The context is the reaction of politicians to a recurring theme, like issues with elderly healthcare or mass killing i.e. gun control. The modifier carries a judgment call on their indignation.
That translation may carry more or less strongly that judgment call. With spoken language I could say "this same old indignation" and I might be able to achieve what I want, but this is slightly more formal. Anyways @Cerberus
In the question on French SE it was some article about elderly care in LeMonde.
I did my part on the topic. It wasn't my idea in the first place anyways. Thanks for your help there!
@ʁəʄɘləmɘlə Would "performative indignation" work? I don't know French, but the word "performative" is often used in similar contexts, at least in US politics.
Merriam-Webster defines it as "made or done for show (as to bolster one's own image or make a positive impression on others)"
But it often conveys the idea of (say) a politician going through the motions of displaying some sort of emotional response to am event without actually caring enough to do anything
> "For a person who has not committed any crimes, acquittal would be the only fair verdict," Kara-Murza said at the closing session of his trial on Monday. "But I do not ask this court for anything. I know the verdict. I knew it a year ago when I saw people in black uniforms and black masks running after my car in the rearview mirror. Such is the price for speaking up in Russia today."
@HippoSawrUs I heard that Iceland had a really bad teenage drinking problem but not anymore (past 10-15 years?) because they instituted ... after-school programs.
Really, that was it. Just keep the kids busy and they don't drink (as much?).
"Hi I'm Gunther, I'm in the Math club" "Hi I'm Astrid I'm in the Chess club" "Hi I'm ... I'm ... I'm in the drinking club... Johannes... I'm Johannes in the drinking club"
Iceland (the entire country) has a population of <400K. So that's like getting one medium size US city to have a small boost in their school budget.
I hear housing prices are real good there, especially after the 2008 financial crisis.
> The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently urged Iceland to implement macroprudential measures, in addition to the ongoing monetary tightening, to cool the heating housing market and avoid a disastrous crash. Risks in the banking system have risen in recent years due to surging house prices.
The always sounds to me like some nefarious manipulator of world actors...
@Mitch It's been a long night. Are you saying they're slow? Because I'm slow right now. I might take a nap and go have some micro-nuggets and cardboard milk and then break some crayons and come back home (it's only 3 blocks) to take another nap.
@M.A.R. As the unpiloted helicopter falls through the gorge, Hunt struggles through the burning wreckage and before the nuclear bomb explodes, unleashing a deadly virus and tidal wave, he manages to tick over with his pinkie the decimal point two digits.
@Mitch Yes, country blocks, but still… You vacuum their library one time after a party, and you're a hero for life. I got cake and a brass pin, sure did. It was a lot of confetti… I hope they're on lockdown now though.
@M.A.R. It's not like I care. I just hear about it in the news way more than it seems reasonable given that nobody is currently killing anybody over nothing there (all the murders there seem to be well-justified, even by the murderee).
@Robusto How ya sleepin' these days, Big R? Cranky much? Me too. Tell ya what, listen up. Go down to the Walmart and getcha some of that Equate whatever beside the Benadryl and just sip on it, don't chug it now, on yer way home, then finish it up in the driveway and runnin' jump on yoo cow chuh, BEE CaUse I mean…zzZZzz……zzZZzz…
@HippoSawrUs I'm actually sleeping better than ever. I went to Sleep School a few years ago and learned a lot of tips for getting good sleep. And mostly they work! Who knew?
@Robusto The stickers ad says Police de caractère officielle. If they don't pay too much attention to the precise wording, potential buyers might understand that the police would consider the sticker to be official, conforming to the rules while in fact, only the typeface comply with the law and the Savoy coat of arms is illegal on a license plate.
@jlliagre Tu pourrais faire savoir aux mods du forum français que ce type Muldoon s'est déjà fait viré du forum espagnole à cause de ses questions complètement incompréhensibles et une attitude plutôt bizarre ainsi que son refus d'interaction. T'as vu la question sur grass?? Enfin, ils ont bien fait de le mettre à la porte. Si tu lis entre les lignes, on voit qu'il est en train de take the piss.
> According to leaked classified documents, China supplied secret shipments of lethal aid for Russia's war on Ukraine. 'The Guardian' reports that top-secret intelligence dated February 23 shows that China approved incremental provisions of weapons disguised as civilian items.
@tchrist You didn't hear my story of trying to fix an old vacuum tube TV.... I used a screwdriver, not a hammer, to help rip out stuff and when I got to the bottom I found the one loose vacuum tube whose replacement would have fixed everything.
But politics? You just gotta shake hands well, slap people on the back, except women, then you have to kiss the back of their hand. or is it a fist bump? shit, how do make a come back on twitter?
@Robusto Keeps customer service in jobs?
until they're replaced by...
Are all my conversations going to end up from now on with 'ChatGPT'?
I'm still pissed about SE making things that used to be intuitive suddenly not. I mean, I get that clicking on a link that says "See all answers" may make E-readers work better for blind people, but WHY TAKE AWAY THE INTUITIVE LINK AWAY? The title of the ANSWERS column that everyone used to click on to perform that task? NO. You're not blind, so you can read, and you shall not have any advantage over someone who is blind.