No, it is zero. That is the beauty of it.
Imperial Rome has got to go.
Just wait till you see what I have in store for the calendar.
There shall of course be only ten months. They will be named One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten. Now we don’t have to learn those stupid things like Janvier and Enero and such.
I can’t believe the European Union hasn’t done this already.
Any system that can replace MDCLXXVI with 0 is clearly the mathematically correct solution.
Quick, how many months ago was four score and seven years ago?
Under the metric calendar, it becomes forty score and seventy months ago.
I calculate that we will be able get children into the workforce at least three years younger under the new system, because it will be so much easier.
That way they can start paying taxes earlier, and everyone will benefit.
Hey Max, whadya wanna do tonight?