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uh. A completely stationary nightkin is a glitched enemy, sign of imminent crash, or by design?
@badp Depends on where you are.
oh, they're like really shitty C&D spies. Gotcha
It works for FO3, after you deactivate every IR device in your computer (no, seriously).
I don't think this laptop has infrared
Most laptops do.
aaaaaaaand then I fell through the map.
luckily the game noticed and teleported me back at the entrance
There's a place in the Ministry of Truth in Morrowind where you can easily levitate out of the map into the grey "void". I'm pretty sure it's not intentional, but I like to pretend it is. ;)
@MartinSojka Surely, that's a plane of Oblivion. :P
except they can fire weapons while invisible
which is... inconvenient
@badp I love how you experience tons of bugs in FNV. I mean, I know it's bug-ridden and all, but I've barely run into anything beyond the occasional annoying invisible wall.
@FEichinger It probably wouldn't be possible without my trusty nVidia 9200
my first question on biology.se and it might be better on scifi.se
Q: Do animals exist with an uneven total number of finger?

BlemI recently finished reading Contact by Carl Sagan. In the book they talk about a pattern in the transcendental number like pi or e, and comment that it is found in base 10 or however many fingers the race has to count with. When in the end they find a pattern in pi it is in base 11, which I foun...

@Blem naah, the actual question isn't scifi related I'd say
Also yes they exist, they've just had their fingers cut off =p
@badp It could be the, uh, textures that doesn't make it clear the gradient is too high for you
Although I noticed the difference between a gradient that's passable and one that's not is rather arbitrary
@PrivatePansy no, you can definitely navigate your way atop mountaintops in the game by tapping space and crawling left or right until it gives
consider this other one e.g.
I'm walking against it
@PrivatePansy FNV has tons of invisible walls and broken terrain models.
That's the area with the big crane and whatnot
That's to make sure, I suppose, that you go there the normal way and kill the alpha male thing that demolishes you in one hit and has super-vision because fuck you.
You're attacking a super mutant? With what, and at what level?
@badp You're trying to attack Deathclaws?
@MadScientist I killed a young one! For a measly 9 xp.
That's about it.
I wanted to sneak past them, maybe just run my way to the Landmark borders for fast travel
That's completely suicidal at low level, just go around that area. You're meant to go the other way around to Las Vegas (you can take the shortcut, but you can't really fight the Deathclaws at that point)
@MadScientist no no no no I wanted to go to the Quarry Junction.
I'd really recommend to just follow the road. That way you'll encounter reasonably-leveled enemies, find your first home, encounter some of the main story
Wheeee, so many spiders trapped
@MadScientist I'm at Repconn Test Site
the part with the trapped ghouls.
I just wanted to, uh, explore.
like that dome in 13-G
@badp Just go to trading post next when you're done with exploring the immediate area
There's technically speaking only one way out of the REPCONN test site, and it's in the opposite direction of road to Quarry Junction
I think fast travelling to Goodsprings and going from there is the more sensible option
@PrivatePansy no, that's different. I wanted to reach the Quarry from that big cross thing east of Goodsprings (not pictured)
@PrivatePansy yeah, you'd think it was the more sensible option, but no, invisible walls.
what you have to do is go to Sloan then go north and (I think!) take the left dirt path, also not pictured.
with the Alpha-male deathclaw "seeing" you around corners and running at hyper speed
@badp That is indeed suicidal.
YOWO. You only walk once :P
@PrivatePansy what is the goal of the game?
or is it just a do what you want kind of thing like minecraft
@Blem Fun™, I believe
@badp Oh the goal is to have Fun™, so nothing like Minecraft
...I said Fun™
More like !FUN!
Needs more C, !C! preferably.
@PrivatePansy Nice base setup! Are you near anything besides rabbits?
There's a spider nest one screen to the left, and every night they come out and randomly poke at my wall
So I made about a dozen traps to farm them
Keep an eye on the nest. If it gets 3 tiers, you may end up dealing with more than just spiders.
I know. There's also a pig village in down to the left one screen space. The cluster of berry bush is part of the village. I fenced it off for my own use
Also, the master circuit breaker went off in the house and switched everything off
Which is rather annoying
Thank goodness for autosave
Is there a way to "win" Don't Starve? Or is it just play until your inevitable loss and stave it off as long as possible?
@StrixVaria Play until you're bored.
There is adventure mode, reaching the end of which can be considered "completing" the game
@fredley wat.
@FEichinger It is what it says it is
@fredley could be neat, I know I've seen some really interesting questions that just do not work on stackexchange. Mostly list questions though.
Course, the difficulty will be finding an interface for such questions that does work.
@KevinvanderVelden I wonder if they'll use Discourse
Ironic if they did
@KevinvanderVelden vomit
@fredley likely, after all
@KevinvanderVelden We should migrate the bridge to phpBB
Then I could have loads of cool gifs in my signature
And important things like an importance meter
@fredley And giant custom smileys! :D
@KevinvanderVelden animated gif smileys
@FEichinger pff no, thats the :-p icon
Not sure how anyone could say Don't Starve doesn't have an objective. It has a very clear objective and it's right in the title.
@LessPop_MoreFizz "Starve"?
You play until you lose, and how long you last before you lose amounts to a 'score', which you can then compare to that of others or try to beat or whatever.
I mean, nobody complains about a lack of objectives or an 'endgame' in Tetris.
I haven't figured out what to do with fully half the items yet
Now I have an idea for a game with a similar goal: "Don't Discover America" You're Christopher Columbus. If you discover America (as opposed to an alternative way to India/China), you lose.
@MartinSojka ... that seems somewhat counterproductive. Your options become "Never leave Europe" or "Die at Sea".
@LessPop_MoreFizz It is, however, historically accurate. Historically Christopher Columbus failed.
@MartinSojka Well, yes. He failed to discover an alternate route to india or china. Your win condition is historically inaccurate.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, that was the accurate condition.
@FEichinger Right, but the only ways to achieve the win condition are historically inaccurate.
It's a fun thought experiment to "design" such a game. You'd have stats like "Common Sense" and "Geography", and the lower they are, the higher your chance you'd actually be able to convince anyone to let you stop bothering them and go on your ill-fated voyage.
Wow. Night Vale is #1
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why, yes, obviously. If history differs from the original plan, naturally you can't conform with history if you're shooting for the plan.
Q&A Site

Proposed Q&A site for a language-independent collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers.

Currently in definition.

Ummmmmmmmm, isn't that what SO is?
Or maybe Programmers.se?
I was so hoping it was a site with no topic other than "Q&A"
@BenBrocka Me too.
@BenBrocka Not that "It is for programmers" is much of a topic.
I'm inclined to add "wat." as an example question.
Q: hover game windows xp

Navik GoswamiI can't seem to remember the name of a game, which I used to play on Windows XP. I don't think it was available as a part of the OS but rather a third party game. The game included driving hover (Hovercraft) and jumping distances, firing missiles (which when hit another hover caused the victim's ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, but it's like the 40th dupe of Stack Overflow on Area 51
@GamingTopicsFromOutside on SO? lol
@FEichinger How much you wanna bet some idiot tries to migrate it?
@FEichinger And it's answered!
By himself
Ooooh, an SU dupe, that's a bit more novel.
Computer Hardware

Proposed Q&A site for questions and answers on hardware installation, configuration, support, repair, compatibility and connection and everything to do with hardware

Currently in definition.

@LessPop_MoreFizz It took him a whole 5 minutes!
Man, we close that faster on our gaming site than they do on their site where it's clearly way off topic
Go us
I was going to flag that as off-topic for SO but honestly I'm not sure which off-topic reason applies
We are great. Especially me.
They need one that's just "GTFO"
Probably because I'm a robot.
24 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
user image
I hate This American Life.
@Sterno I don't think any of their default ones does.
Which means you can't do anything about it, unless you've got close-vote rep on SO. Go, system changes!
I flagged it as the top one anyway
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yusssssssssssssssssss
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yayyyyyy! \o/
@Sterno I quite like it tbqh.
But then, I am an avowed listener of public radio.
Well, I hate most things. So there's that.
Anyone hoping for anything in particular in today's sales?
The Steam Complete Pack
Man, I think even SciFi would have closed that question by now.
All games in the store, 99% off
@badp That would be the worst thing that could possibly happen, because then I'd have to get them all, and 1% of ALL would be a lot.
@Sterno Has there ever been anything closed on SyFy?
Q: Is there a website that shows which SF book/film awards there are?

StuperUserWhat website references the SF awards that are awarded to SF books and films?

First one I found, and it was closed by @MarkTrapp!
Also, I say SyFy because, to me, they are not worthy of SciFi. They are like the SyFy channel.
So I'm willing to stop looking and postulate that since he left, nothing has been closed.
A sound theory.
@Sterno neighbourhood of $500 or so
@badp Really? Hrm...
Nevermind, 99% off sale sounds great.
I get my hard drive and monitor on Wednesday! :D
Plus, I could make back $5 on the 50 cards I'd sell!
25$ * 2000 * 0.01 = 500$
@Sterno bargain of the millennium
Well... I say that. It's more accurate to say that I will be ordering my hard drive and monitor on Wednesday.
@FEichinger Stop ruining the SciFi hate with data.
@badp I recall a valve employee screenshot at some point of a steam library with All Games in it
@Sterno Hush.
@FEichinger Wow. That isn't even a full page. O_o
> Well, I got an email from a major TV network last night asking to buy Night Vale from me, so I guess that? (I'm not going to sell it to them.)
well, 25$ was a gross underestimate anyway
@badp I think I deleted your last youtube comment while trying to reply to it. I don't know why the font looks off in that video, it should be a 4:3 480p recording of a 480p and should have stayed at exactly that resolution the whole process
make it 1,096 * $40 * 0.01 = $438.4
@Fluttershy What? For me it's 39 (12 at 50 per) pages.
The Walking Dead doesn't seem to have quite the same impact when you're roleplaying the character mindset of "Me first. Always."
@BenBrocka not just that, like when you fall at 1:00 there's a bunch of white horizontal lines that "blink" as you fall
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh wow. That would be.... interesting.
I wouldn't mind seeing a TV version of We're Alive, now that I think about it...
Q: What does the "dxlevel" config setting do in the TF2 Linux client?

hunter2Title kinda says it all ... Linux doesn't have DirectX. I don't know if Valve made some kind of compatibility layer, or did a proper port to OpenGL (I expect the latter). Either way - does this setting do anything (for the Linux client)?

@FEichinger It is 15 questions for me.
the video gets better later on
@Fluttershy That's ... weird.
@Fluttershy I mainly just want the weather to be a live performance by a band in front of a greenscreen displaying various weather related imagery.
@Fluttershy Got any ignored tags on syfy, maybe?
@badp Huh, that does look like nearest-neighbor bullshit. I'll check and see if it's the source file or how it was produced when I get home. I always try and get the edges of the recording pixel perfect to avoid stuff like that
Good morning, Bridge
@Lazers Oh. Him again.
Howdy, Bridge.
@ShotgunNinja G'morning.
Also, I bought Oracle of Seasons last night.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fun thing: The new profile page doesn't show that any more. For example, this person is on my friends list (we used to run a TF2 server together), and every store page for me list him as already owning a game. But his profile only says 151 games.
@FEichinger I don't use it enough to warrant ignoring any tags, so that's not it.
Q: Can questions be deleted if they spread misinformation?

HackworthThis question has a false premise. It states as a matter of fact that certain abilities can hit an enemy 3 times while they are designed to hit at most twice. However, because I found this to be very unlikely, I asked for the evidence that the OP claims exists. After a lengthy discussion in the c...

Wow, yoghurt is really sour without sugar
@SepiaLazers And that explains why I stay out of LoL questions.
Copy editing LoL questions is getting old.
LoL questions don't use actual English. I can't even read them.
@FEichinger Then let people who understand them judge them.
I could explain terms to you if you like so that you can read them; else stop complaining about them.
I have them ignored for a reason.
@StrixVaria I'm neither complaining about them nor am I judging them.
Why did I commit suicide, and how can I prevent it? http://gaming.stackexchange.com/q/124388?atw=1 #godswillbewatching
Someone unpinned my pants!
how to you ignore questions?
I'm tired of people complaining (yes, complaining) that they can't read LoL questions because of the terminology. It doesn't help anything.
I'll put a standing offer out there that I will explain any LoL term (that I know; but it should be most of them I think) to anyone who wants to know.
@OrigamiRobot Hopefully they were folded and put away instead of them wearing your pants.
@2____ could you be more specific?
@2____ There's an area on the main page for "ignored tags"
@Powerlord I don't mind sharing my pants.
Dump the game name into there, and make sure that, "Hide ignored tags" is checked in your profile.
As long as they aren't damaged.
Viola! Instant removal of tag!
what about ignoring users?
@2____ Sadly, that's only possible on chat.
@2____ You can do that in chat, but not on the main site
We try to judge posts by, you know, their content rather the user who posted them
(Not that there haven't been cases where nearly every single one of a user's posts are poor, but those are in the extreme minority)
what if someone has several low-quality answers?
oh ok
Try to make them better
@StrixVaria I will offer the same. That said, I feel like I know a good bit about LoL terminology, and I still have a hard time making out some questions, so I can kind of understand why someone would have problems with them. <_<
@Fluttershy The terminology is one barrier to entry. LoL also unfortunately gets a lot of really low-quality questions even once you understand the terminology.
23 hours ago, by fbueckert
Q: Stack Overflow's bounty system is broken

Yatin SaraiyaI have now successfully solved 3 bounty questions in 4 days. These people don't pay up, either by claiming that "the solution doesn't work" (and since I test everything, my solutions work) or by changing the parameters after you solve the question. This is very bad for Stack Overflow. Look at m...

This got deleted.
@fbueckert mmmmhhhh waffles
@Blem pffft, you kids and your star bait!
@Blem Waffles are good. Pancakes are better.
@fbueckert it depends on the waffles and on the pancakes
If we are talking toaster waffles and toaster pancakes waffles win
@AshleyNunn True. I envision pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.
But if I make them both then pancakes win
Which also works on waffles.
I guess what I'm saying is that I have a massive sweet tooth.
@AshleyNunn So, how is 999 going?
@AshleyNunn WTF is a toaster pancake?
@powerlord to be honest it isn't really because other than AC or Rogue Legacy I haven't really played anything because I am reading more right now
@AshleyNunn Way of Kings is that awesome?
@origami a pancake sold in a box, frozen, intended to be put in a toaster to be heated before eating
@fbueckert yes, also his junior fiction Alcatraz stuff
@AshleyNunn I can't say I've read any of that.
@AshleyNunn Since when is that a thing?
Might have to pick up a book or two, get my little sister hooked on it.
I've heard of microwave pancakes, but not toaster pancakes.
I am so sleepy, and I have six hours of work to go. =\ Damn you sleep! Why must you be so difficult?
@fbueckert RIP trainwreck
@AshleyNunn 999 has lots of reading... ;)
@BenBrocka Almost makes me want 10K on MSO, just so I can re-read it.
@Fluttershy I get ~5-6 hours of sleep during the week :/
@Powerlord Some (me) might say a bit too much reading.
@Fluttershy For some reason, my couch causes this same issue. I sit down to play something, and I'm falling asleep within 20 minutes.
@origami haha since like the 90s
@Fluttershy At least the sequel has voice acting for everyone but the main character.
@OrigamiRobot A night? Or in total?
Nintendo's site says Earthbound releasing on Wii U eShop in North America today for $10: http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/82s5n1dbV4gstayVNhVYtOneSXTIXACS
@fbueckert I highly recommend it, the books are really fun
My body is ready
@fbueckert Do you have Dark Souls yet?
@Fluttershy Per night. I also usually wake up 2-3 times per night.
@Fluttershy Own it.
@OrigamiRobot Stop being me!
Haven't finished Demon's Souls, so I haven't played it yet.
@BenBrocka And so begins the falling of overpriced SNES hardware.
@fbueckert Ah. Okay. I was gonna suggest picking it up on Steam before the sale ended. =P
@Fluttershy I get thirsty!
@OrigamiRobot Oh. I just get restless.
@fbueckert Well, EB carts for sure. Not sure how much EB demand has raised the price of hardware
@BenBrocka I was more referring to the cartridge, but yes, that was sucky wording on my part.
Virtue's Last Reward is better than 999 in many other ways, too, but it does make backreferences to 999 which will spoil it if you play VLR first.
cu later people, time for a long weekend
huh just noticed it's $10, aren't the SNES ones usually $10? I mean I'll still buy it but that seems odd
I checked out a retro game store a couple weeks ago; they had Earthbound for $250, which is stupidly overpriced.
@powerlord it has a lot of reading and when I wanna read I mostly read a book
@Powerlord That finally came out on PS+ BTW, got it downloaded but haven't started it yet
@fbueckert near me it's $150 for the SNES cart
@AshleyNunn Still super expensive, but much closer to actual market prices.
They claimed to price it at ebay levels, minus shipping.
I checked it out; Earthbound goes for ~$125 or so.
I really don't get the draw of not like emulating or whatever
@AshleyNunn I get some enjoyment from owning an original copy, but not enough to warrant that kind of cash.
But then again I just like playing stuff and am less about owning especially when like now I lack money
Basically almost everyone selling an earthbound cart is a massive asshole
@BenBrocka Yup. Arbitrage city.
Which is why it's very very good that it's finally going to be available digitally
> Firefly Online, a social online role-playing game based on cult TV series Firefly, is currently in development and slated to launch on iOS and Android-based smartphones and tablets during the summer of 2014, Fox Digital Entertainment revealed at San Diego Comic Con today.
@BenBrocka And the cart price will drop like a rock, since there's now other legitimate methods to own the game.
Please try not the punch a hole in your monitor
@privatepansy I am a terrible nerd because all I can think is how terrible it will be. I don't think there needs to be more Firefly stiff
Firefly actually has a 4 issue comic book series which bridges the TV series and the movie Serenity
Like guys, it was good but like not like the best thing there ever was can we go do something else now instead of beating this dead Firefly horse
@PrivatePansy I'm sure that will be high quality
@privatepansy yeah I read most of it
@PrivatePansy You expected Fox to produce a decent game?
sneakpeeks at Terraria PC 1.2 imgur.com/a/U0Bkk
@BenBrocka I haven't played that in forever.
@BenBrocka Coool. Although... I thought you could already customize your hair color?
Haven't played since before 1.1 actually
@PrivatePansy wat.
@BenBrocka I see so much new stuff.
@PrivatePansy Mobile SORPG ... Firefly ... yeh, no. Browncoats already managed to do that on their own fully well.
A snow biome that's (presumably) not just when the world is generated in December, a strange orange colored underground biome, those three yellow underground biomes in the underground jungle are also new I presume
@PrivatePansy It's a more precise system, I don't think the third slider used to be there...maybe only one slider?
> why is 'fragmentation' a valid whine?
Y'know, you try to help someone, and sometimes, it's just not worth it.
Multicolored chests. Just cosmetic, presumably, but still cool
From the comments:
> A social online role-playing game for iOS and Android. I can’t think of a more perfect sentence to describe a genre I have no interest in whatsoever.
@PrivatePansy Those chests are already present.
@BenBrocka It used to be RGB.
Hmmm? I only remember wood, gold and shadow chests
The top row of chests is new.
OMG I just noticed the stack of 999 planks
thank crap. Or was that in 1.1?
@BenBrocka Wood didn't stack that high I think
@BenBrocka 99 was max.
Yeah, max stack 250 as of 1.1.2
Oh. Planks, never mind!
Torches max out at 99. >_>
@BenBrocka Well, it could also include the words "procedurally generated" in it.
I do hope they're backporting the console features
@PrivatePansy want world map
@Powerlord Which would actually be new for a mobile crapgame, if I recall correctly.
I interpret "procedurally generated" to mean "we were too lazy to hire actual map/area developers"
I wonder what those blocks in the UI on the left of the heart meter in the second image is for
@PrivatePansy I really don't expect them to. The console port was handled by someone else.
Not so much for a rather well-defined universe, though.
@Powerlord Well, it depends. It kinda makes sense in a space exploration setting, or similar.
@FAE it's in the screenies
"procedurally generated" is actually harder to get right than a level that you just draw with a palette editor or whatnot
Ooo, I see rope
@Powerlord I tend to think of it as, "We want to add in lots of replay value, so some things will be randomized"
For climbing down a vertical well or something, could be very useful
of course it depends by how much procedural generation there actually is
@BenBrocka yaaay
Procedural generation in Binding of Isaac is quite a lot simpler than it is in (say) Nethack
I'm interested to see how much the minimap interferes with things visually.
@badp Bonus points for mentioning two games I hate as examples.
@badp BoI is also not all that much "procedural" as it is plain random.
It bothers me more than it should that I missed voting on last night's CC and the flash sales.
Wait, TF2 got rid of idling?
@Ullallulloo Yup.
@Ullallulloo Yep.
We'll see how long it takes the TF2 economy to adjust to this.
@Ullallulloo Finally!
Probably won't change in the short run.
@Fluttershy TF2 gives you random weapons for the first few hours you play a week.
Ah. Gotcha.
Well, first few hours after 00:00 UTC Thursdays.
Looks like some kind of layering thing?
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that. Can't figure out what that's for
@OrigamiRobot I was curious about that as well.
Now, they require you to click on the "you got an item" box to dismiss it before the timer starts for your next item.
@Powerlord Can it be gotten around with a script?
I'm guessing based on my Friend Activity that Fez was in a flash sale last night.
@OrigamiRobot It looks like they are adding some kind of extra layer, so you can add front walls or something. maybe.
Oh, hey. Our Terraria dupe got deleted. Did you guys do that?
@fbueckert Eh?
@PrivatePansy Probably, as long as the button always appears in the same screen location.
(it's not dismissable via keyboard iirc)
@FAE It was, I'm afraid.
Also, running the game in text mode (which was another idling trick) won't gain you items ever.
@FAE Yes... did you miss both the daily sale and the flash sale?
@Powerlord I'm mostly trying to figure out what was in the CC and flash that I missed last night.
Oh, no. Guess he self-deleted.
> voluntarily removed by its author
@FAE It'll be up again. If you really want to know reddit.com/r/GameDeals probably has it
> FEZ @ $4.99 (-50%), Rage @ $4.99 (-75%), Anno 2070 @ $14.99 (-50%), Saints Row The Third @ $4.99 (-75%)
> Left 4 Dead 2 @ $4.99 (-75%), LEGO Lord of the Rings @ $7.49 (-75%), War of the Roses: Kingmaker @ $4.99 (-75%), Gunpoint @ $5.99 (-40%)
> Community Choice: Surgeon Simulator 2013 @ $3.40 (66% off)
@PrivatePansy Surgeon Simulator again?
> Community Choice - Bastion @ $2.24 (85% off)
@PrivatePansy Which was followed by DLC for Warframe, DLC for Star Trek Online, and DLC for Marvel Heroes.
@FAE Steam sale features a lot of repeats
> Community Choice:The Walking Dead 75% off ($6.25)
I think that about covers it
Thanks for the info!

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