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@Cerberus Because under US law we have to comply with DMCA requests - no matter how silly - or risk losing our "safe harbor" protections. At which point, we'd pretty much be screwed.
@Shog9 But you don't need the safe harbour if the request is bogus.
That's the point.
If you comply, you cannot be sued at all; if you do not comply, you can be sued, but you will win on the merit of the case.
@Cerberus Being perpetually in court isn't really "winning".
@Shog9 Who says you would be?
That evil CipherCloud company has little to gain from suing you.
@Cerberus not a lawyer; from what I've been told, we have a short period of time to comply (2-3 days or some such) after which the author can dispute and get it put back up (they're sent a notice to the same effect at the same time). That's assuming we want to comply with the DMCA. If we don't, we can certainly put up with litigation from whoever whenever... But that's pretty much just a way to burn money without any hope of getting anything in return.
Is the principle of not giving in to trolls abusing the legal system worth something?
Besides, I don't think you would get sued at all.
Going through the trouble of even censoring comments is...worrying.
@Cerberus they didn't have much to gain from sending the take-down either - they got a huge amount of bad press over it, and far more people ended up reading the answers there than would've ever seen it otherwise.
Yes, but they didn't know that yet, and sending that take-down itself was cheap.
@Cerberus IIRC, it's not a setup where you can pick and choose which ones you feel have merit. Either you operate under DMCA safe harbor rules for all copyright claims, or you forgo the protection even in cases where the claims are legit.
I don't believe that is true?
Like I said, I'm not a lawyer. This is how I've understood it.
Did your lawyer look at it? Is he a copyright specialist?
From what I understand, it doesn't work that way. It wouldn't make sense.
Recall in the Viacom vs YouTube cases, the primary claim was that YouTube was claiming safe harbor protection but being picky about what they actually took down.
(IIRC, this has never been proved)
Viacom was recently and definitively defeated.
Youtube won.
@Shog9 In any case, I think at worst the safe harbour would be removed only in that specific lawsuit, and only against the specific "works" you would be accused of infringing upon in that specific lawsuit.
That would make more sense to me. But then again, not a lawyer.
@Shog9 Would you have removed the info if it had been your own post?
Immediately, without question?
@Cerberus I generally avoid moderating my own posts
And really, I'm rarely involved in DMCA stuff anyway; I handled these because it was a weekend and no one else was around.
Do you/we get many DMCA requests?
I meant, what if the request had been about a Stack Exchange blog post by, say, Joel?
I don't think so. But, I really don't know either. There's a contact person for those who handles them and involves us only in weird situations.
This situation was weird because the actual take-down notice (which you can find posted elsewhere on the site) asked for the entire question to be removed... And it was.
Would SE important stuff from Joel's post if the request had been about his post?
That was truly excessive, but doing just the images required access the person handling it didn't have; hence my involvement.
@Shog9 Trolls always do that, make completely absurd requests.
yes, they do tend to do that.
So what if it had been a post by SE itself?
@Cerberus I honestly have no idea how that would be handled. Pretty sure "safe harbor" doesn't apply when you're the person posting the content, but it probably comes down to how badly whoever wanted to be a jerk about it.
I suspect more lawyers would be involved.
I try to stay away from lawyers.
Still, I think the info should be reinstated.
Can you make the user post a counter-claim?
Q: CipherCloud DMCA notice

CodesInChaosCipherCloud just filed a DMCA notice with stack exchange to take down the question How is CipherCloud doing homomorphic encryption? (now deleted by stackexchange). Since I obviously can't post the full question+answers here, a short summary of what it contained: The question itself asks if/how...

@Cerberus can't make users do anything
IIRC, a few of them discussed doing it, but I don't know that any did
Stridulation is the act of producing sound by rubbing together certain body parts. This behavior is mostly associated with insects, but other animals are known to do this as well, such as a number of species of fish, snakes and spiders. The mechanism is typically that of one structure with a well-defined lip, ridge, or nodules (the "scraper" or plectrum) being moved across a finely-ridged surface (the "file" or stridulitrum—sometimes called the pars stridens) or vice-versa, and vibrating as it does so, like the dragging of a phonograph needle across a vinyl record. Sometimes it is the st...
4 hours later…
A good excuse to quote Monty Python:
A: Is there a name for when the same word is used at the beginning and end of different phrases/sentences?

MετάEdYou are describing a variation on the classic rhetorical device anadiplosis, “the repetition of the last word (or phrase) from the previous line, clause, or sentence at the beginning of the next”.1 In your variation, anadiplosis is combined with ellipsis, “omission of a word or short phrase easil...

2 hours later…
@tchrist "Yahoo News: selling as news today what has been known to the world entire since the last millennium!"
Yahoo News, 8 hours ago: "Coffee snobs can now take it to a whole new level. The world’s most expensive cup of coffee is made from beans that are extracted from the excrement of a small animal."
Frigging Wikipedia, for crying out loud: "During the era of Cultuurstelsel (1830—1870), the Dutch prohibited the native farmers and plantation workers from picking coffee fruits for their own use. [...] Soon, the natives learned that certain species of musang or luwak consumed the coffee fruits, yet they left the coffee seeds undigested in their droppings. The natives collected these luwaks' coffee seed droppings, then cleaned, roasted and ground them to make their own coffee beverage."
2 hours later…
So the whole site is down now or what?
I was just reading the DMCA takedown thread.
Looks like now they've taken down the babby and the bathwater.
@RegDwighт So the Dutch are to blame for all the overpriced shit?
How bathwater forms?
I might have just taken delivery of a shiny new laptop. No relation
I just spake English for the first time in ages. On the phone. To an American woman with Rockwell Collins. The funny part was I had more trouble understanding her than the other way round.
was it her Texan drawl?
He said English, not Texan.
Was it her New England drawl?
I don't drawl, silly.
I've no idea what drawl it was.
Probably Southern. They can be really hard to understand.
It was tough working the drive-thru down there.
"Did you say fries or Sprite?"
I said that a lot before I learned to just give them whatever.
Well, to be fair, both fries and Sprite consist of 99% whatever.
And salt.
That's the 1%.
I know. That's why I added it.
You rebel.
No, yankee.
As long as it's not Tampa Bay Buccaneer...
And I'm sure your English is very clear and pretty.
@RegDwighт Like you would even know.
I couldn't remember half the words. So I just used some other halves. In random order.
that's what I do
I thought your English were impeccable.
so you work for Rockwell Collins! interesting.
It's hardly an secret.
I was just trolling Reg just this morning.
On the phones.
oh! the phones.
My avatar is making me feel sleepy. I think I should change.
or go to sleep
Whoa. Wordpress changed its interface.
@RegDwighт did the lady's name rhyme with "fit cox"?
Oh that has happened to me!
you went to sleep? Or you changed your interface? Or you rhyme with "fit cox"?
Actually, no, my apologies. Something entirely different happened to me. Never mind. I should go to bed. Or somewhere. Bye all.
@MattЭллен no, with "bin cherry".
Lynn Perry? I know her!
Ah, but how well? apparently she's selling secrets to Germany
Or Russia, maybe
Why take the NSA detour if you can have the shortcut.
Just sell everything to me, directly, for free. 24/7.
Wrong window.
I have too many friends on Facebook who has no other friends apart from me
Unfriend them. Immediately.
make them lonely
or maybe just spur them into finding friends
they often post weird quotes like "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.", I think these quotes reflect what just happened to him in real life
And they make it harder to understand their analogy
@KitFox I am in similar situation so I cannot easily unfriend them
then I will become like one of them
Well, then maybe you should put the social media down slowly, and back away from the intertubes.
One friend sent me a video message on Skype and he was just staring at his camera for 5 seconds
sounds like the film The Ring
Which into Russian has been translated as "The Call".
Someone didn't bother wathing the movie, or taking the first meaning from the dictionary.
like calling "star wars" "celebrity battle"
Then again, a call is sort of somewhat central to the story of The Ring.
Perhaps someone was just dumb.
Does anyone else have an elder brother that you really hate
and want to beat him in just about everything?
No. I'm the eldest.
I got a phone call once.
and there was a ring.
and I picked it up.
An put it on?
the phone call...which was ringing.
My elder brother wanted me to respect him all the time when I was young and punished me by punching me or slapping me whenever I disrespected him in some way
did it work?
and someone was there....on the phone.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO Well, your parents suck, huh?
But that skinny little cunt cannot hurt me any more because I can crush his balls
@Mitch sat on your phone?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO that doesn't sound like respect.
Anyway back to my story.
no, no, not sat on it, their voice was coming through the phone... and...
oh, so they rang you
I see
OK..someone else take it from here.
who was on the other end?
was it you?
were you on the other end?
Sit on my phone and tell me that you love me.
OK...let's run with that...
"Luke! I am three years older than you!"
So I got off the phone, wiped it off with the phone-wiping-towel, and...
Oh, hyes, it was me on the other end. I had butt dialed myself.
"Nuh uh, Darth. Mum says it's only two and three quarters."
Then, suddenly a flash of light appeared in the sky and a flaming meteor plummeted to the earth.
I think there's more after that. Mostly volcanoes and such, but that's something.
I would like to offer him some sandwiches because he is so skinny like a pencil
and then when he's in the middle of eating it, punch him in the gut, to make him respect you?
In addition to that, he is scared to goto army
Sounds like someone needs some therapy.
I don't have the guts to go to army in Korea.
Even Kim Jong-un doesn't have the guts to go to army in Korea.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO not goto, join the.
@KitFox You mean someone who has an older brother? You should see the guy that has a younger brother. He's totally messed up. Every time he eats a sandwich his younger brother comes out of no where and punches him in the gut.
...if he's lucky. On bad days he gets his balls crushed.
Jun 28 '12 at 15:03, by RegDwight ΒВB
Yvan eht nioj!
@O0oO0oOO0ooO Your brother was a bully because your parents are terrible and he didn't know how to behave properly. You would have done the same in his place.
@RegDwighт that's a great song
@MattЭллен no, no not 'join', you meant the nether regions of a persons anatomy.
@Mitch nay, nay. not groin. You meant that Biritsh Cricketer.
La Loire.
La dee da.
Stupid printer is almost out of toner. I wish we had an admin.
Biritsh Cricketer sounds like Borshch Cricketer.
you need a stationery manager
It's funny he chose to work at a museum so he's never going to get sun burns and never have to use his muscles
When I meet him again I am going to ask him first "Do you even lift?"
are you suggesting that sunch is a meal?
@Kit the least you could do when moving over was to fix the spelling on 'supper'. You'breaking my eyes with that!
@O0oO0oOO0ooO Stoya got asked that in an interview the other day and she had no idea what that meant. Neither did I. Neither do I.
@Mitch Fine.
@RegDwighт do you even lift?
@MattЭллен I'm suggesting that 'super' is not a meal, and I blame Kit for it.
@Mitch if happy is a meal, why not super?
OIC it was O0o who posted the video in the first place.
@RegDwighт It means 'do you lift?' If you don't, you have to lean over real far to brush your teeth.
It's a conspiracy.
Jun 15 at 10:35, by O0oO0oOO0ooO
It's not enough to delete the garbage, now he wants it to be clean first.
yes. a very small conspiracy
@MattЭллен I have 'happy' at every meal.
@MattЭллен That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@KitFox What? you don't clean your garbage before throwing it away? I mean the garbage men have to pick up that stuff. Hav eyou no shame?
@O0o You need to let go of that anger and resentment before it kills you.
@CapricaSix @CapricaSix Really? Do you mind? pay attention.
@KitFox or the brother with all that stomach punching an ball crushing. That's gotta hurt.
Hey @KitFox, can you !!/teach Caprica to interpret '!!' ? That is kil off '!!' be redefining it?
you know like...
Uh. I don't think so.
!!/teach !! @react in a surprised manner
@Mitch That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@MattЭллен That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Then when someone tries to invoke !! it'll be all broken.
Carpica is dumb.
You can talk to @zirak (her creator) about it.
@MattЭллен That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Also can't spell.
I like her. You lay off.
And then if we use backreferences in comments, we could force chat to become boundedly Turing complete.
@KitFox ok
@MattЭллен Ooohhhhh. Now I get it. I was kind of thrown by the orca jumping out of the water picture.
Now I get it.
quite often I'm misinterpreted as crazy
Hey, my little son's birthday is Friday!
oh :D excellent
Do you call this "Wafer" or "Wafer cookie"?
Sugar wafer.
I love those things.
we put them in icecream
Why can't it be "wafer cookie"?
Could be, I guess. Cookies are solider usually.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO you misunderstand language
@MattЭллен ok
call it as you please!
but to most people wafer is sufficient.
you can call it scarred pet but noöne would know what you meant
I think I might order Thai food today.
pats down clothes looking for monies
I'e got a fiver I can lend you, but I need it for lunch tomorrow
Is it tough to work 100 hours a week?
@MattЭллен Thanks, but I've just found a twenty squirreled away.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO When would you sleep?
There are 68 hours left to sleep
@O0oO0oOO0ooO I've never tried. it sounds horrendous
That's like 9 hours a day to bathe, eat, sleep, do chores, and shop.
That's not smart.
Don't know why someone would work like that unless they had to.
I'm only 21 so I think I can give it a try
I'd burn out pretty quickly if I did that
@O0oO0oOO0ooO what will you achieve with these hours of work?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO You should have a good plan for time management and a goal for saving the money you make.
Otherwise, you'll burn yourself out and get fat and sick for nothing.
Don't work like that for your mom. She let your brother beat the shit out of you while you were growing up.
Save up for something worthwhile, or don't do it.
Speaking of, I think I will get my little one an Iron Man costume for his birthday.
His brother picked out a set of 6 little dart guns that they could play with together.
awww. nice
He's also getting a Pony and a tee-ball set and a bug vacuum and a game for the Leapster and a Leapster if Gramma's friend can find their old one.
Pretty sweet haul, if you ask me.
he'll be stoked
I think I'll buy the full version of Angry Birds Star Wars for him too. It's like $3.
It's my birthday soon too, and my MiL has been asking me what I want.
what are you thinking of saying?
BTW, you should be aware of smartphone addiction
Smartphone addiction is an addiction that can be destructive to social lives outside of mobile devices, including smartphones. Although it is not an official addiction, it is now prevalent worldwide, as it causes trauma and anxiety, among other symptoms. General Effect of Modern Communication Addiction and dependency on the most sophisticated of communication systems (computers, tablets, and smart phone) decreases academic performance, face to face communication, social relations, causes psychological problems, and sometimes results in death. According to Dolan, “Addiction specialist M...
@MattЭллен I'm thinking what I want is for her to stop asking me what I want.
Dordogne! not Borboyne. silly brain
@KitFox ah
I have a love-hate relationship with my birthday.
I tend to ask the SO of my recipient what I should buy. I like to surprise people.
Really? I thought you tended to ask me.
@KitFox I see. you like the attention but don't like...
frowns with disappointment
@KitFox oh, yeah, that too :D
but that's because the SO doesn't tend to get back to me in time
@MattЭллен that I never really get it.
@MattЭллен Must be that you're a relationship threat then.
And the SO is stalling.
@KitFox lol. nah. my friends are just slow at responding and I'm always buying last minute
Eh, well.
It's fine. It really is. My birthday is right next to a big holiday, and I don't really care that much now that I have kids.
skeptical eyebrow raise
The thing that bugs me most is that I get this "hey, let's do something special" from family and then they don't.
that's annoying
I'm carrying some resentment there, I can feel it.
Oh, that teach me a lesson
@Mitch So you want the bare !! to be ignored (which is fair), or designed to give a better message?
My 30th birthday, my brothers got together and the eldest brought his new girlfriend. He'd recently separated from his wife, and this girlfriend I knew from high school. I was nice to her, but they wanted drama or something. Anyway, it sucked.
why did it suck?
phone meeting bbl
I figured western people don't understand the above comic
because it's about asian parenting
the message is quite clear and written in English.
trust me, we get it.
Dude in the comic sucks because he got his first job when he is about age 28~30
I can assume his age because he has some minor wrinkles on his face
The guy in the comic sucks because he takes his mother for granted
The mother in the comic failed to properly raise her son
Everybody wants a box of chocolates and a long stemmed rose
s/long stemmed rose/potato/
@O0oO0oOO0ooO maybe wafer sandwich. Wait, is that the kind with creme in the middle?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I agree that
@Mitch your "needle in a haystack" comment should be an answer. It's the first thing I thought of.
> A Labour councillor has claimed he fathered a child with an alien - and he has sexual relations with the extra-terrestrial about four times a year.
> Simon Parkes, a 53-year-old driving instructor and married father-of-three who sits on Whitby Town Council, said his wife was ‘very unhappy’ with the revelation.
> He added: ‘But it is not on a human level, so I don’t see it as wrong.'
w t actual f?
so either he's unfaithful AND having sex outside his species, both of which would be a huge shock to any typical marriage, or he's delusional, or he's making it up for some inexplicable reason. Which is worse?
Reminds me of the scene in Ghostbusters when Egon says to Pete that Dana, who saw a monster in her fridge, "is telling the truth. At least, she thinks she's telling the truth." To which she replies "so either I'm crazy or I have a monster in my ice box."
he's like "the trouble with having a story you can't prove and that sounds like total bullshit is that no-one believes you"
@Jez haha yeah. That's the trouble, alright.
geez and he's some kind of politician.
That was a fun hour and a half on the phone.
But now I've missed ordering lunch so I'm going to have to beat feet. bbl again
@Zirak ha ha no, I want to know the rules, so that I can troll the system, either redefine !! to make it act like a Y-combinator. I don't want it to change necessarily (I'm not asking you to modify it), I just want to see if we can abuse its powers.
@MattЭллен hm...yeah. I've gotten in the habit of answering in comments because making a full answer out of it is time consuming, and frankly some questions just bug me in the exposition, so I don't feel like answering for serious.
@MattЭллен mmmm... potato with melted chocolate..mmmm.

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