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@RegDwighт Somebody is confused: in the linked-to list of English words without rhymes, they say: “eth /ˈ-ɛð/, rhymes with Castilian Spanish merced 'gift', which is occasionally used in English”. That is wrong because it is not just (nor even always) northern Spanish. In fact, the pronunciation in all dialects ends in /ˈ-ɛð/, especially when a vowel follows. In a typical northern accent, however, it devoices and no longer rhymes.
But English-speakers are for the most part utter imbeciles about Spanish phonology, and they grossly misperceive what is going on, so it is no surprise that that is so screwed up.
How delightful that we now have a clear pictorial answer to this vexing question!
@Mahnax Here you can listen to the entire 1h:45m soundtrack.
@tchrist Amazing diagram!
Isn’t it? It’s completely ridiculous, too, but nonetheless amazing.
Just the other day, I was walking down the street with my pet ocelot, and I say to him, why isn’t this past tense?
Tomorrow I do the same thing, but this time I take the back road by asking why isn’t this future tense?
Sure, they are both present indicative inflections, but the time sense of the sentences is anything but. The first is the present-time form used in a past-time way, and the second, while still a present-time form, now gets used in a future-time way.
May Your New Year Be Filled With These Five F's; Family Support, Fun, Friends, Fame And Food!!
is this type of sentence used to denote exclamation ?
@Pratik What is the question?
May + noun + be + p.p
types sentence use for exclamation type ?
Use titularly, that should be written: May Your New Year Be Filled with These Five F’s: Family, Fun, Friends, Fame, and Food! ⓵ Don’t capitalize prepositions or conjunctions. ⓶ Don’t break parallelism by having one of your elements be of two words and the other four just one. ⓷ Don’t forget the comma after the penultimate element. ⓸ And FFF’S Don’t Use More Than One EXCLAMATION POINT‼
@tchrist QED.
@tchrist Hey, so beautiful numbering!
@Pratik May your new year be filled with family, fun, friends, fame and food!
That is what I would write for myself.
didn’t even know Steven Sinofsky was gay, let alone out
@tchrist Really? He's gay? Hehe. I am not, though many people think I am. =)
> Steven has left Microsoft: is “Why Steven Sinofsky is out at Microsoft” correct?
Ah, yes. I saw that question.
I don’t think that’s the same as being out at the ranch for the weekend.
@WillHunting You’re different. To many, different == gay. QED.
Hello @joseph, welcome to this chat!
Haha, this is now one of my standard lines.
hey there @WillHunting
@JosephWeissman You love to come here these days don't you?
thanks for your kind welcome
it's been on my faves forever
Well, there is no map game going on here now.
i know :(
@tchrist Cool, thanks!
You’re welcome!
You have to listen to it without stopping, or it resets.
Right. I'm about to start it.
It’s odd, really, the excitement.
People are simply ridiculously excited about this.
I've got a few thousand words to write, so maybe Hobbit-tunes will help.
I begin to wonder just how common getting so excited about a movie score is, or isn't. Is this normal in our current age, or is this something else again?
I’m not really connected to the movie-going youth-culture, so I do not know one way or the other.
@tchrist It's not very common, I think, but this soundtrack is extra-special for some reason. Probably because it's lovely.
2 hours later…
@RegDwighт Ok, so my new tag about the two common ways of specifying the future is somewhat lame-named, but at least this one has a tag-wiki. If you can think of a better name, feel free to rename it. We just have so many will-vs-going-to questions; hm, maybe or rather would work better?
3 hours later…
@tchrist advice on 'good reading practices'?
5 hours later…
A: "We will be waiting for you" vs. "we are waiting for you"

Annoying PedantPhrase 1: “We will be waiting for you” Phrase 2: “we are waiting for you” Differences (not exhaustive): Phrase 1 has 6 words, while Phrase 2 has 5. Phrase 1 starts with a capital letter, Phrase 2 does not. Phrase 1 is first in the title, Phrase 2 is second The second word of Phrase 1 is will,...

How original.
Good timing.
Whachamean? You said hello I said hello right back. Should I of waited?
@RegDwighт I don't know what to say.
@RegDwighт You either should be waiting or you will be waiting, methinks.
@RegDwighт You beat me to it, so funny.
Q: When adding prefixes to noun phrases, should you hyphenate?

user745434When adding a prefix to a noun, I've been taught to usually hyphenate (e.g. life -> pro-life, breakfast -> pre-breakfast, coal -> anti-coal) with some exceptions (e.g. preschool). But how does this work with noun phrases? Do you leave out the hyphen? For example: pre Independence Day anti pen ...

Q: When is it necessary to use a hyphen in writing a compound word?

kiamlalunoSome words are written without hyphens (nonaggression, nonbeliever), and some words are written with a hyphen (well-intentioned). Is there a schema in the use of a hyphen?

Q: To hyphenate or not?

DelipAs a non-native speaker of English and an engineer by training, I always get confused about hyphenation and almost always end up referring to Google every time I need to make that decision. Does anybody know of a concise, comprehensive style guide to hyphenation that explains this rather complex...

The first two are subtypes of the last.
Well, maybe not.
They ought to be.
But the OPs messed up a bit.
You know what I hate? That people can see when you last accessed Whatsapp.
Don't worry, most people don't even know what it is and couldn't care less.
wow hyphenated words, something I never understood that well.
@Cerberus Haha, what is whatsapp?
@Cerberus They can also see when you last accessed ELU.
@Cerberus Use kik instead.
A messaging program for mobile phones that everybody uses here.
@RegDwighт Most people here do...
@ChairOTP Is that compatible with Whatsapp?
I'm locked into the platform.
@ChairOTP Wow, that is a palindrome.
Wow is also a palindrome, amazing.
@Cerberus I don't think so, but most of my friends use kik instead of Whatsapp.
Where do you live?
Everyone here uses Whatsapp.
But even my friends from the USA (I don't know where you live) use kik as well.
Haha, nobody would use kik here just because of the name.
Hmm I have never heard of Kik.
Is it better than Whatsapp?
I have not heard of most things.
I'd say it's practically the same.
I've never heard of either of those things.
With the exception that Kik uses an unique nickname, whatsapp uses your phone number.
I think I will switch to yahoo search now, it returns more interesting results than google.
So I'd rather give out my kik than my whatsapp.
@ChairOTP a unique, not an unique
jumping in here....It is nice to know what palindrome is! I heard this word first time ever in an Andrew Bird song.
@WillHunting Still having trouble with that... :S
@Mohit It can be a phrase too, like nurses run.
Rats live on no evil star.
@Mohit There is an Andrew Bleach on this site.
wow, that is really amazing. English never ceases to amaze me! :)
@KitFox Wow, amazing!
Sit on a potato pan, Otis.
@KitFox Huh, so what do people use in your country?
Also, QED stands for "quiet elegant dude, quit explaining dictionaries".
@Cerberus I don't know. I don't know what those things do, also I am over thirty.
@ChairOTP But that is exactly why it is so popular: you don't need to add contacts if you already have people's phone numbers. You don't need to do anything.
@KitFox Haha I don't believe it! Do you own a smartphone?
@Cerberus Yes.
@Cerberus What's a smartphone?
@KitFox Do you send text messages?
A phone that is smart?
@Cerberus Yes.
@WillHunting A phone that can ask questions on EL&U.
@WillHunting A phone that can be used to browse normal web pages?
@Cerberus Well I personally use both, I use kik principally with the people I don't really know, and whatsapp with friends.
@Cerberus I don't think people use the word "smartphone" much these days!
@KitFox And do you ever use anything other than SMS for short messages?
@KitFox Wow, interesting yet correct answer, very good.
@Cerberus I have no idea. I use a widget called "Messages."
@ChairOTP Oh, OK, well, I don't want to send messages to people I don't know well, hehe.
Why would I need anything else?
Much cheaper.
Cheaper as in free, yes.
@KitFox You just need internet.
And it's easy to attach pictures, locations, sound, everything.
Yes, free.
Except that you use some data.
I don't like attaching locations and I can already send pictures.
If I want to send sound, I call.
@Cerberus I tend to make lots of friends online so yeah...
@KitFox But in a way that is just tap-tap to access on a phone? That's the idea. Not that I use it much.
Yeah. Just tap-tap.
@ChairOTP OK, well, I wouldn't want to get messages on my phone all day!
And my texts are included in my plan, so I don't pay extra.
Oh OK.
In that case, you have little reason.
I mentioned I'm over thirty? I just don't socialize that way.
I mostly text with my husband.
@Cerberus It's nice to talk to anyone when you're bored. It's not all day, it's when you feel like it.
Well, I still use SMS more that Whatsapp too.
And I don't text a lot.
Maybe a few messages a day on average, sometimes none.
I think I haven't used SMS in over a year. I either call or use those applications.
@ChairOTP The key is notifications.
If you want to be notified, you want to include only a limited number of people.
@Cerberus touché.
So Whatsapp is precisely and neatly limited to the people you would otherwise exchange SMS messages with.
Except that some people send more Whatsapp messages because it's free.
And there are these infamous group chats.
But you can set separate notifications for those.
For that I use BBM
Er, go on, trap Steven in, I say. Me oh my! Nor can an "air" bee sew. We see, Brian. An acronym? Hoe my asinine vet's part? No, ogre!
But the fact that people can see when you last checked your messages is awful.
@Cerberus It definitely is.
Currently I am looking at a notification saying "3 messages from John", and so I can't open my Whatsapp.
Poor puppy. It is hard to break off relationships.
Haha. It's not that.
I just like my privacy.
Sometimes when I'm busy and I get a notification, I check it real quickly to see if it's important, if it's not I just save it for later. And then I get other notifications like "Why are you ignoring me?"
I don't want people to invade into my private life like that, seeing when I use my phone.
"Because you are stupid." would be a good reply to that.
@ChairOTP My God.
Thankfully people don't do that to me.
Or maybe, "Get a life. I have one."
@KitFox words, words, words.
Was there ever a bigger faux pas than this?
My reply would be "Why do you think I am ignoring you?"
My reply would be:
@ChairOTP Yes, but what is the matter?
@Cerberus Geezis.
Hmm what?
I don't know, I hate when people get paranoid over something that could be taken as a simple "I'm busy".
or "I don't really want to talk right now."
But no, everything revolves around them.
Press "delete contact".
> Whatsapp: Installs: 100,000,000 - 500,000,000
@Cerberus I can't exactly delete people who I have to be in constant contact with.
> Kik: Installs: 10,000,000 - 50,000,000
@ChairOTP Just press the button. You can do more than you think!
@Cerberus I wish life had that button.
Or at the very least a mute button.
Even people you have to be in constant contact with need to respect your space.
You could point your tv's remote control at your wife and press the Mute button, see how she reacts.
Text back "I was taking a dump, if you really must know."
Just say, I was taking a poo, sounds more elegant.
@KitFox Trust me, the so called 'people' have no more respect toward others.
@WillHunting sounds a bit childish to me. I'd just say, I was busy in the bathroom.
Even though that could be distorted.
There exist people who will call you when they see you come online on Facebook.
You got to lay down some boundaries with those people.
@ChairOTP Ha, I like to sound like that, poo is a beautiful word, like pee.
"Why aren't you replying to my text messages? I see you on Facebook right now!"
If people can't respect your boundaries, you kick them to the curb.
I saw that happen to a friend. Until then, I had no idea there was such an evil indicator on FB. I turned it off ASAP.
It took me three years of therapy to work through that one. Now I give it out to people for free.
@KitFox Agreed.
It's not always easy.
Who cares if it is easy?
@Cerberus Ugh I hate that, I woke up today to find out I left my computer on -and my Facebook as well- and my friend had texted me asking for something, and I was asleep, she ended up texting, fine if you're ignoring me, I'm going to do the same.
The best things in life are hard, and hard-earned.
Though some people are lucky and get the best things for free.
Well, except for sex. Sex is easy.
And eating.
And some people are unlucky and get nothing even though they work hard.
@KitFox *Good sex
Except for actually buying the food.
The point is, you make your life a lot harder by not doing hard things.
@ChairOTP Time for you to organise a lecture on boundaries!
Neh when it comes to food, I don't care if I have to walk whatever the distance is, as long as I get what I want.
@KitFox It is easy but it makes one hard. =)
I can't believe what I just said, amazing.
@Cerberus the people that surround me (most of them) have no boundaries, they don't even have manners when it comes to ask a favour, so I just try to actually ignore them sometimes.
I gave out many presents today...
Then hang out more with the ones that do have manners.
You know what's also dangerous? Walking on the street, looking at your phone, and not answering a call.
I say so principally because when I'm in class, well you know.
This person might be at the opposite side of the street!
@Cerberus and hell will break loose.
Yeah, well, more likely feelings will be hurt and nothing will be said.
Or that's how it goes in my culture.
Oh, laundry, BRB.
I know some people that have no problem with expressing their rage towards someone, anywhere, anytime.
It's kind of pathetic actually.
@tchrist I understand you know Spanish, right?
@WillHunting Thank you.
@WillHunting thanks!
@ChairOTP Es muy malo!
@Cerberus How good is your level of Spanish?
Muy malo.
I don't speak it at all.
I only know "muy" and a few other words, like "difícil", or however it's spelled.
mmm would you attempt to say an equivalent in English of "la muy -insert adjective-"?
No hablo Español todo
I have searched everywhere but I can't seem to find an equivalent.
@ChairOTP The most x.
Can you use it in a sentence?
people use very like that in English
Look: "I've tried to forget, but memory, "la muy " backstabber, takes advantage when I'm sleeping, when I'm vulnerable.
It is like French la plus belle fille and Italian la piu bella ragazza, right?
oh, I'm thinking of that not the
@ChairOTP If backstabber is a noun, you would use "the worst" or some other negative adjective that is appropriate.
"the very worst" is also acceptable
Whatever you do, do not put random blanks into words. I will stalk you and edit the hell out of your stuff. You will not be happy. Do not break English to paint over a dumb shortcoming of a piece of software. You're a programmer, for crying out loud. How would you react if I told you that $vector is the same as $v ector — not perfect, but good enough? — ЯegDwight 10 secs ago
Seriously, what is wrong with people?
@MattЭллен Yeah, that's fine.
@RegDwighт Weird.
@Cerberus Well I guess even though it's not exactly what one would want to mean in Spanish, it's close to its meaning.
@ChairOTP How would you describe what it means in Spanish?
In B4 @Reg!
You can use "the greatest [noun]" in many cases.
8 seconds in it
But usually a negative adjective takes precedence if available.
@Cerberus I think I should change 'backstabber' to the adjective.
@MattЭллен I know. I was sitting there, staring at my answer. Thinking about if it needed something else. Then you came in. This happens to me all the time. I always hesitate to click "post".
backstabbing could work?
Q: Anyone knows that or Anyone knows that

BloomThe context is as follows. I say that X is true. The (dismissive) response I receive is 'Anyone knows that." Is that a complete sentence? Yes, it is grammatical. Yes,it has some semblance of meaning. First of all most people wouldn't see a problem--they would interpret "anyone" and meaning "e...

A or A? Choose, dammit!
You can say "the most backstabbing x", although participles are not often modified with more or most.
@RegDwighт Well, to be fair, your answer is better than mine.
@Robusto perhaps one is an А.
Only when they truly "feel" like an adjective in a sentence.
Like in my old name.
You had three.
@RegDwighт Wrong. You chose poorly. The answer is A.
anyone lived in a pretty how town
(with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didn't he danced his did
@MattЭллен no! That is not fair! I demand satisfaction, Sir!
@RegDwighт All the same.
@Robusto mine is a sclavic А. Look closely or turn off Unicodes.
@Cerberus So I'd have to bring up again memory? The most backstabbing memory? Would it make sense if I said, the very backstabbing memory? (literally)
@Cerberus no, I had the same one, thrice.
@RegDwighт You are a scoundrel.
@Cerberus no, they were all different.
Is the difference really visible when zoomed in?
It was visible to me, and it was visible to Jasper, though in different ways, even at normal scale.
@ChairOTP "The most backstabbing memory" could work in theory, but in this case it sounds a bit odd.
"The very backstabbing memory" sounds wrong.
For me the middle A was higher; for him it was exactly the other way round.
@RegDwighт Hmm.
@Robusto scounds about right.
@ChairOTP You would use "the very" with either "[adjective]st" or "most [adjective]".
And you can't use it always. It is a bit complicated.
@RegDwighт You are a ***S***‍coundrel.
Hmm, I guess ‍ doesn't work in chat.
@RegDwighт You and the Stones both
With regular adjectives, you can just use "the most [adjective]".
@Robusto No Jamie Zawinski in this chat. Just ask @tchrist.
@Cerberus Yeah the construction "la muy/el muy +adjective" is not exactly used daily.
> Of all the girls, she was the most beautiful. Or "the most beautiful one".
@Cerberus You are the most [adjective] Dutch doggy I know. Hey, it works!
> Of all people in chat, Rob is the silliest. Or "Rob is silliest". Or "Rob is the silliest one".
> Rob is the very silliest of all
@Cerberus No. I am the most [adjective] one.
@MattЭллен Right, or that.
I am the [adjective]est of all.
@MattЭллен I still don't get used to that construction.
@Robusto Yes you are.
@ChairOTP It is a bit unusual.
@ChairOTP It might be higher register.
@MattЭллен Try it up an octave.
The very silliest of all sounds a bit like exaggerated prose.
it's certainly gone out of use in the last 30 years
Oops, gotta restart with Windows updates.
@Robusto Turn them off!
@Cerberus And risk getting a virus from some link you post? no thanks
I hear people complain about Windows updates so often.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How else am I going to grow my botnet?
@Cerberus They're annoying though.
> The word resolved stated before the resolution means obsolete, to deal with successfully, clear up, an immediate course of action, meaning that the plan would immediately be enacted.
@ChairOTP Then just don't use them!
What the hell does that even mean? I can't parse it.
@Cerberus People who can't be bothered to restart their computer once a month deserve all the malware they get.
@RegDwighт No idea. It belongs in this room.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I wouldn't say once a month.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Which is zero, none.
@Cerberus It's clearly not, on average, zero malware.
@ChairOTP You wouldn't? because that's how often MS releases updates. Once a month.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You belong to the dumb masses who believe the scare-mongering of the very sellers of malware called "anti-virus software".
@RegDwighт I think "The word resolved, stated before the resolution, means obsolete, to deal with successfully, clear up ..."
@Cerberus Call me "dumb" one more time and you go into the ignore bucket like tchrist.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I get various updates in a month.
Is it a coincidence that many viruses nowadays take the guise of anti-virus scanners?
@MattЭллен that's about as far as I was able to wade through it, but he loses me at the infinitive after the obsolete.
@ChairOTP from Microsoft? Updates that require restarting? They come out on "patch tuesday".
Flash updates already annoy me to no end.
I stopped updating my browser.
@Cerberus Was, there, or was there not, malware being delivered through drive-by downloads on a website you visit just yesterday? stop pretending it doesn't happen.
I don't regularly update browser add-ons.
@RegDwighт true. it does lose coherence. A part from the fact that resolved doesn't mean obsolete to me.
I guess he meant "obsolete, dealt with successfully, cleared up". But forgot to alter the dictionary definition he copypasted.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I honestly don't read anything at all about the updates, I just restart. But I have restarted my computer in various occasions more than once in a month.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Of course there was, but it's easy enough to block if you simply use Noscript and Adblock.
Any idiot who reboots his computer just because some piece of software has been updated is running a piece-of-crap computer. You only have to restart the programs that have changed. The kernel you change next to never, which is precisely how often you should reboot.
@RegDwighт quite likely
@Cerberus Which most people don't. What percentage of the internet do you think uses those? Be honest.
 7:51AM  up 337 days, 20:42, 4 users, load averages: 0.22, 0.18, 0.16
 7:53AM  up 265 days, 16:57, 1 user, load averages: 0.09, 0.10, 0.08
Here’s a nickel, kid: now go get yourself a real computer.
@tchrist that's some strong language. I think anyone as a pronoun will suffice.
And if some day some virus should penetrate your defences, then so be it. You can't avoid any risks. But they are small if you are a responsible user, and the cure seems worse than the disease. Noscript alone is already quite annoying.
@Cerberus So instead of monthly annoyance of maybe 2 minutes, you have daily annoyance of noscript.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Very few people. And I advise those who aren't very good with computers to use anti-virus software.
And yet the "cure is worse than the disease"? YOUR cure is worse than MY cure
It's not once a month. If it were that, and it would be remotely as strong a protection as Noscript, I would use it.
OS updates are no cure.
@Cerberus Microsoft's updates, by policy, are released on the second tuesday of every month, which is Patch Tuesday. Unless the update is critical, in which case you should just install it as soon as you can, because , duh, it's critical.
I prefer noscript to allowing all those bloody scripts to run, willy nilly.
@RegDwighт Strong language is deserved. Restarting the kernel for anything short of a kernel update is laziness and stupidity and crapware misdesign and scare-mongering all rolled into one. It’s a symptom of many an evil, which is a four-letter synonym of the Terror out of Redmond. Perfect idiots, all, and not just idiots but evil ones, too, used to abusing people for their own pleasure and gain.
but I also patch my machine, so...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The virus spread through this ad network (Adhese is actually very common, so surely it will be more sites than nrc.nl alone?), and most anti-virus software did not recognise it. So it may have infected your computer anyway. And I don't think Microsoft's updates could have helped you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "Unless."
There you go.
@Cerberus The virus spread through a known, patched flaw in software that is net-facing.
@tchrist I'm just saying people might get it into the wrong throat. I'm worrying about the peace in this room, is all.
What flaw was this?
@Cerberus A java flaw.
I don't think it was just Java?
@RegDwighт Don’t worry: my personal mutation is imminent.
A [long pause] Java flaw.
Besides, I don't have Java enabled, obviously, because it is too unsafe.
O [long pause] rly?

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