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what did you lot think of the Assange speech today?
I'm back.
And it's still freaking hot.
@Cerberus Where in the world are you?
Schiphol has 72, although the 82% humidity must be miserable. Is it raining?
@tchrist Amsterdam.
Remember, the city is much warmer than a random airfield.
I’d’ve supposed it’d’ve been somewhat warmer.
And the city centre is warmer again than the neighbourhood slightly outside the centre proper, where I was having a beer an hour ago.
You’re hot from drinking then.
Then it is much warmer inside than outside.
I can’t find anything in the area that’s even 80.
No, it's not the drink.
Inside doesn’t count.
My thermometre says it is 27 °C inside. But I don't trust it: it is probably warmer.
Scroll down to the "Weather Stations" portion.
Yes, that is the weather-station temperature.
But one can feel the bricks and stones radiating heat here.
I find 80 to be plenty hot at 82% humidity and dead air. I find 100 to be plenty cool in 2% humidity with a breeze.
At the country house, sitting nearer to the walls was much hotter than sitting a few paces away on the grass.
Indeed: air temperature at some random place several km away says very little about how hot it actually feels, which is what matters.
I see no evidence that it was ever within a country mile of body temperature there.
It was 34 °C this afternoon.
I am not saying you are not hot.
I'm not calling you unhot either.
As you say.
It is perfectly pleasant here. A lovely 80, which is warmer than anywhere in Amsterdam right now. Our humidity though is < 20%, which makes a great deal of difference.
Quite so.
And being sweaty from the day also makes it feel hotter.
Excusez le mot.
This is where I was earlier today.
It says 33 °C.
It seems to say it has been 90 there, but that today is has only ever been 74.
See, 72 is nothing to get all hot and bothered over.
How come your graph looks different?
I have no idea.
Again, the temperature at some airfield may be 22 °C now, but...
That is the link you gave me.
I have touched nothing.
Look at the graph.
It never got above 74.
According to that graph.
Green is tomorrow.
Look at the black.
The vertical line is now.
Why would it say today then?
Because your time zone is different.
Um, so?
The black says 89.
That’s warm, sure.
Don’t see how that would change what today is.
Wasn’t today Sunday for you?
Well, technically, no.
Informally, yes.
Is History the historical plot for this day?
The vertical line is now.
Do you see it?
It says it is 75 at 1am.
You must be suffering from the oppressive humidity.
Oh, I am.
But the sun is what matters.
I can’t sleep well when it is like that.
Air temperature matters much less.
We call it the copper brute.
It hates us.
It shines its evil rays upon us.
Still, you never get very hot there.
Taunting us, torturing us.
Nor the sun very high.
You are twelve degrees above me.
I don’t know what that is in metric though.
You are at 52, and I am at 40.
So your sun will be lower.
My friend says Mexico City is always much better than here today. He lived there for a year or so.
Of course it is.
We had 105 this summer.
We had two weeks over 90, and like five days over 100.
Your cities are probably built to withstand hear. You have air conditioning and such.
I’m afraid your kind of people would die.
We should indeed.
Your cities and your other buildings.
People have swamp coolers.
I have a ceiling fan going right now.
But the house is open, because it is pleasant.
I have nothing, except this stupid mobile a/c thing that I don't feel is helping much.
I cannot tolerate humidity.
Oh, you can’t have swamp coolers, can you?
I wish it were freezing.
I don't know, I have never seen a swamp cooler.
An evaporative cooler (also swamp cooler, desert cooler, and wet air cooler) is a device that cools air through the evaporation of water. Evaporative cooling differs from typical air conditioning systems which use vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycles. Evaporative cooling works by employing water's large enthalpy of vaporization. The temperature of dry air can be dropped significantly through the phase transition of liquid water to water vapor (evaporation), which can cool air using much less energy than refrigeration. In extremely dry climates, evaporative cooling of ...
It was freezing yesterday when I was at 14 kilofeet.
Actually, it wasn’t freezing. Just in the 50s.
Felt freezing.
I want that.
And heavy rain, I want that most of all.
Why in the name of all that’s holy would you want to be any wetter?
Your clothes would stick to you.
Rain brings relief from the heat.
We do have umbrellae here.
Or is it umbrelle?
We call them raincoats.
I don't own such a contraption.
Those effete urban poofter sticks are useless.
They are great!
We use them all the time, when cycling, etc.
What about rain that comes from where it is not pointing?
You are clearly hallucinating.
One disregards such rain, pretends it does not exists.
Have you been drinking tequila?
I always cycle with an umbrella if I have one.
And how can you hold a poofter strick when the wind is blowing a mile a minute?
And if it is raining.
That is insane.
Umbrellas are for little hold ladies, not cyclists.
Just wear rainpants.
If the wind is extreme, which is rare, the umbrella becomes a bit of a problem. One's speed will be greatly diminished.
And a rainjacket.
And you become impervious.
Um, how is that in any way, shape, or form fashionable?
Besides, I usually get wetter from rainpants than without.
I used to wear rainpants and coat when cycling to school as a child.
Maybe you need to wear gators. Are you fording cricks?
It was terrible.
I would be soaking wet with ehm, you know.
What does fashionable have to do with the price of tea in china?
I would rather take the tram than wear ugly clothes.
Humid air means your body cannot cool itself.
What, are you going clubbing or something?
And I would much rather use an umbrella, which works fine against medium rain for short rides/walks.
We need to get you out on a ranch in Wyoming or Arizona for a few nice summer months.
I would rather visit the bottom of the sea.
Is it possible to shudder from heat?
Or is that from revulsion?
Your body is not working right.
Hmm, what was that? I missed it.
Was it lewd?
I saw that one.
They wouldn’t want to mess up their coiffure.
I was reading this novel about weather.
Here, most people wouldn't want to be going to various appointments wearing ugly clothes.
It says not to hold up a lightning rod during a storm.
Ugly clothes?
@cornbreadninja Just bizarre.
Like this.
Function first.
I think some people I know might wear these. Most wouldn't.
You wear what you need to wear.
Or die.
Here, come backpacking with me in the mountains for three days — without raingear.
Arg! I do hope you're not an architectural functionalist...
That will teach you the meaning of hypothermia.
puts baggies over socks
I trust you are familiar with the term.
I'm going about my stuff in a city, not backpacking.
Your trust is not misplaced.
I don’t wear rainpants in town, but I might if it were snowing or raining hard.
If I were going on some expedition, I would wear whatever I must.
But I'm not.
But it would be folly to go about without a raincoat if a downpour is called for — no matter where you are.
An umbrella is good enough.
90 % of the time.
The only people I ever see here with umbrellas is little old ladies. Truly.
I can take pictures if you would like.
Then come to Amsterdam.
The Asian ones use them for sun, too.
Too effete for me.
Or anywhere in Europe, probably.
I have never been to a place where everybody wasn't wearing umbrelle when it was raining.
This is an interesting Atlantic divide.
I didn't know this was a cultural difference to consider.
Oh, it sounds very Haute Couture Manhattan.
I’m sure the Very Important City People use them.
But I certainly have never owned one in my entire life.
If it’s going to rain, I bring a raincoat: I am no fool.
Everybody uses umbrellas here, all across the continent.
Everyone I know owns stuff like this:
By no means limited to cities.
It is how you are supposed to deal with rain.
Oh, dear.
Yes, I have seen many of those.
But they're not very city-like.
Don’t understand. At. All.
I mean, I don't think many people who live in the city wear such raincoats.
Then they are stoopeed.
Next you'll tell me they don’t wear shorts or sandals, either.
No wonder you are too hot.
Many people do where shorts.
Sandals, perhaps very fashionable ones—but they are a bit of a problem.
Flip-flops, rather.
It is a natural reaction to the perception of heat.
I don't wear either.
Flip-flops are for fops.
They are useless.
Some people wear the abominable Birkenstocks.
I don’t care for Birkenstocks myself.
Wouldn’t own them.
Like these.
I only wear Tevas and the like.
How embarrassing!
Those are hideous!
@tchrist Then at last we have found something to agree on!
And nonfunctional.
You cannot run in them.
You cannot hike uphill in them.
These are the only Birkenstocks most people would consider.
If any.
They have no soles.
Of course not.
I want to lose my supper.
Useless crap.
I think most people would wear more sporty clothes and shoes if they went hiking uphill or playing tennis or whatever.
But how will you know whether you are going to need not to fall over?
Ask any random woman.
Almost everyone wears either this style or this one.
I don’t talk to random women.
Oh, God.
But if I did, what would they know about it?
I talk to specific women.
I'm afraid I would not wear such shoes.
Random seems too perilous.
Well, that’s what everyone wears for sandals.
@tchrist Any specific woman will have been a random woman first.
Your mother?
I would never wear sandals anyway.
My mother as well.
Was she ever a random woman to you?
My mother would normally wear something like penny loafers or something.
To me, no; to the universe, yes.
Merrells are very popular here.
What I meant was that most women seem to care little about comfort.
@Cerberus My perception is the other way around.
I remember carrying a friend home when her feet were bleeding in her pumps worse than normal.
@tchrist ...
PUMPS? WTbloodyF?
I know no one, male or female, who is that stupid.
That, or something rather like it, is what are on my feet right now.
Most women wear medium to high heels here most days.
You are on drugs.
On social occasions at least.
You are still on drugs.
It is extremely rare.
Perhaps from the marijuana smoke from the street.
Does marijuana cause hallucination?
If you go to any terrace or bar here where there aren't many tourists, you will see tons of high heels.
That’s . . . icky.
Oh, come on, I'll buy you a beer.
It'll be fun.
Only Britain or Belgium, perhaps.
What do you have against high heels?
The rest of Europe makes flaccid placid beers of no character.
You have no idea. We have so many beers.
High heels are super super stupid.
You ruin your feet, your back.
Do you wear them?????
A good beer bar café will have hundreds of beers, from white to dark to anything.
@tchrist I am a man, not a girl.
I rest my case.
But many of my friends often do.
High heels would be as out of place here as in a cowboy Western.
A woman who wears high heels probably paints herself, too.
It is a very unpleasant image.
Almost every single woman here use some kind of war paint, yes.
Most likely mascara.
Not my kind of girl.
Those ones that paint themselves are available by the hour.
Not a real person, though.
You sound like an Ayatollah!
No, just a regular guy.
Serious question: can you actually tell whether a girl uses mascara?
I don't think I could.
If I can, I wouldn’t like it.
Why should she wear that crud if you don’t?
I don’t understand.
Makes her eyes look bigger.
@tchrist The idea is that you can't.
I’m sure it would make your eyes look bigger too.
I don't need that.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I despise urbane city-dwelling lifestyles.
I had no dea.
So what do you think of this girl?
Ugly make-up?
She has a black eye, the poor thing.
Two black eyes, then.
But +1 for you.
Looks like a stage queen.
This is about the average amount of mascara girls wear here, I think. Perhaps a tiny bit more than that. But I sort of agree that less is better on most girls.
This mascara is about average.
The lipstick is normal, though a significant number will wear none at all. Not so with the lipstick.
You consider them all call girls?
Does your mother use no make-up at all?
That’s a random street shot during summer.

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