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@Robusto BOOOOO!
He'll make you scratch your head for a while trying to figure out which Vito wrote a toccata. :) (It's Widor, but he talks phunnie.)
@tchrist OK, I read your explanation of the "special year," and I'm still at a loss.
Can "few multiples of ten minutes ago" mean "four days ago"? 'Cause someone insisted it can.
@DannyuNDos No.
That someone doesn't know how time or numbers or English work. Or more likely is just effing with you.
Puzzle #552
> Why [bring] a short [book to read]? Isn’t prison a time for long reads?
> Behar Tsalik: Because I’m addicted to Instagram so I have a short attention span.
Gen Z goes to prison.
@alphabet at least Gen Z is honest
Or maybe he was being cheeky.
@Robusto Ed knows, but he's not telling. :)
Yeah, you can't punch my puzzle into any of these LLMs and have it give you the right answer, but I won't tell you why not, either.
Usually they think it's something about American elections or wars or both.
@DannyuNDos It can't, for two reasons. First, we never talk about multiples of ten minutes. You can have hours or half-hours, or sometimes quarter-hours/quarters of an hour. Nobody talks about sixths of an hour. And the natural groupings in English are by dozens; that we have no special word for "tens" of things gives away away how much more that we like dozens.
@DannyuNDos The other reason is as you guessed: using "few" to mean even six is stretching matters, and it would take six sixths of an hour for each hour, so there's no way in hell you can get to ninety-six times six sixths of an hour ago starting with "few".
There are a dozen five-minute spans in hour, though. Isn't that nice? :)
I see.
The Babylonians were geniuses. All number bases since theirs have been worse.
@DannyuNDos Even in French which have both dozens and "10zens", il y a quelques dizaines de minutes would never be acceptable for "four days ago". The expected time would be between 20 minutes and one hour.
@M.A.R. I think they'd have felt more than a bit disappointed if they hadn't gotten jailed.
2 hours later…
Wordle 1,275 4/6

Puzzle #553
Strands #287
@tchrist The HHS secretary operates, though, mostly in public in open debate. So you could argue that RFK Jr. is far less dangerous than, say, Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence, where she would be, in some sense, overseeing 17 USIntelligence agrncies.
agencies, that is
3 hours later…
youtube.com/watch?v=lgVBgZbrjCo Buff 'n' Stuff - (how do you guys understand the title?)
3 hours later…
@MichaelRybkin Someone who is buff is in good shape. “Stuff” can refer to “things” in general, or, as a verb, to stuffing your mouth—eating too much.
@tchrist 2116 per chance?
@Xanne Okay. Thank you.
@Araucaria-Him Yes.
#travle #732 +1
@tchrist OK, well ... have fun with that.
@Robusto Monkey puzzle boy got it.
So ... Anton Newcombe got it?
Araucaria ( ; original pronunciation: [a.ɾawˈka. ɾja]) is a genus of evergreen coniferous trees in the family Araucariaceae. While today they are largely confined to the Southern Hemisphere, during the Jurassic and Cretaceous they were globally distributed. There are 20 extant species in New Caledonia (where 14 species are endemic, see New Caledonian Araucaria), eastern Australia (including Norfolk Island), New Guinea, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. == Description == Araucaria are mainly large trees with a massive erect stem, reaching a height of 5–80 metres (16–262 ft). The horizontal,...
Wordle 1,275 5/6

Wordle 1,275 4/6

#travle #732 +0
#WhenTaken #292 (15.12.2024)

I scored 858/1000🏆

1️⃣📍16.2 m - 🗓️0 yrs - 🥇200/200
2️⃣📍1.1 km - 🗓️10 yrs - 🥇185/200
3️⃣📍7.7K km - 🗓️12 yrs - 🥉88/200
4️⃣📍411 km - 🗓️0 yrs - 🥇187/200
5️⃣📍643 m - 🗓️2 yrs - 🥇198/200

Puzzle #553
Took me a while, but I got it.
None of these six possibilities is actually wrong. Some of them may be somewhat more idiomatic than others, but take a look at this Ngramthe architecture of London and London's architecture are almost equally common today. — Peter Shor 56 mins ago
I love Peter: he still knows how to make his verb agree with his subject, something that's just so old-school I can't even. Soon we'll all be dead though, and English will lose all inflections.
Which will make it far more agreeable for the unthinking.
I was pretty bummed out when I saw how much money African Americans had contributed to Trump's re-election, but then I saw that that was mostly all just from Elon.
#WhenTaken #292 (15.12.2024)

I scored 775/1000🏅

1️⃣📍162 m - 🗓️9 yrs - 🥇187/200
2️⃣📍1.9 km - 🗓️25 yrs - 🥈135/200
3️⃣📍3.6K km - 🗓️0 yrs - 🥈134/200
4️⃣📍391 km - 🗓️25 yrs - 🥉123/200
5️⃣📍28.4 m - 🗓️4 yrs - 🥇196/200

Daily Octordle #1056
Score: 59
Daily Sequence Octordle #1056
Score: 60
Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica

Dec. 15, 2024

✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 🎉

My Score: 2130
Puzzle #553
@Robusto Over my head.
Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica

Dec. 15, 2024

✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 💔 ✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 🤕

My Score: 1180
@jlliagre The relationships are quite subtle. Luck for me the hardest one is a gimme, since once you guess the first three the last one is simply pro forma.
Puzzle #553
We're Conexions twins, identical order.
I must admit I would never have known the purple one, because I just don't know the things they refer to.
@Cerberus Good on ya, mate.
Was the blue one really that 'difficult'?
@Cerberus Not once you get it ;-)
Oh, really.
Like the Oracle of Delphi.
@tchrist This.
Strands #287
Strands #287
That one doesn't appeal to me.
@Robusto Hmm yeah, it's meh.
And it only seems to know American spelling.
@Cerberus Same with NYT's Spelling Bee. I think all of English spelling should be fair game.
And its vocabulary is unnecessarily limited.
@Robusto I just completed it but it seems there is no way to share results, at least for non suscribers.
@jlliagre Another drawback of a lot of NYT games.
@Robusto That is also annoying.
> Wordle was acquired from its creator, Josh Wardle, a software engineer in Brooklyn, for a price “in the low seven figures,” The Times said. The company said the game would initially remain free to new and existing players.
I don't understand 'acquired', do they mean the website?
Jan 20 at 15:10, by Robusto
NYT Spelling Bee doesn't take bended. What about the fixed phrase "on bended knee"?
Jan 2 at 14:42, by Robusto
@Mitch NYT Spelling Bee now doesn't accept bole? WTF?
Sep 13, 2023 at 16:27, by Robusto
@Mitch: NYT Spelling Bee won't take mayhap. I swear, they have such a small vocabulary.
Aug 21, 2023 at 15:34, by Robusto
NYT Spelling Bee doesn't accept midden. Really?
Jul 10, 2023 at 14:57, by Robusto
@Mitch: NYT Spelling Bee won't accept porphyry. I bet it's seen often enough in their crosswords, though. Hypocrites.
@Cerberus The brand, the game itself. It's copyrighted. Now they can sue anyone copying too closely the concept.
Feb 27, 2023 at 16:52, by Robusto
Hmm, Spelling Bee accepts nouvelle but not nacelle? How dare they!
May 13, 2023 at 13:33, by Robusto
@Mitch NYT Spelling Bee started accepting nacelle. Must have been my email to them.
@jlliagre The game is super old and certainly not 'invented' by that person.
Dec 13, 2022 at 3:06, by Robusto
@Mitch The fuck do you want, a medal? Maybe you are doing these puzzles for candy bunnies or gold stars or SE rep, but Spelling Bee is a puzzle from the New York Fucking Times, bruh. The solving is the reward.
It has been on Dutch television since...1989. And no doubt it is much older than that.
I cou8ld go on, but I'll stop there.
@Cerberus But the name itself is probably where the copyright lies.
Well, who cares about a name. A name a trademark, not copyrighted anyway.
@Cerberus Obviously someone who's spending "low seven figures" on a game's name cares in that proportion.
@tchrist It took me a moment. Anyway, I'm not sure he still has South African nationality so he wouldn't qualify as African-American, would he?
Dec 11 at 17:22, by Robusto
> I hope the first naturalized immigrant Trump deports is Elon Musk.
@Lambie Thereon the joke depends.
> Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. —Oscar Wilde
@Lambie He has been an American citizen since 2002. Apparently he worked here illegally previous to that, however.
Que pedo.
If African Americans aren't Americans from Africa, then something smells funny. Musk?
@tchrist Yeah, but he wasn't brought to the states under duress.
@Lambie Ye sand?
@Robusto No güey. jaja
@tchrist You said he was African-American, right? No duress, no African-American. No South African nationality, no African-American in that sense either....
@Lambie That's pretty nonsensical. No thanks.
What are the rules for being Asian-American?
2 hours later…
Nov 7, 2022 at 16:43, by jlliagre
@FaheemMitha African-American then.
To call the bugger African-American is to demean both sides of that hyphenated phrase...but hey, if you want to, that's your right.
1 hour later…
@Lambie "Elon Musk is African-American" falls into the category of "technically true, but come on."
It is true, of course, that not all African-Americans are descended from American slaves--case in point: Barack Obama. But nobody's gonna discriminate against Elon because of his skin color, nor have his ancestors been oppressed in that respect.
@alphabet Right, so Obama is African and American, but not African-American. Just like I am American and Brazilian but not Brazilian-American. For me, both parents have to be from a place with a kid born in the other country. So, in Brazil, an Afro-brasileiro would be: two African-descended parents with a child born in Brazil. A Brazilian-American is two Brazilian parents with the kid born here. Gees, I think I've thought it through.
@Lambie From Wikipedia: Obama "was the first African-American president in U.S. history." I think that that reflects the typical usage of the term. But racial terminology usually makes very little logical sense.
Now do 'Hispanic'
Or 'gaijin'.
@Mitch You people are just making things up.
Aug 6 at 16:39, by alphabet
Apparently the census here is changing the racial categories to add "Middle Eastern or North African" and "Latino": https://www.npr.org/2024/03/28/1237218459/census-race-categories-ethnicity-middle-east-north-africa
Thank you for recognizing my personhood.
Trump to replace census racial categories with "Good" and "Bad"
Gaijin have gay djinni parents.
Hispanic is from thinking she'll catch him.
Cardinal O'Malley is a Latin American.
@alphabet he's one of the good ones.
I've seen a lot of anti-ginger sentiment lately.
Turks are Near Asian.
@Mitch Only by galangal bigots.
Most of the anti-ginger sentiment is pretty awful, mostly denigrating their intelligence
Are you on drugs?
Granted the gingers they are referring to are cats
We don't use that word here.
I didn't know there was a thing that ginger cats do stupid things
Like I said.
But there's video to prove it
Speak American.
-lots- of video
¿No te dije que hablases cristiano?
I mean you watch one stupid ginger cat video, blink your eyes, and it's three hours later
Get the hell out England, kid. They don't want you redturncoatniks there.
I mean the things they are filmed doing are in fact not well thought out.
I heard that this is what happens when you drink seawater.
But I'm sure there are black cats that do stupid things too and there's lots of video to prove it but they just don't film well.
I mean video tech is somewhat racist.
They didn't do it on purpose.
Why must you insist on seeing the world in black and red?
I mean when they came up with green screen tech, they could have also figured the right sensitivity to cover all skin colors.
I just went to Costco (tagged along with someone with a membership) and to be honest it's kinda fun.
You aren't fooling anybody.
Red Fox: what color?
Redd Foxx: what color?
Remember that "red" in foxes and heads and redbreasts means orange, which hadn't been invented yet because trade with China was too slow.
@Mitch Regardless of whether the cat is black or white, it's good when it catches mice well. — Deng Xiaoping
More red advice.
At night all cats are gray.

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