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He's a cobber.
man's best cobber. in triplicate
What bugs me is when I get flags for "very low quality" from a user, and they haven't edited it.
well, clicking on "I agree" is easier than clicking on the post and editing it
Turn that g into an f and you'll have ... flowers.
although I can't remember what the auto-low quality queue looks like...
I'm practicing my glowering.
My head hurts this morning.
offers virtual analgesics
Maybe too much glowering.
I couldn't swipe my card at the pump.
stupid technology. making life harder
I think you've got to have $100 in your account in order to use the debit function.
I dunno. It annoyed me this morning. Made me late.
It's lucky they don't do that here, or students would never have any money
of course, students don't understand what overdraft means either. they just think it's free money
No, I mean to swipe with debit at the pump.
I can still access the money.
so not use your debit card in general
@KitFox Why I use Mobil EZ Pass.
I seem to always forget not to choose debit.
@Robusto I don't use any kind of credit card anymore. Just a Kohl's charge.
That doesn't work with gas.
hiya @Reg :D
@Robusto so you're saying that...
@RegDwighт Yes! That's it exactly!
Okay, but you know, rather than saying it, you could sing it.
And the room comes alive!
You're a lazor.
That's like lazy but as an agent noun. The technical term for that being litotes.
Possibly the lazorest man in all of the Los Angeles area, which would make me high in the running for lazorest worldwide.
I forget how much I want Kylie.
@MattЭллен helloes. I hope you have been pointed out by Cerberus how hideous London is. If not, let me point out to you how hideous London is. Thank you.
@KitFox I could remind you. For three thousand dollars.
Hey, I didn't know they had five Kylie Minogues. Where do they store them?
I wish she could kick higher. That would make it easier.
@KitFox K for Kylie, K for Kit, QED.
@RegDwighт I do recall that from the transcripts. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll be sure to let Boris know.
Awww, she spoiled it by speaking French ...
@Robusto they are Kylie Minogues, not Michael Jordans. So they can easily be stored in a single Michael Jordan shoe.
@RegDwighт Ah, haven't seen you in this chat for 9000 years!
@JacobBlack Your count is off by over.
I have one more episode left in Season 1 of Breaking Bad, by the way.
So do I.
Well, get watching, the both of ya.
Plus the first half of the second season.
We watched two last night.
@Robusto I am waiting some more. Nothing worse than having to watch one episode at a time.
@KitFox Not choosing debit is the same as choosing debt.
We looked at each other at one point and said "I'm beginning to suspect that the show is not really about cooking meth."
Then we laughed.
@reg What happened to you? Are you going to delete your account too?
Not choosing debil is the same as choosing cretin.
I know, right? They should release them all at once, like on Blu-Ray or DVD ... oh wait, they did for seasons 1-4.
@tchrist No, it isn't.
@JacobBlack no, I am going to delete yours. Oh wait...
The mechanism accesses my account differently.
@KitFox If you rack up charges on your credit card, your debt goes up.
I don't have a credit card.
@tchrist If you pay off your credit cards every month, you get the float on your money.
Because you still owe the money and have not yet paid it.
7 mins ago, by KitFox
@Robusto I don't use any kind of credit card anymore. Just a Kohl's charge.
@Robusto don't forget the chicken on the float.
@KitFox Right, I understand. If you don’t choose debit, it takes a few days to be processed.
If you pin it, it is immediate.
@tchrist No, it doesn't work like that.
@RegDwighт is that chicken surrounded by icecream?
@RegDwighт Whoa, an ice cream float with chicken? You expatriate Russkies sure have some weird tastes.
@MattЭллен it can be anything! This is the Internet.
Mine works like that. I thought all debit cards did.
sounds good
Ice floes with poulet?
@Robusto I invoke rule seven through thirty-three.
@Robusto It’s cause they have a cultural aversion to root beer.
Many unAmericans do.
@tchrist If you run it as debit, it places a hold on funds in your account prior to dispensing the fuel. If you run it as credit, the hold goes on after dispensing fuel.
Root beer is best served with ice cream.
Did you realize how Unamerican it is to be Unamerican? Think about it.
@RegDwighт Tell it to HUAC.
@RegDwighт Dude. You're messing with my head.
@RegDwighт is EL&U the home od neo-Mcarthyist dogma?
@JacobBlack Roots, dude, roots. It’s beer for roots. Like rutabagas.
@Robusto what is that? I know Al Pacino kept calling for them in Cent of a Woo Man, but it was never made clear who they were.
House Un-American Activities Committee.
Have you no shame?
@KitFox Interesting. I wonder if mine does that, too, and I just didn’t understand.
Dr. House Un-American Activities?
Have you no sense of decency?
The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives. It was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Nazi ties. In 1969, the House changed the committee's name to "House Committee on Internal Security". When the House abolished the committee in 1975, its functions were transferred to the House Judiciary Committee. The committee's anti-Communist investigations are often confused with ...
HUAC really exists!
@KitFox I have seven senses. None of them of decency.
@KitFox He’s our docent in residence.
@JacobBlack It just has a different name now, like the Inquisition.
I never met a decent docent.
So okay, Hugh Laurie is Unamerican. But we already knew that.
@Robusto Stop hanging out at bathhouses then.
@RegDwighт As unAmerican as Stephen Hawking
Well, I hang out whenever I'm nude. It's unavoidable.
Stephen Hawking uses American publishing houses. Not very unamerican of him. He could do better.
Winter is coming.
> Senator, may we not drop this? We know he belonged to the Lawyers Guild. Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
@tchrist Winter isn't even breathing hard.
It's like 12 centigrades here. Will be 16 tomorrow.
Vuhginyuh’s gettin’ twelve inches.
She should stop complaining.
Will be sixteen tomorrow.
She will.
16’ll getcha 20.
Seven to the eleven.
It's a bingo, actually.
Winner, winner, chicken-and-ice-cream-float dinner!
Wiener, wiener.
chicken dinar
@RegDwighт Leave your Herz allein.
Pytor, Pytor, Pomme qui ni terre.
@MattЭллен Sorry, only tögrögs accepted here.
how about just grog?
Sorry, no anagram available for tögrögs.
@tchrist Will you ever change your default purple?
@KitFox qu'est-ce que c'est que cette langue?
Which is more likely to make my headache go away: yogurt or coffee?
@JacobBlack You prefer some other purple?
but not by much
@KitFox Heroin yoghurt.
water would work better than either
@tchrist Nah, anyway, purple is the most ugly colour to me.
@JacobBlack That’s queer.
@Robusto there is an anagram available for tögrögs. For many tögrögs, though. The inflation is awful.
@RegDwighт It is the first line from a book of weird poems written in French that when read aloud sound like English nursery rhymes with a French accent.
@Robusto Heroine yoghurt is better.
Except it's "Pis terre, pis terre..."
Piss on the earth?
@KitFox oh! I get it now :D
Well it is a French hobby of sorts.
And good wool to men.
I happen to understand what Reg and Robusto just said, I am not so slow today...
In honor of @RegDwighт's Ali-like return to the ring.
the only other part I remember is "pomme qui n'eschelle"
@JacobBlack no, you happen to imagine that you understand what we just said. And that is like nothing new.
Vanity, vanity.
@Robusto guess how much of it I am allowed to watch in my cuntry.
@JacobBlack Some of us are confident in our fake identities. We don't have to change them constantly.
@RegDwighт Hmm ... the ad?
You can win seven tögrögs.
@Robusto wrong! Not even an ad!
@RegDwighт What a loser country.
Lozer. We uze American spelling.
@RegDwighт That's loser spelling, not American spelling.
That's looser spelling.
@JacobBlack Coming from you that means a lot.
> In bold, broad strokes we have here a magnificent portrait of the thrifty, cautious French farmer.
Come on Jackie, spell the beans.
@KitFox Hmm, I'd like to boldly stroke a broad. You can keep the thrifty French farmer.
A loaf of broad.
@KitFox That is weird. I looked at the others, too.
@KitFox he wrote in Comic Sans in 1906. I hate him.
sighs And here I was thinking it would be right up your alley.
Now I understand whence the name of the font.
His poem was not comic at all.
I forgot the name of the book was Mots d'Heures: Gousses, Rames.
@KitFox The graffiti in @Reg’s alley is in Comic Sans? Well, most of them are.
@KitFox I don't understand a word. He should have wroted in Polish.
Anyway, my soup is ready and willing to be consumed.
So, disco on, discors!
@RegDwighт You are supposed to read them aloud and think English.
That's right. Light up a room and leave.
Tell Steve Buschemi "hi!"
@Robusto you asked for it.
I could have darkened the room instead.
@Robusto I am still here.
Or used some LEGO lights.
@RegDwighт Who says you can't do both? Try hyperthreading.
Dark Was the Night is the twentieth compilation release benefiting the Red Hot Organization, an international charity dedicated to raising funds and awareness for HIV and AIDS. Featuring exclusive recordings by a number of independent artists and production by Aaron and Bryce Dessner of The National, the compilation was released on 16 February 2009 (UK) and 17 February (US) as a double CD, three vinyl LPs, or as a digital download. John Carlin, the founder of the Red Hot Organization, was the executive producer for the album. The title is derived from the Blind Willie Johnson song "Dar...
@KitFox I was wrong. There are unpardonable offenses in chat.
@KitFox Looks a little like you.
@KitFox too much to ask for before dinner. I'll try again later.
@RegDwighт Why are you eating dinner in the morning? Must be some Commie time-zone trick.
@KitFox how is babby done, um, debby boone?
@RegDwighт Reminds me of Chicago’s Red Hot Association for the Defense of 100% Pure Beef Vienna Sausages.
@Robusto it is actually breakfast.
@RegDwighт A chicken and ice cream float? For breakfast?
@Robusto I prefer supper-food for breakfast, actually.
On the raft. With Huck Finn.
@MattЭллен The guy in front looks like Donny.
It helps the clean up from last night.
Mmm. Cranberry and flaxseed oatmeal with banilla yogurt.
Well Fuck Hinn.
I am off to the kitchenmobile.
@JacobBlack well spotted.
@KitFox Is banilla banana vanilla?
Get thee to a summary.
@JacobBlack Yes.
It won't be summery for several months, my precis.
Wouldst thou be an eater of dinners?
It was 63 on Saturday last.
I won't be 63 for quite a while yet.
Happy birthday, then.
I'll let you know when it happens. But there might not even be an EL&U by then.
Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday.
There, now you are 63.
Uh. No.
@tchrist You type very fast.
Hi @KitFox
Hi @MattЭллен
Hi @Sudhir.
@JacobBlack Closet francophone!
@KitFox : I hope you're doing well.
@tchrist: While conversing with my friend he said " Did you called me yesterday"?
I think its incorrect
What you say?
There is a bug. If you go to the users page, do you see the "all" slightly higher than the others?
The others being week, month, quarter and year.
@JacobBlack Neigh.
@JacobBlack I do not
Oh man, this is one of the strange things that only I see.
@MattЭллен: What you say?
It's only on ELU, not the other sites that I see this.
I think it should be " Did you call me yesterday"?
@Sudhir yes. that is correct.
@Sudhir Yes, that is right.
But searching on Google I was shocked
@Sudhir The corresponding sentence would be "You called me yesterday" or "You did call me yesterday" for emphasis.
you should put "safe search" on then!
@Sudhir Never search on google for such things.
@MattЭллен: What Safe search does?
@Sudhir Joke.
stop you being shocked :D
@JacobBlack pix or it dint happin
@Sudhir Joke.
When I see peculiar usage I always wonder
it hides unpalatable things in the Google Image Search
@tchrist Ah well, I don't like to upload pics in this chat!
/ignore help-vampire
@JacobBlack I cannot imagine why not. :)
@JacobBlack It isn’t yours we have to fear, you know, but mine own.
@tchrist Ah, no need to add smilie. =)
@MattЭллен: See no. of hits.
"Did you called me"
@Sudhir Well, there are all sorts of typos on google, so not a good idea for a learner to check that.
Did you call me
Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, / Cheep cheep cheep, talk a lot, pick a little more.
that's a lot of people being wrong
@Sudhir That's just wrong, end of story.
@tchrist No Music Man references in chat, or you'll have trouble right here in River City.
@Robusto I was Prof Harold Hill, you do realize.
My friend started arguing by showing no of hits.
@tchrist Good night, ladies ...
@Sudhir That's no argument at all.
Merrily, aye.
@JacobBlack: Thanks
@MattЭллен: Thanks
no problem
I later won an extemp variety show doing the Trouble with a Capital T pattersong. I don’t recall it all now. The lead-in went over very well.
You know I feel ashamed by committing silly errors.
@Sudhir No need to feel ashamed learning a language.
@JacobBlack: I just started learning the effulgent trait of this wonderful language (English).
@Sudhir I don't know the word effulgent.
I have an extremely small vocabulary as the others in this chat know.
It means brilliant.
According to testyourvocab.com, I only know about 18,000 words.
@JacobBlack: You're native speaker of English?
@Sudhir Well, perhaps.
I love the person.
The test takes only 5 minutes.
Okay. I'll try.
I try myself to speak with a speaker of English so that he can point my grammatical errors.
I loved the way in which they construct the sentence.
@JacobBlack: Mine is 9,540 words.
less than you.
@Sudhir OK. Soon you will know more than me if you keep reading.
Yes, I read as much as I can.
This test changes words on different no of attempts?
@Sudhir I think the words change, yes.
My native language is Hindi.
@Sudhir Well enough. I have a headache. How are you?
I was very weak in English in my academics.
I'm fine.@KitFox
What should I do to improve it?
@JacobBlack: Preposition always bites me.
@Sudhir You should keep reading, and also participate on ELL.
@JacobBlack" I need to practise" is wrong?
@Sudhir I think it is fine.
It should be " Practice".
@Sudhir Depends on whether you are using BrE or AmE.
Indians follows BrE
So you should use practise for the verb and practice for the noun.
In BrE.
You known any site?
Site for what?
@JacobBlack No future for you in word porn.
It's not the size of your vocabulary. It's how you use it.
@KitFox: "Why are you making noise" or "Why you are making noise"?
Which one is correct?
It always confuses me.
@Sudhir "Why are you making noise"
So today's Word of the Day from wordsmith.org is "polylemma": a choice involving multiple undesirable options (i.e. a dilemma with more than two bad choices)
I think I hate that word almost as much as I hate the word "dramadey"
@KitFox That's what small-vocab people say. That's why you see them responding to those vocab-enlargement ads.
@Sudhir I don't know. It just sounds awful to me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That pretty much describes every choice you ever make. Many ways to fuck up, very few to get it right.
I'd rather just extend the word "dilemma" to allow more than two choices. It doesn't matter how many choices you have if they're all bad. Anyway you always have more than two choices.
"The secret librarians hate: How to enlarge your vocabulary without surgery or pills."
@MattЭллен Noticeable results in six weeks!
@Robusto Yes. But the implication is supposed to be that no reasonable choice lets you get it right.
"All Natural D1ct10n4ry 0xf0rd W3bst3rs C4mbr1dg3 delivered to your door"
What's wrong with "no good choice" or "no good option"? Fuck polylemma. All that does is get people arguing about a stupid word: bikeshedding the issue when they should be concentrating on the real problem.
@Robusto meta bikeshedding?
Meta is the aptheosis of bikeshedding.
Here is the dilemma: if you use dilemma to mean more than two bad choices, people like Cerb will get their panties in a bunch. On the other hand, if you use the word polylemma, you are being a pedantic snob, and some people won't even understand it.

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