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That menu is now at the top of the page, and that place is completely blank. Waste of screen real estate.
sad panda I hope they roll it back
that's disappointing.
To say the least.
Sir Gay Brin should be stripped of his knighthood.
And again, I probably wouldn't mind the extra click that much if they still had the subcategories "YouTube", "Dailymotion", "What have you".
But they do not.
you can add "-youtube.com" to your search. but still, that's silly.
And it looks like the first X pages of results are always YouTube.
Wouldn't have happened on Ms Mayer's watch.
The first one, Safari, has lame page layout; the second is Opera.
Both are full-screened.
Notice how Safari eats the titles so you can’t read them.
thankfully google.co.uk hasn't succumbed to this madness
Both are lame. What am I expected to do with that space? Is that where open quicktime pron goes to?
You mean, would go if I had it?
It is as wide as my index finger is long.
Not quite as wide for me, but no thanks to Google, thanks to my finger.
Which is a lot of white space. Maybe they like broad margins now?
Your piano is happy for you.
I wonder why I don’t get the location stuff that Matt gets.
google.com has removed it
You guys use Google Plus? Wankers.
Well, I only need one hand to surf
Well, that is spiffy.
It wouldn't be so bad if they'd let you order the tabs yourself.
maybe they're planning on filling the whitespace with ads
Safari finds 320,000 more "python pi" googles than Opera does. How does that work?
Way way way way too much white space on the right.
I really should learn to stop posting my browser history. :(
Q: Is there a word similar to racism, when referring to an ethnic group rather than a race?

maple_shaftI called out someone's comments as racist when someone decided to correct me and say that the term was incorrect. According to this person, the word racism only seems to apply when referring to another race (e.g. Sub-Saharan African, White European, East-Asian, South-Asian, Native American, etc....

this seems like a dupe of something
Yeah, there was a question about racialism. Maybe that's what you are thinking of.
i searched on "racism" but couldn't find it
This is about U.S. ethnic politics which specifically considers one’s cultural background, and thus ethnicity, to be one’s “race”.
Making anti-Catholics now racist. Almost everything is racist now.
And possibly, almost everybody.
i'm quite sure that everyone is racist now. especially you.
See (or listen) here for: 'That's Racist!' How A Serious Accusation Became A Commonplace Quip.
> “That’s Racist” is an expression often used in jest to point out the politically incorrect or racially insensitive nature of a post or comment online.
Well, terrifying orc heads are naturally racist, against all humans.
and i'm racist against orcs. orcs and canadians.
@JSBձոգչ there was one about religion, I think.
@RegDwighт i did find that one
Well that's the only one I remember.
There were other questions, about chauvinism and the like.
Q: What do you call a person who is regionally biased?

vr3690What do you call a person who is regionally biased and has an unreasonable hatred/dislike for people from other regions of the country/world? Something like a racist, but the point of discrimination here is the geographical region and not race.

Q: Can the terms "jingoism" and "ethnocentrism" be used interchangeably?

Sid Maniacal belief that "your" race, gender, culture, religion, language, country, group, beliefs are better than everyone else's. Which term would be more suitable: "jingoism" or "ethnocentrism"? Can they be used interchangeably?

Q: word for racial polarization (similar to "partisanship")

phoenixheart6There is a lot of sensitivity regarding race in the United States. In my view, the topology of this sociological landscape is characterized by one factor--but I can't think of the word for it. There is a certain "sensitivity" to race that some have that others don't, especially in politics and s...

mmmmm. parsnip
Rag-head is racist. Boy-toy is racist. Helicopter-mom is racist. Yankee is racist. Cracker is racist. Muff-muncher is racist. Africoon is racist. Poofter is racist. Hick is racist. Mari-macho is racist. Gringo is racist. Metrosexual is racist. Camel-fucker is racist. Dago, wops, spics, beaners, Japs, Krauts, and Tommies are all racist, too. And that’s not all!!
You have to search for things like "ethnocentrism", "parochialism", etcpp.
@MattЭллен parsnips are racist
has never parsed nips before, preferring to do it the other way around himself
Me codez iz brokened.
extremely partisan parsnips
@RegDwighт boo. google translate is good enough now that i get nothing funny enough to post here after translating that page
@Robusto mine too.
I hates brokened codez.
Parsnip is that new muscular music from the ghetto: Spin Rap. Which is absolutely racist.
@RegDwighт except that it keeps translating "Partnerbörse" as "brokerage". i'm pretty sure that's wrong.
I hates de codez that won't compile bcoz anuver bit won't compile because no one noes
WTF? I clicked on one of the starred links and this is what happened.
google hates you
.nl, eh? That would be @Cerberus.
Looks like the doggie's caught something!
Click on Mrs. Hiny's peeving post and see if you get the same.
20 hours ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
@Cerberus If I were precisely located in a cunt right now, you can be damned sure I wouldn't be typing.
I'm not seeing a linky.
Geezis, are all teh codez on teh Internetz broake today?
No, only ur.
No veo un coño.
What is this, International Fuck-With-Robusto Day?
I already clicked on that cunt earlier today. If there was a virus, the incubatory period must be long.
I got the results back. Clean as a whistle.
@Robusto it's spelled simply "day".
Douche job, maybe.
It's a proper noun.
@Robusto How is that peeving?
Jasper, get off Rob's machine.
Anyway, you Krauts always capitalize Nouns.
@Robusto I mean the whole phrase, "International Fuck-With-Robusto Day", is a synonym for "day". Behold, the Brit understood it. Learn some Englishes or something.
Rob is just off his game because of his code buggery.
PLL brought racism into chat. We were pure before then.
Feb 19 '11 at 21:23, by PLL
@FX_: I vote to close when it’s noise or off-topic; I downvote when it’s any of those, or low-quality. I’m reluctant to ever flag, because I think of that as a last resort, only for very serious offensiveness (racism, etc.); though I know in .se we’re encouraged to flag a bit more liberally than on other systems.
He's an Aussie, mite.
ah, that explains it
Liberals aren’t into flags.
Note how "Aussie mite" is almost "antisemite". Coincidence? I think not!
Roight enoof.
is a bundle of flags similar to a bundle of sticks?
Only on a banner day.
can one bundle flags?
It's only the one link that does that. I wonder why?
They have a collective noun, so sure.
Maybe it's part of SE's ad-hosting.
@Robusto It’s its cuntic nature?
@Robusto Ads? What ads? That is a serious question, not irony.
No, it's the peeving one. Sorry, I misspoke.
Compare for yourself.
@RegDwighт This is a family channel, sir.
@RegDwighт Please put their clothes back on.
@tchrist looks like the kind sir needs to be provided scale.
@Robusto neither link does it for me.
I clicked the wrong link. It's actually @JSBձոգչ' snarky comment.
@RegDwighт Sir needs a scale like a fish needs a bicycle.
@tchrist too late. Sir already got bicycle.
Lrn to typ fastr.
@tchrist Wow, how the mighty have fallen. Borrowing a trope from feminism's playbook. For shame. For shame.
@Robusto Pas de problème, mah sister.
@Robusto ah, I see the picture from .nl, but I don't get the problem.
Which picture? Which comment? Who am I?
I'ma not know neither. Nor Neitherlender.
@RegDwighт the picture of venice flooded
I see the shooting range and I see the peeving. Neither has pictures.
Do you have messages starred exclusively for the hoi polloi?
@RegDwighт click on the link that takes you to the place in the transcript that the post come from
@Robusto Wise is the man who follows Polonius’s advice.
@MattЭллен So I did.
In fact I was live in chat on both occasions.
Perhaps I'm immune because of that?
still can’t see a bloody coño
OIC. yes it's not negatively affecting me either.
@tchrist Well, how about "brevity is the soul of wit" then?
Ah. Here goes. When I click on that image, I get the warning.
ah, okay: this link now shows the warning in Chrome
But I can see the image just fine without clicking or warnings.
No, no jinx.
@Robusto The soul is a myth.
@tchrist Only for half-wits. Full wits have souls.
www.nrc.nl/inbeeld/files/2012/11/1211WEBAPP13-980x735.jpg gets me a warning.
@RegDwighт Is there some SE dev mod you can report this to?
You mean the picture of the warning?
What would I report and what would they do about it?
I'll just delete the image, is all.
Even better.
@RegDwighт maybe change it to a link
@RegDwighт I see nought but nekked Dutchers. No warning. My virgin eyes have been fucked with.
You don't need the with.
Oh damn. New girl at work is a cutie pie.
@KitFox That’s racist.
That's the best kind of pie
Raging whore moans.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, second best kind of pie.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 too late. And everyone who wanted to already got a glimpse. "He who comes late gets punished by life" (Gorbachov).
No POSIX in chat.
And you forgot the brackets.
30 GOTO 10
And I get to work with her. Just the kind of pain I don't need.
@RegDwighт The limp biscuit is punishment enough.
I saw that one coming.
If you see it again, it'll be the Second Coming and we can all go home.
Best close your eyes.
That'd be December 21st.
See what broken coadz has reduced me to? I am bandying words with chatsters. Bah!
You can band numbers for a change.
chastens @Robusto
Everyone think of a number between 1 and 10. The one who thinks of the highest number wins. I pick 7.
@RegDwighт Nature’s nadir, halfway through winter, brightens all fell spirits and fallen.
♫ c# compiler build me a dream. make it the cutest DLL that I've seen♫
sees no need to c#ly
@MattЭллен Mr Sandman is in E, not C#.
So the We the People site is accumulating petitions for allowing various states to secede from the Union.
@tchrist I pick 9.999...
Actually that's according to YouTube. According to actual sheet music, it's in Bb.
But this one is the best
> Deport Everyone That Signed A Petition To Withdraw Their State From The United States Of America.
@RegDwighт well, I can't hear music when I'm asleep
@RegDwighт Because it was written for idiots.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. Deport them to Alabama.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hahaha. I was just going to post that.
@RegDwighт 11
@Robusto That's the problem, innit? Who else would take them?
Idiots prefer Bb’s dull warmth over E’s brilliant shrillness.
@Robusto We’ve already voted to secede from Jesusland, thank you very much.
This one is interesting.
Nov 7 at 19:03, by tchrist
Apropos of nothing, I see that Maine and Maryland, Colorado and Washington have voted to secede from Jesusland. Oh wait, we did that a long time ago, didn’t we?
We've always been a sensible people.
I refuse anything that tries to get Rush Limbaugh off.
this should amuse everyone for the rest of the day
@tchrist only Colorado was arguably ever in Jesusland
except, CO just legalized marijuana. not gaywedding. totally different.
hi peers
he doesn't look impressed, @joker13
you know him?
@KitFox sensible people, when they wage a war against morons, and win, don't proceed to give said morons equal say in how to run the sensible people's country.
@joker13 that's Piers Morgan - he thought you were saying hello to him
he seems to be in serious trouble... :)
indeed :D
@RegDwighт Letting Texas secede would actually be helpful in that regard. There would be a brainless-drain to the new nation, thus raising the IQ of the rest of the US.
My point was more like there was no point in letting them in in the first place.
And I just pulled a tchrist by misspelling first.
@MattЭллен Piers Brosnan’s really gone downhill, hasn’t he?
@MattЭллен actually sheet music sez it's in Bb. The E I got from YouTube. One more reason not to trust YouTube.
@tchrist so looks like the song was written by dull warm idiots, after all.
@JSBձոգչ Amendment 2: The Hate State. 20 years later, I have a gay US Congressman, and our Speaker-elect in the State House is gay.
I'd rather C# than Bb
@MattЭллен Did you mean A#?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 how can I A#?
A's no verb in my lexicon
@MattЭллен Ah, now I see where your joke is going
Or are you referring to the recent legalisation of marijuana?
I was going for the "pointless complaint about a scale that's the same as the other scale"
That would have been technically funnier, but I know about music like I know about knitting. I can drum.
> Amazon Donates 2,000 Kindles To Wounded Veterans
I read "kidneys"
I was like "where did they get them!?"
That would have been news worthy
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 don't ask. amazon has some... secret warehouses
Hey guys, I can't remember a word, could you help me out?

It's some sort of an action which you perform to arrive at another conclusion.

For example, instead of saying "they said to do A", if a was bad, I could say "they said to do something bad."

Is there a name for this?
It's not quite clear what you're asking about. What action are you talking about?
Well it's abstract, and thus difficult to explain. "Drawing a conclusion", "following logic" or "extending" seem to be similar... Well, it doesn't really matter.
Looks like simple deductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning, also called deductive logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more general statements regarding what is known to reach a logically certain conclusion. Deductive reasoning involves using given true premises to reach a conclusion that is also true. Deductive reasoning contrasts with inductive reasoning in that a specific conclusion is arrived at from a general principle. If the rules and logic of deduction are followed, this procedure ensures an accurate conclusion. An example of a deductive argument: #All men are mortal. #John is a man. #Therefore, John is mort...
Hm, might be.
(But it's not what I'm looking for.)
At least I don't see a substantial difference between "All men are mortal" + "John is a man" = "John is mortal" and "They said to do A" + "A is bad" = "They said to do a bad thing".
@Bane we'll need another example, then.
I already just explained what I mean, no matter :)
@RegDwighт Har. So how do you feel about BB after seeing 6 episodes?
Excellent. It's now that things start to pick off. First back-references, too.
Episode six is where they start to really get into the deeper, darker parts of regex
Episode four was intense. It's also the one with the I Am The One Who Knocks.
But they still have lots of quiet moments where nothing at all happens for minutes on end. Which I like.
Like, he walks to the kitchen, opens a bottle of wine, drinks a glass, pours another. And they show it all start to finish with no cuts and no commentary.
Hmm, sounds like I would like it.
@RegDwighт Wait, what? Which season are you viewing?
If you are watching Season 4 you are cheating. You are required to watch the first three seasons first.
@RegDwighт if you like that, you should watch Stalker
continuous five-minute shot of three guys sitting on a train. no one says anything.
also, you know, classic russian SF cinema. great movie.
@Robusto hold on, don't shock me like that.
It was clearly labeled season 1 somewhere, otherwise I wouldn't have started...
Well, crap. Looks like I must come to a grinding halt and do some catching up.
Crap, crap, crap.
Lalala, I forget everything I saw in the last two weeks.
Yep, season 4 for certain. Crap.
@RegDwighт Wow, that sucks. No wonder it seemed like nothing was happening. Lots of shit was happening, but it was just going whoosh over your head.
On the plus side I figured out what broke my codez. Whitespace between tags in HTML was throwing off my measurements. Fucking whitespace. I need blackspace instead.
I didn't figure out why my code was broken. it just started working again for no reason. yay for the c# compiler
@Robusto blackspace is racist.
Maybe, but once you've had blackspace ...
you can't go backspace?
you have to use delete forevermore
Nah, just use the arrow keys.
Writer's Chat in The Overlook is starting now. Today we provide support and encouragement to National Novel Writing Month participants. All are welcome, especially the curious.
Nrc.nl a malware site? Haha.
They would like that.
It is the oldest newspaper we have.
And the most highly regarded.
If Google somehow flagged them...
@RegDwighт Was wollen sie sagen? Na ja, genau so etwas mit dem Trojanischen Pferd oder sowas.
Such a genius.
Although calling him out was a bit bitchy...
@Cerberus heh, "somehow"... it's no secret how. They scan for malware
It's just the wording that seemed funny.
it just goes to show that even trusted places can be dangerous
But it turns out there was indeed malware spread through some advertising network earlier today.
I'm glad I use Adblock and Noscript.
The malware was stopped several hours ago anyway.
Okay, the problem was in Adhese, which indirectly linked to so malicious code.
yes. And note that the malware was using a previously-disclosed vulnerability, hence pointing out the need to keep software up-to-date
Funnily, I think I allowed a Flash update a few hours earlier. And this site says that there was also a Flash problem
In addition to a Java issue.
Of course I have Java turned off normally.
is that fun or not? It should be, but I just didn't feel like playing one I tried them all. But it's the right platform.
Then with Adblock and Noscript I feel well protected.
@Mitch Hmm do I need an account?
That's the website of the University of Groningen.
I'm afraid it won't let me create an account, so I have to give up.
@Cerberus well, to use you need to register which is annoying. I figure...
what? how will it -not- allow you to create an account?
But it doesn't work.
I have tried.
Enabled Javascript and cookies, and it's still not enough.
hm...you play games, answering multiple choice questions. Here's a highlighted sentence. here are some alternatives. Which one. You get point for correct answers and more points open up 'things' (I don't know what)
gamification. I love freerice. very addictive. with wordrobe, there's too much mouse movement required. tiniest details like that that can make a big impact.
Fine, I'll open it in Internet Explorer! Is that what you wanted?
@Cerberus Leave it to the Dutch.
@Cerberus I don't want nothing.
Or rather, I want a snack.
But you shall have it.
I will get it. A snack that is.
I hope KIt's and everyone else's novels are coming along. It is at our expense; the writing should be done here.
@Mitch Come and see.
@Robusto I mean, really. What do the Dutch know about words? a bunch of throat clearing.
I linked to my progress page over there.
@KitFox argh! I thought you weren't listening!
You know reading is harder than writing.
Jun 24 '11 at 15:39, by Kosmonaut
@Robusto Dutch isn't even a convincing forgery.
WHen you write you just type or move you pencil over paper. But with reading you have to think and understand the multitude of possibilities the writer -could- have been meaning.
Blah blah blah.
It's too easy!
@Mitch You don't even need to read the whole sentence.
in The Overlook Hotel, 24 mins ago, by KitFox
I have been posting notes about my progress on my blog, as well as the scenes I've written daily.
@Cerberus exactly! Hold on, are we talking about novels or about Dutch?
> They said preliminary investigation indicates that a technical problem rather than pilot error cause the crash.
@Cerberus the technical problem could be that the button the pilot pressed was in the wrong place.
Why cause, and not caused?
Or that the pitot tubes froze at high altitude.
@Cerberus Typo.
Why pilot error, not a pilot error or a piloting error?
@KitFox One would think so—but it is in a grammar game!
@Cerberus Pilot error sounds right to me.
@Mitch And it's your game!!
@KitFox I guess it is possible...but my subconscious really wants the article from a technical problem repeated.
"pilot error" is a noun-noun phrase where "pilot" is a noun attribute.
@Cerberus yeah, probably the a should be there.
It sounds too colloquial to me, where the "a" is just dropped in speech.
"sunspots" spots on the sun, pilot error = errors by a pilot
user error
oh hai
a user made the error.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, if you look at the rest of the sentence, it isn't what I would expect.
@cornbreadninja You're not a user error. You're fine!
@Mitch So does this game get harder if you advance?
Or should I pick another game?
It's too easy.
The map game is more fun.
Unless this one gets harder.
Maybe we should try "Pointers"?
A: Awoken vs. Awaked

tchristTwo verbs: one strong, the other weak The answer is fairly complicated at the detail level, but the short story is that there were two different verbs, one strong (all this the alpha version) and the other weak (call this the beta version). These two verbs converged, but neither form won out ov...

Back to telecon.
Okay, the Pointers game is no good.
Way too easy, and, what is worse, ambiguous answers.

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