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I would say it barks like a Roman dog.
Except it does it thrice.
@KitFox the part about the cellphone is still the best. It should be linked on every question on use–mention distinction. Or whatever distinction that is. It's a distinction.
throws Reg TO THE GROUND
@KitFox Now he's just another victim of the System
Perhaps on every question that argues that word X should be taken literally.
Yes, that's it.
tries to decide if unspeakable acts would be appropriate here
Why would you perform unspeakable acts in chat? They wouldn't take.
English as she is unspeakable.
And by the way, that was a weakly typed chat response.
We need more strong typing here.
Dim phrase As ChatResponse
@Robusto I thought you were going to suggest mounthly typing.
Blah blah ... something about menstruation ... and periods ...
Stop the pleonasms.
That sentence is the longest sequence of pleonasms ever.
1 min ago, by Cerberus
@Robusto Hahahaha.
@Cerberus when replying to a quoted image, you have to quote yourself saying haha.
@RegDwighт You bet! I will kick any other thricephalic dog's arse.
Of course, stupid me.
Many gooder.
Die Knödel sind fast fertig.
17 secs ago, by Cerberus
Shouldn't the entire conversation be quoted?
@RegDwighт Fertig? Nicht bereit?
Ein Person ist bereit?
Bereited, was what you were thinking.
That is sweet potato. I prefer plain potatoes.
I like both.
@Robusto that's an interesting question, actually. I never thought about that.
I'd say that bereit is directed into the future, ready for something. While fertig is directed into the past, like done.
Ich bin bereit = I am willing?
Ich bin fertig = I am ready/done.
Ich bin bereit = Ich bin ein Pionier.
When noodles are finished cooking they are ready to be eaten. Everything is relative.
And when you are finished cooking them you are ready to eat them.
@Robusto How come you are not a square today, Jasper?
@Cerberus no I meant it was the motto of the GDR pioneers. Or boyscouts in English, I guess.
Jan 8 at 21:30, by Robusto
No. Let's not say things we can't say back.
And does it mean "I am ready", or "I am willing"? Or both, as in "prepared"?
Be prepared.
If you were noodles, you would "be prepared" if you were ready to be eaten. Just like the Boy Scouts.
In Dutch, "ik ben bereid" means "I am willing".
@Robusto Pedo.
pedo => dope
lovely => volley
I can do this all day.
Tyler Durden: It could be worse. A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping and toss it out the window of a moving car.
Narrator: There's always that.
@Robusto you know I think I can totally imagine a situation in which one could say "die Nudeln sind bereit" without ringing a bell with August Diehl.
What was that role's name, dammit.
Try your hands at zephyr.
Wiki sez, Dieter Hellstrom?
@RegDwighт Gestapo major?
The one with three whiskeys.
I like the word zephyr.
Anything with y or z is Greek.
@Cerberus I don't use my hands for anagrams.
@Cerberus Ready is greek? Yellow is greek?
Then use your toes. Or your noes.
Didn't work.
Any Latin word, silly.
@Cerberus So now you're telling us Latin words are Greek. Not too up on the law of identity, are you?
That's one hell of a name. One major hell.
@Robusto Hmm what is this law? I thought you didn't have to always carry an ID in your country?
So the boy scouts are probably going to overturn their ban on gay scouts and leaders. foxnews.com/us/2013/01/28/…
You have to here, unfortunately.
But they will continue to discriminate against Atheists.
:This article uses forms of logical notation. For a concise description of the symbols used in this notation, see List of logic symbols. In logic, the law of identity is the first of the three classic laws of thought. It states that an object is the same as itself: A → A (if you have A, then you have A). While this can also be listed as A ≡ A (A is equivalent to A), this is redundant. Any reflexive relation upholds the law of identity. When discussing equality, the fact that "A is A" is a tautology. History The earliest use of the law appears to occur in Plato's dialogue Theaetetus (1...
It's not just a good idea, it's the law.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha, seriously?
@Robusto Yeah, yeah, I know.
> The BSA, which was founded in 1910, has also excluded atheists throughout its existence. Smith said a change in the policy toward atheists was not being considered, and that the BSA continued to view "Duty to God" as one of its basic principles.
damn faux news sneakily putting text on my clipboard when I copy/paste
@Robusto and that was an anagram of what, prey tell?
It's too complicated for me. And complex.
preys on Willem Tell
Ryan Adams wrote a song about that, Answering Tell.
@RegDwighт Guglielmo Tell.
Haste's bald?
Offenkundig nicht.
Ah, had it right the first time. Was a fool to doubt myself.
And yet on Jan 27 this year a Cub scout group was forced to take down a statement of non-discrimination because they claimed they didn't discriminate based on sexuality. opposingviews.com/i/society/gay-issues/…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I misread excluded as executed and was all like, wut.
Jun 6 '12 at 20:45, by Robusto
Now you're just fucking things up.
@RegDwighт yeah that's slightly worse than what they're actually doing
@Robusto please do take a minute to look up now in a dictionary of your choice.
Unless they give out really cool merit badges based on how many atheists you execute
@RegDwighт Do you see if my chat account is still associated with Drupal Answers?
I cannot see that anymore, and my username is shown in black, here.
No association at all.
I didn't know that was possible.
How are you supposed to be able to chat here if chatting requires 20 reps somewhere?
Strange, I am still moderator on Drupal Answers.
Well, I knew the Boy Scouts excluded atheists, but I'm upset to learn they're also favouring Abrahamic faiths (and specifically Christianity). Meh. More privilege blindness, I suppose (of the same sort that's also harming this site). — TRiG 3 hours ago
We're kind to atheists here. Mostly.
Boy Scouts excludes all non-Christians. I thought you knew.
That's why all their scoutmasters are pedophiles.
@KitFox Nope. Boy Scouts worldwide just requires a commitment to a "higher power".
@Robusto Uhh since when am I kind to you?
There are local troups run by specific churches, but generic Boy Scouts discriminate against atheists only.
(Discriminating against non-straight and non-cis people is a distinctive of the Boy Scouts of America.)
Interesting. When I was a Boy Scout I had to lie and pretend to be Christian.
@KitFox Really? Wow.
I know the Mormons and the Catholics have Boy Scouts branches.
I guess they've loosened up in the last twenty years.
@KitFox so why past tense, you went on to become a Christian?
No. I'm not a Boy Scout anymore.
A Christian but not a boy scout. That kind of shit is allowed?
It's getting weirdo and weirdo.
No, I...
@Cerberus You are too kind. You too are kind. Two of you are kind. The other head is a dick.
@TRiG Catholics are Christian.
@Robusto Good.
Nonsense. You should see more Catholics. On a second thought...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 As are the Mormons.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No need to tell an Irishman...
You guys are hilarious.
Only on Tuesdays.
@TRiG Well, that's more debatable. They say so. But the differences between them and any other Christians are far greater than the differences between any protestant and any catholic.
in The Upper Room, Oct 5 '11 at 22:51, by TRiG
@brilliant As an atheist, I think it would be rather bad form of me to tell anyone zie's "not a real Christian".
> This is a chemical burn. It will hurt more than you've ever been burned before. You will have a scar.
@TRiG I'm not trying to call them "not real Christians". I'm merely pointing out that there are arguments in favour of that position.
@Robusto That's low-hanging fruit.
@Robusto What is that, the user-manual for religion?
> Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think?
Sings "I am blue da ba dee, da ba dah...."
> Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned.
> I always said, if I had to fuck a guy... I mean had to, if my life depended on it... I'd fuck Elvis.
@Cerberus Irishmen would not doubt that Catholicism exists within Christianity. Some of the fundie Protestants in NI would say that Catholics are non-Christian, but they would be aware that they claim Christianity and exist within the broad spectrum of "Christian". I believe that in Mexico it's different, and Cathlolics themselves might identify as "other than Christian" there.
@RegDwighт Elvis?
Elvis the Palvis.
@RegDwighт That's like the worst possible choice. For one, he's dead. For two, at least fuck a guy who looks like a girl, if fucking guys isn't your thing. Like Orlando Bloom.
I though the normal goto guy for straight guys was Johnny Depp.
> Listen to me! You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you, never wanted you, and in all probability, he HATES you. It's not the worst thing that can happen.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 tell that to Quentin Tarantino.
@Robusto What are you quoting?
Oh that's who David Wallace reminds me of.
@TRiG I would rather expect Irishmen, fervent Catholics as they are, to deny Christianity to Protestants! As to Mexico, are you sure? That sounds very strange.
@Cerberus Such I've heard.
Er. I've heard such.
@TRiG We don't talk about it.
@TRiG "Normal"...
@Cerberus But they speak Mexican in Mexico. who can even understand them? They could be disavowing Christianity or disavowing tacos, who would know?
I am back!
Do they speak Mexican? I thought that was what chiuauas speak.
@Robusto no Rod Stewart in this chat.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They could not be disavowing tacos. It would be like...Brits disavowing vinegar on their chips.
I don't want to talk about it.
Anyhoo, Mahlzeit.
@Cerberus Well, possibly. Any Christian might deny any other Christian's claim to Christianity. It happens. But they wouldn't, in Ireland, deny that the others at least claim to be Christian, and exist within the spectrum of belief which is commonly called "Christianity". Or, as I'm very fond of saying at Christianity SE, words have different meanings in different contexts.
@Cerberus Probably not, but my point is that they speak a different language.
@Cerberus It would be like Italians eating wurstels.
@TRiG Not this word: galkabrumsk.
@Cerberus Yes, normal. I've heard this more than once. (Me, I think Johnny Depp is hot in his Jack Sparrow outfit, but not so much otherwise.)
But...I think people tend to twist this "commonly" to what suits them.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Gosh. A very interesting point. taking several pages of notes
@kiamlaluno Haha what? Sausages?
@Cerberus All my points are interesting. Or at least pointy.
@Cerberus No, no... wurstels. :)
Unlike Robusto's obtuse points. That's why he gets sued and you...don't.
@kiamlaluno I only know Wurst.
@TRiG So why do you frequent religious rooms as an atheist?
@Cerberus Strange... we call them wurstel. ;)
@Cerberus Those are not points, those are angles.
@Cerberus He likes to argue?
I have an acute shortage of obtuse angles, however.
Il würstel, detto anche salsicciotto, (il termine proviene dal diminutivo della parola tedesca wurst, "insaccato", secondo i dialetti tedeschi meridionali, laddove il termine in tedesco standard, hochdeutsch, suonerebbe würstchen) è una specie di insaccato fatta con carni tritate, bovine e suine, tipica della Germania e dell'Austria e, in Italia, dell'Alto Adige. Il würstel commercializzato in Italia corrisponde generalmente al wiener o wiener würstchen (letteralmente "salsicciotto di Vienna" o "viennese") reperibile in Germania. Lo stesso prodotto in Svizzera è chiamato wienerli e in A...
@Robusto Yeah, that's what I said. Sorta.
@Cerberus Because religion is fascinating.
It's especially true on the religious sites.
@Robusto You always look at things from weird angles, but that's not the point. I'm just suing you.
@TRiG fascinating like a train-wreck
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ...
And the SE model of religious discussion actually works rather better than might be expected.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sometimes. Not always.
@TRiG I find it fascinating from a sociological point of view, but the intricacies of doctrine I find...boring.
So, is würstel a word, in some Germany place?
in The Upper Room, Apr 26 '12 at 20:18, by TRiG
I have practically no interest in theology myself, but the intersection of religion, society, politics, and social policy is certainly interesting.
What I find fascinating about religion is how people can get so absorbed in the details, the puzzles, the intricacies, etc, and never stop to think "does any of this shit make sense"
@TRiG That is hilarious
It's true though. I don't know of any anti-gay protesters who are not also religious.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 There's a reason I so commonly link to Slacktivist when I'm posting on Christianity SE. It's an awesome blog.
@TRiG He's drawing the wrong conclusion though. Instead of saying "you're making us look bad", he should say "I'm not going to be part of this anymore"
@TRiG Agreed.
@TRiG Haha what, do Christians eat Weetabix?
Link gives me an error.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I disagree, actually.
in The Library, Jan 19 at 18:51, by TRiG
And I've said before that I'd rather like to be Liberal Christian, but I can't convince myself it's true. (Also, I'm somewhat wary of beliefs I like. I stayed a Witness for longer precisely because I was gay, and therefore distrusted my own reasons for leaving. It can be hard to explain that to people.)
I don't think he should leave because he dislikes his fellow travellers. I think he should leave iff he stops believing it to be true.
(Or, rather, he should leave iff he wants to. The above is my rule for me, not my rule for Fred Clark.)
@TRiG I think if everyone on the train turns out to be crazy, you might be on the crazy train.
> Theologians take evidence of invisible magic stuff and compare it in invisible magic experiments. This is why theology has turned out to be so much more useful than science.
(From the link @Jez provided earlier)
The sad thing is that the person who said that was being serious.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes. True. And one of the things that got me begin considering the possibility of leaving was the realisation that other people read the Bible just as carefully as I did, but came to completely different conclusions.
But Fred is not exactly the only intelligent and compassionate Christian in the world. He does have friends.
@TRiG Sure, I know many people who are intelligent, compassionate christians and they are also appalled at what their fellow christians do or say. But I don't understand why that doesn't cause more of them to rebel or examine their beliefs more.
Example: so many catholics do not believe the church's stance on birth control makes sense and they outright ignore it. They don't believe the church's stance on female priests or married priests makes sense. They don't believe in the church's position on homosexuality. Yet how can they maintain that cognitive dissonance? The pope makes the rules and is supposedly directed by god. directly directed. Infallibly directed.
Why doesn't that lead to people examining the source of their beliefs? Clearly they feel that the church is wrong about one thing. Why can't it be wrong about two things? 10 things? Everything?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Pope is only infallible when he says he is, which he does rarely. He still says he's right, of course.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 People can fundamentally disagree with the Church's position on everything and still be Catholics. I can't quite get my head around that either.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I can't answer for everyone, but I consider it a problem of interpretation.
OK I have a somewhat on -topic question...
wthells up with...
Q: Why is "a Japanese" offensive?

Andrew GrimmWhen talking about a person from Japan, why is it offensive to say "a Japanese" rather than "a Japanese person"? The English language Wiktionary says (person in or from Japan): The singular “a Japanese” is less common than locutions using the adjective, such as “a Japanese person”, and i...

It's more about cultural identity than religious belief.
@Mitch What?! On topic? In EL&U? Heretic!
I know! right?
@Mitch keep trying?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 running out of edit time
anyway, it's not about whether it's offensive... it just sounds wrong grammatically
do people really say 'Look at that Japanese!'?
as opposed to the (what I think is) correct "Look at that Japanese guy!"
there are lots of examples of plain 'a Japanese' on the web, but they all sound wrong.
I demand justice!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What if everyone is crazy but I? I am a train.
@Cerberus Choo choo!
@Cerberus That doesn't sound right either. I am a train wreck sounds better.
They should make a three-headed train in the Thomas the Tank Engine universe.
Mar 30 '12 at 12:14, by Meysam
@DavidWallace In Persian we say: Hoo-Hoo-Choo-Choo
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I was busy finding the original quote!
@SpareOom Cerb is only wrecked after a couple of beers.
@SpareOom Haha. I love your optimism.
@Cerberus You needed a quote for that? what do trains say in Dutch?
Or an authority better than the force of my own jackboot thrown into the melting pot
But Dutch is irrelevant. Persian wins hands down.
@Cerberus Oh, trains can say that in English too. Chugga chugga choo choo!
Yeah, like that.
And for choo choo we say toet toet, like toot toot.
Haha, Charlie is great.
I remember another adventure of his.
@Cerberus He has 4 episodes now. but the fourth was really weak.
also two spoof episodes.
@Cerberus And the pastel unicorns are annoying. Methinks Charlie is not too bright though.
time to go. bye all
@SpareOom You think??
Hm. I just got an email saying "Public beta for English Language Learners Q&A site - Area 51 - Stack Exchange".

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