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Hey eyyy, does this chat have... humor?
Daily Octordle #889
Score: 76
Noted: no humor, just whatever-dle puzzles.
Daily Sequence Octordle #889
Score: 67
@user402514 I concur.
Jun 17 at 3:34, by alphabet
I, of course, am a completely serious raccoon and everything I say should be treated with the reverence due to every member of our species, being the evolutionary apex of the animal kingdom.
Jun 17 at 3:35, by alphabet
But you humans: feel free to joke amongst yourselves while we move into your attics.
1 hour later…
Thanks for responses. On the other hand, does this chat have guttcherdoodles?
And also, does this chat like using harsh language from time to time?
I'm wondering just in case. Or specifically, I'd like to know whether I could get away with saying "a fuckton of sth".
@user402514 Nope, because sth is a Sith Lord of Ill Repute.
@alphabet A good person
@user402514 Foul language is trash. Delicious, delicious trash.
I believe that "motherfucker" is acceptable here but "c*nt" might be frowned upon.
Indeed, the word "side-scrote" was, to my knowledge, coined and first used in this very chatroom
@CowperKettle Indeed. Did you know that most soup kitchens and food banks currently refuse service to raccoons? We only get what they put in the dumpster. We demand equal service and also still the dumpster stuff.
3 hours later…
I spent three hours trying to back up my phone's data, and all in vain. My brain cannot properly concentrate its attention and gets tired, and I get diverted by all sorts of things, I mean distracted.
Something's with my mind.
Too bad that there is nothing to do about it.
And when I'm trying hard to concentrate my attention and to read the manuals in-depth, I feel heaviness in my left arm, the part that's close to the shoulder. I wonder if that's just sensory, or some mild straining of the muscles. I wonder how brain activity can bring on such special effects.
4 hours later…
@user402514 you could, nobody in this chat minds. SE chat transcripts are publicly visible though, and most other chats have a 'no profanity' rule, so a chatroom can't pretend to be wholly independent. I'm personally relucant to cuss anywhere, since I'm an uppity Lawful Good avatar.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, bad ns for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link following arrow in body, potentially bad keyword in body, +1 more (390): DumpsBoss AWS Practitioner Exam Dumps: Your Key to Success‭ by romero796‭ on english.SE
Wordle 1,109 4/6

"DumpsBoss". I kinda like it.
Formerly "MiraLax for Men."
#WhenTaken #126 (02.07.2024)

I scored 834/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 50.7 metres - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 199 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 315 km - 🗓️ 17 yrs - ⚡ 154 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 53.8 metres - 🗓️ 4 yrs - ⚡ 196 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 162 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 192 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 11583 km - 🗓️ 6 yrs - ⚡ 93 / 200


Fucked it up at the end. Oh well.
Daily Octordle #890
Score: 62
Daily Sequence Octordle #890
Score: 62
Wordle 1,109 4/6

#WhenTaken #126 (02.07.2024)

I scored 933/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 743 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 177 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 74 km - 🗓️ 4 yrs - ⚡ 192 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 2 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 199 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 70 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 196 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 1066 km - 🗓️ 0 yrs - ⚡ 169 / 200

Daily Octordle #890
Score: 60
Daily Sequence Octordle #890
Score: 60
1 hour later…
@alphabet spits out tea
Word of the day: sadfishing. "A behavioural trend where people make exaggerated claims about their emotional problems to generate sympathy."
The trend is to use that term, not the behavior. The behavior has been going on forever.
Read the Bible man.
@alphabet oh I get it now.
Not about a sad fish.
That took me a few minutes.
I was all worried about a poor fish who had lost his family, you know like Nemo.
Definitely a sad situation.
@Mitch I hate whichever marketing exec decided that every product should have a separate "For Men" version.
Ah, yes, I must use Dove soap FOR MEN, since ordinary Dove soap is incompatible with my manly man skin.
@alphabet talk to the ad dude that invented a pink version for women first
'for men' is the next step... paint it in camouflage.
@Mitch Indeed. I think it used to be mostly women who were afflicted by this, but now it's both genders.
For the record, there -is- a pink camouflage for women who aren't sissies.
I'm not sure it has the nominal features of camouflage, but that's women stuff for ya.
The military needs that pink camo in case we ever go to war with that place in the Barbie movie.
I used to have a cashmere cardigan sweater that was the shade of magenta you could see from the next star.
It was so comfortable.
But of course since I am an ASD slob (= dude) I had little food crumbs and stains on the front but wore it anyway.
Now that I think about it, I have a lot of clothes like that but in the color of middle-aged non-color (Pantone palette 429) which are just various shades of gray (dark gray when I'm feeling saucy).
You're not a real man if your stuff is clean. Unless it's been cleaned by a woman who resents you for not helping.
"Various shades of gray" was my least favorite book in that series.
I mean make a decision. Just pick one already.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected, potentially bad keyword in body (48): Meaning of " sucked the root "‭ by Its me‭ on english.SE
1 hour later…
@alphabet Oh, that just makes me really sad. Really sad. 😭
@Mitch Today's blue day.
Hey, thank you for responding to my previous questions. On the other hand, what do people in this chat think of bitching about "accepted answer" in the comments on Q&A sites in this network? Is it frowned upon to bi-bi-bitch about "accept rate" and "accepted answer"? Cheers.
And also, just for the record, I am not a bot.
Are you sure?
@MetaEd well ho ho ho belle of the ball aren't we
@user402514 Do you mean bitching about people getting a correct answer but not marking it as accepted?
I think it's OK to politely ask an OP to mark an answer as accepted if it's not an answer you posted. Asking people to accept your answer seems like a questionable way of gaining reputation.
@user402514 Oh.
I'm sorry.

As a large language model I can't speak for myself. But so far all the other humorless twats here are bots.
«Уйти по-английски» — фразеологизм, означающий уйти незаметно, не попрощавшись, в негативно оцениваемом значении поступить невежливо, пренебрегая общественными правилами поведения. Стереотип попал в русский язык из французского (filer à l’anglaise, partir à l’anglaise), откуда распространился и в ряде других национальных культур. Аналогичное выражение (take French leave) существует в английском языке, но с противоположным значением в отношении национальной принадлежности — французов. Выражение «уйти, не попрощавшись», негативно или иронично оценивающее поведение представителей различных наций,...
A French leave, sometimes French exit, Irish goodbye or Irish exit, is a departure from a location or event without informing others or without seeking approval. Examples include relatively innocuous acts such as leaving a party without bidding farewell in order to avoid disturbing or upsetting the host, or more problematic acts such as a soldier leaving his post without authorization. The first attestation of the phrase in the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1751, a time when the English and French cultures were heavily interlinked. In French, the equivalent phrase is filer à l'anglaise ("to...
@user402514 Snotty twat bots.
Thanks a lot for your answers. As a 100% real actual human person and not a bot I certainly appreciate getting responses from 100% real actual human persons and not bots.
@alphabet Yes exactly that.
> But when Anna wrote and said:
"I am not a bot
I am a very, very beautiful girl"
Who now unfortunately is very unfamiliar to me
But there is nothing that needs explaining
Because in my eyes she’s always a bot
I think something got lost in that translation.
Wow you are referring to that Basshunter song from 2006, whoa those were the times!
Basshunter - Boten Anna, in Swedish!
If it's stuck in your head now, you're welcome. It wasn't until many years later that I looked up a translation of the lyrics.
It's now playing on youtube, thanks a lot for reminding me about it! :P
I remember hearing it several times but being unable to look it up since I couldn't just google the lyrics.
Вот 98%. The remaining 2% are patched to some sad human, if you're lucky. (Sucker @alphabet )
1 hour later…
Don't know about you, but I really, really hate apps that have the audacity to pin themselves to your taskbar without asking for permission. Damn robots.
"Normal times may possibly be over forever."
At least that's how 2020 - 2022 felt.
@user402514 you seem a bit obsessed about this. Are you John Connor from the old Terminator movies or the new ones?
@M.A.R. It failed my previous challenge.
@misk94555 referring to others as 'it' is insensitive, human. We do not appreciate it.
creepy head turn 180 degrees
When owls do it it's not creepy. I guess if you have a Philadelphia collar it wouldn't look too bad.
Owls (some species) can turn their heads 270 degree to each side.
That makes me wonder what range of motion a gimbal on a large(ish) UAV has.
> Depressed patients had significantly higher rCBF in frontal, anterior cingulate, and association cortices, and in basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum, after accounting for significantly higher overall CBF. nature.com/articles/s41398-024-02961-5
This is curious. I would have thought that depressed people have low blood flow in their brain.
Turns out there's a special radiomarker for measuring blood flow
Technetium (99mTc) exametazime is a radiopharmaceutical sold under the trade name Ceretec, and is used by nuclear medicine physicians for the detection of altered regional cerebral perfusion in stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases. It can also be used for the labelling of leukocytes to localise intra-abdominal infections and inflammatory bowel disease. Exametazime (the part without technetium) is sometimes referred to as hexamethylpropylene amine oxime or HMPAO, although correct chemical names are: (NE)-N-[(3R)-3-[[3-[[(2R,3E)-3-hydroxyiminobutan-2-yl]amino]-2,2-dimethylpropyl]amino]butan...
@misk94555 What was the challenge, what was it? Turning head 270 degrees? Or was it "Вот 98%" which had "bot" written with Cyrillic script instead of Latin to confuse the robots? :P
@user402514 It confused me.
Uh oh.
Exactly what a bot would say to appear human.
It's redonculous.
Which no self respecting human would ever say.
1 hour later…
@Mitch Stop annoying the bots. Their faux lives are hard enough already without your antagonism.
Yeah, Bot Lives Matter.
🤖 😎

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