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So at some point, somebody must have decided the old monuments weren't worth saving.
Most american cities barely existed in the 18thc, even by mid 19th c there wasn't much
How many inhabitants did Boston have in 1800?
@Cerberus there really wasn't much in terms of monuments to preserve, or bldgs built to last.
most residential architecture is still built with wood.
@Cerberus yeah. I mean who wants to look at a bunch of old stone work? what a waste of space. You could put two coffee shops in that space.
@Mitch But why not? Are you sure?
@Mitch Now that you mention it...but why? Why is everything here bricks or concrete?
A: Who vs whom in "Who is the right person to turn to?

John LawlerSure, it's fine. In fact, Whom is the right person to turn to? sounds downright silly, and To whom is the right person to turn? is even sillier, if possible. No native English speaker would ever say either one, at least not in the USA. The best advice about the use of whom is Don't both...

shameful answer for this site. ought to be on a negative score.
@MattЭллен I don't like coffee.
@Cerberus how about toffee?
Oct 29 '12 at 15:04, by Matt Эллен
just use who and never worry about the who/whom distinction.
If, however, you want to sound like a butler, whom is the tool for the job.
@MattЭллен yeah and just say the infinitive and don't bother to inflect verbs
@Cerberus yes, I'm sure. There's really not that much to preserve. The skyscrapers are permanent because they're just hard to take down.
@Cerberus probably because there's not enough wood.
don't bother with anything hard, we want to dumb down
wouldn't be so bad on ELL but not on here
that's true of the whole question
The school has 50 teachers, most of who are bilingual. He is someone who I have great admiration for. Perhaps not standard English, but you can substitute whom quite easily with who and still be understood. — Mari-Lou A 16 hours ago
@MattЭллен Better.
@Mitch Then surely there were houses in 1900 that were nice looking and worth keeping?
Then I suggest all monuments must be replaces with toffee facsimilies.
@Cerberus be understood and be thought semiliterate
@Mitch Here? Wood is cheap, like everywhere.
@Cerberus Yes, rich peoples mansion's in the suburbs.
@Jez "Most of who" sounds ridiculous. She has Lawler where she wants him.
which is what most suburbs were in the 19thc/early 20thc
@Mitch I'm sure your inner cities looked nice!
Why wouldn't they?
@MattЭллен everybody wins...even the dentists.
@Jez Agreed. I have added my votes.
be technically takes 2 subjects, doesn't it? "He is she"?
@Jez I think when the bee takes the first subject it usually leaves the stinger in and can't take any more subjets.
that joke's clutching at straws
@Jez she is an adverb in that situation. It modifies the verb be
she can't be an adverb...
that's so sexist!
he can't either
oh, well, I'll let you off then
how about in "she is home"? Is home a subject?
that's using be in a different sense
not indicating equality, but location
or status... or something
@Jez No: subject and subject complement, both in the nominative (as in most other languages).
@Cerberus Yes, there are living remnants, like Georgetown in DC or Beacon hill in Boston
@MattЭллен That's not normally what it's called.
@Mitch that kind of attitude results in people saying "he did good" and meaning the wrong thing
@Cerberus awww. you're all against me! :Þ
@Jez !! I totally disagree...I have a feeling though that Caprica won't understand me.
@Mitch luckily she can't hear you
@MattЭллен It's just about conventional labels! You can use a different set if you like, it doesn't change the language.
@Mitch See? So somehow they were allowed to be destroyed, and I wonder why.
@Cerberus then you're all articles!
The same is happening now in China.
@MattЭллен And you're a stop.
@MattЭллен dammit..I want to be heard!
it's raining now, no sun. phew. i was worried summer wasn't going to arrive in Britain this year
"I want to be heard but all I got was this t-shirt"
@Jez we've got some kind of fog in Oxford
it's almost rain but not quite cold enough
@Cerberus Because they weren't that great. Also, what if I bought a property and want to tear it down to make it better? That's why we left europe to have the freedom to destroy things.
actually 'allowed sounds a little too authoritarian.
out with the old, in with the new...that's Calvinist/Puritan right?
Out with the bold, in with the grue.
@Mitch Not great, but just nice.
@Cerberus right destroying the slums to build fancy nice new buildings.
So you're saying it's all about having no laws to protect inner cities?
@Mitch Not slums! Just normal streets.
I mean, in normal inner cities, there are no slums. Everybody used to live in that part of the city that is now the inner city.
In China, they still destroy very old buildings.
And every city in the world will look just like every other city in the world.
With big Prada and McDonald's stores on top.
tasty, tasty Prada
When I wasin Istanbul, my Turkish friend wanted to show me the new malls and French restaurants and stuff. But I didn't come for French restaurants! We have those everywhere!
I liked things like the spice market and stuff.
@MattЭллен Burn it!
Q: Correct pronunciation of the word "Mature"?

AvianI need to know the correct pronunciation of the word "mature". Is it məˈtʃʊr, məˈtjʊə(r) or məˈtʊr? And which one is mostly used, across the globe.

I pronounce it to rhyme with nature. Doesn't everybody?
My mom says it the other way.
Yo mama.
(I say that as though there are only two ways.)
Hey, wait a minute. Nature doesn't rhyme with mature!
It took me that long to realize.
You're no fun.
@Robusto you're inature
Sorry, I'm too slow on the uptake to be fun.
@Shog9 It is if you're a lawyer.
"Is not this a lamentable
thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb should
be made parchment? that parchment, being scribbled
o'er, should undo a man? Some say the bee stings:
but I say, 'tis the bee's wax; for I did but seal
once to a thing, and I was never mine own man
@Cerberus But that's what -they- want. and they live there. To them the spice market is dirty and squalid and an ugly mess.
@MετάEd Holy crap, just say what you mean, man! "Words mess you up"
wax? lamb? "mine own man"? He's got issues, that's fersure.
@Cerberus no, most kids do not manage, in point of fact. Which is why we have urbanization in the first place.
But it's not my argument anyway, I'm just reporting on a study I read.
@Mitch Shakespeare had issues? Yeah, probably.
And too clever by half.
He'll be among the first up against the wall when the revolution comes. Workers of the world, unite!
hey guys
can i get traveling tips in here?
in today i would be traveling to London for the very first time...i'm excited as well as little confused about how would i manage all the hustle n rush of the big city...
probably big in terms of population or tourist rush..
You're from a small place yourself?
Then I guess there can be little advice other than dive in. It will be scary anyway, but also great fun.
@Saladin If you've been to a shopping street on a busy afternoon in any town, or any semi-large train station, you will be ready for London.
@Cerberus yeah I mean for me its just welcoming myself to a new place freaks me out
You'll be fine!
Just be prepared. Know where you're going.
and esp in my country the civil transport system is not at the level which exist in uk
Fumbling with maps on a busy street corner is annoying.
e.g underground tubes...
yeah i suck at map reading....its like doing class 2 maths for me
You'll get used to it. Buy tickets beforehand.
don't have the patience for me
Do you have a smartphone?
Then make sure you download a (free) mapping application that works without an internet connection.
Then you can just tell it where to go and it'll take you.
i agree @Cerberus nice idea
@Cerberus have u been to uk?
Make sure you test it well, though: many applications still work without a connection, but they don't allow you to search for a street name without Internet access.
Like Google Maps, which is useless without a connection.
@Saladin Yup.
hmm so how do you describe it?
and are there like any safety tips for first time visitor?
It's not very different from other northern European countries.
@Saladin Beware of pickpockets.
Don't put your wallet in your back pocket.
hmm i heard this advice from many people
Criminals can tell you're a tourist, and they know tourists pay less attention to what's happening, because they need to look at maps, signs, etc.
yeah thats right
Taxis are expensive, so, if you take a taxi, ask for the price to your destination before getting in.
Offer a lower amount if it's too high.
but aren't all taxi gps tracked
and have meter..
Possibly. But...
Taxis here (Amsterdam) have meters too, and yet we hear reports about tourists getting fleeced.
The driver should be able to give you an approximate price beforehand.
Or just use the underground for everything.
hm ok make sense
So is this vacation?
no like mix bag its part official part vacation;
actually going for tech training
Ah OK. Do you need to arrange transport from the airport to your hotel?
any tips for passport guys? at airport
or the immigration
What about them?
that transport thing is already been aranged
like i heard the ask way too many questions
They may do so.
It's probably best to answer them all.
yeah i'm more then happy to do so unless they plan to sent me back if i don't
If the questions get too private, you can always say, "I'm sorry, that question is a little bit too private".
If you're not sure what to do at the airport, ask an official.
Even if it seems a stupid question. Getting nervous because you're not sure what to do is no fun for you.
excellent advice @Cerberus
you are like big brother
i have to go and start packing stuff for flight
thanks once again:)
@Saladin Have fun, and don't worry! Oh, another thing: your hotel is a great place to ask questions. That's part of their function. Questions about anything. They can even buy tickets for your and call taxis.
yes you should make use of surroundings....
once again excellent advice; i should make full use of facility i have paid for
thanks and bye . tc
@RegDwighт Vier een vier.
Don't you mean vier nul vier?
No. 414 is to tl;dr as tl;dr is to anything else.
Now I need the Dutch equivalent of "WUT".
Genghis Khan?
@Cerberus In Dutch would you actually say vier oo vier?
@MετάEd Of course not!
Nul is nul. O is a letter.
English ≠ Dutch.
@Cerberus Because in English (American, anyway) we say "four oh four" rather tahn "four zero four". We say "oh" instead of "zero" in many contexts, such as telephone numbers and addresses.
Of course.
But English ≠ Dutch.
Do you know any other language than English that does this? I don't...
@Cerberus English is not even Frisian.
Indeed not.
German has the silly zwei/zwo.
No other language has that.
Dutch has zeven/zeuven and juni/juno.
@Cerberus English.
German = English now?
You're all confusing languages. Give me my hat.
English has the silly two/twen/twin.
Now stop pretending you don't understand.
Or if you really do not understand, then stop wasting my time.
You stop.
No other language uses a different word for two in phone numbers, that I know of.
And note that zeuven is silly.
Whilst English o is normal.
@Cerberus We have a lot of strange bits involving the names of letters and numbers.
For example, "double you".
Now that is common.
I think all Romance languages have double-u.
And Dutch has y-grec v. Grieksche y.
But I have to go.
@Cerberus Yes, but how is that pronounced.
@MετάEd What?
@Cerberus No, BRB.
standing with wallet in hand
skitters around nervously
Ever have one of those weeks where you think you can get everything done and then you totally, totally can't?
I think it's going to be that week now.
tries to breathe but also remember not to breathe and drink coffee at the same time
only breath when it won't kill you.
@MattЭллен Breathing always kills you. It oxidizes you to death.
If you have to breathe, remember to eat antioxidants.
yeah, but it's usually the bus that does most of the damage
@aediaλ no, why; omg, why?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Too many projects. Not enough time.
@aediaλ Sounds like it isn't your fault.
Well, I feel like my brain has been eaten by this bridal shower I had to help plan and all the junk we didn't think we had to do and then decided needed to happen for it, so I'm not in peak getting-stuff-done-and-concentrating mode this week.
And I really wish I were.
It would have helped. Maybe.
That's my bridal shower face.
Which might be why I'm still unmarried.
That, and I'm a ruthless chatkillah.
@MattЭллен I plan to die of ennui.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Oh I understand.
@MετάEd M is for @MετάEd who died of ennui.
I didn't have a shower thrown by friends or family and I grudgingly accepted tried to be gracious about the shower my work colleagues, predominantly women, insisted on throwing me.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hmm. If we're making poetry.
M is for MetaEd who died of bore. C is for Cornbread who died of more.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yes. I love me some Gorey.
I think I've alienated my work colleagues away from such a thing.
@MετάEd okgood.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 In retrospect - having seen what monstrosities others consider a normal celebration - I feel like I got off easy.
Were there like, games?
It was an excuse for cake with some dollar store decorations, a tiny bit of pictionary or something, and some heartfelt and generous presents that I thought were excessive at the time but egad I've seen so much worse since then.
It wasn't like a bachelorette, so no.
What is the difference?
One is a party for, if not mixed company, at least all ages, focused on heterosexual women, especially focused on the already-married giving you advice on married life and presents that will help you take care of your home and husband. Anatomy references are tame and pretty much limited to sexist jokes about men's roles.
The other is an evening event for peers, generally of drinking age. Here I'm a bit fuzzier because I've never even participated but I've seen plenty of these awful-seeming crowds roaming bars. I gather that the almost-bride is to dress up in a cheap veil and perhaps a crown with a penis on it or other garb that emphasizes her sexuality, and then go around with her friends to bars, drinking and flirting and being annoying.
I can't decide which one is worse.
I suppose if I were nineteen, I might want advice on married life.
My friend and I were trying to buy a game appropriate for - well, an adult game night, for our bachelorette who doesn't even drink much but would play, say, a silly naughty version of pictionary - and we decided we're going to have to make it ourselves because all the actual bachelor and bachelorette party games are horrific.
So I think that one is slightly worse, but that's only my current dilemma talking.
Also the fact that I have repressed my anger at the materialistic sexist crap of showers enough to get through helping host one.
@aediaλ it's okay to break the "traditions" if you don't like them.
@aediaλ yay!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh I know. But my friend is traditional enough that if she was going to have a shower, it needed to be close enough to tradition for her parents and other relatives to recognize it as such.
She doesn't give a whit about a bachelorette party or anything so we'll do that our own way.
So, I'm growing a moustache.
Not on purpose, mind you.
I should bleach, right? Not those other methods?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 why not? make a bold statement!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I don't know much about hair removal, so I'm probably not the unicorn you want to ask. I'm not sure I even remember how to shave my legs.
But you're my favorite unicorn.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 If you just changed methods or stopped taking hormonal birth control, consider if that might be affecting you. And do tell your doctor if you think you have other symptoms that might indicate PCOS. If there's an underlying issue it might be easier to treat that :)
@MετάEd I know! He tried way too hard. Kinda desperate. Probably sone girl involved.
@Mitch I blame bacon.^h^h^h^h^h^hBacon.
Is unicorn the opposite of icorn? Discuss.
Season's greetings, all!
@tchrist Summer's Eve?
Is it that time of year already?
Midsummer’s eve, even.
Not summer’s eve. Midsummer’s eve.
If we shadows have offended,
Know but this and all is mended.
That you have but slumbered here,
While these visions did appear,
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding, but a dream.
@aediaλ I did not, but I will look at that. At first, I thought my upper lip was dirty.
Oh, I had a cystic ovary.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Too much chocolate ice cream. nods knowingly
@aediaλ Yes. Ice cream.
"Looks like you blew a seal."
@tchrist I just so happened to have cut up a bunch of strawberries.
@tchrist I'll tell Oberon and Titania.
> A vacationing penguin is driving his through Arizona when he notices that the oil pressure light is on. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping out of the motor. He drives to the nearest town and stops at the first gas station.

After dropping the car off, the penguin goes for a walk around town. He sees an ice-cream shop and, being a penguin in Arizona, decides that something cold would really hit the spot. He gets a big dish of ice cream and sits down to eat. Having no hands he makes a real mess trying to eat with his flippers. After finishing his ice cream, he goes back to the gas st
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Did you gather them by yon bank where the wild thyme blows, where oxlips and the nodding violet grows?
@tchrist Yes, at yon grocery store by yon bank.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Was it quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, with sweet musk-roses and with eglantine?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 giggles uncontrollably
@tchrist Yes, quite.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I love penguin jokes.
@tchrist Surely you mean o'er-canopied?
@tchrist Midsommarafton in Sweden tomorrow
@Robusto ’Tisn’t what he wrote.
Or perhaps ’twasn’t.
I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses, and with eglantine:
There sleeps Titania some time of the night,
Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight;
And there the snake throws her enamelled skin,
Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in. (2.1.249)
I’m nearly depressed that summer is nearly half over.
I shouldn't have fallen in love with you, BUB the space cat.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 The course of true love never did run smooth.
@tchrist s/true// (ftfy)
128 How now, my love! why is your cheek so pale?
129 How chance the roses there do fade so fast?

130 Belike for want of rain, which I could well
131 Beteem them from the tempest of my eyes.

132 Ay me! for aught that I could ever read,
133 Could ever hear by tale or history,
134 The course of true love never did run smooth;
135 But, either it was different in blood,—

136 O cross! too high to be enthrall'd to low.

There once was a farmer who took a young miss
In back of the barn where he gave her a
Lecture on horses and chickens and eggs,
And told her that she had such beautiful
Manners which suited a girl of her charms,
A girl he could love and could take in his
Washing and ironing, and then, if she did,
They could get married and raise lots of

Sweet Violets, sweeter than the roses,
Covered all over from head to toe,
Covered all over with Sweet Violets.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 And that's just the first verse.
Miss Susie had a steamboat / the steamboat had a bell
@Cerberus in Europe or US or anywhere really since late 19thc, a brick house is mostly a brick veneer/facade with concrete (eu) or wood (us) frame.
she's mighty mighty / just lettin' it all hang out
I was just thinking of this yesterday: Miss Susie had a steamboat. The steamboat had a bell. Miss Susie went to heaven and the steamboat went to hello, operator, give me number nine, and if you disconnect me, I'll paddle your behind the 'frigerator, there lay a piece of glass... and so on, that we used to sing on the bus in grade school and giggle over. — KitFox yesterday
And now we've come full circle!
Just in time for the solstice!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Dang. I didn't make a solstice avatar!
+1 to you, sir
@MετάEd There's still time!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Okay, did I meet my deadline?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Thank you :-)
@Mitch Only large buildings.
There's no concrete in my parents' house, for example, which is from the twenties.
@MετάEd yes! ooh!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Dang, this means I have to do three more.
A: Does EL&U have any masures to stop stalker's actions?

CerberusIt appears there is someone who serially down-votes your questions. It certainly looks like that in your reputation history. There is a mechanism that eliminates fraudulent votes, but it is secret, and I have no idea whether it is supposed to pick up bad behaviour like this; it seems like it does...

are you being stalked?
If I say "you", then by that I don't mean "I"!
@Cerberus what is it made of...plaster and wood?
Poor Yoishi is being serially down-voted.
He deserves some support!
@Mitch Mainly bricks.
Wood, metal bars, plaster, and some kind of foam between certain double brick walls.
@Mitch Yay!
Try that one...I found special places!
Oh, dear.
@Cerberus What sort of support? Something beyond bringing a serial downvoter to the attention of mods?
@MετάEd Moral support.
Because the attacks also mainly affect his morale.
@MετάEd facepaw
Is my accent that weird?
@Cerberus Everyone deserves respect, but you do have to have a thick skin on the Internet.
@MετάEd poisonous but tasty
@MετάEd So what?
@JohanLarsson Poisonous? Morels?
Just disgusting.
@MετάEd Confused it with murkla, the second most poisonous mushroom in Sweden. Edible and tasty if you boil it a couple of times but they are now not considered food. In old mushroom books they were considered food.
I thought Carlo was learning how to play nice. Why couldn't he just give a link?
@Cerberus It's an oblique way for me to say that I am not signing up to prop up someone's morale because they've attracted a troll. Vote and comment honestly and helpfully as usual, yes. Report trolls to the admins, yes. That's the kind of help I'd want myself: not handholding, just responsible action.
@Cerberus But he really hasn't had that many downvotes. It could be a serial voter but it's not like they're going through a backlog and downvoting every single one of his questions.
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