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Regarde les oiseaux avec suspicion...
@jlliagre As do they you.
Ferme les volets.
Just wait till les violettes become suspect.
No one will be safe.
My first crocus burst into bloom today, of a delicate violet hue like unto autumn's saffron crocus.
2 hours later…
OK, time to be creeped out by LLMs again:
> Looking for a little help with your dating game? RIZZ has you covered! Our AI-powered app uses cutting edge GPT to generate personalized responses that are sure to impress your crush.
> With RIZZ, you can upload screenshots of your conversations with your matches, and even your matches' bio, and receive instant and witty replies tailored to your unique situation.
> Our AI algorithms analyze your style to understand your tone, humor, and vocabulary, and then generate responses that reflect your personality. The more you use RIZZ the better your rizzponses get. This means that you'll always sound like yourself, but with a splash of extra charm!
Yikes yikes yikes.
Yes, this is real. And it is named "RIZZ." In all caps.
At least some of these reviews are satire, but not all of them.
Someday, online dating will just consist of different peoples' chatbots interacting with each other. The chatbot will plan and arrange dates for you. At the date you will both be looking at your phones, checking to see what the chatbot tells you to say.
@jlliagre ferme la porte de devant
@alphabet maybe you could just have the chatrobot show up for you
Stay at home playing Mario cart
@Mitch Humans have always been the least necessary part of the dating experience.
@alphabet I mean the table cloth plays a big part
It's all fun and games until the app tells you to drive to a remote part of the desert where your car gets stuck, so that the shared traumatic experience will cause you to bond more effectively.
You haven't seen 'Speed' have you? Binding experiences in traumatic events don't have staying power.
Or something like that is what Sandra Bullock said
We should just let the robots take over the whole annoying cradle to grave stuff already
I'd watch that movie
If the dates are successful, the chatbot can conduct an entire relationship for you, including hiring stunt doubles to stage a wedding.
The fist fight between the drunk cousins would be epic
You may have to interrupt your game briefly while the team of movers transfers you to your new shared home.
I'd be happy to hire an automaton to perform the deathbed confession for me
It'd make things much easier for me if there were a way of dating people that required no human interaction
Someday technology will find a solution
5 hours later…
@Mitch Oui, et même toutes, à clef !
2 hours later…
A squirrel on the roof wall my home. Turns out they come daily. And they run very fast.
I'll try to give it peanut but I wonder if it can bite and carries some diseases?
And right now it's roaming freely in front of me, probably looking for food lol
I've been giving them walnuts
They also love almonds
And they eat apples, to my amazement
@CowperKettle Haha.
> Other favorites aren't exactly natural, but the squirrels love them anyway. These additional foods include peanuts, peanut butter, pecans, pistachios, grapes, corn, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, strawberries, carrots, apples, sunflower seeds and even snack items, such as Oreo® cookies.
1 hour later…
@alphabet I can't help but read this in Kendall Roy's voice (from Succession)
"rizzponses" shivers
@Vikas I'm trying to imagine what "Haha." sounds like.
Probably like @Cerb in a serious discussion about language politics.
@Robusto I'm very conflicted about this. Sometimes it feels like a rare pearl of wisdom, sometimes pointless navel-gazing of someone in despair who tries to deny it. On one hand, it seems like a great idea on how to deal with terrible loss, OTOH it also feels like rash self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking with the excuse of finding happiness.
@MetaEd that was my whole point of our discussion, sir.
It is an expression of largeness and not a numerical expression.
It is a valuable concept, but that doesn't mean it has a particular value.
@M.A.R. It sounds like how I felt after reading your message 🤣
@Mitch Euros? I try to avoid euros too.
@M.A.R. You rose too early.
Just as well avoided.
@jlliagre That way you -can't- GTFOH.
@tchrist My head is pounding
@alphabet OK I -did- watch that movie. It was called "Surrogates" with everyone's favorite action hero, Bruce Willis, where humans mostly are under-make-upped and sit at home in control harnesses that control their 'robot surrogates' that do everything better. Artistically it is a step ahead, where the humans's relationships's are poor, but when the human's go to sleep at night not in their harnesses, the surrogates have parties sniffing battery acid.
@M.A.R. Don't you have something for that?
@Mitch "everyone's favorite action hero, Bruce Willis"
. . .
Surrogates is a 2009 American science fiction action film based on the 2005–2006 comic book series The Surrogates. Directed by Jonathan Mostow, it stars Bruce Willis as Tom Greer, an FBI agent who ventures out into the real world to investigate the murder of surrogates (humanoid remote-controlled robots). It also stars Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, Boris Kodjoe, Ving Rhames, and James Cromwell. The film's main concept centers on the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase remote-controlled humanoid...
Your age is showing.
@M.A.R. snort
@M.A.R. Avert your eyes.
Alan Ladd vs John Wayne
Let the match begin. Then we'll learn who everyone's favorite action hero is.
My favorite action hero is Arnold
Not from Hey Arnold! but from Predator
@Vikas Despite my trolling about how awful squirrels are, in reality they're mostly harmless (well, those in the US). Even though they are almost anatomically equivalent to rats but with big bushy tails, behaviorally they don't rummage through trash, are not confrontational or aggressive, and ... well you should probably wash your hands after touching one if they're in the wild just to be sure.
I'm pretty sure they are not common carriers of rabies (like bats and coyotes and raccoons (I'm still talking North America... I wonder what India is like for that stuff?)).
@M.A.R. Oh. Arnold Weasley. The brother they never talk about.
Schwarzenegger was the governor of California, and if it weren't for pesky constitutional rules about birth country, could easily have been president of the US.
@M.A.R. I should have said 'everyone -else's- favorite action hero'.
Jesse Ventura.
Supposedly, when 'Die Hard' was wrapping up production and they were test-running the movie before general release, when Bruce Willis first came on screen (or maybe when it was a scene of danger where you realized he was the action hero) supposedly the audience laughed presumably because he was not seen as a traditionally 'strong' action hero type, a bit too diminutive?
@Mitch Every squirrel I've seen runs away from humans, so it's not likely you'd even be able to touch one, much less be at risk of its diseases from a bite or scratch
@Laurel If you sit real quiet and have some snack, they will eventually come over. You have to wait a -long- while and they have to be OK with people already.
I've heard.
Never happened to me.
In what world did seeing a squirrel become something notable?
@M.A.R. If there's one thing I know about women, it's that they want men who need to use AI to figure out how to talk to them.
They come within two feet and then say 'nah not worth it'
NOT seeing other creatures, that would be notable.
@alphabet The men need -something- to help them.
@tchrist I haven't seen a snow leopard. That is notable. QED
That snow leopard it's a housecat.
Snow leopards look good but I do not want to share a house with one.
That's no leopard it's a housecat.
Enable English subtitles if you are not @CowperKettle.
@Mitch Do I need to write the pickup lines on my palm or on a sheet of paper hidden in a Bic pen?
This is so much more difficult than cheating on an exam!
I have some great lines. "You look like you don't have a skin infection!"
"Your risk of gestational hypertension seems rather low"
@Mitch Hides in panic room... No! Panics because there is no panic-room.
@M.A.R. Nobody wants to say things like that but you need to be practical.
@jlliagre Is a panic room a room where you panic?
I could do it right here and now
@Mitch "I know which treatments for postmenopausal symptoms are ineffective and scammy"
I am simply irresistible
Like Mentos gum
excellent question. I seem to recall that Congress got lobbied to pass a law in the 80s? 90s? that prohibited applying large-purchaser pricing pressure on the pharma industry, at least some aspects of it. If my recollection is correct, this is basically partially rolling back a law (that should never have been passed in the first place). — Italian Philosophers 4 Monica yesterday
> “For decades, big pharma has peddled the canard that exorbitantly high prices are necessary to support research and development,” she said. “But the truth is that soaring profits, huge marketing budgets and generous shareholder returns far exceed what the pharmaceutical companies invest in R and D (research and development).”
Honestly I think I do agree with this.
@tchrist Nice kitty
R&D I assume even in Eli Lilly doesn't soak up as much revenue as selling a 12k drug for 100k in the US
@M.A.R. But the pharmas only seem to be price gouging in the US. In the rest of the world there seem to be very reasonable prices for drugs.
@Mitch That reminds me, we had this prof that made working in a pharmacy sound like being a car salesman.
Don't the pharma companies lobby in other countries too? Why is the US so annoying like this?
Peddling supplements left and right
@Mitch I believe she's a cross between an Amur leopard and some other subspecies, perhaps Javan.
One other reason I despise these herbal placebos
"Oh I see you're getting a statin today? Can I interest you in upgrading that to a statin with undercoating? Prevents rust."
@tchrist I guess some cats are more docile than others. Like maybe a cheetah you could keep at home, but not a tiger.
@M.A.R. St John's Wort has had RCTs showing it has some (small) antidepressive action.
But that's the only one.
@Mitch Well boohoo because that only means it has serious drug interactions with the real antidepressants
The annoying thing is that it is very -plausible- that herbs can do things. It's just that for the most part they don't.
@M.A.R. haha what?
Yeah, it has some MAOI activity apparently but that just means you can't take it with SSRIs, SNRIs, any antidepressant actually. Due to the risk of serotonin syndrome
"Hey aspirin comes from people chewing bark in the Amazon"
@M.A.R. and HTN?
but that's not relevant. Just asking.
. . . Which is sometimes as benign as mild palpitations and sometimes it can be fatal
@Mitch The scientific answer is we don't know for sure how bad it is for HTN, you need proper RCTs with HTN specifically in mind. My personal opinion is most herbal remedies are "polite homeopathy". Their active ingredients are so weak which is also why they sometimes boast of having fewer side effects: They have little "main effects" as well
@M.A.R. I have some relatives that instead of tea they just ask for plain hot water. It took me a while to get over the outrage at them cheating the system and realize who really cares about those stupid dry leaves you get most of the 'benefit' from the boring physics.
Anyway preparing tea is pretty delicate. Most people only end up extracting a crapton of tannins from tea. Which don't do much except if you have diarrhea. They also prevent the absorption of many drugs.
The sort of tea that makes you sluggish usually has tannins
Tannins are the best part.
They give that sultry bronzed glow to your esophagus and stomach lining.
@Mitch Nice. Definitely adding it to my pickup lines
Sure if you're attracted to the kind that values such features that are both superficial and unviewable at the same time.
So I'm guessing psychopaths?
If you cure a psychopath you'd end up with a psycho and I think that's not fair
1 hour later…
@Mitch Yeah main concern is something fatal like Rabies. I just read:
> Small rodents (like squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, chipmunks, rats, and mice) and lagomorphs (including rabbits and hares) are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans.
So I would take the chance.
@Mitch I find mice (I assume the ones we see at homes here are not rats) a bit awful. Also I dislike lizards (gecko) found in Indian homes. Or maybe I'm afraid of lizards.
I dislike both mosquitoes and lizards. Lizards eat mosquitoes in summer and helps reduce them but still I dislike them.
Mosquitoes would be very interesting if they wouldn't bite and carry viruses. So one can just hear them singing in ear.
I have several things I also dislike.
The list is kinda long.
@Vikas . . .
I mostly dislike animals. Even the sentient ones.
there are so many things we either think we need to eliminate to end our discontent, or we need to possess to end our discontent
@MetaEd I will only agree if there exist beautiful dryads that will commend me for my state of stoicism and love for nature.
@M.A.R. I haven't even seen many wild animals because I haven't ever visited any zoo or such place. So I would say I like most of them.
@M.A.R. it's always something ... for you, dryads apparently :D
@MetaEd There doesn't seem to be a point to being a protagonist otherwise
@Vikas I like them from afar, where I can't smell them
@M.A.R. One animal is sitting in your avatar.
@Vikas cartoon animals only smell of ink and chronic lead poisoning
Daily Octordle #759
Score: 57
@M.A.R. The younger dryas are the most desirable.
2 hours later…
@M.A.R. are you a protagonist
> Numbers in mathematics are like time in physics: everyone knows what they are, and only experts find them hard to understand.
Paralysis by expert analysis.
@Mitch Yes; also, mass counts. An 80 or 90 pound cat is one thing; people have dogs that size, and notice that the rottweiler is indeed bigger than the little amur leopardess is. But having a tiger is like having a grizzly pal. It could kill you by accident just by walking on top of you without even noticing.
Never argue with a 500 pound creature, pet or otherwise.
Doesn't matter whether they're carnivores, either: elk can kill you easily enough.
I do not enjoy it when my cats trampoline off my sleeping stomach, doing jumps on top of it from the headboard to try to wake me up. And I don't have pumas, cheetahs, or leopards — or t Bernards — as pets, either. It's already more than I enjoy.
I'm cross-posting this from Math SE chat, but:
user image
I graduated today.
@DannyuNDos Congratulations!
@MetaEd yes I believe tagonists are great
@DannyuNDos congrats!
@M.A.R. agonist ant
@tchrist those jerks are the worst
Always disagreeing just because they can.
Whoa, that's crazy that it did that.
I only asked once.
Whoa, that's crazy that it did that.
I only asked once.
@DannyuNDos nice!
"Rudin's Law: If there is a wrong way to do something, most people will do it every time."
@M.A.R. how do you feel about agonizers
1 hour later…
@tchrist well . sure... but... tiger.
It'll eat ya well before it gets to panther size
Maybe not if it grows up with you feeding it.
But... They're cute until they bite your face off
@Mitch literally true. don't turn your back on them. well it was literally true until you edited :D
@MetaEd snicker
But still.
Don't turn your back on them
Leopard can't change its spots; tiger can't stop numming on nummy face food
@DannyuNDos woohoo!
Embeddings of a very certain isometry
Women of a certain age
So coy... They never say exactly
"Old enough to know better than to tell you!"
Does that mean young? Does that mean old?
Not that it matters
Except now you've got my attention!
@MetaEd Cats, man.
@Mitch You confuse me: is not Panthera tigris always panther-sized by sheer definition?
@tchrist I didn't realize they cut so many albums
@MetaEd He said at the end: this one was coming hunting me.
"éste venía cazándome"

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