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Who is that?
‘Cascadia’, the rainforest in Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, the Alaska Panhandle. I forget how far north the totem poles go.
Aren't they all in musea?
> Basically, because law enforcement believes it needs to build a much bigger haystack as it searches for needles, we're handing other countries a key selling point in setting up services to compete with US services: "you can't trust any service based in the US, because it's subject to government surveillance." ... I've seen a number of companies lately who advertise the fact that they're not based in the US to suggest that they're more secure and can keep your data private.
This is true. There was this small scandal recently when the Dutch Government was going to buy some database software for medical information from an American company, but it was all over the news that American companies cannot be trusted, because of the Patriot Act and other laws.
@Cerberus I'm currently looking for a good EU-based e-mail provider with similar storage capacity to Gmail.
@TRiG Good for you. As an alternative, you could use encrypted e-mail through Gmail.
You and the other person would need a browser plug-in, I think.
To be honest, I never bothered to look around for other e-mail providers.
Q: Detect similarity of two sentence

roostaI want to compute similarity of sentence 1 and 2. Two sentence are: 1- "A mathematician found a solution to the problem." 2- "The problem was solved by a young mathematician." I can use tagger,stemmer,parser but I don't know how detect these sentences are similar. please help me.

I hate those questions.
Computer people are usually very naïve about natural language.
And just because they have learned to use a few NLP tools, they think they can do anything.
I suppose they cannot be blamed.
natural language... I'm sure there's a regex for English
I try not to come off as irritated.
Sure there is.
@MattЭллен there is. On this very site.
It's .* => An utterance.
You don't remember that one guy?
He caused quite an uproar.
Ron Maimon?
He would post funny stuff for several days on end.
Who? Ron?
He was equally crazy on Ling.
@MattЭллен yeah perhaps. Don't remember the name. But it had an M in it.
or someone else? I don't remember anyone else
@Cerberus okay then that's the one.
He was good entertainment
It must have been Ron.
He's not all bad, but he lacked certain redeeming qualities.
Such as moderation.
a better physicist than any physicist
And humility.
that's what he said!
I know.
A: Is there an EBNF that covers all of English

Ron MaimonThe answer is best approximated as "yes", although there are some strictly non-context free components of English. The approximation of saying "English grammar is context free" is more true than false, in that the vast majority of the sentences you will encounter will be parsable by a simple EBNF...

Why didn't I downvote that?
Translating the EBNF grammar into a regex I will gladly leave as an excercise to the reader.
@RegDwighт Depends what one means by “regex”. You can do recursive-descent parsing with modern patterns, because the AⁿBⁿ restriction does not apply here as it does to the original regular expression definition related to regular formal languages. However, that doesn’t mean you should do so, and in fact, you really should not.
i'm allowed to discuss something off topic
but something that is worth getting a second opinion from some of sites senior memebers
i have some interesting thing to talk / share
its regarding to what i call the most prolific pedophilic image of united states president
its DICK Cheney.
here is the picture
i won't go on disclosing any links between this pics, and cathy o brien CIA torture and mind control program mk ultra survivor
but this pictures speak for itself ; just have a look at the young child sitting on earth
and to its NE DIRECTION 20 degree to N; you see the reason why his first name is dick
but there are some bizarre controversies and relationships associated with this picture
the correlation is mind blogging
@Saladin How many chat rooms do you intend to visit and post that?
well only stack exchange
one was politics
but the room is dead
i don't need to visit the room as such i mean its all over GOOGLE
but usually the old forums has it not new
since we can talk about every nic n corner of whatever living and non living exists in this world but sometimes i feel the big , real and important stuff gets left out
i don't want to troll on this
i just need your opinion
Is there a specific statement you wish to make? Could you do it in a single line, please?
well its hard @Cerberus it really is
Because I was just about to post a very important cat video.
first is this picture then its cathy o brien
@Cerberus sounds more important than incoherent Cheney rant
@Saladin Remember how we agreed on your doing it in a single line? If you have more text, put it on an external page, then link to it from the single line granted to you.
@MattЭллен I should think so.
well i don't want to link it
its like racy and controversial stuff
i don't want this
So we have seen.
i just want users to google cathy o brien dick chenny
its all there
This is hardly a single line. I'm trying to be flexible here, but...
how did she narrated and found out this intimate part of him is really bizarre and shocking
ok wait
I understand the title of this chat room may be perplexing, but it should not be confused with the Elderly Porn Room.
its not porn when its done by united state government
i mean right by the president
just search dick chenny
in this article
my single line question now is? Does democracy actually exists?
@Saladin No.
You could have posted all that in a single line. Now I can't look at it any more, it's too late.
How about a funny photocopier scene, then? It's only 20 seconds anyway.
@Cerberus Oh I have just the right video for you.
or its just a book of lines coz if 1 single bit of it has ever existed i expect a high national level inquiry which includes members of media, public servants top lawyers to investigate this claims
Do you, now?
The title really says it all.
i mean people / senate guys are busy approving bills for sodomy and animal sex for army units
but NOT this; this allegations is not important
@RegDwighт Haha perfect! That poor dog is trapped in a cat's body.
i think if we don't respond to this ; this i think the guys at white house have achieved their purpose which is MIND CONTROL; feeding too much noise so the reality get blurred
or not significant to talk about
We already know American politics are crewed up. But you should have presented your stuff differently.
like differently
truth is truth it cannot be expressed diferently
it should be seeked
and seeked...
and yeah english is not my first language
You're posting too many lines.
so i got probs wiht that
i'm just thinking of valis now :)
Poor man, he's about to be killed by a giant purple unicorn!
poor horselover fat...
@JosephWeissman Is this what philosophy teaches one?
@RegDwighт Naaah Aedia wouldn't do that.
well, valis is semi-autobiographical, right? horselover fat IS phillip k dick (phillip ~ horses; dick is fat in german i think)...
And she's hardly giant!
VALIS is a 1981 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The title is an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System, Dick's gnostic vision of one aspect of God. It is the first book in the VALIS trilogy of novels including The Divine Invasion (1981), and the unfinished The Owl in Daylight. Together with Dick's last book, The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (1982) (thematically related to the unfinished trilogy and included in several omnibus editions of the trilogy as a stand-in for the unwritten final volume), VALIS represents Dick's last major work before he died. Radio Free ...
@JosephWeissman Dick is indeed fat in German!
Hmm I had never heard of VALIS.
it's pretty dark, even for PKD. but definitely recommended reading
@Cerberus I did say a, not the.
@RegDwighт Then ask Lawler about articles!
I was just exchanging thoughts with him about them.
This time, I don't even disagree with his approach a lot.
You must be ill.
@RegDwighт If you look closely at the magenta star pattern on his forehead, it seems clear that our resident magenta unicorn is responsible for that.
> ... but dies after a laser accident.
@RegDwighт I, or he, or one has infected the other.
alternate shots of the crime scene:
That one went straight to the eye.
Quentin Tarantino must be responsible for this shot.
in C# on Stack Overflow Chat, 40 secs ago, by Tom W
They also work on cats! http://i.imgur.com/27z5C49.gif
for you cat lovers^
That is the first fascinating thing that's really fascinating.
Are you a cat-person?
I am a Cat Stevens person.
noooooo... (endless scream)
That was pretty short for something endless.
it still hurts
I think there was a Swedish guy who translated manga who went to trial for something similar, dunno if he was convicted.
Chat is a French cat.
renard is fox I think
This is why there are so many cat pix in chat.
Oh mon dieu ! Cerveau = explosé !
Never thought of that
Moi non plus.
What is owl in French?
@RegDwighт Oh deer.
@JohanLarsson la chouette.
@tchrist moi sais, droit ?
What is that free doc sharing site @Cerberus and others keep using?
Or perhaps I'll just use imgur...
what are you sharing?
Right, pastebin was the name I think.
(for cat lovers)
(for lovers)
(for glovers)
He's too old for this shit.
(for cat puzzlers)
Slow jinx.
Johan already posted that.
Sorry, what's the cool lingo? Oh yeah, retwitted.
I even went to that C++ room to star the original.
I mean, come on, C++! You know! Like, omg!
Poor kitty.
> ...humour is usually banned from this kind of discussions because the subject matter is too often deemed too serious. For Cleese this is a grave mistake, one that stems from conflating "serious" with "solemn". Serious matters, according to Cleese, can be handled with a lot of humour and laughter and yet not lose one bit of their importance, while solemnity on the other hand serves no purpose other than being pompous and serving the ego of the self-indulgent.
Take this, PC people!
Take this, Mac people!
Oh and you Xbox blokes over there take it too.
but is Cleese humor? Is he fun?
I can rhyme cover and rougher, right?
Cleese is funnier than some of the others.
@MattЭллен sure if you're from Edinbra.
well, I'm sure someone is, so that's good enough
British English has so many dialects that you can rhyme anything with anything, pretend that there is at least one dialect in which it's actually true, and be right.
good plan :D
@MattЭллен Define rhyme.
@tchrist my gosh. I can't actually put the thought into words
Those two vowels are the same in my dialect, but probably are not so in all of them.
that pleasant way words sound the same?
Plus the voicing differs.
Eating an orange
while making love
makes for bizarre enj-
oyment thereof.
Now that's what I call an enj- / ambment! — RegDwighт Oct 8 '10 at 14:18
@tchrist yeah, the f/v is what makes it slightly off. but it'll do
Shimmering and glimmering rhyme (femininely), but shimmering and glittering do not.
Do you own An Ode Less Travelled?
oh! exciting
Recommended (by me).
starred then
all useful links should be styarred imo
@MattЭллен It’s imperfect due to the consonants, but likely good enough. You can’t always have perfect rhymes, and perhaps even should not—depending.
But I can see one or another UK accent that rounds one of those vowels and not the other. Nothing to be done with that, though.
Ken ye the rhyme to grasshopper?
Ken ye the rhyme to grasshopper?
A hempen rein, a horse o’ tree,
A psalm-book, and a Presbyter.
See? That one works just fine.
And it’s imperfect.
@MattЭллен Slightly...
I think my tiredness stopped me from just going with it. But I've decided that I'll ignore my doubts
You know about rhymezone.com right?
oh yes
and plenty of others
I was there before I came here
Just don’t rhyme cover with other, guvnor. :)
Unless you’re emulating how dose ovver people talk.
welll... :D it was an option I was considering
A hempen rein.
Well, on these note I shal be off to sleep. Thanks for your help
Good night, y'all
> Porringer . . . and gave the Prince of Orange her.
Hey, I know that line.
Figures you would know Oranger stuff.
Andrew Lang reprinted the rhyme, and observation from Hogg, in one of his “The (color) Fairy”-tale books.
The latter is written in Scots, often enough, which is a barrier to understanding for many of us.
Ae stride or twa took the silly auld carle,
And a gude lang stride took he :
'I trow thou be a feck auld carle,
Will ye shaw the way to me ? '
Some of those are nice.
@Mitch I think Community is FICA's brother.
Does the search on this site work for you?
No, 404 Not Found.
@Cerberus no.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 haha!
Actually I don't get it.
@Mitch that guy who gets a cut of your paycheck.
What the... that's not right!
He shouldn't be hiding behind a bunch of letters.
I agree.
A proper name would be a better PR move.
Language is just a way of hiding your true feelings.
Like this FICA bastard.
/'fika/ is German for "fucker".
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 OK thanks.
@RegDwighт So many fours and twos...I would have expected more threes.
Three has become the de-facto standard here, although one and two are also used.
Never four or five.
Perhaps somewhere far away in the country.
Do not come to America. All anyone will ever do is slap you.
That's nice for a change. If they don't shoot you.
Why slap?
What's the normal number of kisses between friends?
Wouldn’t you slap somebody who grabbed your crotch?
It’s that kind of greeting to us.
That only ever happened to me in Turkey.
I was merely shocked. Why should I care.
You just don’t go around kissing like that.
People would find you really offensive.
And you would likely get slapped by not a few of them.
I don't think you understand.
This is between friends of the other sex.
Or between girls.
Between men, it's complex.
Men. shrugs
If I were a girl, and some guy tried to kiss me, I’d slap him.
It just Is Not Done.
Ask around — you’ll see.
Some countries make war, not love.
@tchrist I have to say I don't believe that.
I have to say I'm tired and must be off.
It's not instead of handshaking.
Good night, owl!
@Cerberus Hahahahhahah
I kiss a couple of my male friends, but not most. With women it's the other way round.
Of course older people kiss less.
@RegDwighт Same here.
How many times?
Does the number depend on the sex at all?
Ouvert et haut ! Bisou !
“How many kisses do two Norwegians give each other?”
None, what are you some kinda perv!?
@RegDwighт One last question!
How many times?
We do not do it. Honest.
@RegDwighт Haha thanks!
And it is super weirdo to us.
Proof or it didn't happen.
> Social kisses that are cross-cultural can be even more complicated. Ef Rodriguez, a social media strategist in Boulder, Colo., recently moved to Amsterdam with his wife and went on an outing with his wife’s Dutch cousins.
From here
You guys are complete freaks to us.
Keep your tongues on the other side of the world where they belong.
Not all over our kissers.
I would be offended if somebody “offered me their cheek” demanding a kiss, and I would be even more offended if they swooped in for the smooch. Harsh words would be spoken. Or worse.
That would get you lynched in Iowa or Idaho.
Or Indiana.
@tchrist Haha I was just copying that.
Such a coincidence that both our cities should be confronted with one another in this anecdote.
I absolutely do not kiss anyone, irrespective of gender or sexual orientation, when I greet them. Nor am I ever confronted with it. It simply Does Not Happen.
@Cerberus one person says it and they're a weirdo.
two people say it and...
Damned sybaritic ickiness.
What’s next? Isn’t it bonobos who greet each other with blow jobs?
Americans don't do the 'bisou'. family members (of opposite or female) sex might hug (OK, probably just female). No one does the cheek kiss thing.
@tchrist Not even your mother?
No, you do not kiss your mother. You hug her. What are you, some kind of perv?
In the bible, strange men would greet each other by grasping each other's 'thigh'.
@Mitch A hug without a kiss?
@Cerberus you definitely hug your mother.
@Mitch I believe this practice still exists in certain Spanish regions.
but cheek kissing isn't done. Maybe weirdo's in New York City.
A hug without a kiss?
@Mitch It appears that they do that in Amsterdam, too.
@Cerberus I wouldn't know about that.
I must say I hate all the kissing.
Slippery slope.
A hug without a kiss is weird.
resolves to keep always at least one ocean between us
A kiss leaves more distance between you and her.
Straight men normally don't kiss here, unless they're very good friends.
In the US guys will only shake hands first time if they are strangers. If friends no. If the men are friends but haven't seen each other in a long time, they will shake hands or maybe even a 'bro hug'.
Friends don't shake hands?
@Cerberus lip kisses in the US are reserved only for intimates
@Cerberus A kiss leaves negative distance. You just do not do that kinda weirdo invasive icky crap here.
@Mitch Do you also live in the country?
Apparently it is more common in American cities.
I live in a city of over 100,000 people. Get it straight.
It's all the same to me. I would rather do nothing, except with people I'm really close with and that I haven't seen for a while.

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