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@RegDwighт Nor hours, since not all hours are the same length.
@Carlo_R. Something like that.
@DavidWallace That is correct.
@RegDwighт Here is one of your faves:
Hm. We have but not . That's how antireligious we are.
A: Why doesn't "ninth" have an "e", like "ninety"?

AlexandraI guess there is no further explanation than that. The word ninth should be written with an e but it isn't. This case is an exception that proves the rule. :)

Our chatty young friend Jasper Loy
could never write rhymes as a boy.
He grew into a man
who just couldn't scan.
But his limericks still bring people joy.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm 2010 is fairly recent.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But don't you feel that phones have advanced so quickly over the past couple of years that the current generation will last a long while, if you just want to browse the web and send e-mails, install the occasional application?
Wow, that's a nice blog post by Cameron.
@Cerberus No, rather I feel that the current crop of smartphones are still somewhat immature and will quickly be replaced as we demand more and more from them.
@MattЭллен Aww.
That's a weird cat. What freaky race is that?
no idea. some race of grumpy face cats, maybe from mars
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm but...if I were using a Galaxy S, what would I be unable to do?
@MattЭллен Must be.
@RegDwighт aye, it's really good :)
I spot a typo, though.
d'oh! where?
And while you are blasé about software updates, I feel that they are important. The SGS3 has 2GB ram so you can expect that it will be able to run bigger apps and support modern OSes even 3-4 years from now. whereas I don't expect phones from 2 years ago to still work with modern releases 2 years from now. Heck, the phones from 3 years ago are comparatively garbage.
> It is very difficult (if impossible) to observe a native English speaker
Should be "if not impossible".
I mentally inserted the not everytime, until you just pointed it out
I guess we have people with rights to just silently fix that.
@Cerberus Well, the Galaxy S is quite limited in RAM and processor power. so eg some websites respond slowly. There are websites right now, written in jQuery Mobile, which are not that responsive on the Nexus S (which is the same hardware).
@RegDwighт yeah, I'll get on it :D
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Are (normal) websites indeed getting heavier by the year?
@RegDwighт Maybe @him.
website design is only going to get more complicated over time. Industry-wide there's been a bit of a pause since the iPhone disrupted the market and revived the notion of small screens, low bandwidth, and low horsepower.
@Cerberus yes, certainly. Just consider the modern GMail and the "basic html" mode it has, for underpowered devices.
all those new JS and CSS features require horsepower.
My horses don't quite fit through the tubes. Need ponies.
BTW I played bard's tale for a few minutes. It's alright. Funny that the main character is in-universe but some NPCs are speaking to the player, and the main character acts like they're crazy.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But Gmail has been that way for many years now. Has it become heavier over the past, say, 3 years?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, haha.
Tell me whether you like the game-play.
I haven't decided on buying it yet.
@RegDwighт Ah. Our underlords.
@MattЭллен "A discriptivist would look at the situation and..." cough
Discriptivists never cough.
They choke.
Gotta go. Cya
@MattЭллен She disses your criptivists.
From self-loathing.
@MattЭллен The typo. And he does it again later too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 jQuery Mobile goes against the entire spirit of jQuery, IMO. It's a big, fat DO IT OUR WAY framework rather than a light, responsive HAVE IT YOUR WAY framework.
@Cerberus Self-Loathing in Las Vegas?
@KitFox I don't see it
@MattЭллен Ctrl+F.
@RegDwighт I can find the text. it looks alright to me
Descriptivism can refer to: *Descriptivist theory of names in philosophy *Descriptive linguistics
@RegDwighт A film reference?
Note the difference.
@Robusto Yes, sorta. It does have a "do it our way" mentality. It is still, however, a not-bad library for doing small-screen app-like websites.
well, TIL
@Cerberus one we've been through in this chat, no less.
Not only am I supposed to remember films, but also their mention in chat?
May 12 at 11:56, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
Fear and coffee in Las Vegas.
shakes heads in desperation
May 12 at 11:58, by Cerberus
Too gonzo for me.
May 12 at 11:58, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
I mean, come on.
@Cerberus Well, Gmail gets bigger all the time. I can't say precisely how much bigger. But also the browsers it supports get bigger with time too, because JS and CSS get bigger with time. So some of GMail's code growth is hidden in your browser's code growth.
@KitFox fixt!
@MattЭллен high fives
@MattЭллен thank you, Winston Smith.
@KitFox high fives
@RegDwighт I will probably never click that! But I'm sure your reference is apt and funny.
should we spell it out for him?
May 12 at 11:59, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
user image
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 we already did.
That's the whole frigging point.
I was having a conversation with him and nobody else at that time.
@JasperLoy Here are your towels for various purposes.
@RegDwighт Look, if you're serious, I'm not going to remember references to films I haven't seen.
For @RegDwighт, because he wishes his own LEGO pal was taking that historic first step.
I don't expect you to be able to remember references to Koot & Bie.
@Robusto Haha!
Hey, that's the Austrian flag, innit?
Felix Baumgartner is an Austrian, yah.
@Robusto I was just going to say you must be out of your gorram mind to be the one posting LEGO here.
No BSG references in chat, please.
It's a reference to The Future.
The LC album.
Sorry, not BSG: it was from Firefly.
Getting my space operas mixed up.
@Robusto I thought that was a deliberate joke.
Shame on you for this not having been a deliberate joke.
I feel unashamed and unafraid.
I feel unsurprised.
Hey, after all I've done for you.
I did say thanks. Once.
You must remain eternally indebted and deferential.
Your medal is in the mail. Not your mail, but mail nonetheless.
Ahh you people!
Woof you dog.
beep you androids!
Привет вам, коммунисты!
Oh my, it looks like Colorado is going to legalize pot. This is just going to piss the feds off at us more. Boulder already has "medical" marijuana "dispensaries" on every other street corner, and it annoys them.
Do humans normally say ahh?
@Cerberus not if it's not followed by bahh, no.
@Cerberus yes, not as often as dogs say "woof" though.
Privyet vyam, kommunisty?
@tchrist Huzzah. Let's piss off the Feds until they lay off putting people in prison for things that are not crimes by any reasonable definition.
Yeah I was in doubt.
As to when the cosnonant is palatised. Only before e and o?
@Cerberus Goats say baaa. Or is it sheep? Ask @DavidWallace.
An a is an а. A ya is a ya.
Swedes says them both.
Rob can spell the ya out for ya.
@Robusto Yes.
@Robusto But think of all the people that would be put out of jobs. And where would our slave labor market go?
@RegDwighт Hmm yes, that letter. The wrong R.
I have fond memories of how you would keep arguing about your AAA.
@tchrist If the Repubs are serious about cutting waste, they could start there instead of axing teachers and firemen.
That was funny.
Е, ё, и, ю, я palatalise. Э, о, ы, у, а don't
@Robusto Yeah...same here: I don't want the police to spend too much time and money on going after any kind of drug, even in cases where I might be inclined to keep it illegal.
@RegDwighт Ohh...
How do you pronounce ë again?
@Cerberus Meth houses actually are a problem.
And ы? Like i/y?
They are in that order for a reason.
@Cerberus Yo!
Ye/e, yo/o, i/y, yu/u, ya/a.
@Cerberus Don't go down that road. You can't hear the difference anyway.
@RegDwighт OK!
@Robusto Hi!
can we get some close votes on this one pls? english.stackexchange.com/questions/86971/…
@Robusto I can hear the difference between somehting a-ish and something i-ish..
@tchrist How so?
Serious hazard situation.
Hazmat stuff.
@Robusto In my home state, the Feds agreed that they wouldn't prosecute anything under our state-set limits.
I'm pretty sure we have a dispensary down the street from my house.
@KitFox Me, I am positive. They are everywhere here.
It's called The Health Clinic, and its initials are rather prominent on the sign.
@KitFox Here in Mass. possession of < 1 oz. is a misdemeanor punishable by a $100 fine. And the cops don't want to waste their time on that stuff. Now we've got the medical thing on the ballot in November.
Personal use possession is, I think, legal here.
Which is < 1 oz I think.
gasps suddenly
I just had the horrible realization that there might be a really old cache of pot in one of the items we stored at my FiL's house.
I don’t think it is actually legal for nonmed use in any state yet.
There are three states pushing for that in this next election.
Which would be funny except for the fact that he is a judge.
Hopefully if enough states legalize it the US will get off our (Canada's) case for our increasing steps towards full legalization.
Here is a story from our paper about it, recently.
> Voters younger than 35 support the measure by a margin of 30 percentage points, 61 percent to 31 percent, according to the poll.
Go figure.
And Obama needs those voters.
It's 2.5 oz here. Legal to carry if you have a card.
Right, with the card. Certainly.
Here, too.
You can get a license to carry a gun more easily in most places.
@Robusto And you can get the pot more easily with a gun. It's a "win-win".
@KitFox a debit card? A Christmas card? A placard?
> "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope." —Freewheelin' Franklin
@KitFox Haha no way! That's funny.
Oh, brilliant! I, of course, didn't notice! It's very funny.
I basically live underneath one of those, or right next to it.
@DavidWallace You're young and naïve.
@Cerberus Thanks for the towels. You know what I really use them for...
I don't know. Pick any of the things auntie thingamabob mentioned.
@tchrist Wow. I had no idea there were two Kewadins. The other (spelled thus) is in Michigan.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Is that a groucho marxism? "But also has some wonderful new plot holes in it"
Any idea what it means?
@Cerberus Me naïve? But what are all those pretty trees in tchrist's map? Does he live somewhere with lots of forests?
@RegDwighт A medical marijuana card.
@Mitch I don't think so? I mean it literally: the movie version of TTT adds plot holes to the story. I mean "wonderful" in a sarcastic sense.
@DavidWallace Yes. Those are healthy leaves. They make you feel good. Have some!
List of silly names.
Possession up to a pound of pot is only a misdemeanor in my state. We interpret "personal use" pretty broadly.
I prefer a pot of pounds to a pound of pot.
A pound of pot Peter Piper possessed.
When I'm selling drugs, it's for my personal use, too.
Peter was possessed by pot.
Boulder Kind Care, Boulder MM Dispensary, Boulder MMJ, Boulder Vital Herbs, Boulder Wellness Center, The Bud, Colorado Care, Crossroads Wellness,
Flower of Life, Fresh Baked, The Green Room, The Greenest Green, Greenleaf Farmacy, Helping Hands Herbals, High Grade Alternatives, The Med Shed,
Medicine on the Hill, Mountain Medicine Group, Mountainside, Natural Alternative Medicine, New Options Wellness, People's Choice Wellness Center, SOMA Therapy Lounge, Table Mesa Wellness Center, Top Shelf Alternatives, The Village Green Society, Well Dispensary.
A pound of possessed pot pickled Peter.
@RegDwighт Very broad interpretation there. Voting to close.
Prix d'Ami. That's a funny name.
Peter Piper picked a pound of personal pot.
A pound of personal pot Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper's pound of pot was personal-use pot
Why's the Fed picking on poor Peter Piper?
tries to imagine a pound of personal use pot
I disagree with CMoS on this point, since 'hence' is a useful word for introducing conclusion, a perfect alternative to 'therefore', 'thus' etc. — Carlo_R. 20 mins ago
CCD offers a different opinion.
@JasperLoy the irony is that CMoS doesn't just ban "hence" but also bans "therefore", etc, as well.
Hmm, Carlo, you need to speak the language more to make such statements!
@Cerberus Now that depends on what you are buying.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 the real irony is that CMoS doesn't ban pot.
@KitFox As in strong v. weak?
@RegDwighт if it did, it'd be the Chicago Manual of Squares
@Cerberus As in redbud, schwag, or homegrown. Etc.
Ditchweed grows everywhere.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Also, complementary metal oxide semiconductor.
@KitFox Oh...I don't know about those things.
@JasperLoy don't get me started
@JasperLoy You’re late to that party.
I do know that Dutch weed is supposedly extremely high THC.
I think we did this before 9000 days ago.
We always come full circle!
The drug has been transformed into something else over the past decades.
@tchrist No Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers references in chat.
It is more potent than it used to be.
So I’ve heard. Plus there are other active ingredients.
I read marijuana has anticancer properties.
@Cerberus No too-tiny-to-read images in chat, if you please.
Sweet Jesus baby on a stick, Canada is bonkers.
That is disturbing.
@RegDwighт No trying of undergarments in stores.
@RegDwighт Haha, look at the Germans making fun of other countries' sausage fetishes ...
Germans respect their sausages. They don't stuff them in everything they come across.
@Robusto He’s a vegetarian: the only sausage he procures is solely on a catch-and-release basis.
@Mitch Cut that out.
@RegDwighт Well, not the Germans I met. They stuff their sausages into anything they can find that will allow that behavior.
@Robusto With friends like those. . .
@Robusto blame the anything, then. The German laws are stricter.
@Robusto Hmm, sounds interesting. I would like to meet them.
@tchrist You're welcome.
OK, whoever is fucking with the stars CUT IT OUT.
5 mins ago, by Cerberus
There you can see the actual maps.
@Robusto please cut the sausage out first.
Mmm, Germans. I love them and hate them all at once.
I know who is messing with the stars. It is *****.
@RegDwighт This came out in the UK in april.
@RegDwighт Not yet OMG!!
@KitFox so do they.
@JasperLoy You must be that Filipino kid from the infamous "Beat It" prison video.
@RegDwighт "Sweet baby Jesus on a stick" is more idiomatic.
@Robusto Eat It.
marks one tally on her side
Sweet Baby Jesus Fondue — in chocolate, or cheese?
*****, are you the one messing with the stars?
@KitFox and that is relevant to my interests, how?
@RegDwighт It's sweet baby Jesus! I think.
This room already contains enough sweet baby Jesusae's. But not a single Jesus baby. Think about it.
declines Jesu
@Robusto Is dancing with the stars any better?
@tchrist blink
Your Jedi mind tricks won't work with me, owl!
Go read up on word plays.
No, stop, I—damn it!
@tchrist ain't that genitive? You'd need accusative.
It is a Greek genitive transcribed into Latin.
Ou => u.
I work and work for two hours straight. As soon as I start to fuck off in the chat room, that's when people show up at my cube door.
That's Greek to me.
Anakolouthon => anacoluthon.
@cornbreadninja You should abandon the chat and relax your eyes instead, really.
I had Jesum there, but it was too jizzy.
@JasperLoy perhaps.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh. You were actually paying attention during the movie? with all the battle scenes, I hardly noticed there was a plot to have holes in.
@cornbreadninja Or look at a picture of Tim.
@JasperLoy :d
Jesus was defective.
@Mitch Of course I was paying attention to the movie. Both the first and second time I saw it in theatres, and the three times I've watched the extended version on DVD.
@tchrist Where are my flags?
In German, I believe the Greek/Latin cases have long been maintained/used.
Das Leben Jesu.
The accusative was Jesum. Everything else but nominative was Jesu.
jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet
And I'm sure there is some cantata going Has du Jesum gesehen? or something.
@tchrist OK, I'll allow it.
@tchrist I don't think the dative is used at all?
Praise be, your Holiness.
Oh. That's why Jesum Crow.
What's that?
That's Cherryl.
@KitFox Old Crow is too expensive.
Cherry L.
Or, as they say in Scotland, Sherryl.
Or, as they say in Holland, sherry.
In the Ukraine they say Chernobyl.
@cornbreadninja Wild Turkey is too expensive.
In Ukraine they say BOOOMM.
@Cerberus Dunno. My books all say Latin nom. Jesus, gen./dat./abl./voc. Jesu, acc. Jesum. And I think German just grabbed the Latin forms for itself.
It did.
@Cerberus no, that's Holland.
I don't remember ever seeing Jesus used in the dative.
chthon(tchrist)% /usr/bin/jesus
/usr/bin/jesus: Command not found.
Wow, that's, like, the only nice image in the entire clip.
Perhaps someone mistook it for a word of the 4th declension.
@tchrist heh.
@Cerberus That’s a good theory, actually.
Although the genitive wouldn't even fit.
@RegDwighт Oh Go—
You know, I used to think they were Brazilian or something.
As a child.
@Cerberus Don’t flatter yourself. :)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think I successfully trolled you.
@RegDwighт Looks very sexy.
I want those girls.
They can leave the songs.
I'm not doing that.
Doing what?
@RegDwighт I've never seen that clip. It does look Dutch. I owe you another apology, I see, besides that for Linda.
@tchrist ?
The cross-dressers are a bit obvious though.
@Cerberus Call me puerile.
@Mitch I guess you must have?
@tchrist I would, except it wouldn't have the girly connotations I'd be looking for. Perhaps puellile could be substituted?
@Robusto Your avatar looks very girly. It is red and it is curly.
Wait, why did I say that? Non Sequitur.
well, I must be off. bye everyone.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Bye!
@JasperLoy Girly? Hardly. Since when are men excluded from dreams?
I was looking for a pair of strippers just now. I found it so funny that I decided to stop in and mention it.
Hmm, I only know about pairs of slippers.
Wow, jwpat has cast over 10,000 votes. That is over 9,000.
You mean these?
Yes, only mine are better.
@Cerberus Oh, I was thinking of something else.
OK bye.
@JasperLoy You don't say.
@cornbreadninja I think I have seen that in this chat.
@KitFox We have strippers wholesale. That and a lot of T & A.
Have you guys heard the audio clip which explains how f*** is the most interesting word in English?
@JasperLoy Don't know if I have. But I'm inclined to think not only that f——k could be the most interesting word in English but that it or its translation is the most interesting symbol in any language.
@MετάEd I don't know where to get the clip now. But it went on and on about how the word is used in a very funny way, giving more than ten definitions and examples.
Where are Vitaly and Aedia?
They must have gone to Spider Land and Unicorn Land.

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