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@RegDwighт Yes, or, in certain cases, make the alternative more desirable.
@Cerberus Because that would be immoral.
But well, as I said, we discussed this before. Let stupid people be stupid. It's not my country they are running.
@KitFox But you've already killed someone, so you will be locked up and waterboarded for life already.
@KitFox Ehh why is that crazy? Or do you mean that the fact that she is pregnant is not yet an aggravating circumstance (or what is it called)?
just looks @Cerb
@Cerberus No, it's not crazy. My friend is crazy. Not for that, she just is.
Wow the background suddenly looks so fake in that image. It never did in the movie.
@RegDwighт Yeah, although hoi polloi want harsher punishment here as well. Isn't it the same in Germany?
@KitFox Oh OK. So is the proposal as I described?
@Cerberus are you asking if there are dumb people everywhere?
@RegDwighт Fake? It looks like a very read blue wall.
@RegDwighт Yes.
@Cerberus green. They use green walls now. Look closer.
I mean, you can say "it's America's problem", but there is pressure here as well to move into the same direction.
There are so many religious people on CUUSOO, you wouldn't believe it.
@RegDwighт Are you colour blind?
forgot what CUUSOO was again
Every second person who does fill out their profile says something like "I am a catholic and proud of it", or at the very least "May God continue to bless you and your loved ones and America".
Haha hilarious.
@Cerberus the site the image is from. lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/39090
It's doubly strange since one of the official guidelines for projects is "No religion".
How about "no nationalism"?
I guess people have to compensate by putting it front and center in their profiles instead.
And "no talking about money, politics, health, or class".
@Cerberus no sex, no alcohol except in historical settings, no military stuff except from before WWII, and no rules apply if it's Star Wars.
Wait, are you serious?
They rejected Firefly on the grounds that one of the characters on the show was a companion.
So a WWI chemical bomb is allowed?
But Carrie Fisher in a bikini at the age of OVER 9000 is okay.
The kind that choked and burned, what, 50,000 people alive at Verdun?
@Cerberus yes, Carrie Fisher in a bikini is allowed.
Haha. Of course I wouldn't know who that is.
But I imagine large breasts.
yeah, but what does a lego chemical bomb look like?
Lots of lego figures lying face down.
And lots of heavy artillery.
@JSBձոգչ WTF.
A porn actress?
Leia ffs
Seriously we were watching the movie, what's it's called now, Episode six? the other week and both my wife and I simultaneously went WTF she's like sixty.
Without the L.
So a statement of fact.
Reg, I had no idea.
For the money?
You seldom do! That's why I'm here to help.
Thanks a bunch.
I never do, don't feel bad Cerb
Yes I saw that in your images while looking for the gentleman who doesn't test.
I can't believe you don't like slave Leia.
Have you seen her?
You don't worry much about NSFW in this chat
I could look like that if I were wearing a gold bikini. Doesn't mean I would look good.
She isn't sixty, she's like 25 in Return of the Jedi.
Well I feel sorry for her.
She's not wrinkly or anything.
25 means closer to 30 than to 20, so one foot in the grave.
Oh shut up!
stalks off
And of course The Return of the Jedi is from 1983, while Carrie is from 1956.
I don't think she's stopping.
@Cerberus We all have one foot in the grave, young Dutch doggy. Tomorrow is promised to no one, as they say.
@KitFox perhaps that's the problem with the new remastered version now. She looks wrinkly in comparison.
@Robusto True. But some have more feet than others.
Like...a centipede.
She really does not look anything like 25. 35 perhaps. And I'm being generous. I have witnesses.
@Cerberus If your head is above ground, that's all that matters.
It's not.
None of them are.
What's centipede in German btw?
And in Russian?
In Dutch, duizendpoot (thousandpaw).
@RegDwighт Oh just keep digging, why don't you?
@KitFox why, you can't handle the truth?
Does Russian have 100 too?
Could Dutch be the only language that has 1000?
@Cerberus no you asked for centipede specifically.
Tausendfüßler exists and is five million times more popular than Hundertfüßler, but you didn't ask for milleniumpede.
I don't understand.
@RegDwighт What a coincidence! That's exactly what the Latin-based English counterpart means! I wonder if the Germans knew that ...
@Cerberus That's overstating the case.
@RegDwighт So both words are used for centipede?
In Russian, it's forty-legger.
We don't have honderdpoot.
@Cerberus no. One of them. The one you didn't ask for.
Russian has fortypede and thousandpede.
Centipedes are smaller in Russia. Either that or they've been mutilated.
I don't understand.
@Cerberus I'm noticing.
I asked for the German word(s) for centipede. In Dutch, a centipede is called a duizendpoot.
@Robusto Haven't you read James and the Giant Peach? Centipedes don't have a hundred feet.
The word in American Valley-speak is yukky thing.
Millipedes are arthropods that have two pairs of legs per segment (except for the first segment behind the head which does not have any appendages at all, and the next few which only have one pair of legs). Each segment that has two pairs of legs is a result of two single segments fused together as one. Most millipedes have very elongated cylindrical bodies, although some are flattened dorso-ventrally, while pill millipedes are shorter and can roll into a ball, like a pillbug. The name "millipede" is a compound word formed from the Latin roots ' ("thousand") and ' ("foot"). Despite their...
@KitFox Well, there are no giant peaches, either.
@Robusto I thought it was ohmygodeww.
@RegDwighт We call those miljoenpoten, I think.
Myriapoda is a subphylum of arthropods containing millipedes, centipedes, and others. The group contains over 13,000 species, all of which are terrestrial. Although their name suggests they have myriad (10,000) legs, myriapods range from having over 750 legs (Illacme plenipes) to having fewer than ten legs. The fossil record of myriapods reaches back into the late Silurian, although molecular evidence suggests a diversification in the Cambrian Period, and Cambrian fossils exist which resemble myriapods. The phylogenetic classification of myriapods is still debated. The scientific study...
@KitFox That's just the prefix.
> millipedes, centipedes, and others.
You asked for centipedes specifically.
What if a centipede got arthritis? Yow.
We call those duizendpoten.
No, that's millipedes.
No, we call those miljoenpoten.
Is a legless insect called an impediment?
But you are wrong.
@Cerberus tusenfoting in Swedish
The word "honderdpoot" does not exist, or I have never heard of it.
@JohanLarsson Ah!
@JohanLarsson Tussen is German for dumb chicks.
@RegDwighт It's what every single Dutchman calls them.
And foting sounds like some forbidden practice.
@Cerberus so what's not to understand?
forbidden by who?
What the normal word is that a normal German would use when he sees what an Englishman calls a centipede.
I answered that.
@Cerberus Your question is riddled with assumptions. First, but not least, that there is any such thing as a "normal" German.
5 mins ago, by RegDwighт
Tausendfüßler exists and is five million times more popular than Hundertfüßler, but you didn't ask for milleniumpede.
@Robusto don't make me post that portrait again.
@Robusto I mean with a normal Lederhosen and a normal Dirndl.
> Duizendpoten worden zo genoemd omdat ze veel poten hebben. Opvallend is dat de soort in het Engels (centipede) en in het Duits (Hundertfüßer) "honderdpoot" genoemd wordt. De soort die in het Nederlands "miljoenpoot" genoemd wordt, wordt onder andere in het Engels millipede (dus "duizendpoot") genoemd.
This clears it up.
Centipede = duizendpoot = Hundertfüßer.
Except it's a lie.
Millipede = miljoenpoot.
is not milli = 1000?
Nobody has a million legs. You Dutch can't count.
It's because they are so much bigger there.
@Cerberus Except Reg said Hundertfüßler and he knows many such.
Everything is bigger in the Netherlands.
@JohanLarsson Yes, but we use the wrong words for some reason.
Nothing is bigger in Dutch, only flatter.
And underwaterer.
And smaller.
I thought Dutch were the tallest people in Europe?
@KitFox It is either Nederland (the normal name of the country), or Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (the official name).
Because they had to stand on their tippy-toes to see over the dikes all the time.
@Cerberus Now that's a crazy theory I can't stand behind. Nothing is bigger and everything's smaller? Are you smoking again?
Nederlands = Dutch.
@RegDwighт Not specifically, but my window is open, so, yes.
Have it your way.
Yeah they named themselves after the Germans, then renamed the Germans.
I'm always educating! I appreciate the effort.
So my code is all out on production.
bites fingernails
Oh, testing.
No errors yet, but it is only just Monday so probably no one is looking.
I'm not looking.
looks hard
looks soft
looks askance
is awesome
rolls eyes
rolls dice
What's going to make me feel better?
Too far away.
Maybe zombo.com
You can have chocolate on zombo.com.
Or could get back on the raft.
Raft's sailing right for zombo.com.
Or play some more Heretic.
@RegDwighт It's not just the background. Looks like a cool filter on the whole frame.
I wonder how long I ought to wait until I tell the project lead that I put the stuffs on production.
@MετάEd well the entire Rome was completely blue at that time, according to the movie.
@RegDwighт I think they call that "atmosphere".
I think they call it smurfsphere.
"What Dreams May Come" was sort off the scale on the smurf scale.
That one was a different color in every shot.
I have no beef with that movie.
Except for the story.
Actually I can't decide if it was even dumber than Gladiator.
@KitFox just don't
when he asks, say "I thought you knew."
@RegDwighт Haha. That's how I felt about it too.
I got crushed by a big red crusher thingy on Heretic.
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 4 mins ago, by sbi
> Don’t bother with those new Dyson urinals. They don’t work – piss EVERYWHERE! — Jake Lodwick
(probably better with the pic) ^
Much better with the pic.
Oh my.
Oh my gross.
We have one of those in the ladies room.
I wonder if I can go home and play Pikmin.
Which part?
I never played the first one to the end. Got scared and ran away.
My boys are really into it. They call it "pinkman" and so the other guys are "purpleman" etc by extension.
@RegDwighт We got the second one.
That'd be the second part, then.
I think it is funny you were scared of the first one.
So does my wife.
The second one is scarier.
Which is doubly funny since she can't stand any kind of violence against any kind of animals, and had a hard time getting used to the game.
I think I might dig out the cube controllers and the first one. It's surprisingly hard to play on the Wii.
@RegDwighт I can understand that.
Yeah, Cube controllers FTW.
It was a consolation gift to my little son for not getting to golf with his brother and cousin.
I have it for the cube anyway, but I figured, what the hell.
It was $12.
I got mine used from Game Stop for like five bucks.
Which is like seven bucks in your bucks.
Or six and a half.
For the cube or the wii?
Retro all the way.
Yeah, well. This was the Wii one.
I have the other in a box in the barn, just waiting until we move to the new house.
So the six more bucks were for the cover update.
The controls are ever so slightly different.
And the disc is bigger, innit?
@KitFox size doesn't matter when it comes to Wii.
There is only one stick on the wiimote/nunchuck combination, so they had to improvise and also incorporate something for pointing, since you know, it;s a wii.
@RegDwighт I know it accepts both, but the Wii discs are bigger.
Well they couldn't possibly be smaller.
The pointer part makes it more difficult, especially when small children keep getting between me and the light bar.
Lesson learned, never let children get between you and the bar.
Shoot, I don't have the pic of my little one with the beer bottle.
It's okay, he'll have a second one one day.
Huzzahs, bread.
How are you, wise owl?
I am wise, thank you.
And you?
I was just wondering, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
I wanted to make that the third specific aim on my doctoral proposal, but my advisor wouldn't let me.
I would never lick Dustin Hofmann.
@KitFox according to some Ivy League licking machine, it's in the neighborhood of 300.
I see.
But did they do the rest of my research?
changes name to Ivy League Licking Machine
gets in line
installs Take-A-Number machine
That reminds me of a time...
Ah well, no sense in reliving old slights.
Dang, I was ready for a story.
Oh. Well, it's not that exciting.
I was in line at JoAnn Fabric, waiting to get some fabric cut. I waited through three people, which is about fifteen minutes. When there was one person left in front of me, the cutter looked at me and said "You need to take a number." I turned to find the number machine. I asked the cutter where it was.
She pointed. A woman coming up to the counter saw her point it out to me and quickly picked the next number and the woman behind me stepped around me (almost knocking into me) to pick a number before I could get there.
So I set my things on the cutting counter and walked out. I've never gone back.
that is about as pure as lack of class gets
It was so rude, and the cutting girl said nothing about it.
Yeah but they will have to live with their ugly selves, pretty severe punishment imo
send them to the UK. we'll teach them how to queue.
@JohanLarsson Yep. Rule One: The punishment for being an arsehole is being an arsehole.
@MattЭллен You teach them ... by tutting loudly when they get it wrong?
I have this idea that when a new counter opens there should be a reverse zipper kind of solution to the singularity. Try to educate people about my view when it happens, have even had some success.
@KitFox jerks. I just watched the Take-A-Number Seinfeld.
@JohanLarsson I got some orders on Friday and my boss said in the notes, 'see me about these'.
basically, they had a meeting without me, and the carrier said they would handle the disconnects internally.
Huh. That seems excessively confusing.
Welcome to This Place.
Somewhere in Middle America.
I spent hours with no computer today because they're supposed to give me Windows 7.
tries to imagine w-rking without a computer
The server profile for one of the programs is fucked up, so I have my XP machine back.
@TRiG we can start camps. for tourists and the ill educated alike.
covers mouth to stop laugh from coming out
Just stick with XP!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 @Mahnax So I hear they have rolled up a big terrorist plot in T. and M.?
They's gonna double my rams, though
I wonder whether those terrorists really planned it all themselves, or whether they were holpen by the FBI?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 RAMs are always nice.
Really, they should ship everything with quadruple the RAM they normally do.
RAM is like beer. You always need more than you think.
@Robusto @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 @KitFox drink at work
I'ma show that to my boss
any other programmers too. I can't remember which of the congregation does what
16GB is enough RAM, have 12 at work and it is always about full, 32 at home and I don't think I ever saw it above 16
@MattЭллен I can't imagine what that level would feel like.
@MattЭллен I've never drunk at work, and only vanishingly rarely drink at all. Perhaps I should.
@KitFox 0.075? it's not easy to figure out
@TRiG that's what I'm thinking. I cycle to work, so I won't be in charge of dangerous machinery at any point
@JohanLarsson ha! I have 2Gb in this thing.
@KitFox maybe two vodka cokes?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 32 bit I guess, probably not much use for more than 4 then but I'm no xpert
never noticed that the 3GB switch was any help
@JohanLarsson supposed to go to 4GB and 64-bit win7
sounds a little on the low side when making the effort, RAM is almost free. I'd say go 16/32 if your mb can handle it so that you don't have to worry about it for a couple of years
the cost for ordering and installing is probably higher any way
Q: Is “Joe’s and my bicycles” correct?

Simon CaveIs this phrasing correct and acceptable? Here are Joe’s and my bicycles I am describing two bicycles, one owned by Joe and one owned by myself.

Hmm. I know there's a dupe around here somewhere...
looks sideways @Reg
@KitFox search for "mutual".
Q: What possessive forms are used for mutual 1st person ownership?

TylerI want to talk to someone about the house that my wife and I own. Saying, for example, "My wife's and my house is awesome," sounds a bit funny to me. What's the best way to express this? Clarification I'm asking specifically about the grammar of multiple nouns in possessive form. I'm particu...

@JohanLarsson yeah, that's completely out of my control.
@RegDwighт Oh. I searched for your wife, then I realized that it's kind of different.
Since it is about non-mutual ownership.
Also related
Q: "Your and my [something]" vs "Yours and my..."

FumbleFingersPrompted by comments against this question, I'd like some help figuring out why some people (myself included) prefer yours over the apparently more logical/grammatically consistent your in this kind of sentence... Yours and my native languages have co-existed for hundreds of years. Google B...

@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 IT-departments tend to run a Soviet-style operation :)
@MattЭллен good edit.
gasp [email protected] just sent me an email that "[My] Bank of America account is limited"!
So much for your freedoms.
I need to click on the login link right away. Funny though that it refers to http://webindex.dk/images/webindex/.bb1/something.php
pulls teeth
And not to the BofA site.
Also, I don't have a BofA account.
> The URL-encoded form data is not valid.
God damn it! kicks codez
@RegDwighт thanks :D
@MattЭллен There's only one I don't recognize. feels flustered
@Reg Your call on this, but I’m not feeling warmish:
@tchrist Ok, I changed the title and clarified the question. Can I somehow revert the duplicate flag? — jkej 6 mins ago
@KitFox I don't recognise the one with the snake and the one between Data and Ziggy
It’s kind of a different question now. Maybe it always was. dunno.
@MattЭллен Oh, Ziggy.
That's Rainbow Bright.
What one with the snake? looks again
Oh, that's Britney.
oh! britney. I see
Not that I would know of course.
of course
> Unfortunately, this SME-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights.
At least they improved the message somewhat.
And you should thank your lucky stars for that.
Unfortunately, this sentence-spelling is only available in German but-not in-English.
Seriously, WTF. They no have English-spellers in Mountain-View?
@KitFox So it's basically porn.
I'm at 18.375 views per support. Wood! knocks on woot
A barely-covered girl moaning and talking with a porn voice.
Little to no actual music.
Well, a dubbed porn voice.
Like all porn.
Britney Spears has no voice, much less porn.
@Cerberus gay porn perhaps. Not good porn.
I didn't say it was good porn.
Let's not start that again.
@RegDwighт You should watch more bad straight porn.
I couldn't!
I am watching seven as we speak.
Thanks to GEMA you can't, no.
Thanks to GEMA I can, yes.
In fact all German porn starts with the message "GEMA-free music".
As soon as you see that message, you know aha, that's German porn right ahead.
I can hear the project lead coming this way. He's going to poke his head in to make sure I saw that he send me an email about the reports crashing.
I'm going to kill him.
@RegDwighт Seriously??
@KitFox Tell him that you're busy reading up on bad straight porn.
Headphones. Great idea.
That'll spare his life but have the same overall effect.
@Cerberus why of course.
GEMA free meaning that licensing costs have been paid?
No, meaning that it's one guy banging at the electric piano.
Hitting a couple notes.

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