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I wondered where the "punchline" of that comic was - I thought there must be something I was missing.
@RobM I don't think there was one.
can someone please link me that comic <.<
or give me something I can google for
@TomO'Connor indeed. But my first reaction was "that can't be what it looks like"
@LucasKauffman I don't think there's anything of interest there
@TomO'Connor seems like a normal day to me
let's change topic
@Dan Lucas's dismissal of my not liking the comic was worse than the comic itself. Having a stupid comic posted and removed isn't a big deal. Basically getting told to grow a thicker skin for not finding it funny is a lot more.
@JennyD Fair comment and @LucasKauffman, you should be more careful commenting when you haven't even seen the subject matter
@Dan true
I tend to be a bit impulsive
@JennyD my appologies
@LucasKauffman thanks, and accepted
I'm going to put an end to this.
1) No more links to *that* comic.
2) The Comms Rooms is not anti-woman and does not promote domestic (or otherwise) violence.
3) TomBull, see me after class.
3b) That's a paddlin'
Careful @tombull89, he's going to touch you.
and I really want to mark this whole conversation for showing the best side of the Comms Room
with a chainsaw
@TomO'Connor that could be interesting ;)
@Dan what makes you think @tombull89 wouldn't enjoy that :p
Stupid thing done. Objection said. Objection handled mostly well. Apology offered gracefully. Everybody trying to find out what the others mean and trying to explain their own meaning, without fighting or name calling. This is what I like here.
I'd just like to clarify that, of course, The Comms Room does promote violence in the context of SysAdmin Vs User - which, as we know, is allowed under Protocol IIII of the Geneva Convention
@Dan and we all dislike developers
now somebody please make a joke about wrestling sysadmins and lube
and actually this is why I would recommend the Comms Room for any sysadmin, regardless of where on the gender scale they place themselves
TomBull89 will be back in 31 minutes. Probably.
not so much allowed, Dan, but explicitly encouraged under the treaty of Everyone vs. Lotus Notes
I hope it stops raining... I'm supposed to be going to a car boot sale over the weekend with my nephew and niece.
death to X.400!
you know
we really don't get a lot of notes questions
Right, back on topic
@FalconMomot I'm still dealing with X.25 :/
@FalconMomot SHHH! They'll hear you.
almost completely empty
I have an XP machine with IE6. Can I still get the installers to go IE6 -> IE7 - IE8?
@RobM I have a mate of mine working at IBM and even THEY can't get their Lotus Notes configured properly
you have no idea how happy I am about that @FalconMomot - I've turned down otherwise good jobs because it would mean sysadmming notes again. I might be willing to take a job with notes if task #1 in the new role was migrate from notes to something sane.
the only cool part of Lotus Notes is Sametime
@LucasKauffman doesn't surprise me in the slightest
@LucasKauffman I once had one division of IBM blame a known issue in lotus notes on my software while the notes support guys his from both of us
@FalconMomot One of the things that make me happy in leaving this job is getting away from Notes
I also liked the argument they had that it was our fault
I've only ever used Notes, so can I ask, why does it exist and why do companies purchase it?
basically "the notes team won't talk to us about it so you have to fix it"
I mean, it's universally hated
Well anyone who implements or uses notes does need to accept some of the blame for that.
@Dan before there was me, there was X.400......
I also wonder what idiot decided to put the whole program into one thread, meaning that if you send a large email you need to wait for the program to unfreeze until it's sent
Multithreading is hard
Speaking about violence... In the middle of an upgrade from HPUX 11.23 to 11.31. Finally in the load testing stage for $PROGRAM. Finding that there wasn't as much of an improvement as we'd expected. Running strings on the binary. Finding that the developer had decided to not use the new 11.31 development machine, but instead compiled his code on 11.23, i.e. without whatever improvements in libraries and stuff...
I'm trying to remember the name of the e-mail system IBM had on their MVS mainframes WAY back in the day when I was an operator. Even that was less quirky than Notes.
@RobM Memo?
@JennyD hopefully you have a dull hunting knife
might have been @JennyD
@FalconMomot What I have is my last day at this work and a smug smirk :-)
it was x400 but it was still pretty good, I remember that much
@JennyD oh! grats on the now job, belatedly...
@RobM I do like z/OS systems, I feel it a pity it's practically impossible to find a z/OS system to fiddle around with
@FalconMomot Thanks! I'll start with two months vacation
@LucasKauffman +1 except for the liking them part
Officevision maybe
@JennyD ooh! I'd go mad with that much time off.
@LucasKauffman it was where I started my IT career, such as it is!
blech, I hate it when I accidentally build the kernel on one core
2 months vacation sounds quite reasonable to me. I'm jealous, I only get one and a bit!
I have 24 days + overtime
I get like 3 weeks
no + overtime
21 :(
but it doesn't really matter because I have open work hours.
@FalconMomot we have "open work hours" too, it's just an excuse to make you work from 7 to 6 :p
Norwich council taking delivery of their first computer in 1953
need moar coffee
@LucasKauffman yeah, at my place... as I was being hired 3 incredibly skilled people quit for overwork, so things are actually fairly relaxed in an attempt to reduce turnover.
I think there's a copy of that picture at bletchley park
it's awesome.
@FalconMomot here it's part of the game, although tbh I have a friend of mine working McKinsey. Those guys are crazy when it comes to overtime
Internet Explorer is the devil
ahh there we are, new storage drive installed.
@LucasKauffman They let me sit on my ass and think all day.
@TomO'Connor The car geek in me just smiles that something so revolutionary was being delivered on the back of a van that almost certainly didn't even have indicators :D
it works well - they get research, patents and software, and I get to have almost 0 stress.
@Dan: I think they did. its called sticking your arm out and giving people the finger.
^ Alan Turing wanted to store data in Gin. Clearly he is a patron saint of all sysadmins everywhere
another dev bypassing security measures
Q: Setup web terminal access in case ssh crashes

proxylittleI would like to setup my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server for a backdoor in case ssh crashes. I would simply connect to the server and restart ssh manually but this is not possible. Contacting the system administrator so he can restart it takes too much time aswell. So is it possible to setup a web term...

or trying to, at least
@dawud oh god
that sounds like something really dangerous to me
First off, apologies to @kalina and @JennyD. No offense was meant and of course I am highly against violence against women. I didn't think he was killing her in the comic, I just thought she cried herself to sleep and didn't see anything wrong with it until it started getting flags and Jenny's reaction.
@tombull89 apology rejected
@kalina ?
@Dan ?
@kalina Was just trying to suss if that was a joke or not :)
I'm just adding more awkward to the fact @tombull89 just apologised, nothing to see here
Do carry on
well, you ruined the moment
I hope you're happy
I think it would be more awkward if I didn't apologise and just carried on as normal.
I think it'd be more awkward if I told everybody about that conviction you have
@tombull89 the aftermath of that image caused fallout as far away as the bridge, where we're now on lockdown and under order to behave
@Dan I do?
@RobM is "off-topic because it is about bypassing security procedures put into place by operations staff" in the custom close reasons already? because it should
@tombull89 ;)
@dawud i assumed some version of it is
I've got to be honest, though @tombull89, it was a shit comic even ignoring the offensiveness. I still don't get it
Mind you, I like XKCD and I don't get half of them, either
yeah @dawud - @FalconMomot phrased it differently to me but has it covered
@RobM @dawud I have like 3 suggestions there. :)
yeah, upvoted
Can any UAC / Windows Permissions experts confirm if a piece of software can always write anywhere within HKCU?
when you say "experts"
does that mean that if I say "probably" without actually testing it you'll accept it as an answer?
cause its you, no.
you know that I like playing with fire, right?
and you know that dogs are covered in fur, right?
sets kalina on fire
I am immune to fire
belches fire everywhere
sets kalina on liquid nitrogen
Poor dog :(
old master once say, when fire dosen't work. try ice. and if that dosen't work, THEN try fire
@FalconMomot: any familiar with smart errors?
outside "if it errors, its dead" ? ;p
great, now I get to strip all my //TODO and //FIXME and //The bug! from a file I have to provide to a military organization.
@JourneymanGeek it's dying
The Bridge is such a screwed up place.
@JourneymanGeek A little (everything is implementation defined)
but, if it errors, it's dead.
@LucasKauffman: I'm assuming that and backing it up
@TomO'Connor 4chan of stackexchange
@FalconMomot: its erroring. I can't tell what the error is ;p
@LucasKauffman Then what the hell does that make us?
@TomO'Connor no it's not, the Bridge is awesome
it's the #ubuntu
@LucasKauffman how rude
@FalconMomot why do you need to do that? You ran out of budget and need to deliver without finishing :p
anyway pastebin.com/LjNK53vJ <- ;p SMART sucks.
@tombull89 sickipedia?
@LucasKauffman no, it's interim code, and we're going to fork it after we hand it in.
The Bridge is very fond of handing out flags.
Even Zalgo text got flagged.
bit too much so ;p
Quote of the day: Today has been a shitty week.
@JourneymanGeek power-on lifetime: 49350 hours (2056 days + 6 hours)
It's not every day that the comms room can call other rooms screwed up
@tombull89 Encyclopaedia Dramatica
@LucasKauffman: yeah, that drive has been running close to 24/7 for quite a while ;p
@JourneymanGeek it's dying you shouldn't care for the errors :P
@LucasKauffman: backing it up as we speak. Its passing smart tests. I just want to play it safe ;p
Heh, comments I am redacting:
//Adolebit orbem:
I had one drive die, one drive have bad clusters. I'm just a LITTLE paranoid
<thing> = 0; //longcat is long
= NULL; //symbol resolution is utterly useless here
//This will only happen as the result of a bug
//This travesty shall never come to pass in any supported use case
//You have to do it because of mmap(). Someday it will not be like this.
//The performance cost of this appears negligible, strangely.
and thus comments give a window to the mind of the programmer
Heh. I believe I wrote all of them.
@tombull89 there's nothing wrong with flags
that's what they're there for
at least we're not Math
Math. Not even once.
@kalina God hates flags.
God doesn't exist
@kalina blasphemy!
blasphemy requires you believe in the original comment
Another fundamentally basic internet pop culture reference sails over the heads of those here present.
I think the concept of god exists
God is a DJ.
@dawud this in itself does not mean that god as an entity exists though
@TomO'Connor this I can relate to
@kalina and that is all we will ever get
@kalina for some people, god is everything that exists
@dawud and for those people, me saying that their god doesn't exist would be insulting, but for non-believers, having somebody else's belief enforced upon you is equally insulting
@tombull89 thanks, apology accepted - sorry I wasn't here to say so earlier.
awesome explanation...for me any way
Welcome to ServerFault! Although linking to external reference material is encouraged, we also expect each answer to be complete even if your links become broken in the future. You may wish to edit this answer and add additional details. — Miles Erickson Dec 14 '12 at 6:20
@Travis: I wish people would get a clue and realise simply linking back to their blogs for the entire answer just dosen't work
@kalina I don't think I've explained myself properly, nor I think I can do so in english
@dawud c'est la vie
@kalina indeed
Is it hometime yet?
@dawud doing philosophy in a foreign language is difficult...
@JennyD probably one of the most difficult task I could think of. Thought and language are so tightly bound.
@JourneymanGeek Right, that explained it well as to a why. I didn't think about that
@dawud That's one of the reasons I like learning foreign languages, in any given language there are some concepts that have words that don't exist in other languages
@JennyD I like the verb "to be". In spanish we have two different words for it. There are many examples, in both ways.
@dawud Yep. In Swedish there's a word "lagom" that means "just right, neither too much nor too little". I can't think of a matching word either in English, or German, or French.
@JennyD in arab that's kif-kif :)
@dawud Cool! I know very little Arabic, I can basically say "hello" and not much more
@JennyD sure you know more words, like "habibi"
Salam aleykeum
@dawud yes, but it's not a word I use in daily talk with strangers much :-)
alumalekum salam ;p
Tasha kur
@JennyD :D
I miss my time in Afghanistan on occasion
@Travis why's that?
@Travis but afghans don't speak arab, maybe pashtun?
@dawud: multiple langauges, depending on tribe I think
maybe old news for everyone, but this is the cool vid of the month (for me)
@Travis What did you do in Afghan?
@dawud Pashto and Dari....very similiar
Good morning
@Cole afternoon
@LucasKauffman @Dan I was an Afghan Army embedded training team member. I was the mentor for two of the Brigade level staff officers. Really made me feel good to do the teaching and mentoring and I miss that.
Cool, that sounds like very interesting work. My brother is due out as a Logistics Corps drive in the next couple of months
It was pretty neat. There were some older, retired Army guys there that had been there for about 5 years doing the training and mentoring. Very respected by the Afghan commanders
real soldiering. Nothing like what I did
@JourneymanGeek I got lucky with that...I was normally S-1 and the occasional S-6. I did the mentoring for about 6 months before they finally pulled me from it and dumped me as the Battalion S-1 NCOIC
I was hoping to make it through TA infantry and get out on one of the last tours, but an old medical condition put pay to that. I still intend to join, but not right now
@Travis: I used to be a conscript, failed basic thrice
@tombull89 That is a neat website
@JourneymanGeek What'd you fail on?
@Travis: nearly all of the physical fitness test
Yep, that'll get you
Cool error:

HRESULT was 80040154 from line 45 of d:\longhorn\com\complus\src\events\tier1\eventsystemobj.cpp.
"class not registered"
regsvr class eventsystemobj.dll
if (@NathanC >= code+failure) { echo Hello world!; }
Hello world!
@Travis: conscription is rather stupid unless you're in the middle of a war
When did you get conscripted?
Volunteer armys tend to perform far better, and it's not like there's generally a shortage of troops
You're no in the US are your @JourneymanGeek?
pretty close to a decade ago
erm no, singaporean ;p
Ah, I see.
I'm not old enough to have fought in the vietnam war, let alone the korean or world wars ;p
I was wondering lol
and we have wierd ranks
like corporal first class
( I have respect for real soldiers. Just think its silly that I get forced to pretend to be one for two years ;p)
I have found foreign military's to be "different" :)
....downloading....win 8.1 preview.......44 minutes remaining........43......
Q: How can I find which logon script is being ran?

user2517266I'm having an issue at work with network drives. Suddenly some computers and users aren't getting there mapped network drives from the logon script. I am NOT a domain admin, I don't have permission to login to the domain controller. And I know very little about active directory. The issue seems r...

Active Directory, how does it work?
Only @MDMarra knows.
I'm about to ask that question of two more candidates today
Active Directory is like magnets... it's all black magic
Gah. I'm remoted into my desktop using logmein and I keep using the back button on my mouse to go "back" pages. Doesn't work like you think it does. :P
@MDMarra How AD works?
@NathanC Yep...do that all the time. I'm like GAHHHH!
mhmmm my first coffee for today after a long on-call night
@Travis Not that specific question but yeah
@MDMarra Ask me one! Hit me with your best shot
@Travis More fun when I'm in a join.me session or something.
@Travis ♫ Fire away! ♫
@Travis Describe the 5 FSMO roles, what function each serves, and what happens when each is offline for an extended period of time.
@MDMarra I don't know them but I bet Google does ;)
you're hired!
@MDMarra That is a good question though. I like it. I only know like 2 of the FSMO roles by heart and vaguely what they serve.
I'm hiring for an AD System Engineer
so whoever gets the job better know some shit like that
No kidding!
still cleaning spyware off my Exchange server Freaking AWESOME Friday.
restore the thing, sucker
the longer you wait, the more painful the data rollback will be!
Basic sysadmin I would think should know the basics that there are FSMO roles..engineer better know who freaking came up with the names :)
How'd you get spyware on the exchange server?
@Travis Big ordeal for me last night... somebody on my team was either up to no good, or unwittingly harboring malware on their workstation that got transferred to the server when they RDP'ed to it
@RyanRies did you already defenestrate the responsible user?
I know who it was but I'm taking the 'innocent until proven guilty' approach and letting our Information Security department weigh in on it
Goes to google defenestrate
Oh wow. Who knew you could shorten such a phrase!
Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. Nice.
@tombull89 I'm glad we're illiterate idiots together :)
@tombull89 I've also seen it used for upgrading a computer from Windows to $UNIX_OF_CHOICE
Good luck with this one Travis...my close button is singing that siren's song to me.
serverfault.com/questions/519319/… oh-scroll up in chat...that's how that works... :)
I have just had goodbye coffee break with work. Got flowers, two kinds of cake, and a gift card to a bookstore.
Ugh ate my bacon and pancakes too fast.
@JennyD aw!
@Cole There really are people I will miss here... I'm feeling all nostalgic and stuff.
@JennyD That's the hard part. I've stayed at jobs that I hated because I loved the people.
Any of you lot ever had to provide Mains/Network to the centre of a large floor space (polished concrete floor)?
@RyanRies Active Directory is like a wife...all nice and friendly when you push the right buttons, but do something wrong or try to bring a 3rd party into the relationship and all hell erupts.
@TheCleaner Pretty much. Easily answered. There is no way for him to know
@TheCleaner star
Huh, PS4 runs modified FreeBSD: phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTM5NDI
@RyanRies @TheCleaner x2
@Cole Well, there are also some people I'll be happy to see the last of!
@TheCleaner That is odd how half the time the batch file works and the other time it does access denied. Maybe a DC trust issue between locations?
@JennyD haha, I know that feeling.
What's a batch file? ;)
@Cole I think I could have stayed on here if it hadn't been for one or two of the coworkers, plus the boss who's not too good at handling conflict...
@Cole It's like a shell script but for toy operating systems
@JennyD I hear you, my biggest complaint here was/is two things: Grumpy/mean coworkers and older tech. The second one, with a lot of push from me is starting to move in the right direction - and the first one, is getting a bit better as I get to know them
@Cole I can handle "grumpy", and possibly "mean". I can't handle incompetent and lazy.
Hehe, I love Microsoft engineering
@Travis Hard to tell. The script could do more than just map drives or might map drives incorrectly and the person sees errors thinking it only maps drives. The real issue here is " I am NOT a domain admin, I don't have permission to login to the domain controller. And I know very little about active directory." which basically means somebody else should be troubleshooting this with him internally that does have access to those things. Posting the batch script may help you answer...
When Internet Explorer 8 came out, they introduced compatibility mode. In the registry there is a way (And the only way) to configure the setting for applications which use the IE8 API's.

Two main settings: 8000 = Use IE8 rendering. 7000 = Use IE7 rendering

Makes perfect sense
Except in IE9 and IE10 there's no such thing as "IE8" or "IE7" rendering, but due to compatibility you still get to use the same reg keys , so:

8000 = Turn off compatibility mode
7000 = Turn on compatibility mode

They really should have thought this through
@JennyD That too.
@Dan - I never understood compat mode...I never did run across a site that required it. What use case do you see?
@TheCleaner I've seen it used, but actually my issue is the opposite. My app embeds IE and, for some reason, it takes it upon itself to enable compat mode which breaks the rendering
@JennyD My current team is 5 sysadmins including myself and then my manager. One guy basically just does VMware and a little SQL/basic Windows admin, another strictly Unix/Linux and storage/backups, a Domino/Notes/Basic Windows Admin and the other one can barely install Windows + deals with CA. Then there's me.....that does all the things which is frustrating since we really dont have a lot of Unix/Linux/Storage work so that sysadmin calls out a lot and does really nothing.
No one wants to a.) learn anything new and b.) learn anything out of their comfort zone .The Unix admin only scripts in ksh - no one else can script even in VBscript/batch files/etc. Simple Windows admin stuff.
@Cole make them hire me and fire the other four guys
@dawud they won't. These guys have been here 10-15+ years each
let's split their salary
@Cole :|
My boss said if it meant firing them to keep me, he'd do it - if his director would let him :P
Now I'm just kinda whatever about it. I get to do the cooler shit that's happening now so whatever.
Guess the "too localized" close reason went bye-bye?
@Cole That sounds really frustrating.
@JennyD yeah but when things come up like re-engineering the infrastructure, building a private cloud, etc. I get those projects.
They can have fun doing disk cleanup tickets.
@Cole That's a fair point. But it gets really tiring to never have someone else you can rely on to do a good job.
I need some longevity somewhere, I have almost 7 months here now, if I can at least hold out for 12 months it'll be easier - get some bigger projects to slap on my resume, and move to a place that appreciates me.
serverfault.com/users/106775/k-b = "I need a 100TB+ backup hardware and software solution...and GO!"
I work 8-4:30, hardly any OT even when I'm on call and it's a 15 min drive to work.
Flag ALL the questions!
"Give the data to me. I'll make sure it's safe."
<3 NSA*
That's right. And we <3 you too, Cole.
That was...scary.
Close Votes
That's a lot of pending closes
I love Friday's
I'm wearing a Batman shirt to meetings
Because he's the sys admin Waters deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our sys admin. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark admin.
Oh balls, just had my shiny new micro-HDMI cable delivered except, apparently, what I needed was mini-HDMI
@Dan I didn't know there were so many sizes of HDMI cables.
I still like how Cell phone manufacturers agree to all use mini-USB cables for charging... Try to find one with a mini-USB plug - they're all micro-USB.
Yep, agreed
Also, a giant "SCREW YOU" to RIM for implementing some crazy unique USB charging protocol so it's micro-USB, but their chargers don't work on other phones and vice versa.
What's pissing me off the most about HDMI cables is that every local shop has moved to the "Take the piss and profiteer" approach to accessories
Sigh the lack of AD knowledge in the world worries me
Dunno what it's like in the US, but there's a big push here to get people back "On the high street", and it's shit like this that makes it fucking impossible. I'd gladly get in my car right now, drive to a shop and purchase the cable. But not for 4x the price as online I won't
I was just told that you cant put the Infrastructure Master role on a DC that holds and other FSMO roles
People have been screwing up AD for over a decade now - world's still ticking along...
@MDMarra Uhm, how do they thank a standlone DC works?
@MDMarra Did you ask them how a SBS server could have all 5 then?
@ChrisS Any DC can have all 5
I said "Ok, moving along"
Q: Adding properties to the Win32_UserAccount Class

user2010392How to add new properties to *Win32_UserAccount* class and add values to it? I have used wbemtest command and Have created a new property to the class Win32_UserAccount. How to make it fetch the values from the user's attribute. For Example I have created a new property named Department. It shoul...

You don't need IM for a standalone DC, no?
@Dan Yes, but SBS has to have all 5 IIRC
You dont need IM ever any more
Just make everything a GC
@Cole It'll still be there though
As long as everything is a GC
Which is where he was going. He meant that you cant put IM on a GC, but you caaaaaaaan
@MDMarra Yeah, I've never seen any argument as to why you wouldn't
Fun fact, you can have more than one Infrastructure Master in the same domain
Even I knew that
Right, you don't need it, but you can't not have a server assigned (though I suppose you could assign it to a server, then decommission that server - but AD will still think that server is responsible for the IM role)
I've learned/seen too much AD in the past few months.
Also, when you enable the AD recycle bin, the IM ceases to do anything
@NathanC I did my part. @JennyD decided to start closing all the cpanel questions :)
@ChrisS You can have lots on Infrastructure Masters!

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