflection for finding the classes per package :D
@all see you this evening or tomorrow
@chillworld later!
@SimonAndréForsberg What's your next goal for your Hearthstone implementation once you've got it working?
Wow, I just learned that floor(sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(((4!)!)))))) == 5.
Heya. :)
hey @kleinfreund!
Hi @Mag's Mut
Whoops! :p
hey @kleinfreund
Hey @swiki :)
Me would be Freinkleund. Hihi.
Or better: wiski!
@chillworld reflection for finding classes per package? where should I add that?
Yeah, I like that. :p
Or Imon Sandré Brosger
@skiwi First I'd like to support all the cards. Then, I'd like to make a somewhat intelligent AI for it. ()
Hi @kleinfreund
Hi @Imon
<-- Ilipp
@SimonAndréForsberg After supporting all cards it becomes playable first I guess? But exactly how, would I be controlling both players?
@all If you're interesting in playing a cool new casual game (probably a well done hack'n'slay), you may watch out for May 20th. They release Transistor on this day. (Same guys who did the phenomenal Bastion)
@skiwi It is already playable. At the moment, you are controlling both players. I could easily add a simple stupid AI though (I love my AI-Scorers approach code)
Q: Java - Minecraft custom client 1.7 cant authenticate

Oliver PerringSo when i used to make custom launchers i used Dim result As String = webClient.DownloadString("http://login.minecraft.net/?user=" & PremUser.Text() & "&password=" & PremPass.Text & "&version=13") but now i see that no longer works (see here http://wiki.vg/Authentication) what i dont underst...

@CaptainObvious downvoted, obviously.
Q: HTML5 / Javascript Tic-Tac-Toe

LasoochAs an exercise, I decided to create a simple tic-tac-toe game. It is Ruby on Rails based, but as for now I'm not using the server side for anything (I intend to build up on it in the future, though). As I'm rather new with JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS, I'd like some feedback regarding what did I do...

@CaptainObvious upvoted, obviously.
Obtain Capvious btw.
Good consternoon, afterble.
Hey Florl
Yup .... oh, you post a picture today?
eh... Did I post one yet? I can't remember
Possibly not.
@kleinfreund - Costa Rica:
OK, for real .... I don't understand the SU crowd.
Ah nice. Exposure time you used?
I guess you had your tripod there, right?
Yes, tripod ;-)
Aperture Value 	f/22 	Exposure Program 	Aperture Priority
Shutter Speed Value 	1/5 sec 	Metering Mode 	Multi-Segment
ISO 	100 	Flash 	No Flash
Focal Length 	24 mm 	Date/Time 	Wed 01 Aug 2012 11:40:56 AM EDT
getting cool answers here:
Q: Lambdas in the classical Operation enum example

skiwiAs many of you may know, there is a classical example of the Operation enum (using Java 8 standard interface now though), that is the following: enum Operation implements DoubleBinaryOperator { PLUS("+") { @Override public double applyAsDouble(final double left, final double ...

Tried this as well, but only managed to get acceptable results with 1/8 without a tripod.
@SimonAndréForsberg Good, now you can do more useful things ^^
There is a total rep limit? :O
More than acceptable. The green moss is very striking.
The water clarity is great.
Where is it? Germany?
^^^ After the hike to mount Mirador (~1.000m; can't find it on Google Maps)
Two more bad titles bite the dust. :-)
No really, I can recommend the northwestern area of Mallorca, especially the small town Sóller for holliday trips.
I read that as "Mount Mordor".
@rolfr Once I manage to go through all my photos I made there, I upload a good bunch to Flickr. (~1.000 photos)
The highest mountain on Mallorca is the Puige Major (1.440m), but it has a military base on top and you can't go there.
@kleinfreund Can't go to the mountain or to the military base?
Both, the military base is the top of the mountain basically. :p
@rolfl https://www.google.de/maps/@39.758878,2.7474755,172m/data=!3m1!1e3

See the little hut there? That's the mountain we were on.
Q: Finding average of eight immediate neighbors of a matrix

user41918I have this basic Java code to find average of eight immediate neighbors of a matrix. Is there any way to simplify or merge any part of it, or can I make same idea with different code? I'm beginner in Java programming and am trying to improve myself. // CODE STSRT import java.util.Scanner; im...

I am wondering if I should whore my answers on SU like I do here? would they think of me as a pimp Negatively?
A: Can you burn a CD using a DVD R

Malachithe layering of a DVD is different than that of a CD One of the first differences between CDs and DVDs to note is in the amount of data storage that is possible with each device. The typical DVD will provide in the range of seven times the capacity that is available on a compact disk. DVDs ma...

@CaptainObvious This beginner could really use some tips in proper indentation.
@Malachi That's actually good, straigh-forward question.
@Jamal I'd review that code if I would be paid for it... Sure it'll give me a nice amount of rep, but I rather spend my efforts somewhere else :p
(Seeing I don't have too much spare time)
@kleinfreund whether or not to whore my answer? or the question that I am answering?
the layering is the reason a CD player can't read a DVD with the same exact data
and the depth of the pitting
and the pit density
Getting rep on SO? Easy. Have a good answer get enough attention to gain some upvotes and wait for the magic to happen. Maybe improve your answer a bit.

That's how on of my answers got 24 upvotes and I think SO works a lot like this.^^
If I wouldn't have been rep-capped already, I'd review that new Java question.
@rolfl but if they were trying to write cd Data onto a DVD it wouldn't write as deep anyway
@kleinfreund - I am on that bubble at the moment on SU.
@kleinfreund It really depends on a case per case basis I'd say
if that makes sense
This answer is getting much more attention than it deserves :( superuser.com/questions/749702/…
@SimonAndréForsberg Well... I might make an attempt later today if it's still open then, don't know if I should go all in depth into Java 8 stuff yet, or keep it very basic
@Malachi I don't know. Why would you?
15 rep from @Max on SU..... very odd.
@rolfl Are you serious? It has handdrawn stuff on it. Autovote.
@Malachi I'm surprised no one has edited out the noise (and fixed the grammar), but I've just submitted a suggested edit.
@rolfl Want us to downvote it for you?
Well, it's embarassing .... it's not that good of an answer .... and I thought you had all upvoted it already .... but apparently you hadn't, so it got 2 upvotes, so @max.
@rolfl I also know another way of how you get high upvoted answers on SO
Find a bug (reference) in Java?
No, answer a bug find in Java
@Jamal I almost thought the asker was asking about whether a DVD R Drive would read a CD
but okay, you were close there
@rolfl I wasn't here for a while. Remember that. :p
> You've earned the "Mortarboard" badge. See your profile.
My best answer is not even as high as my best question
A: What are the differences between abstract classes and interfaces in Java 8?

skiwiInterfaces cannot have state associated with them. Abstract classes can have state associated with them. Furthermore, default methods in interfaces need not be implemented. So in this way, it will not break already existing code, as while the interface does receive an update, the implementing c...

@kleinfreund I am saying the only reason it can't be read is because of the Layering. if you were to write CD Data onto a DVD Disc, the Writer would Write CD data which isn't as deep pitted.
@SimonAndréForsberg Your best SO answer is quite impressive for its simplicity
Yeah.. I had that in our classes. Same goes for Bluray. Their pits and lands are not as deep as both the ones from CD's and DVD's.
And .... that SU question is now "Hot".
(the cable).
My best answer has many upvotes, but my questions don't. Would prefer the other way round actually. But they don't deserve it.
@skiwi I know! That is a typical example of a question + answers that has received way more than they deserve!
@rolfl Glad we could help. :p
@rolfl If it makes you feel any better, I still haven't voted on your SU answer.
hehehe ..... @Max-for-real on SU.... go ahead, it won't make a difference.
@rolfl Your cable went hot, congrats
Yeah, it needed to be grounded ;-)
This makes me hesitant about reviewing homework questions (assuming, in this case, that the confusion is from the professor).
For the Star Trek heads: I watched some episodes of ENT and it's actually not that bad, but oh boy - the opening/closing music is horrible.
Imagine Nickleback playing the old Star Trek opening tracks.
Perhaps I should start pushing for a [badge:Great Answer] now? 15 up-votes left:
A: Returning the other argument of 2 possible arguments without using conditions

Simon André ForsbergSimple arithmetic: return 7 - input + 5; (which can be simplified as return 12 - input;) Let's say the input is 7: return 7 - 7 + 5 --> return 5 Or if the input is 5: return 7 - 5 + 5 --> return 7

It'd be a nice feat, yes
Q: What exactly is this "viral" javascript code doing?

user3582665In the last few days I have seen this particular Javascript Code all over facebook & pastebin. The posts containing this code says: 1. GO HERE AND COPY ALL THE CODE HERE - > > > http://pastebin.com/TNQgvFR2 ** 2. After that GO TO YOUR Facebook Timeline ** 3. OPEN CONSOLE , to open console ( Pres...

Wow, 85 upvotes. I bet you get an upvote every couple of days?
I guess 25 + accepted is nothing badgy, right?
25 is a "good answer"/
40+accept == Guru
100 = great answer
Thank you for clearing that up.
Whatever it is: DON'T DO IT! NEVER, EVER, EVER copy-paste some random Javascript code and execute it in your browser. — Simon André Forsberg 39 secs ago
@Jamal I think "random" should be bold as well. ;)
@rolfl which one?
@Malachi The cable question I answered.
@Jamal I'm going to delete that question....
@Jamal Seems... legit
I don't want the code to stick around anyway.
That'd be a wise choice indeed
@rolfl Go right ahead.
should have told them to flag that in facebook
so that Facebook can issue a warning. even if it isn't malicious, that could be bad
Q: Multiple value in variable and name parse

André FariaI'm writing a code to make some wget and get the backup file in some routers. My first problem is with the variable RT if I declare only IP on this variable (and add the /config.dat or anything else in wget line) this script will work, otherwise It will say that the "directory was not found", ho...

@skiwi I wonder if he also believes that you can get the dislike button on FB.
someone just down voted my answer on the DVD thing, no reason?
@kleinfreund Every once in a while yes, but not as often as you might think. The first 65 or so up-votes was from the first two days.
@Malachi Facebook are already aware about it: theguardian.com/technology/2014/may/02/…
@CaptainObvious Off-topic (asking for new code)
I updated my answer with more information
check out this answer that put my in some crosshairs over there on SU
A: Should I install Internet Explorer updates although I disabled it?

Malachiother things use Internet Explorer that you may not be aware of, so if there are security updates for IE you should install them. Other applications uses scripts and pieces of the IE application. I don't know exactly how it works, but yes you should install the IE updates.

that was a good edit too BTW.Normal @Jamal
Q: Redis - Distributed Lock on Data Access

TanakiHere's the rundown: I have some unspecified number of processing servers running. They all access a Redis database which holds the entire state of the application. All a processing server does is (forever) take the item off the front of the queue (and place it on the back), grab the data for t...

Q: Are there any problems with this spun article reader?

2013AskerThis is a simple GTK+ program that takes a spun article as input and shows a random output every time the user clicks the "Spin" button. It supports many levels of nested spinning like: The {car|automobile} is {{very |}fine|{really {pretty |}|}cool|all right} I tested it and it seems to be corr...

Generalist! 1st !! ( 1st in 2nd monitor, that is ;)
@konijn what?
12 just now awarded!!!
Whoo hooo!
You've earned the "Generalist" badge. See your profile.
It appears that there needed to be >200 questions, not >= .... ;-)
I'm so jelly. :-/
But congrats! :D
Thanks ... ;-)
I suspect I'll get Constable before Generalist, but we'll see.
> You've earned the "Good Answer" badge for What is this thing on the cord of my IBM model F keyboard?.
Badges galore.
@Jamal I am hoping for constable before yearling.
If we really are the first beta site to earn Generalist, then maybe we'll graduate automatically. ;-)
@Jamal I have manually scanned all sites. We are.
None of the graduated sites ever awarded the generalist before the first elections.
Or as rolfl said: someone needs to earn Reviewer for the reopen queue on Meta.
Hey, I made a start ;-)
Or... maybe there's some riddle we must solve.
There are currently two cards in Hearthstone that I'm absolutely just not sure how to implement. Auchenai Soulpriest and Prophet Velen. Suggestions, anyone?
19 graduated sites have more generalists than us.
25 have fewer.
Of those 25, 22 have none.
I see the badges are listed in order of ID.... so, the long-term members are near the bottom.
Makes sense.
How on earth am I now already out of stars...
incoming mug-question... ;)
Q: Completed Connect 4 game (final)

Lucian09474so this is my completed Connect 4 game, I have followed the advice given by other members in my previous, post and I have successfully completed the game, now in my winning loop there is a problem, even though I have the winning loop, it is not telling the player, who won or lost. Can you guys re...

Q: Fluent Interface for a XmlQueryBuilder

Mat's MugIn this answer I suggested using a fluent interface "builder" to replace all the hard-coded, repetitive and quite error-prone inline XML string concatenations. This code might need a bit of tweaking to work perfectly with the OP's code in the question this code is following-up on, but it seems t...

Superfast CO>!
@Mat'sMug Shouldn't you be working?
I should, yeah.
but right now beating @SimonAndréForsberg's rep score is more important ;)
@Mat'sMug that's the spirit!
@rolfl thanks for the syntax highlighting on the output ;)
(brain parses "yw"... ... ... oh! thanks!)
IBM abbreviations.... hmmm ... I am leaking.
ty ... yw ...
email communications must be fun @IBM!
We have instant messaging .... e-mail is more formal.
oh, hence textalk
yw is a commonly accepted abbrevation though
ok break, and then I work a bit ;)
Holy cow, a gaming PC with 2x AMD Radeon R9 295X2 GPU's consumes 1450W
ugh. caught a bug. wrote a selfie answer.
A: Fluent Interface for a XmlQueryBuilder

Mat's MugToString() does too many things, it should only be calling _xDoc.ToString(); it has side-effects that make it dangerous to call more than once: var foo = builder.ToString() Console.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); Will not produce the expected output, and will not throw an ex...

(back to work now)
I'd say that this algorithm from a book on AI is not feasible yet as it takes 350 years to complete and uses 10 exabytes
Q: ASP.NET MVC architecture questions

David CrowellI haven't done much .NET development in several years. Now I'm enjoying some of the new stuff with modern .NET. I just want to make sure I'm using things correctly. I'm a solo developer with no one else to bounce ideas off of. I have a new MVC web application. I'm using the Massive micro-ORM...

@CaptainObvious Could use a better title. This one is kinda useless.
@skiwi I have some hardware you can borrow.
@rolfl What is exactly inside it either way? ^^
That looks pretty serious
I have a password .... ;-)
Could do some fun stuff with that the rest of my life
Of course, i would get fired in a hurry....
Why do you have the pass then? ;)
Incoming off-topic question from an avid SO user...
avoid or avid ?
Avid. :-P
I have a question. The data on the CR homepage reads 24,448 answers and 14,064 questions. That's a rate of ~1.73. Why do we have a rate 1.8 on area 51?
wow that's 60 new questions since yesterday!
1.739999 should still round to 1.7. Otherwise this would mean even 1.70000 rounds up to 1.8 with the current system, right?
@kleinfreund 1.73999 rounds to 1.7499 which rounds to 1.75 which rounds to 1.8... isn't it obvious? ;)
Q: Multiple checkbox in ZF1 issue

DanFromGermanyI recently found a strange issue when coding a form using ZF1's Zend_Form in combination with checked checkboxes. The code: $options = array( 1 => 'banana', 2 => 'apple', 3 => 'car', ); $checked = array(1, 2); $form = new \Zend_Form; $form->addElement('multiCheckbox', 'test1', ar...

This question appears to be off-topic because it is asking for help to reproduce an error, and not for a review of that code. See the help center for what's acceptable here. — amon 2 mins ago
Waaaaaaaaat. ~.~
@Mat'sMug I know a mug that needs a refill.
and... how come I wasn't notified for this?! codereview.stackexchange.com/help/badges/14/generalist
oh, I was.
(gets up, refills)
Congrats on 2K, @Edward!
^^ power-ping?
Not a ping. Just added the "@" anyway.
this new answer really blows mine out of the water
A: Can you burn a CD using a DVD-R?

Renju Chandran chingathNO, not possible The difference between the DVD-R and DVD-RW is the presence of dedicated read and write laser circuitry .For further reading follow the link. Below are some of the part from the wiki On read only media (ROM), during the manufacturing process the groove, made of pits, is pres...

so, ...we're the first beta site to ever have generalists? The world must be coming to an end!!
I think we forgot the most important thing about this: we've beaten PCG!!! :D
oh yeah, let's all show @Doorknob our shiny generalist badges next time he shows up!
@SimonAndréForsberg I was thinking that you wanted to provide an answer on the question of JTree with all the classes.
@Jamal you're so close...
@doorknob ... just to let you know ..... ^^^^^^
@chillworld I haven't had any plans on answering it. Do you think there is anything more I could add to it?
in The Nineteenth Byte, 12 secs ago, by Malachi
people in http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/8595/the-2nd-monitor are talking about you
Hmmmm ... welcome to all the PCG'ers.
Hey @Rusher are you coming to the Light side?
is this going to disappear now?
in The Nineteenth Byte, 35 secs ago, by Malachi
in The 2nd Monitor, 16 secs ago, by Rusher
46 secs ago, by Malachi
in The Nineteenth Byte, 12 secs ago, by Malachi
people in http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/8595/the-2nd-monitor are talking about you
I don't even know where I am. Everything is so organized here. Must gt bk hm.
@Rusher lol
@Malachi (mental stack overflow)
@Mat'sMug lol
I'm a little sad that you can link to deleted comments that I made :(
@Rusher I linked to it before you removed it, and then it was a post and not a link...or something like that
not it is part of a Stack Trace
@SimonAndréForsberg No notthat, I as confused when you said you where planning to review that qiestion. You must had it over annother question
@Mat'sMug To Generalist? Yeah, I'm pretty close. I'm not sure if I'm lacking new tags or just upvotes on some existing tags.
time to pick up my daughter from school
Have fun!
Thanks, Santa!
she is getting big, as in growing up.
tey all get big :)
pitty enough it goes a little to fast here :)
chillworld ... you know you can edit your chat messages?
@chillworld I was more planning on look at the question and it's answers than review it. When I planned to look at it, it already had some answers.
@rolfl now I do :D
@SimonAndréForsberg ah pitty, I hoped you could provide an excellent generic solution where I could learn from
son : 3years and 1 month => gues his length
if I get just one kind person to click on one of my answers, I'll finally have gotten 200 in a day.
@Jamal PCG just doesn't cover the diversity of subjects that we do.
@Jamal Thanks, Jamal
@Edward done
@chillworld Thanks!
@Edward your welcome, was legit vote on an accepted answer :D
@200_success I know. Just teasing about our existing competition with them.
PCG = Poor Coding Group? :D
@SimonAndréForsberg You should really start reading Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach, if you haven't done so yet
@chillworld Honestly I haven't looked much at the question still. I'll keep your request in mind and try to have a look at it.
@skiwi Is it that good? No, I haven't started reading it.
@SimonAndréForsberg Hey I understand, working on other forum to here and you have to manage it all ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg Yes, definately, only on Chapter 3 so far (need to do 4 + 7 tomorrow for uni class thursday), and it's given me loads of new insights, which would be really useful when programming AI
Q: Android quiz app has stopped

user41928I have been working on an android quiz app and the code has been checked and has no errors that I can see, it all looks fine. It was created with android studio and run on genymotion. However, when the genymotion emulator on both 4.2.2 and 4.4.2 are loaded, after a few seconds the android title e...

@CaptainObvious offtopic
stackoverflow sent me here — user41928 12 secs ago
Not the first time an Android programmer doesn't know how to use Logcat...
stackoverflow sent me here — user41928 22 secs ago

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