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but there are pictures of saints in the stained glass windows
So what things are not done in your churches that are done by Catholics?
we don't do confession
Ah OK.
originally protestantism was a lot gloomier
Isn't it still?
no pictures or statues at all
We still don't have any, I believe.
@Cerberus well, Anglican is meant to be protestant
and we have pretty stained glass windows everywhere
That's great.
We have some left too.
also, there was no revering of Mary or Joseph at school, only Jesus
and The Queen, of course
But if you still have statues of Mary in churches...
Of course!
@Cerberus true
She's the chief of the church...what's it called?
god's representative on Earth
or whatever
It's plain to see.
Which is where she gets her royal we from
time for me to stop speaking. I mean commute
OK later!
I think there has been only one Anglican saint added since the split: King Charles the first.
And the Anglican Church recognizes all the same saints as the Catholic church prior to the split, but none of the newer ones.
And the Anglican church was not founded in the same sense of protestantism as the other churches. That was added later.
Wikipedia suggests that they don't so much nominate "Saints" anymore, but rather "Heroes"
But most of the rites and imagery...
In my limited experience with the Anglican church, the basic Mass was very similar to the Catholic church.
The churches are hard to tell apart.
It's mostly a question of loyalty, I think, or was.
Well, nowadays there are a number of important doctrinal beliefs, for those who care about that.
I don't think all those beliefs were split at once.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Such as the King gets to have a divorce. Very important.
It's good to be the King.
@MετάEd I think everyone does.
@MετάEd Exactly.
I'm reading this article about what percentage of the Internet is porn.
Of course that is very hard to measure, and even the definition of what figures you actually man when you say that is very hard.
The article suggested that porn was only the 8th most popular search word in Google, and that it was therefore less important than social websites and kitten videos and such.
Then one commenter said:
> Whenever I want to look at porn, I always type "porn" in Google.
Which was of course ironic.
Kind of the point of human subcultures/fetishes is that they’re oddly specific, it would seem fractally so.
I was just reading some Internet porn.
How interesting.
@JonPurdy Exactly.
I can see how one may search for "porn big boobies"—but just "porn"?
Why not just "porn"?
@KitFox The articles again, huh?
@Cerberus Um. If by articles, you mean like "the letters" then yes.
Except no.
@KitFox It is like searching "Wikipedia article" when you want to know something about the Freemasons.
No, it's not like that.
It's like searching for Wikipedia when you want to find something that has encyclopedia articles in it.
Or "cats" when you want to find websites about cats.
It is like searching for "encyclopaedia" when you already know you want Wikipedia.
Or that. Sure.
@KitFox More like "animals" when you're looking for cats.
No. Like cats.
Maybe you don't want a specific kind of cat.
So unless you're very indiscriminate in your pornographic interests...
And who is, really?
I don't like Siamese cats.
And even if you are, do you really want that kind of specificity in your search history?
Well, not for myself anyway.
Google knows everything you do anyway, if they want to.
Most porn users probably don't realise this anyway.
Porn users...
Hey, you know how sometimes you're hungry and you don't know what you feel like eating?
It's like that, but with porn.
Do you think many people have that with porn?
I often do.
I see.
It's also difficult for me to keyword the things I want without getting stuff that I really don't want.
I think the author meant to say that he didn't think many people were like that.
Hmm kinky.
For instance, "nurse porn" is not generally limited to "porn stars in nurse uniforms."
He asked naïvely.
I really can't think of anything else.
Have you ever played Dragon Age?
It actually sounds good.
Hmm. Don't think so.
And it's cheap now, because it's several years old.
@Cerberus Well, often it ends up involving certain bodily fluids and other weirdnesses that are not my kink. I'm pretty vanilla.
90 % is very high.
@KitFox Hmm I see.
I liked Baldur's Gate...
And of course, Mass Effect is good.
So I heard.
Well, I heard. I haven't played it.
Mass Effect got 89 %.
What is this GameFAQs ripoff site anyway?
Neither have I.
Rip-off? I have used Gamerankings for so long. It could be 10 years old.
I remember using GameFAQs long ago. But they only had walkthroughs and such: I don't remember reviews?
Hmm interesting.
Game FAQs is from 1995, Game Rankings from 2000.
They do seem much alike.
I had sex with a guy who was a...something important on GameFAQs.
He managed the PS2 section or something.
A moderator, maybe?
The search interface seems easier in Rankings, but FAQs seems faster.
@KitFox So you had a game FAQ. Good for you.
Depending on how you pronounce FAQ.
A game FAQtoid.
You are a game FAQtoid now?
Speaking of porn. He was hot. I can't remember why I stopped having sex with him.
Nor can I.
Well, greener pastures and all that.
I can't seem to remember his name right now either.
Always them pastures.
Shall I bid on this?
Don't you dare bid against me!
Another one's up for sale in two days.
Sure, why not?
My computer is more than capable of running it, so I checked at Canyourunit.com, which automatically checks your PC's specs against a game's.
So you mistook Dragon Age for Skyrim.
That's not too bad.
Yep. Kinda looked it.
It does look quite good.
You can see how they must skimp on the grass when a dragon is present.
Yeah. One reviewer made it sound like it was OK. Sounds like a prettier version of Baldur's Gate.
Fun to play for a while, then it gets irritating.
Combat seems to be much like BG. I didn't like Oblivion's combat, so I might like this.
BG just became boring at some point.
And here's some electronic side-boob.
Oh thanks. I'm already sated on side-boob. Watched some Upstairs, Downstairs last night.
lol (again)
(without reason)
(why am I talking like this?)
Hello everyone by the way
45 secs ago, by KitFox
What am I, a puppet?
@KitFox Depends on which direction the strings go.
tugs gently
tilts slightly
If only my users were this easy to figure out.
tilts wildly whoa!
not sure what happened there
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Your thing is tangled in my string.
so @Cerberus the combat in Bard's Tale is pretty pedestrian.
@MετάEd I hate it when that happens!
Nice prostitution with a funny British accent in Dragon Age...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How so?
I don't really remember much about the exact combat in Baldur's Gate. It was OK, but the game always remained somewhat boring, somehow.
This looks much better.
@Cerberus Well, it has two buttons: hit, and block. You have to block, and hit, every enemy, until they die. that is all.
You can summon allies who will aid you.
You can choose from a handful of weapons.
This is not at all like that.
You lead a party that you can instruct.
As in Baldur's Gate.
but you don't have, eg, multiple kinds of attacks, or the ability to direct your party.
I blame the tablet UI, actually.
Oh, wait.
I thought a Bard's Tale was something else.
that game you told me to check out the other day
Right, right.
it's a fun-enough game, but not really on account of the combat.
Okay, that doesn't sound on par with good PC games, but then...
So the timed combat is not much fun?
but then it only cost $3 and I can take it with me wherever I go.
it's real-time combat
That's the idea, yes.
but the combat is simplistic.
No fun?
because you can't really hold the device, and move around, AND have complex combat, all at the same time.
well, the combat isn't terrible. but it's not great.
and the AI of some of the enemies could use some work. There are some areas where they are totally stumped by the terrain.
Yay for stupid zombies!
the good parts of the game are the snarky dialogue and the fact that the narrator seems to hate the protagonist, and they argue.
Okay, so what mark would you give it, for a mobile game?
Geez, I dunno. I hardly think I've played enough games to be an authority.
puts on opinionating hat
I'd give it an 8/10
give it 10
give it 8!
There are two things I don't like so far. 1. you have only one saved game, and you can only save at certain places. That's annoying. I may have ruined my saved game by walking too close to an auto-save point during a battle.
2. The combat is more tedious than exciting.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's quite high!
The graphics are okay. The gameplay (aside from combat) is fine. About what I expect for an RPG.
@Cerberus Well, I have to bell-curve all mobile games. There is a lot of crap.
what age group does tweens represent?
11 to 13 ish
Sometimes 10 is included.
Sometimes 13 is excluded.
ok, I had imagined it meant people in their 20s pretending to be teenagers
I downloaded some games that had fixed-size game areas. So on my 1024x768 tablet, they flip into portrait mode and show up in a 320x400 window at the top of the screen, on a black background. LAME-O! I uninstall those games without even trying to play.
@MattЭллен Ah, no. Be'tween' kid and teenager.
I have played some "casual" games that work very well on tablets/phones. Games that don't overreach the way Bard's Tale does.
But nothing beats, eg, Bioshock. Man that was a good game.
@KitFox gotcha. thanks :)
Definitely illegal, Matthew.
That can actually make a game more exciting. I remember I liked the new Pirates a lot less than the old, and then I figured out it was partially because of the tension created by only being to save in port in the original.
It was *so* exciting to be sailing deep in Spanish territory with a ton of treasure aboard, facing a possible mutiny...I had to either risk attacking another Spanish galleon to distract the crew but risk losing my ship + treasure, or sailing home to Curaçao as fast as possible risking mutiny...all while being unable to save! That was great. Otherwise I would simply have t
I don't mind checkpoints, but they have to be well-placed.
@MattЭллен It's 20 through 29.
It is something i noticed in replaying Ratchet & Clank PS3 titles. The early ones had ages to wait in between savepoints.
@Cerberus You can have it your way, but I don't like doing stuff over and over. Just don't save as often, if that's your thing. Instead, I have to do it your way, because the game forces me to keep retrying.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That is alas very important. I refuse to play any RPGs or similar genres if I don't like the combat, because it's just such a huge part.
@Cerberus Well, I haven't played many. But honestly, I don't see how this kind of combat can work well on a touch device. It's just too hard to control. Very tricky to hit the right part of the screen when you're not looking at it.
If it were using a regular controller, it'd have only 2 buttons and one D-pad.
@MετάEd that's what I had thought, but apparently it (also?) means 11-13
Plus, I guess, 4 buttons for controlling your team mates, and two buttons for calling up items/spells. but controlling the teammates in combat is pointless, as they'll be busy fighting already and the controls are coarse: stay here, attack, follow me, come back.
Tween is a word that typically refers to a person who is between the ages of 10 and 12 years old (although some say the range is 8 to 12, 9 to 14, or 9 to 13, or 11 and 12), in grades 5-7 or 4-8. The term is often described in popular media as referring to a pre-adolescent (usually female) who is at the "in-between" stage in their development when they are considered "too old for toys, too young for boys". The "tween" stage usually ends with the onset of puberty, though this may vary. Definition Tween is a blend of the words teen and between. Tweens are "in-between" being a child and a t...
Never heard of it as referring to 20-somethings.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I completely agree: repetition is the worst sin in any game. However, that does not apply to non-linear games. Pirates is totally non linear. In RPGs, it's different: I do not want to have to fight the same boss battle twice. However, in some semi-random forest, it could actually be fun. However3, it is essential that you don't really die, then: you must have the option of losing a significant amount of money or something but being able to play on.
That was the case in Pirates as well.
And you and I both know not saving as often is not an option!
If you can save, you do it.
@Cerberus I don't want to not really die either. What I want is to be able to save my game every 30s if I so choose.
in Bioshock they had an interesting compromise. Scattered throughout the game were these reincarnation stations. Whenever you die, you reincarnate at the one you most recently visited. There is no other penalty, really.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, you may be right. But some games have several buttons ons screen that work like a controller. Like the Nintendo emulations on Android.
Those should work just as well as a controller.
@Cerberus sure, they work "like" a controller. But nowhere near as easy to use.
You just have a smaller screen.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But then you cannot be forced into hard decisions, which is the coolest thing about games!
Linear games are just unfit for this.
But in non-linear games, infrequent saving can truly enhance the game.
@Cerberus You can still have hard decisions. Often the consequences of a decision are not known until long after you make them.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But then you'd have to replay the same level again...
Or part of the level.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, you can't press the glass as hard...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Then that's hardly a decision. More like a blind guess.
@Cerberus No. They do not "enhance the game". They make it so that you cannot even put it down for the day and resume later, because your progress is lost. You cannot experiment at all with the game, because your choices are final. You must play perfectly, or else you enter a cycle of losing because you're losing.
No, I'm talking about the kind of decision I had to make in Pirates.

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