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@Cerberus it affects the commitment rate.
@RegDwighт I am sorry I have failed you. Please may I commit seppuku?
@RegDwighт Oh! Seriously?
Alright, alright, I will be the second expert on everyone but Rob's behalf.
How does it work?
@RegDwighт Why can't I be an avid enthusiast and an expert?
In that case, I will gladly pose as an expert.
@Cerberus no idea, but I suppose if a site doesn't have a single expert and only beginners...
@Robusto you're the expert. Ask yourself.
@Robusto Damn you. I went and looked that up.Thought it would be interesting. Pleasnt bedside reading. Life changed and all that.
@Robusto Because experts have long lost any sense of fun in their profession. They are sour old men.
@RegDwighт You suppose?
@RegDwighт Perhaps Rob is still in search of his true self.
@Cerberus I am not a sour old man, ergo I must not be an expert.
@Cerberus as an expert, I don't suppose. I know.
Q: Because you have more money than sense

AltimaI saw a advertising poster on a Samsung shop that was saying " iPhone 5, because you have more money than sense". But I don't get it, is that even a correct sentence?

@Cerberus as a non-native speaker, you are.
If you build it, they will come.
@KitFox flag for moderator
couldn't wait.
@Robusto Right, right.
I like how it's tagged the way it's tagged. Sheer beauty.
@RegDwighт So...how does it work?
I am still getting used to the t in regdwight.
@RegDwighт As a non-native speaker, I am an expert at teaching people English?
English Language Learners

Proposed Q&A site for people learning English, whose questions are too basic for the English Language and Usage site.

Currently in commitment.

So, people, commit!
regdwight now sounds like twilight to me, maybe I should just call him twilight.
@Cerberus the exact algorithm is a trade secret. That's what the "no idea" part was about.
@Mitch You aren't really Jasper Loy, are you? There can be only one Non Sequitur in our part of the super-hero forest.
@Mitch You are hilarious.
@Cerberus no. Come on. Don't pretend you don't understand.
@Cerberus I committed, but I don't know what is expected of me now. Also, I have to go to another goddamn meeting.
@RegDwighт But...it says all we need is the stats on the right, like so many committers.
How is ELL status? Let me check...
@Cerberus exactly.
@Robusto Nothing is expected at this time. Go to your meeting!
Don't forget your hip flask.
@RegDwighт Sooo...
So wut?
Oh ELL is in commitment phase, I didn't know that!
in The Frying Pan, 2 mins ago, by wax eagle
@rumtscho I can imagine. pineapple dissassembly might be one of my least favorite cooking tasks.
@JasperLoy So commit!
@Cerberus No way!
okay I changed mine to "export"
I am still of the belief that they should all be one site.
@JasperLoy What? Why not?
So can I uncommit and recommit?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Are you Art Vandelay?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Good thinking. I'll change mine to import.
There is a user xport.
xport is very mysterious.
@RegDwighт No. I'm like other Canadians that are famous abroad, like Celine Dion or Justien Bieber or Avril Lavigne.
Who or what is Art Vandelay?
We all know where your xport is, no need to show us.
I couldn't bear to "expert" so I "academic"ed instead.
@Cerberus Haha, no, I don't know where xport is. xport has vanished from SE.
I hate the word "prosumer" anyway.
@JasperLoy I'm with you, but at least having two sites will allow us to migrate the questions somewhere instead of nowhere which is what we do with them now.
@JasperLoy So you say.
@KitFox Yeah I'm antiprosumer.
@RegDwighт antisumer
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I had that at first but it's less funny.
To prosume...to take in advance?
@RegDwighт or more funny
Oh no not Cerberus again wondering about preficae's.
@KitFox academicked, academickey, academickier
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 another possibility, yes.
This wasn't wondering—just despising.
@RegDwighт everything's possible now.
Ça me dégoûte.
Welcome to zombo.com.
so @Cerberus I am downloading bard's tale right now. It's really slow.
Or else just huge.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It is supposedly 1.7 GB.
I wanted to try it before my 15 minute refund window closed... but it will take longer than that to DL
I am downloading the high-res version, so 3.5GB
Nowadays when people ask me "What's up?" I just say "My XXX!"
Your triple X? What's that?
Cider jug?
@JasperLoy please tell me that's a Random Variable
It's up to your imagination.
Very large.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, that's not going to happen.
And blue.
@tchrist that'd be XXL
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I read that the 3.5-GB version was only for Tegra-3 devices?
oh, maybe it's "thirty" in roman numerals
@Cerberus The screen said "the low res version is recommended for phones and low-end tablets"
I don't know what a low-end tablet is
I don't consider mine "low end", maybe they do
L – XX = XXX
On what device are you downloading it?
it's a tegra2 device
Is that a tablet?
yes, the original transformer
don't you have all the Android devices memorized by now? sheesh
Well, I read Tegra 3, so...
I know!
By the way, I am now tasked with advising my uncle what phone to buy.
A friend told him he really ought to get an Iphone, because all other phones are not user friendly.
right now I'd say SGS3. If he can't wait until the padfone2 and nexus 4 are announced... they might change my recommendation.
When I asked him what he was going to do with his phone, he said "just e-mail and browsing some web pages occasionally". Why should he need an expensive phone?
@Robusto there's non sequitur and there's non sequitur. I -mean- it when I'm being irelevant. Also, I am relevant. I'm surprised I wasn't flamed for that egregious apostasy. Unless, The two towers really is accepted to be boring.
@Mitch Lots of people find the second half boring.
@Mitch Are you talking about LOTR?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The SGS3 is nice; however, if you're not going to play any games on it anyway, why spend the extra € 150 or so on faster hardware that you're not going to use anyway?
@Cerberus because it might theoretically last longer
@Mitch It isn’t a book. It’s the middle of a book.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Last longer in what way?
For OS updates?
He has no clue.
@Cerberus remain useful because the hardware is still capable of doing whatever he wants it to do.
He has no idea what a phone is, let alone the rest.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Like what?
@Cerberus no, but I bet once samsung stops supporting it you'll be able to install CM13 on it.
Browsing the web?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes...but he won't be able to.
yes, web browsing requires more and more horsepower as time goes on.
I think we need to go with stock.
@Cerberus you could do it for him.
I will see him again at Christmas...
I don't see him often.
Oh, the CM13 or somesuch.
@Cerberus Ah, I will watch The Polar Express again at Christmas.
I suppose I could do that, yes, in a few years.
@Cerberus Well, you could have an excuse to visit, in two years when samsung no longer supports him and he needs an OS update.
Yes, fair enough.
@JasperLoy creepiest movie ever
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think your kids will like it.
@Cerberus of course I can't predict which phones will remain usefully updateable as time goes on. The Galaxy S has proven itself well thus far. Same for the Nexus S.
Ooooh, I pissed someone off on SO.
But do you really think browsing the web will be sluggish with a GN four years from now?
@JasperLoy What else is there really to talk about?
@Cerberus maybe. It can be sluggish now.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How old are those?
@Mitch Hmm, I don't know. Maybe The Two Towels? One for the bath and one for the pool.
@Cerberus 2010
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Because it is?
@JasperLoy The Bored of the Rings?
@Mitch I guess it depends on what you find "boring".
@tchrist compare all 'middle of the book's. TT is demonstrably deficient.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 mostly boring stuff. Like TT.
@Mitch Wait. Are you trying to say that you found TTT boring?
@RegDwighт It was me! I did it!
OK, it wasn't.
@KitFox do you even have an account there?
I honestly don't know.
On SO? Um, yeah. That was my first.
I was lured over here by the ads.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm not trying, I'm really saying it, yes, I found TT boring.
What are you one of those TT lovers?
A: What does 'texmf' stand for?

Jasper LoyIt is short for TeX and Metafont.

Rep whoring at its best!
Wow. Kit's on SO, Jasper's on TeX. What's next, Cerberus on Islam?
Hello everyone!
Hello Carlo!
@RegDwighт Maybe Mr S on Islam.
@RegDwighт assassins dispatched
Carlo, we look very similar.
You are purple and I am blue.
Yes Jasper
@RegDwighт WTF? How is that surprising? I'm a programmer.
Hello @Carlo.
You inspered me in the gravatar chioce
:) kit
@RegDwighт Me on Xtianity.
@RegDwighт This means ELU is being abandoned for greener pastures! The princess is in another world!
@KitFox programming is related to SO about as much as it is not related to SO.
Jasper's stalker met him on TeX, I think.
@MετάEd thank you for the congratulations you have done me on my thrill answer.
@RegDwighт splutters
@Carlo_R. inspired, choice
@MετάEd How's your blog doing?
@Mitch I wouldn't call myself a TTT lover per se. But I do typically think of it as the middle of the storyline and thus forgive some lapses in excitement that it may have. I did like the movie version. It is considerably more exciting than the book. But also has some wonderful new plot holes in it.
@KitFox I knew Rob was on there and I knew tchrist was on there. Is all. Plus you do have like UNDER 9000 reps after four years. Come on.
Thank you Jasper.
@RegDwighт Yeah, because of this place.
And I'm not a very good programmer.
@RegDwighт you didn't know I was on SO?
@KitFox See above.
But I'm good enough.
SO is still my parent acct
@David do you know that an Italian person is died in NZ today.
despite me having more reps here
@Carlo_R. You should say "An Italian died in NZ".
I changed mine after I became a mod, I think. Oh, wait, I don't think I did.
@KitFox You don't have to be anything enough to be on SO. Likewise, if you're something enough you are more likely not on SO than on SO.
Well, the "parent user" for chat is just whatever you choose it to be.
Thank you Jasper, you are great.
@RegDwighт I'm going to take that as a compliment.
@JasperLoy That must be what I'm thinking of.
That's a safe default.
@JasperLoy no, it's for all SE
Coffee time!
@RegDwighт A safe default for all chat flags is "not sure".
flags Jasper to check
@Carlo_R. No, Carlo, I did not know that.
Whoa, I got a star today in this chat! Amazing.
@Mitch How not? It is boring.
Niels Boring.
I will not explain the joke because I get that it is.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 or me, apparently.
That reminds me, when am I to receive my Nobel Prize? Still no invitation in the mail.
@RegDwighт Nihil obstat.
@RegDwighт They're still working out how to type the back-to-front R.
@RegDwighт Only Noble Prize for you.
Only Ignobel Prize for you.
@DavidWallace that's not my Яeal Иame.
@Robusto I give you SurPrize.
I am Sur Plus.
I keep you apprized.
Dammit! Bard's Tale downloaded 3GB of assets then said "connection reset by peer".
That's not enough? You're one greedy man.
I wish people wouldn't pee in my connection. It resets it.
@DavidWallace heheh reminds me of what my two-year-old son says: "Close lour eyes! Apprize!" (his initial Y sounds like L)
@DavidWallace Now is there some pun there? I don't get it!
@JasperLoy peer: one who pees
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ah!
No wonder it got three stars.
@simchona If you are asking about vandalism, I have not gotten any since 27 September.
@Carlo_R. You're welcome.
@MετάEd thank you Meta.
@RegDwighт Are you here?
@KitFox In jumping out of a balloon 128,100ft (24 miles; 39km) above New Mexico, the 43-year-old also smashed the record for the highest ever freefall.
@RegDwighт I'm not able to flag my own comment, hence I ask you here :) Could you correct this comment
@Carlo_R. Oh, I saw. I thought of you.
Instead of Partizip it must be Prädikat
yOU ARE so nice kit
@Em1 dun.
@Em1 Hmm, I have an alternative in future. Just delete it and rewrite though that changes the order of comments.
@RegDwighт Thanks a lot .)
@JasperLoy That's the reason I didn't want to delete it :)
@Em1 Ah, very perfectionist.
Especially if someone already responded to my comment :)
One cannot edit a comment
That's truly a torment
Go flag for a mod
Who will give you the nod
That he has done it to your content
My fourth Jimerick for today.
@JasperLoy You're still rhyming :)
What is the difference between Limerick and Jimerick, huh?
Technically, no two of "comment", "torment" and "content" actually rhyme.
@Carlo_R. In jumping out of a balloon 128,100ft (24 miles; 39 km) above New Mexico (Nuevo México), the 43-year-old (516-month-old) also smashed the record for the highest ever freefall: Mach 1.24 (373 meters/second; 834 mph; 1,342 km/h; 22,367 meters/minute; 2,241,470 furlongs/fortnight).
@Em1 Well, a limerick has rhyme and meter according to the limerick expert Matt Ellen. Since mine failed the meter whatever that is, I called it Jimerick instead!
@DavidWallace I disagree. They're not perfect rhyme, but they rhyme. At least from the definition I once learned for German :D
Meters/minute is stupid. Minute should not be allowed to count as Metric.
@JasperLoy I read that this morning. However, I'm surprised that there is a website jimerick.com :)
@Em1 WTF?
Well, it certainly has nothing to do with me, that site.
@JasperLoy I think so, but you're not the innovator. I'm sorry :(
@tchrist do you have a software for changing the units in a generic text?
If you downvote with bad intent
Better start to repent
Go upvote a post
And have a toast
While sitting on the cement
That's all for today.

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