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@Kit I know, I don't want to live in the past, but the past has caused things that make it hard for me to tread the future. And I'm doing my best, but sometimes that seems not enough. But I'll hang in there. I have a mum who loves me and friends here who care about me a lot.
@FallenAngelEyes Well, although my issues are nowhere near yours, I know what that feels like. I empathize.
@ArdaXi Thanks. Such is life, and I don't have it as bad as some, so I try to count myself lucky.
@FallenAngelEyes Same here. (Autism, by the way)
Soooo this isn't what I expected to be having as post-dinner conversation. Hi guys!
@FallenAngelEyes Just to add one point, the problem and the cure in psych issues are not well-defined either. Feel free to redefine them.
@ArdaXi What type, if I may ask? It's so broad spectrum.
@FallenAngelEyes Well, I've been diagnosed with Asperger's, but I honestly wouldn't know.
@ArdaXi Gotcha. nods I have several friends who have been diagnosed as well.
@JasperLoy Everything's relative! handwaving fingerwiggles
I've met a lot of people who are with the same organization as me. Some are coping far better than I am, and some are coping worse.
@ArdaXi Good luck to you too. May the force be with ya.
@JasperLoy You know, Van Gogh was 37 when he committed suicide.
@ArdaXi Yeah, one of my friends lives in a... uhm. It's like a place with separate housing and begeleiding and stuff, he gets subsidy because he's not very socially equipped to work and the like.
@Kit Ya I mentioned it to Sim earlier on, though I said 40. I once got a book of his paintings, and you are seeing one of them right now.
@JasperLoy Thanks. I have no doubt I'll survive it, I'm just not exactly sure how yet.
Dutch friends. The US doesn't have any comparable system.
@JasperLoy I know, that's why I thought of it.
Right. Gotta run. Peace out.
Later @Kit
@FallenAngelEyes I think in the US usually foster homes are used.
Not usually for this type of thing, those are more extreme. I was impressed when he told me about the whole system and how it worked and what kind of care he could get.
@fallen @arda By the way, if you guys didn't read the transcript, mine is more of OCD+PTSD. Good luck to us all.
@JasperLoy Normal is boring anyway! May we make the world a more interesting place with our "disorders"!
@FallenAngelEyes Right, but the problem is the suffering I have to go through almost every waking moment you see.
I really didn't expect this room to be full of crazy people too, haha.
I feel normal now.
Life is full of surprises.
@Mana Like you.
That's about the only thing I can say that seems to fit in with this conversation, so.
@JasperLoy nods Life can get tiring when you feel like you're fighting every waking moment to survive it.
I feel kind of bad for like, overwhelming the chat with potentially uncomfortable conversation topics.
@FallenAngelEyes Before this we were discussing VB, C# and LINQ. I don't think this is much worse.
It's fine. This room has always been off-topic anyway. Just don't insult anyone will do.
Don't. I feel as though it's better to confront these things, and doing it with people who understand is great.
@Mana In general, I agree. I know I've got problems I need to deal with and sometimes part of that is talking about them publicly. It makes some people uncomfortable though, and I don't want people to feel uncomfy somewhere they consider to be a safe/comfy place.
@FallenAngelEyes I think they don't feel uncomfy, more of shocked.
@JasperLoy Mostly @GraceNote
I'm not uncomfortable, so to speak
@GraceNote Exactly.
That... I'm not sure.
I just can't really think of anything to add to this conversation since, well, I don't think I can really understand your perspective on things.
I think it's not so much "uncomfy" maybe, as some people may be unsure what to say because they feel they can't add anything constructive/helpful and/or may not understand POV, but don't want to interrupt or try to diminish the conversation topic.
Then change the subject. And there is no need to say anything if there is nothing to say.
Diminish isn't the word I'm looking for.
Trivialize, that's it.
@Mana I can't say I understand it either, but I can empathize.
Heh, I've got enough reasons not to interject in this conversation.
Feel free to talk about ice cream or whatever!
(Though, really, it all starts with "Not catching the start that probably established who has what")
I didn't intend on participating in this either, as I'm usually fairly private about these things, but I also like to be supportive of other people.
@reg Hello, we were doing quite ab it of sharing as you can see...
@JasperLoy And how it came from iced cream?
@simchona Ya, it all started with your good bye earlier on?
I've never been much of an ice cream eater.
Though my sister would eat ice cream for breakfast every day if she could.
good bye good-bye goodbye ice cream ice-cream icecream
She loves it.
It's fine as long as you are not obese or diabetic.
It's just sugar after all.
Youscream, Iscream, We love Icecream!
nice one.
there is a difference to fruit bar and Icecream.
what's that?
@ChaosGamer *fruit
@ChaosGamer fruit
@simchona Jinx!
@JasperLoy Jinx
@simchona Only the loser says jinx, if you didn't know.
@ChaosGamer Nope.
@JasperLoy I just like saying Jinx.
@Mana Icecream has milk.
And I lost
@simchona Good!
@simchona what do you mean no? QUADRUPLE JINX
Ahem, people, no double or triple jinxes in here. Only meta and meta-meta jinxes allowed.
@RegDwight Never heard of that!
Meta times infinity Jinx then!
@JasperLoy You have now. Deal with it.
@Chaos how old are you?
Or meta to the power of infinity.
insane laugh
@simchona 26
@JasperLoy Meta to the power of meta plus meta. FTFY.
Did Thursagan come back yesterday. I have a feeling he's gonna pop in soon.
@ChaosGamer I highly, highly doubt that
If you're 26 then I'm 33.
@simchona truly. I just like acting like a kid.
@simchona Yeah, sounds more like 25 or 27, I can't decide. Certainly not 26, though.
Boo ya I am back
@Mana What???
@JasperLoy What have you done‽
@Thursagan I am psychic, I just mentioned you.
where's Rubust
@ChaosGamer You act like a high schooler. I don't believe you
@Chaos You are no longer the worst speller in here. You are hereby off the hook for the time being
@JasperLoy you are not psychic
Now you people know know that I really know everything in this room.
@simchona I justproved it
@Thursagan That's not his name.
@simchona how old are you? Don't tell me how old I look. this is chatroom.
@simchona I did not say it was
@thursagan If you learn to type better and talk better I think we can be great friends.
@ChaosGamer My age is on my profile. So is @Mana's
And I'm not Native American, ok?
@JasperLoy alrighto Jasper
@ChaosGamer The things you say lead me to believe that you're in HS. If that.
Hey guys wanna know who I really am
Hey, the way I talk, I think I sound 16.
@JasperLoy Nope. At least 24
@Thursagan Not really
@Thursagan Thursagen's brother?
You Do (amazed_))
@simchona why are we arguing about age anyhow?
@JasperLoy wrong!!!!!
@ChaosGamer Felt like it. You are off the hook on spelling now, though :p
@Thursagan Thursagen himself?
@Thursagan Please don't overuse punctuation
@JasperLoy NO WAY
@simchona Sorru
@Thursagan OK, we give up. Who are you.
@Thursagan *sorry
Why do we care, again?
@simchona I am Thursagen's niece
@thursagan You can use the arrow on the right to click reply so we know which message you are replying to. Use the one on the left to link backwards. You will see them when you hover over.
@GraceNote you don't others do
@Thursagan I don't believe you.
@Thursagan As it were that doesn't actually answer the question.
@JasperLoy Yea I know
Unless you are on a small laptop like Simchona or a handphone like aedia and it is too small for you to click arrow.
@Martha should come back
I am on a laptop but it is not that smal
@thursagan So that we can be friends, please tell us how you are related to Thursagan. Otherwise I'm ignoring you.
@Thursagan *small
I have a question: what is the deal with small laptops like 8 inch long laptop? Besides being useful for being small.
@simchona I am
@Thursagan No, I really don't believe you.
@ChaosGamer Size is the main reason, really. I took a class with someone carrying such a tiny thing
@ChaosGamer Portability
Its frustrating to use those.
@simchona besides that.
When you don't need the full display size, if you're only doing things like taking notes or some other low-level browsing, you don't need to carry a laptop that needs a bag. A tiny thing lets you carry it in a purse or even a pocket.
@JasperLoy To tell you the truth I swear I am Thursagen's niece
@Thursagan Really. His niece?
@ChaosGamer I totally agree. They're way to small to be useful, but some people like having something you can take anywhere
@Chaos price and portability are pretty much the only reasons.
@JasperLoy Really
Think about it, people use phones almost like they use computers. A tiny computer is just midway between a phone and a laptop.
ask him
For full information
@Thursagan But he said you are his brother, so one of you is making shit up.
I mainly use my netbook to write quick scripts on the fly inbetween classes. They suck for taking notes IMO.
then again I'm just against typing notes in general
@Mana You take notes with comp? That's rare.
I am not his brother I am his brother's daughter
He mucked it up
@GraceNote But why not use either a phone or a laptop? If it won't fit into your pocket, why not make it a full (but light-weight) laptop? 14 inch or so would seem minimum.
@Thursagan Gender is REALLY hard to mess up with family
He forgot that I was not Simon
@Thursagan OK I believe you. How old are you? So that we don't discuss inappropriate topics.
@Mana typing notes is way more easier then handwrting notes.
@Mana How come?
@simchona Not when it is distant family
@Cerberus Phones are really low quality in comparison to a laptop, since they have to do the whole phone thing.
@JasperLoy I'm five
I can't write notes well because my handwriting is absolutely horrid and it gets worse when I write quickly.
With typing, I can take notes with speed and still have them be legible later
@Thursagan Now you are just MSU.
A laptop offers a bit more robustness
I'm in mainly math and computer science classes. The majority of notes that I end up having to take that are actually useful to me are not the ones that I can easily type.
@Thursagan third cousins are distant. Nieces are not.
@JasperLoy To tell you the truth I am five
@Thursagan Be advised - if you're five years old, I will have to suspend your account, just a note.
@simchona yes they are
alright Grace
If you are five and you can type like that, you are Einstein.
@GraceNote Yeah, well, in what way? Of course it isn't as comfortable as a laptop; but I don't really see how the in-between thing could be worth neither fitting in your pocket nor having the full capabilities of a slightly larger device... but of course that is a personal decision.
The minimum age of users allowed on the Stack Exchange, as per our legal section, is 13 years old. If you are under 13 years of age, I'm afraid that I will have to disable your account until you turn of age.
No I am not
@Thursagan then don't make sh*t up
but daddy types for me
@simchona I am not
@Thursagan Now you are just MSU!
Both Thurs have told me they were 12.
@GraceNote this is my account but daddy uses it
@Jasper Agreed.
Seems credible.
I vote on underage suspension, then. In both cases.
@simchona take a notch down on word-usage. She is just a kid.
@ChaosGamer No I am not
I vote for.
@Thursagan Sorry, but this won't save you anyway. This won't be the first case of "account shared by under age user and guardian.
Isn't sharing/misrepresenting accounts also against the TOS?
@GraceNote alright I will hand it over to my dad
@ChaosGamer Well then. She is a kid, she's not a kid.
he can have the account
It's still misrepresentation
Hi guys
I'm Thursagen's brother
how are you
I am wondering if Thursagan has split personality disorder...
@Thursagan What's your name?
@simchona Robert
@Cerberus I assume that it's some level of easier comfort of some sort.
Robert Duayne
Oh, really
5 mins ago, by Thursagan
He forgot that I was not Simon
@Thursagan But you said niece just now, so how has it become brother again?
That was my other brother
we shared accounts too: niecd
@JasperLoy my daughter handed her account to me
she was too young
This is still misrepresentation.
TOS violation.
just going to change my profile from Crystal to Robert
@Thursagan Sounds believable now.
@JasperLoy Thanks for believing me
@JasperLoy And @Mana is 45.
Isn't this multiple party-single account sharing?
You shouldn't let your daughter play here. We discuss topics not suitable for kids here @thursagan.
why don't you guys just create single accunts?
She got those twenty-nine reputation you see
@Thursagan That's really not a lot.
@ChaosGamer CREATE
already changed it :)
@simchona it is for five hours work
ty though
one hour a day
@simchona not a lot for you guys.
@Thursagan She's still too young to have her own account
@ChaosGamer That's because you don't Google your questions first
@simchona yea
actually seven hours
hi Mitch
@mitch Hello!
Join in buddy
@Reg, what do you think here? We could use a mod
Yeah, even if I can dole out the suspension, getting a local voice on the situation would be wise.
No way
> Subscriber certifies to Stack Exchange that if Subscriber is an individual (i.e., not a corporate entity), Subscriber is at least 13 years of age. No one under the age of 13 may provide any personal information to or on Stack Exchange (including, for example, a name, address, telephone number or email address)
@Thursagan You don't really have a choice at this point
a dilemma....
Yea I know
@ChaosGamer dilemma
@ChaosGamer yup. dilemma
@JasperLoy yea dilemma
@Thursagan I think we got it.
@ChaosGamer NOOOOOOO
where on earth is Robusto
@simchona got what
@Thursagan Why?
Hmm, if @Reg isn't here we could use @waiwai or @nohat
it is unfair for you guys to be haunted but not he
@simchona why not?

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