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Is that like Playdoh?
He praised Steven Jobs??
No see.
Sí. No veo.
I see no job appraisal.
Insert lost -d- ad libitum, and ask me about the Quevedo joke.
@tchrist wowsers.
This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds.
@RegDwighт You mean, like, an athletic supporter?
@Robusto Yes, but the digital version. A disc jockey.
@MετάEd trombone sounds
Hey, I have the cure for obesity in America! Don't sell anyone "fat clothes"! If it's too tight, that's too bad. You're not going up a size. makes note to text Bloomberg about this
Or more bicycle lanes.
To get kids to cycle to school.
My cure is to eradicate TV and McDonald's.
That, too.
I had a cooking question for you, but I can't recall what it was.
Remember it!
Was it about...baking?
Dog meat?
Raw herring?
It's gone for now.
When it wakes me at 2AM, I'll write it down.
In the interim, how does the caloric value of a banana change as it ripens?
It might increase?
If so, probably not by that much.
Because a banana contains a fair number of calories, and yet it's always listed as just "banana" in caloric tables.
So it can't vary that much.
Speaking of FatDonald's, my mom's been drinking one of these every day in the large size.
The troubling part is that she views it as a reward for getting through the work day.
I'm gonna play some vidya games and stop thinking about my mother's diabetic future for a while.
Hmm how many kc are those?
Perhaps she should see a dietician.
My parents finally did, and it helped somewhat.
Damn near 700 calories.
That is a lot, but still manageable, if she would only eat moderately the rest the of day.
I know, it's much to ask.
I would love to eat lots of fatty food all day.
@Cerb she does an awful lot of sitting.
Yeah, so does mine.
Yo momma so fat she sat on Kmart and lowered prices
My mother is sensitive about her weight and you're not helping.
Yo momma so fat she sat on my iPhone and made the iPad
my friend told me western people do not get offended by yo mama jokes right/
Not really, but people will call your maturity into question.
As I am doing now, hehe.
@Robusto That's going to require a revolution in fabric. "How do you like my new Kevlar pants?"
@TemporaryNickName What's your ethnicity?
Korean, why?
@TemporaryNickName I feel moved to invent a Korean "yo mamma" joke.
@MετάEd you mean those yo momma jokes are super funny?
Yo mamma so Korean, when they bury her they dug her up later and invent kimchi.
damn, you made me laugh in a classroom. I hate you
@TemporaryNickName I seem to recall that there are televised "yo mamma" competitions.
Yo mamma so Korean, bitch slap make her hungry.
Yo mamma so ugly, she spend weekend in bang-kok.
How am I doing.
lol, have you lived in Korea for few years or something?
I am merely crude and inventive.
As George Carlin said, this is what kept me out of the good schools.
Is yo mama joke pretty old and people think it's an old school now or still trendy?
The Dozens is a game of spoken words between two contestants, common in African-American communities, where participants insult each other until one gives up. It is customary for the Dozens to be played in front of an audience of bystanders, who encourage the participants to reply with more egregious insults to heighten the tension and consequently, to be more interesting to watch. Among African-Americans it is also known as "sounding", "joning", "woofing", "wolfing", "sigging", or "signifying", while the insults themselves are known as "snaps". The origin of the game is unclear, but it ...
It's been going on a long, long time.
Failed my biology test today, when they asked, "What is commonly found in cells?"
Apparently "black people" wasn't the correct answer.
@TemporaryNickName Ouch.
@TemporaryNickName That is terrible.
"What is commonly found in cells?" is a terrible question, too.
Any number of answers.
2 hours later…
hi guys, what are the older or traditional words for watching or looking with keenness?
@AnujKaithwas what are "older or traditional words"? watching in a thesaurus.
watch is both old and traditional (if by traditional you mean used by everyone)
How will you explain a database in three sentences to an eight-year-old kid?
because the eight-year old kid is quite serious about databases
explain what about databases?
just what database is
A database is a place where data is stored in and retrieved from.
if they don't know retrieved then you can say got back or some such synonym
Maybe something about it being relational, idk how to phrase it.
not all DB are relational
Maybe better to install Postgre and play around some?
you could call your HDD a database, if you liked, it's just not normally thought of as such
@MattЭллен nope
HDD is a file system
a file system is a database
I just said:
4 mins ago, by Matt Эллен
A database is a place where data is stored in and retrieved from.
you can do that with a file system
therefore a filesystem is a database
by the same token, a flat file is a database ;p
indeed, yes!
I am a database.
domo arigato mr database
Do nado, matto-san.
those who speak French: how many words in that video do you understand? or what percentage of them?
could you give a good transcription of the second half
it's such a good example of why I can't follow spoken French
are you speaking in french?
@Matt, let's talk in the blog room.
Q: If there are universal translators, how do people talk in other languages?

OghmaOsirisIn Star Trek, there are universal translators on the ship to make communications between the different species possible. But there are countless times when Klingons talk in Klingon and English, when Picard quotes French or Latin, when characters say a few lines here or there in some foreign tong...

i love this. a serious discussion of how a fictional convenience could work
it's a bit like asking how Superman could fly
...and back. And off again to get coffee.
that's gotta be worthy of a Twitter update
updates Twitter
did you do a back up first?
millions of people are pissed when Twitter crashes because of new update
@MattЭллен No.
Hang on, I'll reboot the universe again.
ah well. I'm sure they weren't using it for anything important
i no rite?
So stupid project lead immediately broke my code, just to prove it could be done.
great. what a guy
But I got him back by fixing and then telling him it was non-repro.
I'm such a bitch.
@Jez It's totally obvious how Superman could fly. He came from a planet with a red sun. QED
Morning @Rob.
so if people from earth go to planets with a blue sun, can they fly?
Hey, someone rebooted the universe while I was sleeping! Now all my work is lost!
Superman's planet must also have been completely asexual
@Robusto Sawree.
if i were superman on earth i'd just be getting laid all the time
@Jez If by asexual, you mean blown up, then yes.
Be nice to get a warning about universe reboots.
Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
@Jez If by "getting laid" you mean "jerking off at super speed" then yes.
that would be dangerous to life and limb
@Robusto you should follow @UniversalMaintenance
That reminds me of that Superman joke.
That reminds me of that superman jerk
I guess the whole Man of Steel thing would ensure Superman a career in gay porn.
considers this
could he move fast enough to perform anal on himself?
why would you need to move fast for that?
Philosophers have pondered this question for nanoseconds.
so he could get his own cock in his own arse
@MattЭллен We understand what anal means.
i'm still not seeing the speed of movement as a factor
Maybe he could, but then time would reverse.
@Jez erect penises are not particularly bendy
They pivot though.
That reminds me of a story about how I learned that erect penises are not particularly bendy.
wonders if @Kit can perform a vulvular trill
I have very little genital talent.
@Jez how are you imagining superman anally penetrating himself?
You have congenital defects?
i remember seeing somewhere a cartoon where a father is saying "i can't spank superman!" or something
now where did i see that?
truly bizarre
@MattЭллен OK, I have to veto this thread. No one cares if Superman can fuck himself in the ass.
I think Superman cares.
@KitFox goddamn you made me LOL
Victory! rests on laurels
My latest limerick is not about anal sex
@MattЭллен You should stick with your strengths.
@MattЭллен Nice. One of my favorites so far.
@Robusto then how would my weaks get strengther?
It would take mounths for that.
@KitFox No, no, not Brother. You're thinking of that, uh, alternative word for alternative that I just can't remember.
OK, for the record: As fast as Superman could move his dick forward, his ass would follow just as fast. So, no, Superman can't fuck himself in the ass. no matter how many people tell him to.
@MετάEd No, no, not other. You're thinking of those adorably playful aquatic mammals.
Man of Steel, Woman of Tissue Paper: a Tragedy.
tell me those comics weren't created by perverts
@KitFox No, no, not otters. You're thinking of where the Limits are.
@Robusto but could he move so fast that his cock was moving forwards and backwards at the same time?
@MattЭллен That sounds like any standard definition of wanking.
@MετάEd No, no, not outer. It's that bellybutton type.
No, no, not outie. You're thinking of that lip type.
Wow. I didn't think I'd be into ASMR roleplay, but this is good.
@KitFox I know, right?
I think those comics were created by Aquaman.
so soothing
Interesting transcript ^
@MετάEd No, no, not pouty. You're thinking of that baseball player.
chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/9107306#9107306 gives a new meaning to "buns of steel"
Mmmmmh... that baseball player...
@KitFox No, no, not Al Kaline?
You have no idea how stale my baseball knowledge is.
Outie like Gaudi?
Never heard it?
OK, then something else.
no no, not babe ruth. You're thinking of the pig from the Dick King Smith book
Gaudi? We have a pro ball player named Gaudi?
No, no, not Gaudi. You're thinking of that peace activist.
No, no, not Gandhi. You're confusing him with that guy who played Gandhi.
Ben Queensley.
Sorry, I mistyped. Queenslay.
No, no, not Queensley. You're thinking of that highway.
No, you're thinking of the Queens sleigh.
Gah. This roleplay is making me want a haircut.
My wife is getting one, should she take one for you?
That's be nice. Thanks.
Will she get me some highlights too?
She says, only seven left.
I'll never make it in time.
it's even further than Galway
Gah, lost another supporter. WTF.
And no, @Rob, not the athletic one.
I tried to talk my husband into having our date night in Oxford, but our tax return wasn't big enough.
@KitFox You could settle for Oxford, Mississippi.
@RegDwighт How are you losing supporters?
No idea.
I'm omnipotent. I can lose stuff noöne else can.
I wonder if you got any from my referrals. I had a surprising number of likes on it.
Yeah I noticed the likes, but most supporters come from my social hacking.
That's quite typically Facebook.
I've seen projects on the official LEGO page that get OVER 9000 likes but only a couple supports.
The likes? On my FB? Are you stalking me?
No, it's on the project page.
I suppose they are linked somehow, no?
I don't get Facebook.
Well then.
Well. I don't think so.
And here I thought FB stood for Fuck Buddy.
I have 19 likes and 3 twats.
One of the twats is mine.
My only twat ever.
So, um. Noöne is ever getting to see it.
Speaking of fuck buddy, so my girlfriend was busy the last time I called her, but didn't offer an alternative get-together time.
What does that mean?
Is she out of the country, travelling?
She's been gone for over 9000 months, and texted me when she got home and was all like "let's get together, I miss u."
has she taken a job in a different state?
Twist: she will suddenly call you but this time you won't have time.
Hardly a twist. More like exactly the thing I do when I'm mad.
But the viewers don't know that.
Suspense. Tension. Drama.
This is why I can't stand having relationships with women.
maybe she was distracted by a kitten
Kittens are the worst.
teken r jarbs n stealin r wimin
@KitFox the missing screws are, um, missing.
@RegDwighт yoink
Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitteh.
That's my new favorite.
Yeah that one's known.
I'm not dead
@RegDwighт I know. It was contextually appropriate.
more like kamoflage kitteh
@MattЭллен context? You typed this into the wrong window or what? Try the command line.
@RegDwighт I can see the ninja kitteh. I'm not dead
I am not familiar with that meme.
And I can't read what's in the image.
@RegDwighт it's written just below the picture kit just posted
Then my preemptive disclaimer was right on the money.
I only know urtext. Urdad would be Adam.
I need earbuds. My massive headphonic rig pushes my glasses around and then I can't listen to the Waterwhispers for hours.
@KitFox travesty!
That haircut one was very soothing though.
I quite enjoyed the cranial nerve exam
Maybe I'll check it out later.
I...totally busted.
climbs out of rabbit hole
Haha. But I prefer the actual video.
@MattЭллен Are you...um...doing a breast self-exam?
@KitFox dancing :D
raises roof
> isent this the place that is agenst whatever the people are in PORTAL?
YouTube comments melting my brain
I tried not to look...
I love being kitted in the morn.
This is the third week in a row that they said it would rain on Monday but we have instead received double-digit numbers of inches of new snow. This year’s April has been more like a normal year’s February. I guess it makes up for last year, when March was more like May or even June.
The last regeneration of The Doctor was definitely the best one.
the Tennant -> Smith transition scene itself?
I loved David Tennant's Doctor, but Matt Smith's is more interesting to me.
More nuanced.
yeah. he seems more light hearted than Tennant
The only doctor I have seen is 9. How do you feel about 9?
less a recovering soldier
Nine was Eccelston?
tries to do math
@Mahnax yeah, I liked him
@KitFox Yes.
Oh, that time already?
I liked him as the first one back, but I was glad he only stayed a season.
Bus bus bus. Bye!
there's not a lot to go on, only having one season
He was broodier.
Matt Smith is more adventurous and also more dangerous feeling.
yeah. he bounds into situations :D
Like Tigger.
With teeth.
He's all cheery and then you cross him and he's like "I fucking cut you, bitch!"
Still, I really loved David Tennant.
He was more of a soul-wrestler.
And they darkened him up nicely as they advanced the arc toward The Master storyline.
Matt Smith reminds me of a goofy guy I used to know.
I mean, in the generic sense.
A little bit of everydork, but with cachet.
I mean, the bowtie. What a perfect expression of his nature.
Raggedy Doctor.
I like the new companion, too
I'm intrigued to find out how she keeps coming back
I haven't seen any past season...
Um. 6?
None of the new season. The wedding of River Song was the last one I watched.
Oh, no, I saw the Christmas special too.
which special is that?
the Narinia one?
or the one after?
The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe.
@MattЭллен Yeah.
ah, yeah
But I have to wait for season 7 to show up on Netflix.
checks Not yet. Probably not until September.
BBC America is a thing. Can you get that? Is Season 7 Part 2 on there?
You can watch it for $1.99 per ep on Amazon: amazon.com/gp/product/B00951A73A/…
or $2.99 in HD
or, y'know, be partient. But that is soooo hard!
Yeah, we could stream it via some other thing on the PS3, but that's dangerous.
Because then we could also buy all of the Clone Wars episodes.
And we really don't need to be spending money on TV.
tries not to look at spoilers

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