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@Mitch association fallacies are pretty weird. Almost everyone would say "Hitler was vegetarian so vegetarians are bad" and few people would say "Even Hitler was vegetarian"
Or maybe they do, dunno. I don't have very expansive social circles.
I think noöne would say that.
Everyone == everyone that falls for association fallacies
Quite saddening.
@CowperKettle Oops!
It is true that sunflower oil is now said to be sold out in many supermarkets here.
@CowperKettle Oh, dear.
I think cutting off Internet access for ordinary citizens should not be the goal of Western sanctions.
6 hours later…
> Don't eat or drink anything at Russia talks - Ukraine minister
1 hour later…
only a few hours left in the moderator election! Make sure to cast your votes.
Which site?
Oh. Haven't got notification yet.
Oh you meant "hours left"
I have already voted :)
jolly good :D
only 514 out of a potential 16000+ votes have been cast so far
That is too less!
yeah. close to the last election, though, so not too bad
well, I guess not that close.
back in 2016: 8,457 voters were eligible, 2,245 visited the site during the election, 1,977 visited the election page, and 716 voted
double the number of eligble voters, and 200 fewer votes (so far) this time
I think when a user (some, not all) is new, you don't know much about elections and especially how to vote and you don't even pay attention to vote.

I'm sure when I was new I would also have visited the election pages and never voted.
fair enough. you need 150 reputation to vote, so very new users are not able, but I guess even at 150 you're still fairly new
Is election automatic or someone manually organizes it?
it's set in motion by a Community Manager. I'm not sure how much work is involved
> Russia's deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin says Russia will "radically reduce" military activity outside Kyiv and Chernihiv - that's according to the news agency Tass.
@CowperKettle Yeah.
It is not even clear what they want.
@CowperKettle Yeah. I'm just not as tough as you Russkis when it comes to cold weather. ;)
Hard time getting out of bed this morning. Another front is moving in.
Poor me Israelites.
Why would Ukraine not agree to join NATO in case Russia occupies Donbas and Mariupol?
So now the Russian hard-liners are poisoning people at the peace talks. Keerist.
@CowperKettle I read that "a beach in Yekaterinburg" and I thought "yeah, that checks out"
@CowperKettle it becomes increasingly clear why right-wing shills in America aspire to Russia's unhinged evil
@MattE.Эллен crazy how that works. It's like there is a simple maybe linear equation out there that describes people's interest in an online election of an SE site
@M.A.R. They would like an oligarchy similar to Russia's. This is why they want to sabotage democracy.
I won't make more memes on one who must not be named. I don't want to be poisoned.
I don't need extra poison, I'm already poisoning myself with immunosuppressive fungi.
Give me a few years and I'm Inigo Montoya. Hopefully without the revenge story.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Κύριε, ἐλέησον.
@tchrist No hablo griego.
Well, I suppose that must be kyrie as in "Oh lord!"
@RobustosupportsUkraine I think it means "Mr" but maybe I'm thinking of something else
@MattE.Эллен Well, the only Greek in the Catholic liturgy (pre-Vatican II) was in the Kyrie, kyrie eleison, which is "Lord have mercy." (Plus Christe eleison.)
probably has more than one meaning then. I'm not up on Othrodox language, beyond "Xristos Anesti" "Alithos"
what with Easter coming up and all
Solved it in 2 minutes.
I would say it was easy.
nice :D
yeah, I should have recognised it immediately, but didn't XD
took me three guesses
I also didn't recognize. But I imagined it in first guess where it could be. That helped.
I got it on the first try.
It's easier now that it's not divided. ^_^
@RobustosupportsUkraine lol
I think easiest would be a square/rectangle state in USA
@Vikas There are only two states that are actual rectangles. There are a lot that have at least one right angle in their borders, though.
@tchrist lives in one rectangular state, which borders the other on the north.
@Vikas The problem is that those states look rather alike when you are not familiar with them. And who would know those names?
And would you remember which ones had which semi-geometrical shape?
And what if it's a similarly shaped province of, say, Brazil or Kenya?
I think 16 US states have borders with at least one 90° angle.
Of course, that's on a flat projection. None of them have true rectangles, because such don't exist on a curved surface.
Make that 18. I forgot about Rhode Island and Connecticut.
@RobustosupportsUkraine It only looks that way using postage-stamp-sized resolution. Turns out that due to innumerable surveying errors during the nineteenth century, it's actually a polygon of many hundreds of tiny little sides.
Close enough for rock 'n' roll.
Still better than the isle of Britain, whose coastline is infinitely long.
Well, same for Florida.
By the way, here's a very good book on the English coast:
The Kingdom by the Sea: A Journey Around Great Britain, originally published in 1983, is the account of a three-month-long journey taken by novelist Paul Theroux around the United Kingdom in the summer of 1982. Starting his journey in London, he takes a train to Margate on the English coast. He then travels roughly clockwise round the British coastline, mainly by train, getting as far north as Cape Wrath. He ends his journey in Southend. 1982 was the summer of the Falklands War and the year when Prince William was born. The title of the book is taken from the opening lines of the poem Annabel Lee...
@tchrist Google Maps shows none of those little polygonal blemishes.
Not surprised.
There'a Colorado Public Radio "short" that explains reality.
But you do live in a rectangular state, for larger values of rectangle.
@CowperKettle so they did convert him
@RobustosupportsUkraine Just as to a first approximation we live on a planetary sphere. You just can't use spherical geometry to navigate our irregularly oblate spheroid with sufficient precision for real-world use like GPS.
@Vikas Kenya!
@tchrist Right. There are no platonic forms in the natural world.
Through a lens darkly.
@CowperKettle the Iranification of Russia continues.
@M.A.R. "Hitler was very fond of dogs" -> "Maybe dogs aren't so great after all"
A very small range of opposition is allowed in our newspapers. So when they're ranting against a politician, they start it by presupposing some very narrowminded orthodox nonsense that turns the whole thing into hot garbage
@Mitch exactly what I've been saying this whole time
Why do Americans love dogs so much?
@RobustosupportsUkraine Isn't there a map somewhere that shows that Colorado is a 600-and-some-agon, not just 4 sides?
@Mitch i prefer kitten compilations for entertainment
And old memes from 2005
@M.A.R. What, are some kind of Nazi?
@M.A.R. I prefer kitten omelettes for brunch
You're supposed to be a herbivore! I'm sorry, vegetarian
Though unlike Hitler, you like to eat plants because the situation at farms is cruel to plants
@M.A.R. Vegetarian? How dare you!
@Mitch I bet not even @Cerberus knows what a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon is at a moment's glance.
@Cerberus I observed Colorado map a few days ago :P
I -love- vegetables, that's why I don't want to kill them and eat them. I -care-.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Yeah.
@M.A.R. Farmed carrots are prisoners. Live free or die.
@Mitch no mercy kill?
@M.A.R. boiled a live
I stand by that extra space
literally. I'm inches away
When I zoomed in extremely Colorado a few days ago, I came to know a thing I was never aware of. I was surprised to see those circular fields. Never saw them or paid attention before.
Sorry, I'm already migrating you to ELL
Who chats while standing?
@tchrist I can almost parse that...but what is '...contakai...' in there for?
Those ELL, I tell you
Presumably the Karate Kid's nemesis?
Roman Karate kid's nemesis
@Vikas Those are wild. I think they're for irrigation.
@M.A.R. ...love piñas coladas...
The big irrigation ... thingies... are easy to roll around in a circle with a central water source?
@M.A.R. No
@Vikas By circular fields, surely you mean irrigation circles.
@tchrist why is your n wearing a mustache on top of his head
@tchrist Yeah. I'll show you photo
It's called dryland farming under active irrigation.
There are these immense rigs that circle around.
@M.A.R. This is chat. Poetic license. I'm really sitting. Or really, actually, kind of slouching in a half sitting half lying position. What I'm saying is I'm lying. bald-faced lying.
Or is it 'laying'?
@Mitch No chaotic licence in this chat.
Someone with actual knowledge might tell me
@tchrist 👆🏽
@tchrist As Richard Gere exclaimed after eating a wedding ring, I got nowhere else to go.
I never saw them in India. They might exist but maybe not common.
@Mitch What have you laid or had it always lain there?
@tchrist Eggs?
@Mitch it's okay about the bald face. Not everyone has to have a beard.
Alopecia Barbae
@M.A.R. Or hair on your forehead
@Mitch now you're attacking my insecurities and I will yell at you in public
Center-pivot irrigation (sometimes called central pivot irrigation), also called water-wheel and circle irrigation, is a method of crop irrigation in which equipment rotates around a pivot and crops are watered with sprinklers. A circular area centered on the pivot is irrigated, often creating a circular pattern in crops when viewed from above (sometimes referred to as crop circles, not to be confused with those formed by circular flattening of a section of a crop in a field). Most center pivots were initially water-powered, however today most are propelled by electric motors. Center-pivot...
@tchrist Yeah this.
@M.A.R. I'm going to use that word now. You're taking advantage of my securities.
@M.A.R. Wahabi require that, I think. For men.
> The system is used in parts of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil,[8] and in desert areas such as the Sahara and the Middle East.
Farms in Colorado take inspiration from Minecraft
@Mitch Most of us don't want to waste actual knowledge on you.
@tchrist I'm sure I could read that to find out, but those maps make it look like the radius is huge, like on the order of more than a mile. Is that right?
@Mitch I'll let you have that one. I can't take out my frustration on autocorrect properly
@RobustosupportsUkraine who knows who requires what? But yeah, Islamic extremists seem to consider the ugly neckbeard look fashionable.
@Mitch No, probably more like 80 chains.
'securities' sounds very... financial. Like the 'Securities and Exchange Commission'
@tchrist but they're so ... visible from the sky
@Mitch All of them with big bushy beards
But yes, sometimes they're larger.
We have this kind of irrigation where there is less water e.g. Rajasthan desert areas.
Are you aware of how much area an 80-chain circle covers on an oblate spheroid?
@tchrist And how many perches?
But fields are usual shape.
@tchrist something something pi minus something radius of the earth something
@RobustosupportsUkraine 327.27273 or its equivalent in bluegills.
The only thing I know about irrigation is don't swallow mouthwash because alcohol is haram
@M.A.R. I think there are other reasons not to swallow mouthwash.
cuz it's gross
@M.A.R. So you're all spitters not swallowers!
But elixirs are okay of course. I dunno how it works to be honest
@M.A.R. Do you understand Urdu?
@Vikas no not really
@Vikas I bet you do!
@Mitch Of course because it is spoken quite similar to Hindi.
@Mitch see, everything is haram for a reason!
Never studied it though. Can't even read a single Urdu letter.
If you make a mistake in slowing down a musical passage, is that a retardando?
Checkmate Christianity and Judaism. Especially Judaism.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Not if we ignoramus.
What does Amos have to do with it?
@M.A.R. People of the Book man. We're all in it together.
@RobustosupportsUkraine It's all about ownership.
I try not to own up to musical mistakes. At least while I'm playing them.
@Mitch yeah yeah but we're obviously better. We're the latest patch.
Aren't there some haram things in Christianity?
cannibalism ain't one of them
@Mitch Yes, but you really shouldn't need thousands of wives.
@Mitch Haramalama ding dong.
That gay pedophile thing in Leviticus
Which is either/or
Too many wives can be hard to clean up after.
Pedophiles love soil, paedophiles love kids.
@M.A.R. I think it's a bit discriminatory. What if your religion doesn't have a book? Uncool man
Or is that feet?
Like the Mongols
@Mitch but then you want Shamans and priests to tell you what to do? That's stupid. Wait.
@Mitch There is only no god, and no one is his profit.
@tchrist At that point you're just bragging
The Arabs invented the zero, but then failed to apply it to religion.
I thought it was the Indians?
My keychain
Unless it was Arabs in India
History is murky around then
@Vikas kids these days and their Bitcoin
@Vikas Where is that from? Your mattress?
@Mitch No. It's on my desk
It's floating in front of a wall obviously
@M.A.R. Haha
@M.A.R. I always heard it was invented in the great learning centers of the Islamic world.
@Vikas ("What does that mean? 'means?' all by itself is never said like that)
@Vikas looks like it has been removed, so no problem!
Actually it's not good quality. The good ones are found in countries like USA/UK Australia. It's a cheap copy of them.
@M.A.R. Upon further review, it seems you're right. Probably the Arab use of it is where the West got it, though.
@M.A.R. What does that mean?
> The concept of zero as a written digit in the decimal place value notation was developed in India, presumably as early as during the Gupta period (c. 5th century), with the oldest unambiguous evidence dating to the 7th century.[38]
I'm not into Cryptocurrencies btw
@RobustosupportsUkraine probably. They copied basically everything from Arabs
@Vikas just a crypto joke. Don't overthink it
If you think about things there would be no time for chat
> In AD 813, astronomical tables were prepared by a Persian mathematician, Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, using Hindu numerals;[54] and about 825, he published a book synthesizing Greek and Hindu knowledge and also contained his own contribution to mathematics including an explanation of the use of zero
@M.A.R. Yes until a few months ago I also believed so. Then on Wikipedia, things are complicated.
That's why we go over this stuff.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Now we no longer pronounce the w in wa and thus say Kharazmi خوارزمی
There's a song in India which literally says "India gave the world zero".
@Vikas of course they are, but I find it hard to believe that earlier civilizations didn't have a way to signify nothingness. At some point it qualified as an invention, and they decided, why not, let's call this one for the Indians
One important point is there was no mobiles back then. People just living in the moment.
They stared so hard at the sky they thought a couple of shiny dots were a bear
@M.A.R. My grandmother made me a fool whole my childhood saying there's an old lady on the moon with a Charkha. (the darker shades on moon)
@M.A.R. That strikes me as a bit on the lazy side.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Some might say efficient
@Vikas And now they give the world nothing?
I can't resist.
No Chris Rock in chat
@RobustosupportsUkraine That song also says India gave zero, that's why others could reach Moon, could guess the distance between Earth and Sun etc. What else you want 😜
Inventions have stopped in India now.
@Mitch Hey, it's OK. Will Smith apologized.
@Vikas Don't feel too bad. You still have some great chess players.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Is that all it takes?
Also, my daughter-in-law has Indian parents, so that is another thing India gave the world: my granddaughter!
Maybe that's Russia's strategy.
@Mitch I don't know. If I were Chris Rock I'd ask for a tag-back.
Googles who invented chess
Probably the Persians.
Feels proud after seeing the results
It has some connection to India
> The history of chess can be traced back nearly 1500 years to its earliest known predecessor, called chaturanga, in India; its prehistory is the subject of speculation. From India it spread to Persia. Following the Arab invasion and conquest of Persia, chess was taken up by the Muslim world and subsequently spread to southern Europe. The game evolved roughly into its current form by about 1500 CE.
@Vikas Anything that the Arabs are praised for (for being Muslim) probably came from the Persians.
1) Alk(w)arizmi
2) some other guys that sound Arabic but were really Persian
Originally the queen was the weakest piece on the board. It could only move like a bishop, only one square at a time.
Persia == Iran?
All it took to make the queen powerful was to not bother reading the rule book.
@Vikas ✔️
@Mitch Or being married.
I remember when we were kids, we would have marriage ceremonies for some of the dogs in the neighborhood.
By 'some' I mean pairs. We weren't some kind of bohemian weirdos or something
I mean, maybe they already had puppies or were gonna, that might have been part of the motivation.
We were never that strict. We just assumed dogs knew what they were about.
I don't think it was about strictness, just sort of oh hey weddings are fun and these two 'did it' so let's make it official!
Weddings are fun? What is this nonsense?
When I was a musician trying to make money I played at a lot of weddings. They are not fun. Believe me.
Weddings are usually considered one of the most important fun/party day in India.
And Vengaboys - To Brazil! song is most popular song to be played in Indian weddings. Weddings are not complete without this song. Of course things are changing now.
@Vikas Important, OK. But fun? Not a chance.
What do you mean by fun here? I might discuss better then.
My son and his bride had a semi-Indian wedding. They did Indian dances after the ceremony, which was nice.
Yeah that's very common.
My daughter-in-law can really shake it down, I learned. I expect my granddaughter will learn those things as well.
@Vikas Fun is something you do for amusement or exhilaration. I don't know how to explain it better than that. I have gone to weddings for money or for duty, and I didn't think they were amusing or exhilarating.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Oh. That way yes, weddings aren't fun.
But I did enjoy my son's wedding. And her parents are really nice. We talked for quite a long time.
But people celebrate a lot here. Fire crackers, hundreds of guests and very loud music whole night. That is very common.
Yeah. Not even my son could keep up with the dancing.
And most guests attend just to eat in the party, which I'm not big fan of.
As a kid we were conditioned as weddings == eat good stuff in the party
I'm tired of Indian news channels over dramatizing this war. Like North Korea will soon join the war ..... USA's nuclear weapons are ready and could be fired in next 24 hours......... World War is inevitable etc.
@M.A.R. He called me "Dear"
Can it be used in this case?
It's Microsoft Community.
This is in reference to:
Feb 20 at 11:18, by M.A.R.
@Vikas Indians importing culture and calling everyone "sir" and "dear" left and right is arguably "incorrect". So-called Indianisms are a much grayer area.
@Vikas That is a standard way of address in letters (cf. "Dear Sir or Madam") and it should be considered perfunctory politeness.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Oh. So it's fine to use it in such conversations? Like we often do it in mails.
I think M.A.R meant in oral communication.
@RobustosupportsUkraine oh it was very lazy of the first generation that did that. For us centuries later it's just language
@Vikas "dear X" is the acceptable addressing at the beginning of a letter. Everywhere else it means "someone very precious to you"
@Vikas really, anything but the beginning of a letter.
Or if you're a very old-fashioned British grandmother
@M.A.R. What do you mean? We shouldn't start letter by "Dear"?
In a letter it's just the obligatory smile of the retail workers
@Vikas I mean it's one of the very few places where addressing strangers with "dear" is appropriate. It's fixed. It's a relic.
Hey, hi! At some point in time President Biden said "We have the strongest and best system of higher education in the world...". I've just noticed that this collocation "strongest and best" is quite frequent. Do you see that as a very high degree of a single thing, or is there this qualitative+quantitative idea therein? Or is strongest about comparisons, competition? In this exemple from the President, which one is it?
So 20 is a 1 and a 0, where each position counts as a power of 20.
Rather than of 10 as we do it.
@Randal'Thor Dare I ask?
@M.A.R. The Hindians are always calling people they don't know their dears. It's quite disconcerting to the rest of us.
@Vikas Currently, in formal letters, you're supposed to start them 'Dear Sir' or 'Dear Mr. President'. In speech, as @M.A.R. said, only old ladies use it as in 'Bring me some tea, dear'. Also weird British people will use it to mean 'expensive' "The cheapest Tesla's are quite dear" (or at least I think so, Americans hardly ever use it like that.
Don't you think, dear? :)
@LétaleD'incivilisation It is meaningless fluffery. Political speech.
email is in this weird in the middle place.
@Mitch Please don't be bastard here. It's mean. Certainly my grandmother called costly things dear for nearly a hundred years.
@tchrist Also sirs.
@Randal'Thor Ayep.
@tchrist It's almost like she's trying to be British
He was using mean to mean small.
@Mitch No. Merely educated, not teeny-bopper dumb.
@RobustosupportsUkraine "Even if your warranty doesn't depend on you choosing synthetic engine oil, it's still the strongest and best choice for every engine." lolll
It's just emphasis
It's covering as many bases as you can. And it avoids having the statement picked apart because it was too specific and therefore fact-checkable.
Mitch, you always think things that your underage charges don't use or recognize are invalid uses, relegating them to the literate or educated or literary or archaic or poetic or obsolete or British.
@tchrist Dude
I have déjà dit.
Let's not start playing dit-pour-dat here.
Like "very best" but more colloquial. @RobustosupportsUkraine Thanks there! I understand it's something that people often say for emphasis but it doesn't add much to best.
It adds emphasis. A lot of emphasis. Overexaggeration
It's like campy a bit?
haha no
@Mitch No mincing in this chat.
I was being campy
but not 'best and strongest'
My favorite is something like "The new Dodge Ram trucks are unexcelled in their class!" ... which means, if you unpack the claim, that they're just like all the rest. No better and no worse.
@tchrist I thought you guys mince your words all the livelong day in here.
@Randal'Thor Fuck no.
We are no mincing dandies here.
it's just extra words to fill in and take up extra space and expand the time taken and use more time and...
We speak real, raw language. The kind that puts hair on your chest. Even if you're female.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Nor the reverse.
That's why there are not a lot of women in here, I guess.
@Randal'Thor Only when we're not being profane.
oh haha Tchrist already said that
@RobustosupportsUkraine All female humans have hairs on their chests.
@Mitch Okay
"unexcelled" ahaha.
@tchrist Not like the kind I have.
@Mitch You mean when you're being antifane?
Like Antiphanes.
@RobustosupportsUkraine I was referring to quantity not quality.
@Randal'Thor We do have antiphony in here.
@LétaleD'incivilisation It's like a sign that says "This way to the egress"
and you think "Wow those are some kinds of weird birds, right? I gotta see that" and all of a sudden you're in the parking lot.
@Mitch Birders love that one.
@RobustosupportsUkraine Your reputation for robust speech precedes you.
(Actually it precedes O, not U.)
And now for some antiphonal responses. Chorus!
@Randal'Thor Oh
there. -now- it precedes it.
Now when I hear the strongest and best I'll have to think about them explanations you provided loll. Thanks there.
Somebody ping me. I think my pings got cancelled.
@LétaleD'incivilisation Which, to be clear, clarified that there was nothing there to clarify. Because there really isn't much there
Thanks. They're back. /nod
Which is a nontrivial clarification.
@RobustosupportsUkraine what?
I can't hear you
@Mitch Sure you can
We can ping you some more if you like
@Mitch As is often the case, I was looking for some deep stuff here lolll.
No, that will suffice.
I feel like this has happened before
resists urge to ping rob multiple times in succession
struggles very hard
one arm holds back the other
That could never work
@Mitch When in Greece, I was amused to see the word "exodus" all over the place on public transport and whatnot. It feels like a much more grandiose word, to me as an English native, than its everyday usage over there.
@LétaleD'incivilisation Later.
@Randal'Thor exeunt >> exit
@Mitch Did someone @rob your arm's volition from you?
@Randal'Thor Well, people sometimes call a toilet a throne.
@LétaleD'incivilisation 🌈
@RobustosupportsUkraine Game of Toilets just doesn't have the same ring, does it?
It's really hard to think of 'cheers' as 'thanks' in the US. It always sounds like you're raising a glass.
@Randal'Thor We called that "riding the porcelain bus" in college.
@Randal'Thor And at the maternity ward 'Genesis'
@Mitch ha!
@Randal'Thor Yeah. The other arm.
@Mitch Oh, like there are no hideously overloaded words elsewhere in English.
But who is arming the arm?
@Randal'Thor And the computer room 'Numbers'
And ... uh ... Deuteronomy.. was ... uh... the backup room.
Cripes. Leviticus is just sort of left out of all that
@RobustosupportsUkraine I'm just sayin it's a very obvious semantic difference. Like 'doubt' for IE.
1 hour later…
02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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