> In two weeks, the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) — NASA’s super expensive, super powerful deep space optical imager — will release its first full-color images
Zakariyya' al-Qazwini (full name: Abū Yaḥyā Zakariyyāʾ ibn Muḥammad ibn Maḥmūd al-Qazwīnī, Arabic: أبو يحيى زكرياء بن محمد بن محمود القزويني), also known as Qazvini (Persian: قزوینی), born c. 1203 in Qazvin (Iran) and died 1283, was a Persian cosmographer and geographer of Arab ancestry.He belonged to a family of jurists originally descended from Anas bin Malik (a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) which had been well established in Qazvin long before al-Qazwini was born.His most famous work is the ʿAjāʾib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharāʾib al-mawjūdāt (lit. 'Wonders of the Creation and Uniqu...
She Spent a Decade Writing Fake Russian History. Wikipedia Just Noticed. A Chinese woman created over 200 fictional articles on Chinese Wikipedia, writing millions of words of imagined history that went unnoticed for more than 10 years. sixthtone.com/news/1010653/…
> The footnote supporting a passage on medieval mining methods referred to an academic paper on automated mining in the 21st century. Eventually, he realized that there was no such thing as the great silver mine of Kashin (which is an entirely real town in Tver Oblast, Russia). Yifan had uncovered one of the largest hoaxes in Wikipedia’s history.
What weather apps you use? I just uninstalled accuweather. It doesn't update on time. It is showing no rain in my area. If I search nearby area, it is more accurate.
In breaking news, sadly, the Nazis managed to bring down the Maharashtra Govt. This wasn't surprising, but still unfortunate. And it wasn't good, but with the Nazis in charge at the state level, it will most likely get worse.
I was hoping the current coalition govt would serve out its term. And this is at least the second time they've tried to bring down this govt. Maybe more than that.
I excluded the correct answer because I wrongly thought it wouldn't reappear so quickly... I chose random locations I had no clue about. Not a good strategy.
For anyone who doesn't know what a virga is, this appears to be an example. I still can't believe this friend schlepped a camera kit with multiple lenses all the way up the crest.
> In meteorology, a virga, also called a dry storm, is an observable streak or shaft of precipitation falling from a cloud that evaporates or sublimates before reaching the ground.
@tchrist Heh, count nount is working hard to make a rhyme. ;)
The state of human rights in Qatar is a concern for several non-governmental organisations, such as Human Rights Watch, which reported in 2012 that hundreds of thousands of mostly South Asian migrant workers in construction in Qatar risk serious exploitation and abuse, sometimes amounting to forced labour. Awareness grew internationally after Qatar's selection to stage the 2022 World Cup, and some reforms have since taken place, including two sweeping changes in 2020.
Domestic servants, who are often poor women from South-east Asian countries, have few rights, and can become victims of huma...
@user4539917 That's the most popular sport in Europe. Riots after soccer games
There all these movies in Iran about women dressing up like men so they can go see a soccer match. But in other countries where there's no rules about it, women are smart and don't go at all.
As in "I'm finna to go to the convenience store. Want anything?"
meaning "I plan on going soon"
So here's the opinionated part. I had never heard of this before and it looked so ... alien... like where could this word possibly have come from. (I'd never heard it out loud by anybody nor read it)
which is -very- natural to hear, but I would probably never say it it's way too hillbilly sounding.
And then I realized 'finna' is an misleading spelling to me. If they had written it 'fitna' I would have been like yeah what's the big deal it means 'you're about to' kinda like slurring through 'fixing to"
@user4539917 Right. It's like a caught-cot merger I can hear clear as a bell and I could IPA the shit out of that, but it's pretty dang subtle. Like how do speech therapists get a deaf person to distinguish those. fractions of a millimeter tongue position difference.
So it's not a question at all.
Simply that everybody is dumb and I should get credit for pointing it out.
That's why I would close it.
God what a jerk
@user4539917 do those get transcripted or is it just you hear it while you're there but if you're not it's gone?
Hey, hi. Do you find it typical or acceptable to use the verb to diss with an abstract notion? Maybe a bit like you would with to bash ie. they bashed my ideas? Merriam has it with wardrobe. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/diss
For people who can't be bothered to go through the link, India's Supreme Court, after dismissing a petition for justice, directed that the people bringing the petitioner should be arrested. So they were. No, I'm making this up. I wish I was.
> Separately, several lawyers have also condemned the Supreme Court, which said, while dismissing the plea of Zakia Jafri, that “all those involved in such abuse of process, need to be in the dock and proceeded with in accordance with law”.
> Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from www.redactle.com (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID
@Robusto The site owner forgot to renew its certificate, not a significant risk given the interaction we have with it but I didn't start today's game anyway. The color theme changed to a pure black and white page and hurts too much the eyes to be playable. I also gave up with the previous one after 460 attempts... I only guessed the first title word. Now that I know the solution, I feel stupid...
@Robusto Have you seen '1883'? There's lots of southern/country-western/hillbilly accents in there.
There's one African-American but his accent is hard to pin down. He does the 'bird->boid' change which is typical of ... some one particular Southern accent but I can't remember which one.
But yeah, th-fronting (th->f, eg brother->bruvver), some monophthongization of ai (/aj/->/a/, eg "I'm gonna"->"Ah'm gonna"
@Cerberus I read the map as the Aleutians (the southern part of Alaska) is too cold to have trees.
@Cerberus one explanation for change in biome is rain shadow, a mountain range 'stopping' humidity from cross over, so that one side has rich vegetation and the other side sparse.
@Robusto There's one main character (actually also the narrator) who speaks a very poncy (is that a word) Southern accent. Totally inappropriate sociologically (she was raised in Tennessee by parents played by TimMcGraw and Faith Hill who speak their regular accent (modern Mississippi and Missouri). But the daughter's accent could well be accurate but still sounds a bit too 'Gone With The Wind'.
@Cerberus I'm not going to tell you why. You have to figure it out yourself. It's pretty obvious.
I still feel like the Gulf Stream from the Gulf of Mexico just can't explain all the things it is used to explain.
@jlliagre OMG I thought the gray theme was awful. But this black and white is terrible.
@Cerberus I'm not sure I trust that map. It shows the north part of Norway/Sweden/Finland as trees all the way up to the northernmost. And from what little I know of there from National Geographic Specials on the Saami and reindeer and such from 50 years ago, there were no trees there.