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2 hours later…
> Title: "Why young people (in Russia) love a country in which they never lived?" (About newfangled USSR fans in Russia)
3 hours later…
Which is correct:-
a) If you could solve this, I'll give you a reward.
bl If you solved this, I'll give you a reward.
A blizzard in New York, 1888
You can literally see 5G power waves
1 hour later…
@NavdeepSingh (a) is more correct, but "If you can solve this, I'll give you a reward" is probably better. Depends on context. (b) needs to be "If you solved this, I'd give you a reward."
3 hours later…
I love this poem for the imagery.
1 hour later…
Will peradventure this word be the sword to penfully chronicle the painful adventures that befell that terribly ancient crone, the Avenger super-héroïne Witch-Lady Cronical, before being felled by the super-villain’s super-heroin's carnivorous coronavirus which so disrespected her super-unfair ability to distinguish such confusible confusables as the flammable from the inflammable and deëxtingish them both according to their respective super-inferribilities which so often made her not only the facile vessel of felicitations but also the vacillating vassal of facilitations? — tchrist ♦ 2 mins ago
blames Latin
2 hours later…
> The name Lego is derived from the Danish words leg godt, meaning "pretty woman".
2 hours later…
> People who do not like themselves tend not to exhibit the name-letter effect.
Amazing accident
But instead of fessing up to his error, the captain tried to pass off the damage as being the result of a bird strike
Almost killed instantly his 58 passengers.

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