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Women being extorted by means of a friend's naked pictures to provide the extortionist with naked pictures of themselves.
'Ello guys
I know you missed me
I have a question:
"(Before we could travel abroad), we had to get our passports"?
What verb does it describe? (the clause)
I don't understand.
What is "describe"?
What verb does the adverbial subordinate clause modify?
Depends on your model. Traditionally, it modifies the main verbal phrase of the main clause.
So had to get.
But it is perhaps better to say that it modifies the main clause as a whole.
It describes the time at which we had to get our passports took place.
Yes, which is what I am confused about
I am sure my teacher wants something specific but I can't tell what
If he/she asks for a verb, I would give the verbal phrase had to get.
OK, thank you.
Good luck!
1 hour later…
@RegDwighт That one is easy:
macbook# perl -le 'print chr(8203)' | uniquote -v
@RegDwighт The thing that nobody remembers is that it is a non-whitespace control character, not a whitespace character.
macbook# uniprops --perl --negated 'ZERO WIDTH SPACE'
    \pC \p{Cf}
    \W \S \D \H \V
I’d’ve said it was being used as a ZWNJ-type thing, but that occurs earlier in the string.
`macbook# uniprops 'ZERO WIDTH SPACE'  'ZWNJ'
    \pC \p{Cf}
    All Any Assigned InGeneralPunctuation C Other Case_Ignorable CI Cf Format Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded
       CWKCF Common Zyyy Default_Ignorable_Code_Point DI General_Punctuation Graph Print X_POSIX_Graph
    \pC \p{Cf}
    All Any Assigned InGeneralPunctuation C Other Case_Ignorable CI Cf Format Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded
       CWKCF Default_Ignorable_Code_Point DI General_Punctuation Gr_Ext Grapheme_Extend Graph GrExt Inhe
So it seems that C♯ has gone the dumb Java route of allowing unrecognized characters by default instead of rejecting them. That is really a stupid idea.
I’m exaggerating, but it has something to do with the \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} issue. They take it to extremes.
But why the hell those change when NFKD-casefolded I have NFclue.
@Cerberus No wonder he's messed up. His parents named him Karen.
@BlessedGeek: We're all about "tough love" here. — Robusto 10 secs ago
2 hours later…
Tee hee, too hoo:
A: Why no honeypot suggested edits?

Kevin MontroseWe've rolled out audit tasks for suggested edits in our more recent builds. What we're doing here is actually kind of fun. They're also sometimes hilarious. Since we know suggested edits have really noisy history, the approach we use for other queues (selecting "known good" or "known bad" con...

> Instead we're building a super simple model (basically a Porter Stemmer + Markov Chains**) of a few thousand posts per-site, and using that to create "looks OK at a glance, but deeply flawed" audit edits. Thus "involve boy code machines".
“Boy code”?
@Cerberus Not upgrading office is nothing at all like not installing security updates for Windows XP.
Oh and @Cerberus I have placed an order for the Nexus 4.
1 hour later…
> Microsoft's 64GB Surface Pro will only have 23GB usable storage
That's embarrassing.
It is inconceivable that an operating system could take 41 GIGA-bytes.
It sounds like half of it might be a recovery partition, but who puts a recovery partition on a tablet?
You mean a duplicate copy of the entire Microsoft software distribution?
How . . . unpleasant.
I am on my phone and should be sleeping, but can't, due to a head cold; apologies for terseness.
Yeah. I don't know why they would do that to the poor tablet.
They have no sense of propriety, proportion, or taste.
It makes sense in some way, but it will probably help like three people ever.
@tchrist I do not think it means what you think it means.
@aediaλ Aww, I hope you feel better soon.
Mme Pomfrey could probably fix you right up.
@Mahnax Thanks.
Hmm, funny. I think that is the same tablet that froze during its unveiling.
I should try the attempting-to-sleep thing again rather than the looking at the phone bit. That's probably not working. But at least it has stopped me ripping my sinuses out of my face, so yeah.
OK. Well, good luck with sleeping.
I wish you all pleasant dreams free of congestion and oppressively large operating systems.
I wish you the same thing!
3 hours later…
@Mahnax Microsoft has officially said that the backup partition is the reason behind that much space being used up. Once users back their system up to an external drive, they can remove the partition
@Mahnax Microsoft has officially said that the recovery partition is the reason behind that much space being used up. Once users back their system up to an external drive, they can remove the partition and free up lot of space.....And I also believe that this is the case with almost all of laptops but we don't notice it since the proportion of space being used up is too less than the one in this case is
@Mohit You're probably right.
PCs have huge hard drives, so 30 GB less is not an issue.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Congratulations!
@Cerberus hello
What's a series of building called?
a block?
a complex?
a terrace?
@Gigili any particular kind of buildings?
A complex. That's it.
@ElendilTheTall Umm, I'm not sure. Perhaps tall buildings, is there any difference between a block and a complex?
Block is an American term
Referring to a group of buildings bounded by a grid system of roads
Complex is a more loosely collected group of buildings
You might have a 'sports complex'
A university campus might be referred to as a 'complex'
@ElendilTheTall There are three of them (X1, X2 and X3), and a number of blocks in each X.
OK, thanks.
Whatever it is.
Complex sounds good
@ElendilTheTall Yo! Wow, I didn't realise how tall you were, until you stepped into this room.
No fair! I want a boy code machine. — TRiG 2 mins ago
Hmm a boy machine.
Q: What does it call when I see another person in the mirror when there is only me

cartogramSometimes I look into the mirror, I find a vague vision of a woman standing behind me and when I turned my head she's gone: there is no one. How to descirbe this rare phenomena? Thanks to this I now have spectrophobia. I don't think it is haunted because I don't believe in ghosts. I am not super...

> I am not superstitious. I work on String theory.
Sorry. But. Hahahahahaha.
Haha indeed.
That explains it, String Theory. Of course.
I mean. Come on.
He rolls my edit back to add that he doesn't worship Satan?
Ah, he saw it and fixed it again.
Well, kudos to him.
I take back everything.
@RegDwighт WTF.
Now I do have to wonder if the String theory doesn't take a the.
I would say "I work on String Theory".
Actually, I wouldn't.
But I would leave out the article if I had to.
Well if I had to I leave second word.
with theories, if theory comes first it needs the e.g. "the theory of relativity" if theory comes after the thing, then there is no need for the, e.g. "Relativity Theory".
Yeah exactly.
Well "no need" or "no room"?
Wiki is schizophrenic. Leaves the article out for the most part, but not always.
if someone writes "the Relativity Theory", I would suspect their nativity
you can also leave out the if you're determining the theory some other way, e.g. "Einstein's Theory of Relativity"
I always suspect the Nativity.
You're not The Jesus
> The splitting of the two-dimensional continuum into two one-dimensional ones seems, from the point of view of the relativity theory, to be an arbitrary procedure without objective meaning.
@MattЭллен I AM
Contemporary pneumatology.
@RegDwighт that reads weirdly to me. I don't like it.
> In this context it is rewarding to note that the author supplements these novels, which are based on the relativity theory, with various "consequential data" and "workpoints," materials and paralipomena which, as he explains in a preface to the fourth volume, Clea, constitute "a number of possible ways of continuing to deploy these characters and situations in further instalments" (Author's Note).
-- The "Complementary Story": Outline of a Reader-Oriented Theory of the Novel.
@MattЭллен That's because we never say "relativity theory", neither with nor without the.
It would be an ugly modernism.
@Cerberus I read it, though, frequently, in New Scientist
BNC: 5 relativity theories, 84 theories of relativity.
they're always talking about Relativeity Theory and String Theory and Evolutionary Theory
COCA: 58 relativity theories, 5 the relativity theories, 293 theories of relativity.
"Relativity theory" I would read as "the complex of theories about relativity", as in "in anthropological theory, humans are considered...".
it's those blasted The American's again. Always messing up The English
@MattЭллен I feel you, bro. Life is hard in the booby hatch.
Just as string theory is one one, well-defined theory, I believe.
I seem to have lost spell checking in FireFox
It is the field of string theory, not the Theory of Strings.
@Cerberus except according to wiki there are five, and then some more, and some are super.
@Cerberus if strings weren't a concrete thing, you wouldn't have a problem with that
@MattЭллен See, evolutionary theory is very different from the Theory of Evolution.
Or at least different.
@Cerberus not really, no
No, it's even worse!
> Subsequent to this, five superstring theories were developed
That's five supers. Nobody has ever counted the nonsupers.
@RegDwighт Yeah OK, so you are referring to the whole complex of theories related to strings, not to one String Theory.
off to develop a string theory. with an article. in your face
@MattЭллен Do you believe in Evolution Theory?
Don't tell me that sounds acceptable to you.
Evolutionary Theory I believe in
@Cerberus I am not referring to anything at all!
@MattЭллен It is. The Theory of Evolution is a specific theory. Evolutionary theory is the field of theories concerning evolution.
which is the same as The Theory of Evolution
This Jesus?
This is the only string I could ever refer to.
@Robusto yes
I think he's cracking.
@RegDwighт You were! By quoting.
@RegDwighт that's just thong
I prefer Thong Theory to String Theory.
You're so funny.
@Cerberus oh that. Sorry. Won't happen again. But still, the point is I had no idea what I was quoting.
@Robusto That was directed at Reg, but I might as well address it to you.
@RegDwighт Great.
Maybe it's time to fire up your boy code.
@MattЭллен no, this is a thong.
Or post some other non-sequitur.
I said Thong Theory, not Banana Hammock Theory.
@Robusto you needed further proof nobody cares what you say?
You're just jealous.
@RegDwighт you're so thong
and firebug's gone too
@MattЭллен the joke hasn't worked the first time, it won't work on the twenty-first.
@RegDwighт Then why dost thou protest so much?
@RegDwighт how about now?
@Robusto because I'm a lady!
@MattЭллен more microwave oven.
And of course cowbell.
@RegDwighт "Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we gonna fuck you up."
Liam Neeson? I don't want that.
'There will be no lost of an reps' (looks like something i would write)
Nobody does.
@JohanLarsson you just did! yay!
Wow that was easy.
Is that how English works? You just say shit?
I thought you knew that
No Britney Spears in this chat.
Sometimes it works better by you not saying shit.
I'd need the precise date and time.
Are we fighting or having fun? ^
How is that an or?
it's a bit of a fun fight
unable to parse my own text
Rule #1, don't be boring. Rule #2, see Rule #1.
@JohanLarsson no idea what you're talking about. I can only suppose Xor is Xena's hubby according to the Swedish mythology.
> Sometimes you eat the bore. Sometimes . . . why, the bore eats you!
Xena was born though Hercules
@Robusto I was already bored by Rule #1.
I knew you were going to say that.
@MattЭллен no, Xena was boren through Hercules.
Kevin Sorbo is Lucy Loveless's dad?
No, he's a Van Boren Boy.
Essentially, yes
The Greek mythology is so complex and unexpected when seen through the eyes of a capable TV producer.
Or, well, Hercules is Xena's mother
But that brings up Liam Neeson again, from Wrath of the Titans.
I call foul.
@MattЭллен Hercules is a song by Elton John. From the Honky Chateau. In other words, yes.
Cue Rob pointing out that you don't use articles like that in English.
Get back, honky cat.
And honky tonk girl something something
@Robusto that's the opening song.
Hercules is like number six. Or eight.
@RegDwighт Thank you for explaining my reference.
@Robusto I will check the male for the Czech.
@RegDwighт Seven.
Ten, actually.
Fifth song on Side B.
Apparently we are still trying to deport a Czech who doesn't have a country to go back to because when he came here it was Czechoslovakia, which no longer exists.
Send him to Alaska. It's a fair trade.
Q: What does it call when I see another person in the mirror when there is only me

cartogramSometimes when I look into a mirror, I find a vague vision of a woman standing behind me and when I turn my head she's gone: there is no one. How to descirbe this rare phenomenon? Thanks to this I now have spectrophobia. I don't think it is haunted because I don't believe in ghosts. I am not sup...

@Robusto Well. At least it's not for the lack of trying that we'll fail.
Try or die trying.
There is no do.
yeah. screw you, Yoda!
@RegDwighт But there is do support.
@MattЭллен Nonono, "try screwing you, Yoda!"
Everybody shut up or I will hit you with my hyperbaton.
Your baton is hypo at best.
OK, asked for it, you did.
batten the baton
Batter the bacon.
Kevin the Kelvin.
Kevin the Sorbo.
Tutto questo senza Sorbini.
Questo cazzo.
Sorry, lost my backwards P.
Quiero queso
@Robusto that's a quest I'd rather not take.
Bilbo Dildo would be all over it.
Die hard with a morning wood.
Now's the time to point out the supererogatory article.
At last.
It always takes you so long.
I'm such a tease.
The article is there in the movie title, though.
So you should take your pointing-out business to L.A.
There are many articles about morning wood.
I even saw a movie once.
It was not about morning wood, though.
It was about Ed Wood.
Las Anus. Similar laws to Las Vegas, but fewer people want to go there.
Psychedelic video.
Get it? Hardly?
I hardly get it
No video can do thong with ZZ Top in it.
How about now?
You just want to trade a thong for a thwack.
probably more comfortable and less irritating
@MattЭллен *Las Vaginas
Looks like mohit is ragging on raj.
Morning wood subsiding. Time for breakfast.
@MετάEd has not got far to go before he's the steward of close vote shire
I barely ever visit that queue.
Would be unfair to everyone else.
When I close something, it's removed from the queue.
Why is this here before it's in public beta?
community ad
First things first. Why is it so hideous?
well, that also crossed my mind
I'm guessing it was made by a programmer
In MS Paint?

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