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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

so i see we've turned back into ELU chat after our brief stint as religion, atheism, and anthropology chat
someone should change the room description
random musing after perusing the last few hours of chat logs: it's interesting how much calvinism comes up in descriptions of atheism. the context in which modern atheism arose was heavily influenced by calvinism, and thereby the theism of which atheism is a- is often just calvinism. elements of calvinism are often misconstrued as core tenets of christianity in general, and elements of christianity are often misconstrued as features of religion in general.
anyway, thanks to @RegDwight, @Vitaly, @AlainPannetier, @MrHen, and everyone else for an unusually civil and interesting discussion
7 hours later…
Hej, please take a look at my answers if it is possible for you, and tell me if my answers are sensible when i copy and paste them from the reference i mentioned , or I better keep my mouth shut =D
I really appreciate it
@Boob What do you mean by sensible? It's ok to look for external references. What matters is that: 1- you mention and possibly link those references. 2- In your answer you should write those things either by copying or re-writing but not as long as the original reference, just write the main and important things, especially those related to the question. This way if the link goes down (the site disappears for example) the answer will still be valid for other users because they will read your
"resume" :D
@JSBangs @RegDwight please change the room description
@Fx :D ahah
@Alenanno Takk
@Boob Welcome!
@Alenanno what's the difference between white space in art or in computer sciences?
Honestly I don't know :D
Whitespace is an esoteric programming language developed by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris at the University of Durham (also developers of the Kaya programming language). It was released on 1 April 2003 (April Fool's Day). Its name is a reference to whitespace characters. Unlike most programming languages, which ignore or assign little meaning to most whitespace characters, the Whitespace interpreter ignores any non-whitespace characters. Only spaces, tabs and linefeeds have meaning. An interesting consequence of this property is that a Whitespace program can easily be contained within the ...
In page layout, illustration and sculpture, white space is often referred to as negative space. It is that portion of a page left unmarked: the space between graphics, margins, gutters, space between columns, space between lines of type or figures and objects drawn or depicted. The term arises from graphic design practice, where printing processes generally use white paper. White space should not be considered merely 'blank' space — it is an important element of design which enables the objects in it to exist at all, the balance between positive (or non-white) and the use of negative spa...
@Alenanno Then honestly, you know ;)
Not personally, let's say :P
@Alenanno It's programming specific, the tag that is used in programming languages for "white space" not about the spelling or something like that
Problem with the usage of “but”
Yes, you think it's Problem with usage of "but"?
yes, it sounds weird
Correct it, you're free to do it :D
@Alenanno I'm free to do everything , even teasing you .. but I don't like to do them without reason , haha
lol it would be pointless?
@Alenanno Seriously, I cannot understand why "the" usage and not usage
@Alenanno Test it, You're free to do it ;)
Hooray ! = D another badge!
which one?
@Alenanno which one what? or which which one?
Which badge lol :D
anyway if I search for "problems with usage of", I get About 12,700 results. If I search "problems with the usage of", I get About 8,720,000 results
Supporter , Now i can support you =D
@Alenanno Did Not Make Big Difference! They are only numbers, It's thought that counts
Not a big difference? :P
@Boob By the way, I wanted to ask, why did you chose "boob" as nickname?
@Alenanno No special reason (really?) =D
@Alenanno I'll explain in details, next time.. gotta go , have fun
ahah ok see ya!
@Vitaly Vitally, can you prove to me that Biblical deity doesn't exist?
2 hours later…
@brilliant — You can't prove a negative proposition. But positive propositions can be, and this is the means by which science advances. It remains for people who believe in God to prove that such a being does exist. Until they do so, I remain skeptical. No one seriously contends that flying spaghetti monsters did not create our world, but there is as much proof that they did as there is that some Biblical deity was responsible.
room topic changed to English Language and Usage: General discussion about English Language and Usage
Work that diamond, baby. Work it.
@Robusto You mean I should ban you? For discussing God in a room about English?
Moin an alle.
Ban me if you want to.
I need a reason to find other, more enriching pursuits anyway.
somebody please remind me why i have the korean keyboard layout installed
yesterday, by RegDwight
@Robusto Everyone knows you're just hanging out on Skeptics. Whom are you trying to fool?
@JSBangs So you can type in Korean.
@JSBangs — You never know when a Korean might steal your computer. And wouldn't it be awful if he couldn't use it properly?
Or that.
Though I am skeptical about the latter.
It's the most obvious explanation.
OK, let's add that you might one day sell your computer to a Korean. How's that?
@Robusto I don't quite understand that. Could I ask a few questions?
O, M, G.
You don't understand flying spaghetti monsters? Really?
Q: Can I use "guy" and "man" with female?

AnonymousAlmost of my fellows are male, so I usually say "See you man" or "Guys, I have some problems and need your help". It seems very strange if I use those sentence with my female friend. I want to know, can I use "man" and "guy" in this case? If not, what should I say?

Can we get a "close as dupe" on this?
@Robusto accepted as the correct answer
Hahaha. In your face, diamond boy!
@Robusto No. I don't understand why a person who never heard of any deities before (i.e. an untheist) should have any trouble in choosing between the account of Genesis and evolutionary theory (presented with respective books), in choosing to believe the claim about Biblical inerrancy and not to believe it, in choosing to believe anything that is described in the Bible literally and contradicting evidence from archaeology, history, biology, physics etc.
It pretty much amounts to disproving the existence of a deity that has all properties attributed to it by the Bible, I think.
…of any deities and of any science (but somehow, in sound mind)
I say that is the wrong tack to take. I say that if there is proof of a biblical deity, someone should produce it straightaway. Otherwise we should just rely on empiricism.
@Robusto Yeah but… doesn't studying historical and natural sciences amount to disproving its (the deity's in possession of all attributes given to it by the Bible) existence anyway?
Hello everyone
@Alenanno YO.
I think science generally moves without that specific purpose in mind. It is concerned only with what can be proven, so it must be indifferent to the infinite number of contentions which cannot. The only exception to this that I've seen is String Theory, which ultimately may have to be excluded from scientific inquiry because it does not, and cannot, yield to scientific method.
good point
it just occurred to me that if someone accepts that the Bible is just a story and still believes in the deity it refers to, then she should believe in the deities of the Enuma Elish and the deities of proto-Judaism (Asherah, Marduk, whatever) because those include slightly differing versions of the Biblical deity
and are as much stories as the Bible (well, not always written down in the case of proto-Judaism, but we know about them nevertheless)
@Vitaly: I'm kind of amused that you are trying to apply logic to any of this.
That's what everybody kept saying yesterday as well.
Vitaly is trying to approach this way too seriously and too logically...
Just like the fundies do.
But yeah, to each his own.
At least that's what the Bible says.
Well, the fundies make a show of using logic when it suits their purpose, then quickly ignore it when it doesn't.
To be fair, that's what everybody does to some extent or another.
Not people who are serious about scientific method.
Even people who are serious about scientific method lie to their wives.
People who are serious about scientific method know better than to try to use logic with their wives.
Or, as my dad says, "you can't argue with women".
But that is an assumption. We must admit that those statements assume a priori that people who are serious about scientific method are not women. Or, if they are, that they are the kind of women who have wives. Which presumption must not go unchallenged or untested.
Interesting point. I'm off to Skeptics.
You are totally crushing me there, btw. I stand in awe of your 227 rep.
Just wait for my next edit. It will push me to 229. Yes, you heard that right. Nine. I will laugh at you from high above.
I would need more than 32 points just to tie you. It seems impossible. I should just concede the game is lost.
@RegDwight Sounds like someone from Portal 2.
@Robusto Well, it's not like I never give you any hints, or share a trade secret or two.
May 3 at 22:40, by RegDwight
@Robusto was smarter than me in that he did include a picture, but he also wasn't smart enough in that he forgot to shop a "(c) NASA/JPL" into one of its corners.
May 3 at 22:40, by RegDwight
NASA pictures or no pictures at all. Wimps and posers, leave the hall.
Just photograph your next rainbow from space, dude.
But it was such a pretty rainbow. How can someone be skeptical of pretty rainbows?
You should ask that. On Skeptics.
"I am skeptical that anybody can be skeptical of rainbows." Instant rep cap.
Would I have to prove that I was skeptical of such people? Where would I find a citation?
WTF? How that managed to escape any measures for 5 freaking hours?
hi all
@Robusto Nah, only a mod would ever ask you to prove that. The rest wouldn't care.
Hi F'x
is it wrong perception on my part, or is the traffic much heavier today than the rest of the week?
:984203 Hmm ... I guess this is what is meant by "light moderation" ...
:984203 Just a quick note: that one shouldn't be merely flagged for mod attention. Feel free to flag it as spam.
6 flags, and it disappears. No mod intervention necessary.
Oh, cool.
@Fx We're tanking today. But only because @Mitch gave us such a huge bump that there is absolutely nowhere to go from there but down.
Yes, tanking ... see above.
40 mins ago, by Robusto
user image
At least we're still floating high in the skies, even when we're tanking.
@Robusto Oh, and you forgot to shop (C) JPL onto that one.
That's why we go over these things.
How do I flag a post that copies something verbatim off the Web w/o using the blockquote?
Umm, the dog ate my homework?
I got an upvote this week on an answer on SO, which caused me to look at it, which caused me to notice that the accepted answer blatantly ripped off my answer (and admitted it!) and put it in a form that would make it 1) hard to read and 2) liable to OOB exceptions. Ah, SO it goes.
@Vitaly Flag for mod attention -> other -> say where you think the unattributed content comes from.
Q: How to think in English?

xutongSome peole have told me that I should try to think in English in order to learn it well. Now I can read and write in English, but I can't think in English. How can I think in English when I'm not a native English speaker?

Really? This hasn't been NFO yet?
May 9 at 21:23, by RegDwight
We have almost fifty 3k users now. I can't be closing questions unilaterally. That trains the community to be lazy. But if you can't count on Super Reg to close everything, that's when the site starts really working as intended.
@RegDwight There is a link though.
@Vitaly Okay. Then just click the edit link and fix the formatting yourself. +2 reps.
@RegDwight — Well, it would be trilaterally, not unilaterally. And you just closed the "guy/gender" question trilaterally. So hop to it, bub. Earn your stipend.
@RegDwight And how are edits approved?
@Vitaly I see the edit, click "dismiss", then make the exact same edit myself. That's how edits are approved.
@RegDwight Oh ok, I will just flag it for mod attention then.
You're so repophobe, Vitaly, that's really something.
Well, sad to say, I'm off to work. We have a release coming out for June 1 and I am in hell. When they find my corpse at the keyboard, please say kind things about me.
Later @Robusto
OMG working on a Saturday. Who's a free country now?
CU @Rob.
Bye @Robusto
Are you kidding me?..
In other words,
Q: How to think in English?

XuTongSome peole have told me that I should try to think in English in order to learn it well.How can I think in English when I'm not a native English speaker?

I don't see anything unusual.
is this setence right :
why the room is so isolated..
@Miss No. If that's a question, it should be "Why is the room so isolated?"
or it should be :" why is the room so isolate...?
hmm ok thanks
@Vitaly I don't get your point :D
@Miss I'm not sure whether isolate(d) is really the word you're looking for.
@Alenanno That same question was asked 2 months ago on StackOverflow by the same user.
@RegDwight it was asked on SO
@Vitaly Yeah?
@Fx Yes, and closed there.
Well if that's not unusual, I don't know what is.
@Vitaly Not unusual in the slightest.
Did he get answers there?
SO has thousands of questions that would be a better fit for ELU.
Ah. lol
@regdwight: or can we say that "why is there no silency in the room" ?
@Alenanno No. Closed within 2 minutes. As it should be. Again, nothing unusual.
@Miss Can you please explain, in most simple words, what you're actually trying to say?
@RegDwight 2 minutes? Whoa, they have the efficient mods, while we're stuck with the slow and lazy ones…
@Fx Word, word!
The noun is "silence", and "why is there no silence in the room" would be grammatical, but it would be asking something completely different from your original question.
i want to say that why people are so quiet....
@Fx No. They have an efficient community. Closing that question did not involve a single mod.
@Miss it's quiet... Quite is a different word
@alenano : ok thanks
@Fx It got closed before any mod had a chance to even look at it.
@RegDwight killjoy!
@Miss Then ask just that, "Why are people so quiet here?"
@Fx Word, word!
hmm ok
Or "Why the silence?" or "Why is the room so quiet?" or "Where's everybody gone?" or whatever.
But isolated has nothing to do with any of those.
@Fx I have killed enough questions within 30 seconds of them being posted. :P
I need a picture of a horny dodo.
But that's not my job, actually. My job is to do as little as possible.
@Vitaly That's not my job either.
@Vitaly what the? lol
Dodos are gone.
Feb 4 at 14:38, by RegDwight
Gone the dodo style.
@Vitaly "Yeah but… doesn't studying historical and natural sciences amount to disproving its (the deity's in possession of all attributes given to it by the Bible) existence anyway?" - Can you bring some "classical" examples of how recent natural sciences disprove the existence of Biblical deity?
@Robusto "You can't prove a negative proposition" - Why is that impossible? I mean I kind of agree with that, but is there any such law of logic or something that has already formulated that impossibility?
"I think science generally moves without that specific purpose in mind. It is concerned only with what can be proven" - I absolutely agree with this.
@brilliant No sorry, I am too busy disproving the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster right now. It turns kind of difficult, since there is so much pictionary evidence of it.
Evidence is not yet a proof! Merely an indication to a possibility.
For the time being, I am happy to redirect you to a relevant LessWrong article, titled Religion's Claim to be Non-Disprovable
@Vitaly Thanks. I'm reading it now hoping to find any proof.
@Vitaly The thing is, the Flying Spaghetti Monster does exist. It might not exist as a physical collection of atoms, but that's like saying that this text here doesn't exist.
@RegDwight This text here exists as a physical collection of atoms on my computer screen, a physical collection of fields those atoms generate, a physical collection of atoms in my brain and my eyes, and the physical state of the atoms in my brain that allows me to perceive that text.
21 hours ago, by Vitaly
user image
So does this.
So does the picture of the Flying Spaghetti Monster exist, yes.
There is no difference whatsoever between those pixels and these ones here.
Mathematical logic, anyone?
@Vitaly Precisely my point.
The difference between the variable, the name of the variable, and the name of the name of the variable, and the contents of that variable?
This is a linguisticky chat. Use linguisticky terms here.
I just be chillaxin' man and sittin' 'round up to nuthin gud man
Wat is a lingusticka chat anyways man
Yo man do I look like a lingusticka man?
Once you say "flying spaghetti monster", I know exactly what you mean. Once you say "Jupiter moon", I know exactly what you mean. Once you say "linguistics", I know exactly what you mean. I have never seen, smelled, or touched any of those things.
And if I were really serious about approaching stuff with cold mathematical logic, then the Flying Spaghetti Monster does or does not exist in the exact same ways and to the exact same extent as the Moon landing or Paul McCartney.
But we've been there before, when we last discussed Skeptics.
15 mins ago, by Vitaly
For the time being, I am happy to redirect you to a relevant LessWrong article, titled Religion's Claim to be Non-Disprovable
Apr 17 at 21:53, by RegDwight
You always post stuff that I have to think about really hard to get it.
Time to think hard.
Now, now. No need to get snotty.
17 hours ago, by Vitaly
@Vitaly Oh, and that piece is of writing is rather disappointing to say the least. It doesn't make me think hard. It doesn't make me think at all. It talks a lot but says nothing. It could just as well repeat "the sky is blue" five hundred times over, that would be just as informative.
And in fact I don't see how it's related to our discussion here.
5 mins ago, by RegDwight
Now, now. No need to get snotty.
@Vitaly You reap what you sow.
But I'm actually serious. That was a very weak write-up, especially in the context of write-ups you usually post. It presented me with exactly zero new information.
Not that it would never work for anyone.
I'm just saying that this is kinda 101.
Someone had to write the obvious. Plus you can't deny that it's well-written, as in as if by a good public speaker.
Yeah, I guess that's what I'm trying to say the whole time.
No sneaky edits. <shakes fist>
I can very well deny its well-writtenness.
Just as I won't swallow every single word of Obama's as the best poetry evar, as some people do.
Oh, I meant to ask you a question
Do you ever read the comments to LW posts to which I link?
Ever? Yes. Always? Hell, no.
@Vitaly I just finished reading that article. I am quite "amused" by the level of arbitrariness of the author's judgments about the Bible. In some places it really shows that he doesn't really know the Bible well. I have found at least 4 such "incompetent judgments". However, I wasn't reading it to find the author's mistakes. I was really hoping to find some proof to the nonexistence of the biblical deity. Sadly, there is no proof there at all.
@brilliant Oh, you mean he doesn't know the modern interpretations of the Bible very well? Yeah, that I can agree with.
See, Vitaly? That's what I'm talking about. That article only works for people for whom it works anyway.
Not unlike the Bible, actually.
@brilliant If you could just forget for a moment about all those interpretations (God, I loathe that word) modern faithists produce, and treat the Bible according to its historical context (first millennium BCE), then it's quite obvious that the Bible makes at least one scientific claim, namely, that El(ohim)/Yahweh/Adonai created man from dirt. This claim is scientific, and it's falsifable: already falsified by modern evolutionary synthesis.
Therefore, no deity exists that created man from dirt (and this is an attribute of the Biblical deity, therefore, the Biblical deity doesn't exist)
Just as if I make a claim that Moscow was populated by dinosaurs a thousand years ago, it would be scientific and therefore falsifiable
Not necessarily modern interpretations(though, if we really want to be scientific about the matter we should not discard any possible interpretations). In that case where the false profits were killed he himself tries to provide his own (which is, ironically, quite modern) interpretation to the reason as to why they were to be killed - so that there would be no falsified hypothesis, as he says.
And absolutely contrary to any evidence whatsoever
In fact, the reason for killing those false prophets is way more simple and it doesn't really need any modern interpretations as it had already been explained in the Old Testament - worshiping other gods was a defilement for them according to their law. They were simply following their law in that particular case.
yes, "prophets" (sorry)
@Vitaly We do all ultimately come from dirt. We're descendants of that first aminoacid that synthesized itself in a puddle of mud somewhere.
@Vitaly I am re-reding your post about man'being created out of dirt and Moscow's having been populated by dinosaurs - it may take some time for me to get you logic there (I am sorry I am kind of slow)
@RegDwight And this is a modern interpretation.
@Vitaly Sure, no arguing about that.
But it is a possible interpretation.
No way. It's way out of historical context.
The Theory of Relativity gets re-interpreted and stretched and falsified, too. And it's way younger than the Bible.
Or else you would have to admit that the Enuma Elish can be interpreted too, and its deities can exist.
The ' (Akkadian Cuneiform: ) is the Babylonian creation myth (named after its opening words). It was recovered by Austen Henry Layard in 1849 (in fragmentary form) in the ruined Library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq), and published by George Smith in 1876. The Enûma Eliš has about a thousand lines and is recorded in Old Babylonian on seven clay tablets, each holding between 115 and 170 lines of text. Most of Tablet V has never been recovered, but aside from this lacuna, the text is almost complete. A duplicate copy of Tablet V has been found in Sultantepe, ancient Huzirina, loc...
Do you know what Einstein really had in mind? You're interpreting lots of what he's wrote way out of historical context, too. You have no other choice.
@RegDwight Really?
Of course.
Feel free to discuss it over → there.
That's why the String Theory exists in the first place.
Do you know what J. R. R. Tolkien had in mind? He could have been the Creator of this Universe, who, having assumed the human form, wrote the ultimate account of the Creation of Man, those hobbits could have been our evolutionary ancestors etc etc — only if you interpret it correctly!
The Theory of Relativity has its limits. There's a need for a larger Theory that would tie things together and provide the missing pieces. Much like the Theory of Relativity helped explain lots of stuff that could not be explained using Newtonian Physics.
Physics is an evolving science. It doesn't stand still.
@Vitaly Start that religion, and you will be surprised how many people will follow and give you huge monies.
No, I won't.
Because I am not surprised at how many Christians are there.
Got used to it.
Okay, one serious question, if I may. Why are you so focused on Christianity?
I don't see you attacking Buddhism or Scientology.
I am not.
And it looks like that because I don't happen to see any Buddhists or Scientologists here.
Or Muslims for that matter.
You never know.
There are quite a few on the main site.)))
Teaching us how to pronounce Islam and Tehran correctly.)))
IDK, the main site is not for that sort of trash talk
The chatroom, however, is. :P
Actually, I always wondered what the Skeptics chatroom would be like.
I keep forgetting to pay a visit.
It's empty.
Been empty for a couple months (?).
Yeah, we previously discussed their stealing the name etc, and it was quite empty then, but I thought it surely would've evolved.
Looks like Skeptics are not that much into evolution, after all.
Haha, speaking of which:

 Skeptical questions on Evolution

Questions which doubt evolution will for sure be voted down.
strictly speaking, evolution is any kind of hereditary change by natural selection, it shouldn't necessarily be an increase of complexity
Look at who's in that room...
It was quite active at the start, the stolen room
this reminds me, I like the Western policy for administrators and mods
Which one is that?
American websites and services tend to generally promote mods as ‘babysitters’, like you put it, if you know what I mean
Russian websites mostly have mods that treat the websites like their personal playground
Oh well. Where does that put me? Am I even possible in this Universe?
That funny chat room made me follow some links all the way to Physics.SE.
I've been an appointed mod/admin for an American network of websites for a few years, and I really don't want to do that again — it is exhausting
but after that, I can't stand Russian websites
My wife's just returned from Russia. She can't understand how she managed to live there for 20+ years. She can barely spend 20 days there without freaking out.
Cultures are like that.
I'm sure I wouldn't stand a snowflake's chance in Hell in, say, Singapore.
@Vitaly "No way. It's way out of historical context" - Why do you say it's out of historical context? Bible tells us that the man was created out of the dirt/dust/soil. And historically (I mean according to the historical record of the Bible) it happened before the fall of men. Bible also says that when the sin entered into men (at the fall of men) it entered into the whole creation; thus, the whole creation experienced quite a
huge change at that moment (so huge in fact, it became mortal):"... by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin" (Rom. 5:12), "For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly..." (Rom. 8:20). There are many passages in the Bible stating that change as a huge and drastic change that took place "on all levels" - not only on the level of humans. It is logical, therefore, that some kind of
Hahaha. Back to square one.
Have fun, Vitaly. I'm AFK.
change in the chemical composition of the dirt/dust/soil must have taken place at that time. And the dirt/dust/soil that we can be researching today is quite different from what it was before the defilement of the whole creation happened. To me it all looks quite consistent - at least with the Biblical record.
I am sorry - I am slow at typing.
Yeah, to me it looks even more consistent, given that the Garden of Eden was probably a temple in the Ancient Judea, which had the king as high priest, and that king refused to pay tribute to the Babylonians, and so the Babylonians sent an army that destroyed the temple, and so it is rendered in the Bible as the Fall of Man, or more precisely, the king as Adam
Cool story, bro
I am AFK, too.
High priests were appointed way much later. Here you seem to pass as arbitrary
judgments on the Bible as that author of that article did.
And there were no temples either. There were even no cities yet!
(I mean, speaking in terms of the historical record of the Bible)
Except Taiwan. Taiwan's always been there. It's just that the Taiwanese part of the Genesis got lost because no sane person could read it.
@RegDwight Please use smileys when you are not being serious. Was this one a joke?
In case it was not a joke: I have no idea about where Taiwan was at that time, and I don't really care.
@Vitaly I am sorry to state it, Vitaly, but, even though you put forth earlier the idea that "studying historical and natural sciences amount to disproving its (the deity's in possession of all attributes given to it by the Bible) existence", so far you haven't provided anything valid that could remotely resemble some kind of proof.
@brilliant I have posted 21,800 messages now. At 3–7 chars per smiley, that would make 65,400–152,600 additional characters. At 300 characters per minute, that would make up to 508 minutes, or roughly 8,5 additional hours wasted here. In short, SORRY, NO.
And I don't think I can actually reach 300 cpm when typing stuff such as \(^_^)/.
@RegDwight I am sorry, RegDwight, I didn't know that you have posted so many messages here (21,800 is damn a lot!). Sure, you don't have to type smileys. Except, I am quite slow at times and may not tell a joke from a serious statement.
hi folks
@RegDwight I'm deeply sorry, you've edited my posts over 87453547363 times today :\
@SpareOom Helloes.
will be more careful in the future
Your math is off. One is not over 87453547363. It is over 9000, though.
thanks for the welcome @RegDwight
Mind if I ask an actual English related question?
This is what this chat is for.
@RegDwight Whatever, Main problem won't change
I heard a slang term, that seems to have too many meanings to know how to use.
@SpareOom I kindly recommend you not to use slang terms
not a bad slang term
but it has so many meanings, how is one to understand what someone means
Oops! I should be using full sentences in this English room, shouldn't I?
First off, I'm not sure I have ever heard this one before.
Secondly, everything on the Urban Dictionary has like 70 meanings.
That doesn't mean jack.
The top-voted description sounds reasonable to me.
Nobody expects you not to ignore the rest.
Where did you hear this one at all?
Except that wasn't the meaning which I heard used.
A teenager said something like, "I'm gonna cise me a peanut butter sandwich"
Sounds like a good question for the main site.
I questioned the meaning and the response was "like I can't believe you don't know what that means." It seems a very locally defined word. I suspect I listen to the wrong radio station in the area.
Cite what you've heard, mention that Wiktionary and Merriam-Webster don't have entries on this, and that Urban Dictionary ain't of much help (as usual), and you've got yourself a nice question for the main site.
Chances are, you'll get a response from someone in that area.
@RegDwight If you are a native speaker and the word is very local (cannot make it to the dictionaries), how do you go about it? I doubt there are native speakers from the same area (the size of a town or a few towns) who also happen to be lexicographers on the main site
@Vitaly UD mentions DC, Maryland, Virginia. Doesn't sound that bad.
UD doesn't mention the word cise (*** a sandwich) as opposed to the word cise (hype)
She said cise was related to extremes or making one happy.
Vitaly, what's your point? (^_^) That an audience of two and a half Russians is somehow better than an audience of 8000 enthusiasts plus the entirety of the googling humanity?
Yeah well, @SpareOom it would make a reasonable question on the main site
Let's see how it goes after you post it
I'm not willing to listen to the radio station which seems to have invented the word, but that may be the way to hear the word in more context, except that it has too many contexts.
Very good. I mean, we already have not answered your question. The worst thing that can happen now is that someone else doesn't answer it, either.
Oh and I just saw your new message, it somehow didn't say there were any new blips
I am not familiar with yer yer either
That one is English, as opposed to American.
So that makes two questions, I suppose, unless you already figured out how it's used in BrE
Meanwhile elsewhere:
Q: Find Possible Word Rectangles

Peter Of The CornJohnny is trying to create crossword puzzles, but he is having difficulty making words match each other. He has come up with several simple word rectangles: that is, groups of words that form a rectangle where all horizontal and vertical paths form a word. //2x2 PA AM //2x3 GOB ORE //3x3 BA...

01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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