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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Bye @kit, I have to go on Skeptics.SE. Bye everyone!
@Carlo_R. he quit.
@RegDwighт LOL
Well on the plus side TIL a run-on sentence is not a sentence. (^_^)
An run-on is not a sentence, you mean.
A run-on is not a sentence, you mean? ;)
No I can't mean anything.
@WendiKidd Kit is a artist.
@RegDwighт teehee
No, it's an in front of a neuter diminutive hyphenate.
tch duh.
Say what now? lol
I know what all those words mean separately but I'm at a loss as to what they all mean together ;)
@WendiKidd Exactly, my friend.
@RegDwighт That's really interesting!!
Well, it's Language Log.
@WendiKidd You say that like you're surprised.
@KitFox well cut him some slack. I am not only interesting, but also surprising.
Hmm. OK. My husband showed me the picture of your elephant with its head in the surf last night.
That was surprising, since I thought of you, but then of course it wasn't.
I didn't sent it to him. I swear.
@KitFox No, just like I'm excited. I get interested in random things sometimes, I guess. I'd never thought about that before, and I like things that make me think :)
Yeah. You'll do just fine here.
@RegDwighт Sure, sure.
This is the think tank of SE. We all wear think tank tops. And nothing else.
No, no, pink tank tops. Didn't you get the memo?
Jun 20 '11 at 15:00, by RegDwight
Wait, what? You are clothed?
I write the memos round here, darling.
Sep 12 '11 at 1:00, by Kitḫ
@drɱ65δ I know that it's difficult not to star everything I say, because I am so wity and briliat.
Well I just laughed.
So it was witty.
I also sparkled a bit.
feels pleased
So it must have been brilliant as well.
Martha found it quite funny how I sparkled a discussion once.
I think the exchange has since been removed.
Not the Hello Kitty? That's Rob's, innit?
I stole it.
Nah not that.
Apr 16 '11 at 22:03, by RegDwight
Found it.
You're welcome.
Also, there's one other of equal length.
Two. Two other.
I posted a half-assed one-liner answer that generated seven imperial tons of comments and then I expanded it, prefixing it with "Now that this has sparkled some discussion, I feel like I must expand on this." And then Martha was all like funneh and then the rest was like history.
Hee hee. That made me giggle.
You know, I'm pretty sure Vitaly had an empty line that got starred.
That beats you.
A: Difference between "commentor" and "commentator"

RegDwighтOne difference is that as far as Merriam-Webster is concerned, the word "commentor" does not even exist. Same goes for "commenter". Edit: Now that this has sparked some discussion, I feel like I have to expand on it. I do see the word "commenter" (but not "commentor") being used on Reddit, blo...

@KitFox ah, but you misunderstand. Zero length is no length. That doesn't count as short.
I miss that kid though.
Man, looking back through those starred comments...we've had some good times.
And to think of all the unstarred comments!
That was some quality unstardom right there.
We've got the best unstarred comments anywhere on SE. Anywhere on the bleeding interwebs.
I expect Vit to be out of the country now, running first Skynet tests in the Mojave.
He is still learning Haskell and working through the Euler project posers, I think.
I hope he learns how to solder too.
Also that he finds a nice mathematician who likes electronics.
And spiders.
I think we should spread the word that tin soldier is called such because it used to be used as tin solder.
Step three would be profit.
Excellent plan.
I think I should put my jammies on.
I have to say it was a good day.
I am beginning to believe that my husband is not going to solder the pipe tonight, and will not therefore relinquish the PS3.
Hooray for good days!
PS3 runs on pipes now?
No, but I can't solder pipes. He can, but he can't play Plants v. Zombies while he's doing it.
Plants FTW
Anyone can be a zombie.
Have you played it?
It might be too scary for you.
The sunflowers are nice though.
I am sure if it's got plants it must be scary.
It's fun.
And it makes my boys excited to eat peas.
Of course, they eat them anyway.
Holy moly, it's quarter to three.
No wonder I'm so sleepy.
And it doesn't help that I got like zero sleep all week.
Go sleep. I'll see you later.
Oct 24 '12 at 15:06, by RegDwighт
Who else wants to get suspended by me? I promise to make it your most enjoyable suspension. Way better than what you'd get from Kit.
Hahaha. I forgot about that one.
Yeah I thought I'd wait for my wife to get home, but that could take like anothet two hours.
@KitFox it is funny because it is true.
What does she do so late?
@RegDwighт I didn't do the suspension that time though. At least, I don't think I did.
Well she's flying to Moscow on Sunday, so she has all kinds of business to wrap up before she goes.
@KitFox I do not even remember whose it was. And I haven't handled any suspensions in months.
Yes, I know.
I had no idea your wife was such a powerhouse. I am impressed.
And she sews.
She generates 1kW, day in day out. Runs on fruit.
wow. i'm getting, like 0.6kW per day from my wife, tops
Truly amazing. And not in the sense that teenagers use that word.
@KitFox Right! That is one thing. She must sew a dog before going. And she only started today.
Sew a...dog?
Like a live one?
Aug 4 '11 at 17:53, by JSBᾶngs
besides, i already discovered that Kit is an omni-sexual robot from the future
I forgot that I was a robot.
i forgot that too!
I forgot I posted my boobs so much. We had a good run of my cleavage for a couple of weeks.
I don't know if we knew that I had sent a robot back in time to destroy @MattЭллен at that time.
@RegDwighт Oh! I love it!
Did your wife make that?
This is the kind of stuff she does. I had a better image somewhere with a whole bunch of them, but I can't find it.
those are adorable
I like the color choices. Does she design her own?
This she did for me. For my birthday. His name is Blömpson.
Is that fleece?
Yes, in this case.
I just want to squeeeeeze it.
The dog will be fleece, too.
So she designs these?
I think she may have got some inspiration on some site, I think it was for a frog. She never did a frog though, but went from there to make these.
Very cool.
She also paints on my tshirts. I don't have a single white shirt left.
adorable hedgehogs are adorable
does russian have the same word for porcupine and hedgehog?
This is just some random stuff in this one folder I am looking at.
Did she draw your tats as well?
my wife and i use the same word, but it may just be that the romanian word for porcupine is really obscure
i hope @Reg's tats are as adorable as that hedgehog
Sonic the porcupine?
@JSBձոգչ no. Porcupine would be "hideous-look".
and hedgehog is fence-pig?
Sep 14 '12 at 16:07, by JSBձոգչ
i found lots of naked women, but a disturbing lack of owls
Anyway I'm done for today. I'll ask her where she has that collage of all her animals to date.
She crochets as well?
duly impressed
@JSBձոգչ дикобраз vs. ёж.
well ёж is a lovely word
It's beautifully written, too.
Actually I now realize it looks like one.
Whatever! I am falling asleep.
So JSB you take over from here. To the infinity and beyond.
Ouvert et haut !
okay i'm taking over now!
Reg left me in charge
i hope i don't get drunk with power
Mar 14 '12 at 19:16, by JSBᾶngs
@Meysam yep. "I shit in your spaghetti." (Note: do not shit in people's spaghetti)
ha ha! i used to be so funny
btw this was really good, at least as trigger material:
some parts of the script were unintentionally hilarious
but it's possible i'm just too cynical for it
I don't think I can listen to it properly without headphones.
good point
this one's binaural, so headphones are required
So it'll have to wait until Monday.
no headphones at home?
i'm trying to put my boys to sleep
w/ limited success
Oh! PS3 is mine! But now I don't know what to play...
Pikmin 2, HL2, or Assassin's Creed.
difficult choices
Must decide quickly.
I'm terrible at this.
the only one of those i've played is hl2
go with pikmin!
Pikmin is sweet.
then go with that
Shit, now I can't find it. (We moved the stuff into the living room today!)
Oh. It's in the Wii already
wait, problem solved
I'm off to play. Later!
have fun!
2 hours later…
Are stars on sale this week or something?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 YES
"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
How's your life?
Um . . . interesting
Oh no. Why "Oof"?
Work sucked all week, and mom's surgery, and T's gramma is dying.
Oh my. I'm very sorry to hear that. proffers hug
Is your mother's surgery serious?
It happened Friday last.
And thank you!
She's doing alright I guess.
She had discs removed.
I am being called to bed.
@Robusto that's one reason I thought it might appeal to you.
Check you later, @Mahnax
Wow, disc removal. I hope she has a quick and healthy recovery, and I hope your things at work improve!
You are sweet.
I hope work is fun and caffeinated for you.
Thanks! I hope so too. I'll be up at 5:00, so lord knows I'll need the caffeine…
It's 11:12!
10:12 here.
If I go to bed at midnight, I can get… five hours. Good enough!
You working open to 2 or something?
Or shorter
Open to 1:00.
6:30-1:00 to be more precise.
Same shift on Sunday.
Not so bad. I like opening.
Beats closing.
You don't have to do closey stuff when you're all tired.
Closing is icky.
Store is slow, all you do is clean.
Okay, g'night for reals.
good day, you cunninglinguists
or night, as it were
what are the possible (and correct) ways to punctuate 1st-person thoughts
8 hours later…
@RegDwighт Do they make a model with a Dvorak sole?
You are not the first one to wonder that.
You are the first one, however, to make Dvorak a link just so I don't think you mean the composer.
Ms Lewinski looks like a toad. I completely forgot.
Don't you love it when someone gives you a JSFiddle link with that QED smirk of self-satisfaction and it doesn't fucking work?
Are you trying to imply that there are JSFiddles that do work?
It's okay. Happens to the worst of us.
What is that thing trying to bind anyway?
Or reevaluate, for that matter.
I'm trying to research reasons for not acceding to our consulting company's desire to use the Knockout.js framework. Besides just shouting, "Learn to code in the front end and you won't have to rely on yet another fucking framework!"
Yeah I never understood frameworks. And I mean okay, JS is at least an interesting beast actually, but there are frameworks for CSS or even friggin HTML.
Frameworks are for dumb cheapskates.
js is plain awful ime, never tried any frameworks
And as the Russian saying goes, cheapskates pay twice.
I've said that myself before: "Buy the best thing first, not last."
agreement star
OMG Robusto invented the Russian language. First English, now this. What will they invent next?
Well, I can't tell you how many times I've learned that lesson from painful and expensive experience.
Oh yeah I remember there was that car...
not buying at all might be the best strategy also
Right on. Selling is where it's at.
> Adding ponies will help too, but mostly concentrating on keeping things small, understandable and idiomatic (whatever that means) will keep your JS from becoming a write-only mess.
> The Read the Bills Act (RTBA) is proposed legislation intended to require United States Congress to read the legislation that it passes.
The Read the Bills Act (RTBA) is proposed legislation intended to require United States Congress to read the legislation that it passes. It was originally written in 2006 by Downsize DC, a non-profit organization focused on decreasing the size of the federal government. The proposed act is a response to the passing of bills like the USA PATRIOT Act that are thousands of pages long and are passed without copies being made available to the members of Congress who vote on the bill. The bill is aimed at limiting the size and growth of the federal government. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) stated hi...
Yeah, Jon Stewart mentioned it on The Daily Show the other night. Unbelievable.
And it's a weird paradox of cosmic proportions that it hasn't passed.
Don't start pulling at that thread or the universe will start to unravel.
> Having delivered a talk on how to write your own JavaScript library (detailed notes) at the conference, Dmitry shared his thoughts on the new library over breakfast the next morning. “Just what the world needs—another sucky JavaScript library,” he said. When I asked him what made it ‘sucky’, he elaborated. “It’s a JavaScript library written by Java developers who clearly don’t get JavaScript.”
I mean, if they don't read the shit they pass, it should have passed. But obviously they do read the shit after all, so it didn't pass. Except if they do read the shit after all, then there's no problem in passing something that tells them to continue doing just what they're doing anyway, right?
@Robusto oops too late.
@RegDwighт Nobody read the Patriot Act except the press and comedians. But it passed.
@Robusto and the people who passed it are still there, getting paid with the press's and comedians' money and acting in their name and on their behalf.
Hey, ease up. It's Saturday and I don't want to think about the perilous instestinal blockage that is the U. S. Congress.
As Will Rogers said, "If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of Congress?"
> In his talk on building JavaScript libraries, Dmitry compared JavaScript’s global scope to a public toilet. “You can’t avoid going in there,” he said. “But try to limit your contact with surfaces when you do.”
Yeah I always float in midair in public toilets. And judging by their condition so do other people.
2 hours later…
enybody there
Not sure about Enya's body, but mine is.
how areu?
Sleepy. And working on my new gravatar.
Ah, there it is.
Because I can!
Where are you from?
i dont know
whereis it?
Well you should come visit.
@ali It's on the map! In Europe!
what is your country's name?
Though I call her Джугашвили on Fridays.
please to meet u
u are funny man
pleased to meet u
I know. I was raised that way.
So what about you, Cassius Clay?
who is it?
i'm cassius clay?!
no i'm ali
i live in iran
what is your first name?
what means?
Advisor, counselor, decider.
it's Beautiful
excuse me
i see your work
thay are beautiful too
i have to leave
good bye Reg
see u later
Thank you. CU.
@RegDwighт Stop trying to confuse everyone with Stalinism.
@RegDwighт You know you will go back to the owl after a brief fling with this Hungry, Hungry LEGO thingie.
I know many things. Now what.
Also, I never confused Stalinism with anyone else.
@RegDwighт What is an act?
An act is the thing Caught in the Act were caught in.
ok now when we are past the puns, what is it?
What kind of trick question is this?
That red bills thing, what does act mean in context? Is it similar to a suggestion?
An act is a piece of legislation.
A law. A statute. No idea if these are different, IANAL.
I believe "statute" is specific to legislatures.
Compare "decree". Both law but not both legislative.
Well an act is specific to legislatures, too.
Let's see.
> : the formal product of a legislative body : statute; also : a decision or determination of a sovereign, a legislative council, or a court of justice
OMG. I missed a day.
> A product of a legislative body, a statute.
472 days, 6 consecutive.
Though it looks like they just copied it from MW.
@MετάEd I hate it when that happens.
Well, hated.
I stopped caring after the umpteenth time it happened.
I will never get Fanatic on our Meta.
I don't go out of my way to be on every day, but I am amazed I missed one.
Even though I'm hanging out here every day.
So actually it's ironic. The Fanatic badge made me visit our Meta less often.
I think I need a little meditation time, a.k.a. nap.
They say that meditation should be done with awareness and alertness. But I like it better when it leads to nap.
hi reg
what do u do ?
i back
Hi there. We are watching a movie now, so I won't be around for a while.
1 hour later…
hi johan
are u Reg's friend
I don't know tbh, but I consider him one of my friends :D
johan where are u from?
what is "tbh" mean?
@ali may I ask if you are studying geography?
@ali to be honest
no i'm studying math
why johan?
why why? (tbh means to be honest)
@ali are you asking to me why?
ok excuse me
thx johan
@ali ah, I see.
good luck carlo
@ali thank you, but I don't have to play bingo.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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