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May 6 at 23:54, by kiamlaluno
The diagram is not complete; we say è cinese and è marziano too.
Huh. That image looked a lot like automatic hierarchic routing in yEd.
Automatic, yes. Hierarchic, yes. Routing, yes. yEd, no.)))
Anyhow, I gotta go in a minute.
Woo-hoo, I've finally managed to get the Electorate badge! Me shiny!
Q: Catenatives followed by infinitives and gerunds

JessieHi, I was wondering if anyone could please help me with this. What is the difference in meaning when the catenative verb “like” is followed by an infinitive, or by a gerund? For example: Do you like ski jumping? vs. Do you like to ski jump? Also, what is the difference between: My brother taugh...

Does this look like an exact duplicate? I am not sure because she mentions another verb at the end.
I don't think it's a duplicate: the other questions/answers mention that there may be a difference in meaning, but don't say anything about the actual meanings.
A: “I like to do (be) something” vs “I like doing (being) something”

psmearsOK, first let's take a look at what some grammar books say, then try to make it comprehensible with some examples: CGEL says: The infinitival is more associated with change, the gerund-participle with actuality. Thus someone who has recently turned forty or got married might say "I like bein...

Oh. I guess I skipped that and read the answers the real original question.
Q: Gerund or infinitive: When to use which?

Mehper C. PalavuzlarSome verbs are followed by ing, e.g. I enjoy swimming. We can't say I enjoy to swim. Likewise, some verbs are followed by to, e.g. I decided to make a plan. Which particular verbs are followed by ing and to? Can you please provide a list for that? Moreover, which verbs can be followed by both ...

Anyway. I think, like @Colin Fine says, that you can't generalize between verbs. Thus, the part about taught is not a duplicate.
Or something.
But then again, I don't necessarily want to see a question about every single verb which can take either the infinitive or the gerund.
Ohh, I do. ^^
Silly boy.
I also want to see a question about every single English word that has synonyms, in the form, What is the difference between … ?
Careful, soon she'll start thwapping you.
Why? Because it would be the ultimate vocabulary knowledge source for non-native speakers. Here is a short excerpt from Use the Right Word:
> These words relate to ways people move on foot. All are of moderate informality. Walk is the most general and neutral of these, encompassing all manner of moving on foot short of running or leaping. Stride refers to a swift, purposeful way of walking; it suggests long steps and an energetic rhythm: striding through the station a few minutes before the trains departure. Amble, stroll and saunter, in sharp contrast with stride, suggest a slow, wandering movement without a clear-cut goal…
There is a whole page dedicated to the differences between amble, saunter, stride, stroll, strut, swagger, and waddle.
The only problem with Use the Right Word is that it contains too few entries.
@Alenanno Thwack, I should have said. Sorry.
Mar 24 at 0:40, by Martha
Ah lol
Hey, stop misusing my thwacks!
Good evening (time zone permitting.)
Good morning
not the room you are looking for?
Q: "Word" and "word up" What is the meaning and possibly origin?

WulfhartSeveral times, I have had conversations, all over instant messenger, finish with "word" or "Word up G". As it ends a conversation, I am guessing it is like "goodbye". My question is what is the meaning of "word" and "word up g"? Also, what is the origin?

How is it even possible to have a conversation end like that several times?
not that hard, let's make a conversation like that
ok word up
&*$&#*$&#(*(*@! ?
you blockhead
@RegDwight: Thanks of the grats re magnet. weird, but there it is.
@RegDwight I wonder how a user with 4k reputation can be a new user
@Martha — Those thwacks are now in the public domain. They are beyond your control.
17 hours ago, by MrHen
Mar 23 at 22:18, by Martha
@MrHen pbbbbblll!
17 hours ago, by Martha
@MrHen blblblrrb :p
(Obviously, s/MrHen/Robusto.)
You are acquiring all of @RegDwight's bad habits.
Next you'll become a Communist.
Not bloody likely.
Now see what you did? You invoked the Dark Lord's name.
You invoked his spirit first.
@zizi And I wonder if you have ever heard of such things as sarcasm, humor, or joke.
@Martha No, in @Robusto's defense it was zizi who summoned me.
@Robusto As any Harry Potter fan will tell you, that doesn't count.
@RegDwight /lalala I'm not listening/
Apr 30 at 14:13, by RegDwight
@Martha But all of those pings were of the most extremeliestest importance! Especially Kosmo's "Hey @Martha, do you see this @Martha mention? @Martha, @Martha, @Martha. Also, @Martha!"
@Martha BTW, the above is @Martha.
@RegDwight — "No, to [sic] @Robusto's defense it was zizi who summoned me." A native speaker would have used "in" instead of "to" there.
So would I.
Sorry that typos exist. This is so my fault. Jeez.
I only came here to reprimand zizi. Don't mess with me.
Die Werbepause is fast vorbei. Ich habe keine Zeit.
Over and out.
Typos are just nature's way of giving us native speakers something to laugh about when non-native speakers make them.
@RegDwight It must be a y-chromosome thing. My boss has the hardest time learning two simple facts: (1) I am always right, and (2) Everything is his fault.
Hey, you're all over my German. I can't say a phrase without you getting all over me like bum on a baloney sandwich.
@Martha — Yeah, that extra chromosomal arm is packed with so many things: inability to drive, love of shopping, certainty that intuition trumps fact, and on and on.
I don't know where love of shopping resides, but it's certainly not on my X chromosome.
@Martha, simple logic, please. The fact that the shopping gene resides on the X chromosome doesn't imply that it resides on every X chromosome.
@JSBangs — Uh, inability to understand simple logic is on that chromosomal arm as well. Sorry.
@JSBangs This is no way contradicts my statement.
@Robusto I saw that!
Can't sneak anything past you, can I?
That's another thing on the chromosomal arm. Suspicion and incessant monitoring of everything men wish women would just let slide, but don't.
Fame is any kind of fame?
is it meaningless?
and also this one : " Well known for some bad quality or deed."
WELL known for BAD quality
@Martha true! so we all win at simple logic, and none of us has to go shopping.
Good. I hate shopping.
@RegDwight: regarding downvotes, I suppose the change isn't propagated yet to all sites
downvotes still cost 1 rep, as far as I can tell
@RegDwight But i don't care
@Fx Question downvotes or answer downvotes?
@Vitaly question downvote; but I now realize it was early this morning, maybe it was simply before the change kicked in
I'm just sneaking in, but are you saying question downvotes are going to be "free" in the future?
They already are for me @Alenanno and I suppose for everyone else
@Alenanno yes, and apparently in the present too
Ah I am not downvoting a lot so I never noticed... Why this discrimination between questions and answers downvoting?
@Alenanno because the powers that be think questions are noted voted upon enough
Sorry, I couldn't get what you said :D
@Fx Could you please do me a favour and explain what's wrong with "Everyone knows a famous person but no one forgets an infamous person."?
The sky is blue but crocodiles eat meat.
@zizi I don't play riddles with you, I already told you
and there is a probability that crocodiles stop eating meat when sky turns to black
@Fx I understand how hard you try
@zizi try to do what?
OMG why down-vote??
@zizi because the question or answer is of poor quality, typically
@Fx You're snob
@zizi 5 people (including me) thought your answer deserved a downvote, no one upvoted it; can't we simply agree that this answer was not good?
@zizi in addition, a snob does not say "this is bad", but "even though people like this, it is clearly bad to my educated eye"
anyway, I have to resist the “duty calls” syndrom, so I'll be off
@Fx Hey, stop stealing my compulsory XKCD quotes:
May 5 at 11:31, by Robusto
user image
@Fx but I don't really care what you said or what you will say
I don't wanna care right now
try later
@F'x lol!
Is it useful having your question as the 16th in the multicollider?
@zizi I don't want to play riddles, nor do I want to guess when you're in the mood for caring about what others say; I've set the chat to ignore your messages
@Vitaly not it itself; it brings traffic if it stays high, and for long
what I actually mean, does being the 16th bring traffic?
@Vitaly not much
Ah. Thanks.
see what you're up against:
Q: Do bras prevent you from getting saggy boobs?

Kit SundeI've heard this one repeated by women I know a few times, but it sounds like a product of confirmation bias to me. Is there supporting evidence for the claim that if you don't wear a bra you should expect saggier boobs at old age?

Is it only me or “What does constitute …?” sounds less natural than “What constitutes …?”?
@Fx btw xkcd is oneboxed on chat, if you use the onebox it keeps its tooltip too
night all
What is onebox?
Oh, I get it.
If you post the link, part of the page is immediately displayed in chat.
Cool that they have included xkcd.
God. I open up chat, I see XKCD. Why do you hate me?
Q: Is there any significance in little curls joining the st and ct in old books?

Brian HooperI've been reading a facsimile edition of Defoe's Captain Singleton and have noticed a little quirk of the text; where an st or a ct appear, they are joined with a little curl over the top, but nt, rt and pt aren't. This appears to be the case wherever these combinations appear in a word. Is ther...

@Reg: Because we love you.
I have just learned that in some fonts the zero-width joiner may be used to produce the c‍t ligature.
I have to fight hard for non-questions not to get reopened. How is that love?
Hmm... such as?
Q: Does the incorrect pronunciation of a word make it incomprehensible?

RegmiNot being an English native speaker, I find there are many words I pronounce differently from how an anglophone would (and differently from the phonetics prescribed in typical dictionaries). However, what confuses me is that my anglophone friends cannot understand me at all, even when there is on...

Actually, I think the st/ct one should be closed, too.
But I'll leave it up to y'all for the time being.
Cause I gotta go again.
Night all, CU tomorrow.
Oops it seems I have answered the ct question.
You started it...
@Cerberus: I am enjoying the comments here immensely.
@Vit: Aww... the atheists are going that guy a hard time!
@Cerberus: Particularly this one so far.
@Vit: Heh Clippy is fun!
I often find atheist–believer discussions a bit tiring, because there is no chance at all that one is going to convert the other...
@Cerebrus I agree.
@Mike: If you press "up", you can edit your last line!
And thanks.
@Cerberus There is no discussion as far as I can tell. The guy hasn't responded to any of the questions (yet?). I think for Clippy's comment that it's amazing because that comment would be enough for any rationally-thinking person to convince themselves there are no deities. Too bad there aren't many rationally-thinking people in general.
@Cerberus However, if he does respond, I'd love to see how the discussion goes. The guy claimed to be rational on a site dedicated to rationality. There is no way for him to keep claiming religiosity without losing his face altogether (which he understands perfectly, by virtue of having read major LW posts).

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