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Q: Costume Attributes in C#

Pierre OverFlowI have searched the whole internet but unfortunately all the examples that I have found on custom attributes are either too simple like the Author example in the MSDN or just on how to create one without any implementation. I know that an attribute is supposed do an action on the field or metho...

Welcome to Tailoring.stackexchange!
Welcome to Tailoring.stackexchange!
Welcome to Tailoring.stackexchange!
Welcome to Tailoring.stackexchange!
Everything worth saying, is worth saying twice
It's not easy trying to be funny when your bandwidth is being gobbled by torrents
It is not you... it's me.
@rolfl: I think we can wait another day to continue retagging. Our edits have taken up about half the front page already.
I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised at the number of assembly language questions recently. Had to post an answer: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/48891/489
Kinda makes me wonder why I have the top (or second-to-top) assembly tag score. I don't think I really know that much about assembly.
@Jamal It's Saturday night .... doing the retagging now, vs. tomorrow will make no difference ...
If you think so. I just don't want others to complain about flooding the front page (which really is the only constraint here).
@Jamal - for the record, you can't go blaming this on me....
@Jamal I want to complain! Unfortunately, I never look at the front page, so I really can't.
@rolfl True
@JerryCoffin lol
If you have a complaint, stick it up your butt write it on a slip of paper and submit it in our complaints box.
@Jamal What is this "paper" of which you speak? Is that from some foreign language or something?
Well, formulating it as an e-mail requires sticking the laptop up, which is harder.
@JerryCoffin I would mention it here, but I'm afraid I could lose my diamond for saying it.
@rolfl Hmm...I don't have a laptop right now, and I'm quite certain my tower wouldn't fit.
If you have a desktop, well, that's a problem
@JerryCoffin What is more concerning, is that you think your laptop may, if you had one
Jesus... some people really get their panties in a wad when you downvote their bad question.
@rolfl I haven't said anything about whether my laptop would, if I had one.
Check out the string of comments to this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/23449703/…
> I call a spade a spade, and a bad question a bad question. I downvote bad questions.
Well, that's an exploding bear trap
you should have included the second sentence from that comment.
I call a spade a spade, and a bad question a bad question. I downvote bad questions. The only thing you can do to prevent me from downvoting your questions is to improve the quality of your questions. That you don't like my downvotes means that my downvotes are working. I'm helping the community by improving the quality of the question so that it can help someone other than just you. This isn't "HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME!" This is a Q&A site. If you can't solve your problem with the existing questions, you ask a new question — nhgrif 4 hours ago
> you used the opportunity to be rude to a total stranger on the internet... This explains a lot about who you are in real life if you can be nice to people on here
Yay for generalizations!
My only reply to his comments like that are "Please, check my profile."
I answer bad questions all the time, including the one THIS VERY PERSON asked just before he asked this one.
@nhgrif Even if/when a person really is acting like an idiot, don't expect them to thank you for telling them they're acting like an idiot.
I'm not expecting them to thank me.
I'm expecting them to improve their question to answerability or to just ignore me and move on.
It's pretty silly "Your question is unanswerable." is replied with "DON'T BE A JERK JUST BE HELPFUL AND FIX MY VERY SPECIAL PROBLEM!"
@nhgrif While that might seem reasonable, it's pretty much ignoring human nature.
Not human nature. Idiot nature.
The guy started his question badly but vikingsegundo is needlessly throwing oil on the fire
This is not natural human behavior.
^^^^^ I think you have a misinderstanding of human nature.
you are completely wrong, and have no idea of how people work
I must be thinking of monkey nature, which is apparently more advanced than human nature.
Was my original comment to his original question not sufficient enough to say "Hey, there's some things missing that need to be included before this question can be answered?"
Well, your response there was not quite along the way I was expecting.
So much for me being able to troll ;-)
I'm a seasoned WoW veteran. You can't troll me.
I take that back.
Claiming to not be able to be trolled is the surest way to get yourself trolled.
Whatever. As long as you keep your negativity to Stack Overflow. =)
lol. It may have turned negative.... but I mean... it could've been a lot more encouraging... but is it really negative to read someone's problem then ask two questions for clarity?
@200_success I generally vent my negativity in chat, and try to be polite on the main sites.
I'll remember this the next time someone asks me about a problem at work, I'll remember that it's not okay to asks questions of clarity for details that they left out of their problem description.
Of course, sometimes I fail at the latter, but I never let that prevent me from venting here/in the Lounge anyway! :-)
Q: Haskell#splitAt

Kevin MeredithHere's how I wrote the Haskell splitAt function: splitAt' :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) splitAt' n ys | n < 0 = ([], ys) | otherwise = splitAt'' n ys [] where splitAt'' a (x:xs) acc | a == 0 = (acc, x:xs) | null xs = (acc ++ [x], []) ...

how's CR today?
I read we're nearing 96.5% answered?
Been editing .... ;-)
Where do you see the 96.5%?
kleinfreund mentioned earlier that he saw 97% answered in the site stats one day.. That means we must be close to 96.5%.. but that's not what I get when I do 1 - (592/14004)
try 578....
I feel like starting a bounty on the Stack Implemented Using Linked List post, tagged with , and... . Asked Apr 2 at 2:22, unanswered.
Did you just make a bold?
I did ;)
@CaptainObvious would say "indeed @Jamal, indeed."
any clue why it's still unanswered? is it reviewable material? it's pretty highly-voted. And it's a month-old zombie.
Our assembler reviewers are few, and busy?
makes sense.
@rolfl 95.87% ;)
This has been such a quiet day. Not only has this room been somewhat quiet, but no one has responded to me off-site. I'm really trying to get started on my calc III studies myself.
just the name, "calc III", gives me shivers ;)
It has been giving me the shivers for a while now. This class has been such a struggle.
Q: How to copy files as fast as possible?

WebbyI am running my shell script on machineA which copies the files from machineB and machineC to machineA. If the file is not there in machineB, then it should be there in machineC for sure. So I will try to copy from machineB first, if it is not there in machineB then I will go to machineC to copy...

how about implementing some calc III with c++ for practice?
That's not going to help with the test. I'm not sure I can even implement calc I in code.
I know I can't ;)
actually, I could, if the math came in a NuGet package!
I could try something with cross product (one of the only things from calc III I understand), but I don't have time to do that now.
Q: I need some help getting rid of a body

corsiKaI've just lifted the siege of Battlehorn Castle and there are bodies everywhere. I'd really like to make my new home presentable. I am, after all, a lord now. I'm trying to lift the hands and feet and head because they seem the easiest, but I'm really not making very much progress. It's been 10 ...

Awesome title!
haha yeah!
is markdown supported in the bounty custom message?
I have no idea.
It think the character limit is around 3K characters. I'm assuming markdown is supported, and ..we'll know!
A: Can we have a way to edit bounty text?

ArjanYes, please! Despite earlier (deleted) tests that showed paragraphs and even block quotes were supported, I just learned that since January only mini-Markdown is supported, very much like comments. Earlier today, I even used the preview question editor to ensure my Markdown was fine. Still then,...

A: What markdown formatting features are available for Bounty remarks?

Geoff DalgasBounty notices will support our Markdown mini format, using the same format as we allow for comments. The following will be allowed: _italic_ and **bold** text, inline `code in backticks`, and [basic links](http://example.com). And just like in comments: line breaks are not rendered.

bounty paid
Q: Stack implemented using linked list in x86_64 assembly

Bob65536I wrote a stack implementation using a singly linked list in x86_64 assembly. This stack supports the usual push/pop operations as well as first/next for iterating over each element. I'm looking for general feedback. Here are the stack subroutines: ; Stack Structure ; Pointer Head ; Pointe...

I like paying bounties. It's like giving back a bunch of votes to the community, by turning a zombie into a mini-contest.
My bet is on Jerry. He loves rep 'n' badges.
@Jamal ...but not gambling, so no betting.
Ah well. I only put 1 rep on the table anyway.
(seriously though, I too don't gamble)
I've actually looked at that one before, and been undecided about whether to try to review or not. Code making really basic use of a linked-list isn't the most exciting to review.
that's not the message being sent by the 15 upvotes..
I suspect there were so many votes because an assembly linked list looks exciting.
And I wish I knew how to review that. That's a lot of cheddar.
@Mat'sMug 15 votes, but no reviews. Somehow reminds me of Samuel Clemens' description of classics as books people don't want to read--they just want to have read.
This appears to be example code, which is off-topic. — Jamal ♦ 9 secs ago
I don't think I'm going to review it right now, but if it hasn't received a review by next Saturday, I'll see about killing the zombie.
could be a rep-capper ;)
@Mat'sMug Not a big motivator for me any more:
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 430 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 507 days
@Jamal lol
I thought it was spam xD
@Mat'sMug I worked hard for my Epic badge on SO, but have a lot less motivation to get another.
Q: Is there a better way to assign two variable to two others conditionally?

SupuhstarI wrote this code, but it feels like it could be a bit more elegant: /** * Assuming there are two objects, one old and one new, and this is one * and param is the other, and there is a specific name of the new object, * detect which is which and perform an operation on both. */ function foo(...

I guess I should probably try to convince myself that Epic is just a stop along the way to Legendary though. Maybe another of those is worth working at...
race @rolfl!
@Mat'sMug I heard racism was bad, so I won't do that.
(wipes tears)
Oh, he's just a monkey. He doesn't mind. Just don't insult his tail.
@Jamal an answer was posted, which does a good job at reviewing the off-topic example code..
I'm torn between upvoting the answer and putting a close vote in. although the two aren't mutually exclusive... or are they? ...
VTC applied
It's the voting on the answer that I'm really self-debating.
Well, if you upvote the answer, Community won't delete the question (after closure). But it shouldn't be too bad, just as long as it doesn't become a hot question.
200 got it.
I knew I should've closed it before that answer came in.
yeah, the close vote and the close reason were no-brainers. I need some sleep I guess.
I managed to get NINE hours of sleep last night. But I feel tempted to stay up later and try to start studying.
TTGTB - good night!
@Mat'sMug Good night.
Q: Could this Ruby code for checking for a win in TicTaToe be shortened / refactored?

Michael DurrantIt looks like it should but I can't see how. I have my methods <= 5 lines but that's as far as I got: def check_lines if horizontal?(@player) || vertical?(@player) || diagonal?(@player) @win=@player end end def horizontal?(player) ((@squares[0] == player) && (@squares[1] == player) &&...

Q: Does this go raytracing program follow best practices, and typical project layout?

YenTheFirstI'm working through learning Go, so as an exercise, I'm writing a simple raytracer. I'd like general feedback on the code style & architecture. Specific areas of concern: Is the project layout reasonable? Are my types and interfaces clear, and the right types/interfaces to be using? should the...

Q: Java implementation of spell-checking algorithm

drewmoreThis little program was written for an assignment in a data structures and algorithms class. This is my first post here, and I understand that I shouldn't post the entire assignment, so in lieu of doing so I'll just note that the emphasis of the assignment is on the efficiency of the data structu...

Thanks Santa!
One more answer away from the C++11 tag badge. I couldn't find another existing question to answer, and my one deleted C++11 answer is obsolete.
You just need to give iavr a little education about the subtle details of C++11 and metaprogramming. codereview.stackexchange.com/q/48344/489 :-)
If he can write that, then he probably has more educations than me. All I really know about C++11 is that 1.) range-based for-loops, initializer lists, and nullptr are niiiiiiice and 2.) rand is bad mmkay.
@Jamal ...and thus the smiley! :-)
...I knew that!
But seriously, I still feel I don't know shit about C++11. If they taught that at at school... wait, that would be a bad idea.
Perhaps the new one will be more your cup of tea.
I'll take a look at it. For now, I've added a tag.
@Jamal Have you ever checked the percentage of posts you edit?
No I haven't. I just pay attention to the number of edits.
Morning. :)
@kleinfreund Hello.
Q: Recursive maze solver

Jerry CoffinUp for review today is some C++11 code to recursively search a maze for a path to a specified goal. This one shows dead-ends it explored on the way to finding the solution. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> enum { GOAL = '*', SPACE = ' ', WALL = '#', TRIED = '!', USED = '+...

Well, on that note I think it's time for me to go sleep. Later.
2 hours later…
Q: Python function not calling

user3600866import sys def compute(sale,persent): #function to compute bonus return(sale*persent/100) while (1): try: print ("Enter Sales Price For Toyata $") toyota=int(input()) print ("Enter Sales Price For Nissan $") nissan=int(input()) print ("Enter Sa...

1 hour later…
Q: MVC Layout - Which way to add listeners is better?

user3053240So I'm doing a basic MVC layout for a pretty basic game that I am making. The game requires the user to move up/down/left/right via JButtons on the GUI. Since I'm using an MVC layout and my buttons are in a different class than the actionlisteners, I was wondering what the best way to add the act...

Q: Sobel operation on grayscale picture

naruto90I have the following algorithm for Sobel operation on an image buffer (the matrix dA is for 45 degree edge filtering): int dx[3][3] = {{1,0,-1}, {2,0,-2}, {1,0,-1}}; int dy[3][3] = {{1,2,1}, {0,0,0}, {-1,-2,-1}}; int da[3][3] = {{0,1,2}, {-1,0,1}, {-2,-1,0}}; void sobel(ILubyte*imgbuf,ILubyte*i...

Guys! May the Forth be with you.
Forth is an imperative stack-based computer programming language and programming environment. Language features include structured programming, reflection (the ability to modify the program structure during program execution), concatenative programming (functions are composed with juxtaposition) and extensibility (the programmer can create new commands). Although not an acronym, the language's name is sometimes spelled with all capital letters as FORTH, following the customary usage during its earlier years. A procedural programming language without type checking, Forth features both int...
Thanks amon-bot??? :~)
@kleinfreund (it's spelled “May the Fourth” with “ou”, because English spelling isn't confusing enough)
Oh, you're right.
I don't think English spelling is confusing.
@rolfl Today it's just a picture of our garden, because I like when all the stuff grows and my mum has no time to do some lawnmowing.
Q: Simple memory pool using no extra memory

2013AskerI've borrowed the idea from the internet and I would like to know if my implementation is all right and what could be improved. It uses the free memory to store links to each node, so there's no extra memory being used. memory_pool.h #ifndef MEMORY_POOL_H #define MEMORY_POOL_H #include <stdlib.h

how are you?
I'm fine. Thank you. Just got something to eat. How're you?
@kleinfreund It's probably not the English spellings that are confusing. It's all the German, French, and various other languages mixed into English that are confusing.
And Bristish/American English isn't really that big of a problem if you're not a native tongue.
But if you're not a native tongue, our spellings are ridiculous.
I'm fine aswell here :) Still need to lunch :p
@nhgrif What do you mean by that?
A Spanish-speaking kindergartener can pronounce every word in any Spanish newspaper. They likely understand very few of the words, but they can pronounce them all.
Because the spellings are easy to understand.
But young English speakers and non-native English speakers have trouble with words like "tough" and "though"
Yep, it's a learning process.
Or discerning the difference between "forth" and "fourth" which have the same pronunciation but different spellings and different meanings.
In other languages, those two words would have different pronunciations.
That was actually just a typo, but right. :p
I bet all languages have these discrepancies.
And in my first example, it's confusing how simply adding a letter as the second letter in a 5 letter word changes the pronunciation of the entire word rather than just the pronunciation of the starting sound.
Some do, but most don't.
English is fairly unique in it's confusing spellings/pronunciations.
But still English appears to be easier. Atleast if you ask me.
Is it your first language?
And do you know any others?
I'm German and English is a second language.
I had French class in school but can't really speak it.
English has a largely German influence.
I learned English through doing stuff online.
Damn I thought I had found a bug in Java 8 (it still looks very fishy), but am not able to reproduce it myself.
Q: Possible bug in Collections.synchronizedCollection's forEach and removeIf

skiwiAs a followup to my last post Is iteration via Collections.synchronizedSet(...).forEach() guaranteed to be thread safe? I will share my thoughts on what I think is a bug in the implementation to verify that it is indeed a bug. We have a SynchronizedCollection<E> here, which can be obtained from ...

In America, most of the people I interact with are Mexicans learning English as a second language. Spanish and English are a lot different relative to German and English.
Monking CRitters
Monking @rolfl
Unfortunately I haven't had time to thoroughly read your review, I tried it from the phone yesterday night though
@kleinfreund - I like the garden
I have gotten some response on this thread though
Q: Is iteration via Collections.synchronizedSet(...).forEach() guaranteed to be thread safe?

skiwiAs we know, iterating over a concurrent collection is not thread safe by default, so one cannot use: Set<E> set = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); //fill with data for (E e : set) { process(e); } This happens as data may be added during iteration, because there is no exclusive...

Our garden is wonderfull. So is our house. You'd love it. ;)
I presume the house in the background is a neighbour?
I love that traditional style of shingled roof, and the double chimney.
Yeah, that's a neighbour. No worries.
And the tree, is it an apple tree, or some other fruit tree?
Apple tree, right. My mum tells me he's been cut the wrong way, but I like how branches grew.
The bush is a rhododendron.
(Man, that word.)
@skiwi It uses some of the internal guarantees of the Java memory model to be able to do thread-safe manipulation in an optimistic mechanism and fallback to a previous thread's work, if the optimisim was wrong
@kleinfreund I recognise the apple tree (I love fruit trees as well - we have a pear tree in our front yard). The rhododendron is not soemthing I would recognize.
You know what really grinds my gears? People sitting in front of a compiler saying "Why can't I do it this way?" And haven't even tried it that way to see if that way compiles/gives correct results.
I only no it because we have such a big one compared to the size of the garden.
@nhgrif you know what grinds my gears? When my foot releases the clutch part way through a change.
We also have a pear tree. Had a few more, but they were ill.
I think, today, is a Canadian scenery day.
I drive automatic.
Like the footsteps would walk right in the direction of the sun.
I had to wade through deep snow to ger that one. I am still not hppy with the barn in the background
the snow is as deep as the fence
At first I thought that might be sand. Then I thought "Oh, Canada... must be snow."
bonus picture, taken the same day.....
Why are there two stop signs? Is one of them in French? Canada.... what are you doing?
They added the second one, because the first one was under the snow
Canada, STOP, STOP, what are you doing? :)
And if the second one is under snow? Guess what!?
Trick question time:
Collection<String> collection = Collections.synchronizedCollection(new HashSet<>());
collection.forEach(str -> {
    new Thread(() -> {
        collection.add(str + Integer.toHexString(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(16)));
What should collection contain?
@rolfl I see, I think I understand most, however for now I don't know if the forEach is threadsafe or not if the HashSet is wrapped into a Collections.synchronizedSet().
Monking CRitters!
Monking @SimonAndréForsberg
Q: password protected joomla administrator folder with python

user3401599Hi I am totally new to python. I am trying to make basic auth password protected folder for joomla. This script will simply ask for username and password to secure administrator folder in joomla and creates .htaccess and .pass_file. I want you people to review it and suggest me so that i can do i...

hey guys...
quick question..
I want to install win 7 from bootable USB..
and got a laptop with only USB 3.0 ports and preinstalled FreeDOS.
now how the heck can I get it to recognize the USB Ports as bootable devices?
@skiwi That's a mostly broken link for me.
@rolfl Strange, here it works perfectly, don't know why
hmmm... apparently third time is a charm
Look at his two questions.
u leave from here if cant explain — alex 19 secs ago
That was in response to the auto-comment notifying him that I marked his second question as a duplicate of his first.
A: What is the reason why "final" is not allowed in Java 8 interface methods?

skiwiI wouldn't think it is neccessary to specify final on a convienience interface method, I can agree though that it may be helpful, but seemingly the costs have outweight the benefits. What you are supposed to do, either way, is to write proper javadoc for the default method, showing exactly what ...

Does this seem like a fair answer?
I don't understand final any more, so I couldn't tell you.
"any more"?
I could understand that you don't understand it, but I can't understand how you would've understood it and now not understand it anymore.
Because I only had a very limited understanding of it to begin with and and it's been a year since I've done any Java really.
I understand the implications of the word "final" and what it does.
I don't understand when/why it should/shouldn't be used completely.
We don't final in Objective-C.
@Vogel612 the usb ports should already support booting – to check that look at the boot device selection during startup, or look through your bios settings (assuming you have a bios). However, the physical storage media must also be bootable – simply copying files onto the storage medium is not sufficient. I currently am running a system that boots from an USB 2.0 stick, so I have some limited experience with this.
@amon problem is he doesn't even show me the BIOS / POST screen he just "instantboots" to freedos.
@Vogel612 (1) are you sure the device has a traditional BIOS? (2) does some manual exist which lists some magic key combinations you have to press during power-up? It is unlikely you can change boot order etc. from within an OS.
It would be interesting to see what happens when you prevent the system from booting FreeDOS, e.g. by wiping the disk. Although I have a feeling I'm dispensing questionable advice here.
@amon well that would have been my next attempt probably..
hang on lemme check...
Q: Few general semantic questions about applying CSS classes

Daliborthis is kind of "philosophical" question, but the goal is to set some things straight for all readers to benefit; and I've been told that here is the most adequate place to post it. It's about right(?) doctrines to apply CSS classes and some dilemmas about it, having constantly in mind the rule o...

wow I think I got it..
1 hour later…
It's Sunday, Sunday, gotta do taxes before Monday, Monday.
Taxes done.
Well, that was efficient
I made a Great answer, recently.
^^^^ sad activity graph
To be fair, it's very unlikely to have a spike like the one in early 2014 keep up rising as it did.
Sad because, it means that @syb0rg has been getting a real life (and me too, a little bit).
It is our voting that has dropped off.
@syb0rg needs to get CR Answers up again.
Also, I expect we will have a few generalists later today/tomorrow
@rolfl When did you make a great answer?
A few hours ago
(no, I did not do it last night ;-)
12 Generalist badges are anticipated.
@nhgrif - if it freezes, it can be undone by a mod
Q: FileSystemWatcher firing multiple events

Akshay Vatslike others (FileSystemWatcher Changed event is raised twice) I am facing the problem that events of filesystemwatcher are raised twice. I require to catch all non-duplicate events of watcher in real time. I came up with this. So, I want to know will it be efficient/over-kill/buggy to use this cl...

I know.
But if I link it to someone and they show up and it's locked, that's not very helpful, is it?
@rolfl Where is your great answer then?
Ahh ... I don't have one./
@rolfl anyway, thank you for reminding me of that wonderful query. Am now out of ammo :)
Well, rather, I think I have many of them, but, convincing other people of that fact, is hard.
True, true, monkey.
We need to find 100 voters, then we all can have great answers :)
@rolfl Oh... this is why my answers haven't been getting upvotes...
Q: Optional Constructors

ApocKalipsSI have a Coordinates class which is defined below: public class Coordinates { [XmlIgnore] public Vector3 Vector3 { get { return new Vector3(X, Y, Z); } set { X = value.X; Y = value.Y; Z = value.Z; } } [XmlIgnore] public Coordinates(float cX, float cY, float cZ) { X = cX; Y = cY;...

difference between high(ish) rep users and low rep users
The comments were there before the answers
Q: (JCalc) What is proper naming of classes and method when designing API for calculation library

d-sauerI'm working on library which will provide easier writing and calculation in Java using fluent API. Library have implemented basic functionalities and now I working to improve API. I follow instruction given by http://theamiableapi.com/2012/01/16/java-api-design-checklist/ But still I have some ...

@CaptainObvious Holy mother of over-engineering!
and back for a bit again
what is everyone up to?
@skiwi About five foot ten, as I have been for years now.
ah right, I forgot we are all programmers here
@skiwi You certainly should expect at least some lame attempt at stale humor by now...
I'm gonna work on my Hearthstone code
I hope to continue work on my code soon, after having the whole custom view vs event bus debate internally in my team
(note: my team consists only of me)
Not sure it is apropiate... If you think nothing bad happens, then it's just AI being somewhat wonky:
Q: CSS Ticker Animation

EasilyBaffledI have never use css animations before, so I just want to know, is this the 'best' way to animate a Ticker? I 'best' in this case encompasses efficient and semantic use of html and css. It's worth noting that I intend to add extra functionality to this, such as manual scrolling back and forth. I...

Q: Preferred way to return to main menu

user41858When we have function calling other functions for example a main menu calling a sub-menu and we want to exit the sub-menu and get back to the main menu (point of calling), do we use return in the sub function? Or can we call the main menu again? Example: void mainMenu(); void subMenu(); int ma...

Q: Better way to fetch JSON data from a server from iOS app

JoeyI have successfully coded a network request to fetch JSON data from our server. The remote function is written in ColdFusion. However, the code is quite lengthy and involved. I also noticed in the API there are other seemingly very similar ways one can go about making network requests, such as NS...

@CaptainObvious Off-topic...
@rolfl part of the decreased voting activity is attributable to my own decreased voting recently. I had been hitting vote-cap consistently for quite a while...
@rolfl how come we don't have them badges then?
Maybe the monkey decided to keep them all to himself? Just like with the bananas...
what a moment!
wow I just had a random upvote on ...a answer!
although [rag:php]...
@Mat'sMug random? Pffft!
haha thanks @Santa
I simply wanted your rep score to say 11.9, that's all.
Q: Haskell design cleanup

Anders HolmströmI'm an experienced programmer that also has a little experience with functional programming, although mostly theoretical (as in hobby-level reading and very minor projects). I recently decided to work through the new book "Beginning Haskell" to get up to speed with Haskell and try to crank out s...

Darn. I have a feeling the OP didn't upvote this (despite saying it was useful) because I didn't answer the main question about performance. But I've mentioned that we're free to comment on any aspect of code.
A: Optimizing multiplication of two polynomials in GF(2^32)

JamalFor the time output in main(): Use std::clock_t as opposed to clock_t in C++. You could have another variable, endTime, for the ending time. The computed time could also have its own variable, elapsedTime, and then printed. Only the clock time needs to be cast to a double, not the macro as well...

@SimonAndréForsberg yeah I paid another 100pts bounty, couldn't resist a month-old zombie posted the 2nd at 2:22 (!) tagged with , but I don't review .
@Mat'sMug You don't get to 20K by paying bounties!
if it wasn't of bounties I'd be at 12,656 ;)
I like bounties :)
they make our site have a page with "featured" content that they can write an answer to, and get lucky!
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